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I have a pretty brilliant solution— if you don’t like it, don’t watch videos he’s in!


well i still enjoy the content he makes? i think last meals is a brilliant concept and i love a lot of the celebrity guests. was just asking for other opinions and stuff. thanks though!


I understand. Everyone likes a thing. It’s a thing you think you should like, it’s a thing connected to other things that you do like, but you just don’t and can’t put your finger on why. It’s different to what other people are reducing it to. It’s not just “oh I don’t like this so I won’t watch it.” It’s an ingredient in a dish you love that sours the dish itself. Even though you might like similar ingredients in other situations. I get it because it’s the same for me. Josh is far and away my least favorite. Worse, he’s actively grating for me. I get that the majority of people don’t get the same ick but I can’t help that I do.


He had a rough upbringing and is overly insecure and seeking attention and validation. Aint an insult and no bad thing just is what it is


This 10000000%. He comes off as super insecure which is a bummer because he’s clearly talented and well-liked..


Forgive me, I might be bad at judging insecurity; but the dude who frequently has his shirt off, and acts like a fool occasionally on camera is insecure? What makes you all think this? To me he seems quite secure in his body and... quirkiness...?


IMO showing your objectively good physique constantly shows more insecurity than not.


He was on the bigger side growing up...he's over compensating and seeking validation because of it


ohhhh i see thats such a shame


Usually when there is something about someone I dislike and can’t figure out why, it’s either unconscious jealousy that they are confident enough/free to do things I feel uncomfortable doing myself, or they have traits that I hate within myself and automatically dislike them because of that self hatred. For example, you pointed out that you dislike that he shares random facts especially interjecting with them- maybe think if there was a time in your life that you did that and were shut down so you internalized that as a bad thing to do. So seeing someone also with adhd freely showing an adhd trait you could have been conditioned to see as wrong might be rubbing you the wrong way? Just a thought and you don’t have to take it haha. I do think it’s good of you to stop and think “why do I dislike this person so much?” especially when you can’t figure out why. ETA: it’s also okay to just not like someone, especially someone in entertainment who isn’t in your personal life. Sometimes it just happens and it doesn’t make you a bad person.


maybe you’re right, thanks for this comment!


You're asking other people why *you* don't like something? Just do what you wanna do and feel how you wanna feel, you don't need outside justification about it.


well i want to like him? and honestly i was feeling like i was the only one having this issue because comment sections are so “i love josh!” i think it’s perfectly okay to ask other peoples opinions on something im unsure of


Josh definitely has an in-your-face, overstimulating sense of humor. He also really leans into the "so random!!!!" approach for jokes. He's like one of those standup comedians who constantly asks questions to the audience. It's not going to be for everyone and I don't think you're a hater for finding his sense of humor "too much."


I don't think you are a hater. Josh's sense of humor just isn't your thing. He isn't my favorite either but I can usually handle him in small doses. I know everyone loves Emily but sometimes she is too much for me (her laugh bothers me) and I am not the biggest Stevie fan either. When she adds the word "situation" superfluously to phrases my jaw clenches. I really enjoy Jordan (Cotton Candy Randy) as well as Matt Liebe. Their humor just fits me better. But that is the beauty of the Mythical Crew! There is something / someone for everybody and they make it interesting.


This is me too! Stevie, Josh, and Emily grate on me. Jordan and Jordan and Matt I find super hilarious.


Yes! https://i.redd.it/yk2g5h8hsr4d1.gif


I worked in Restaurants for years - he definitely has sous-chef energy. I am a fan, but I can see your point.


Josh is just unapologetically open with his thoughts , and it's evident that both the mythical kitchen crew as well as Rhett and link like him more for it . I think he leans into this open , in your face , uncensored version of himself while on the show and that's what you find annoying.  It does annoy me too at times , but you can never hate the guy. He was pretty tame way back in the beginning. Same goes for other members of the crew like Lily for example . They are just more comfortable with their roles now , and they also understand that the audience likes this version of them . From what we hear him say in the videos , it's pretty clear that Josh had it rough growing up . I am happy that life is good for him and wish him only the best . From what he does on the show , we can obviously understand that he's passionate about food and not just all talk.


If you watch the video with him and Smosh, while Smosh are in the other room watching Josh, they kind of joke about how Josh is a lot to take, and one of them says "holy shit, I feel bad for Josh's wife, man." They did not mean it in like a mean-spirited way, but they were just joking that Josh is a LOT and that's kind of his whole shtick. For most people that's hilarious, but I guess some ma find it a bit exhausting


I love Josh.  He’s the people’s chef. Not the capitalist chef like *other chefs named Josh*  Also as someone with AuADHD, I see a LOT of myself/my AuADHD friends in Josh. I’m not a doctor/don’t know his medical history of course. It’s just kinda nice to see someone with similar humor/reactions in situations to me thrive. 


his whole bit is a character, he’s intentionally chaotic, he’s just silly-goofy and that’s why people like him. he puts on a show, does and says the most random shit all the time. you wanna see a more accurate representation of who he seems to be in general as a person, watch Last Meals. he’s significantly more open and genuine and you get a lot of Josh lore


(that being said, when he gets all “dude bro” with some of the guests it does give me the ick, but i know it’s part of code-switching so it is what it is)


I don't understand why people seem to think Josh is condescending. I don't get that from him at all.


