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If i had to guess, i believe they have 3. The small one from the very beginning, one that was orange and green, and their current one that has gone through a few design changes through the years


I remember seeing a video recently where they showed one of their storage areas and the original wheel was there. I don't remember what video it was, though!


Might be the one on the society where they were remaking the original set. They were looking for the original painting and found the wheel there (I think!)


The wheel they started with was much smaller, but I’m not sure how many actual different wheels they’ve gone through. On the ship of theseus thing, I have also wondered about the different possible landing cards over the years. I wish there was some kind of list of every ending that’s ever been on the wheel and how many times each one has been landed on.


I know it was for sure replaced at least once. I actually watched the episode yesterday. It was where they were pretending to be on like a Chopped episode with food scraps. They had 2 British guests as well. Can’t remember the name but it was the first time I saw it!