You know you can just skip stuff Josh is in right? He’s not my favorite either but I’ve just learned to pass on the Josh content.


i really like his series last meals and theres not much else like it online so im trying to learn to like him i guess


How are we supposed to know why you don't like something.


well if you didn’t like it either and you knew why then you could share that with me and i could have an “ah!” moment.


He's a good looking talented dude who's in good shape, that grew up overweight and insecure. I was 230 pounds in school, and even though it's been like 14 years I'm still fully impacted and shaped by it. When you spend your life being the punchline of others jokes and your own jokes, your sense of humor is going to be permanently shaped by it. People will then also judge your humor way differently once you get into shape and your body image doesn't match the brain you have grown up with. He's always going to be insecure and use humor to deflect because that's how he spent his formative years. People will also get rubbed the wrong way because at face value, they just see a hunky dude who's full of himself because they don't get the full picture. Either way, you don't need to understand your entertainment, I just do because I had a similar upbringing. If you don't like someone just don't watch them!


i think my reply didnt post so heres it again just incase. i think thats why i find his self deprecating humour very strange or just annoying, he’s obviously an attractive, physically fit, intelligent guy. so to see him use that sort of humour its so like… what? but makes sense if thats how he grew up and whatnot, thanks!


I'm similar enough to him that it's like watching a male version of myself - and since I'm already firmly in the "too much" category, twice the "me" is doubly exhausting.


Josh is the human version of the clips in the middle of Family Guy episodes when he goes off on tangents...


I don’t vibe with him so I just don’t watch the videos he’s in. No rule saying you have to watch every video.


His vibe is just different from the two guys most of us started watching for. I’m not a Josh fan either and his appearance in the live show actually made me angry. I get that he’s trying to make fun of hyper masculine men but he just reminds me of guys I know who do CrossFit and they are just really gross humans to me. As OP said, I’m absolutely sure Josh is really a great guy. And he’s obviously talented. I like that he’s taken his talent elsewhere so that I can decide to watch or not (it’s not). But when he shows up in GMM stuff, I can’t stand it. It’s forced. I feel the same way when Stevie chimes in. I can’t stand it. They are not the reason why I personally have invested more than a decade to Rhett and Link content. But I’m just one person with an opinion and it’s not going to sway anything.


Everyone perception of everyone is deeply affected by the experiences of the person viewing, your life experiences probably influence this opinion WAY more than Josh has the power to. A lot of your feelings are in reference to who you are and your experiences, and that is a very human thing to do. Not something to be maligned, just a truth about how we're truly perceived by others. And people see you through the same lens. In a way, nobody will ever really KNOW you, only the version of you that THEY need you to be. In that sense, be free. Be you and understand that being understood is kind of overrated.


I like Josh.  But he is a bit of a try hard. Come to think of it... most of the MK has become try hards to maintain their niche.


He’s been around for a few years now, have you been watching for a while or just recently started? He’s such a lovable guy. He was great to see on tour as well!




oh im constantly trying to improve myself thats why it bothered me so much that i disliked someone that everyone else enjoys, im not going to delete it but if moderators do thats fine! thanks!


I mean, he's a chef, cookbook writer, and former food journalist; it's his job to be an expert about food. He was in a Smosh episode of Beopardy and they seemed stunned he knew so much information, and he was just like...y'all, it's literally my JOB to know this stuff. I do think it's worth examining if this dislike stems from jealousy—why does it bother you to see someone knowledgable about their field sharing their knowledge in relevant settings (and all of this content is a relevant setting; he's a hired food personality, so his food information is part of the get)?


You're going to get a lot of answers here, but I think the most logical one is to speak to a therapist. What I mean is, if you have a dislike of someone for who they are or what they're doing, and that who or what is doing no harm to anyone, it may be good for you to at least identify why that's happening. I find that disliking someone for things like this leads me to shut out otherwise wonderful people. Not everybody is going to be your cup of tea, but at least be able to say that you don't like milk or sugar in your cup, versus disliking tea because it comes from a leaf, does that make sense? And when you do identify the reasons behind your feelings, it doesn't obligate you to like him. But at least you'll understand why you don't, and can act accordingly in the future. Give people chances, yourself included. These kinds of impressions are no real impressions at all.


Yes it’s just you. I watch all MK content and listen to AHIAS and I’ve only heard Josh be self deprecating about himself in most contexts. I think that even carries over to his fitness, with the insane amounts of protein and 2-3 hours daily in the gym he devotes. He knows a ton of stuff despite not being “classicly” educated (didnt finish college and didnt go to culinary school), and I enjoy hearing it.


He comes across as trying waaaay too hard, like he’s forcing his personality most of the time


Came up with the same though. Also, I think it has rubbed off heavily onto most of the MK crew. They all seem to be try harding for this weird humor.