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When the question rolls around, “Are you more Rhett or more Link?” the trend is invariably people commenting that they exhibit Link-like tendencies. As a Rhett who acts like Link at work, that is where I find myself. My opinion is that many times we criticize other people, because they remind us of things we don’t like about ourselves.


Yes, projection is so common, especially in people who don’t know themselves well (unfortunately it is an all too common issue in modern day America). When you get upset/offended it is always wise to take a breath and understand the why, but first you need to be aware of what you are feeling at any given moment. This practice cultivates mindfulness and allows you to process feelings rather than just push them down.


Yes, thank you! Yesterday the video gave me massive ick and I had to turn it off. Then I took some time later that day to ask why it affected me like that. I realized Link was showing a behaviour that my older brother had when we were growing up. I would have something that I adored and thought was cute, and he would literally destroy it. Like he cut the voice box out of my Barney stuffy when I was 4 and I still remember how awful that felt and my brother laughing about it. I hadn’t thought about that stuff in yeeeears but seeing that yesterday brought up those feelings and now I know how much I projected onto the situation. Although I wasn’t part of the group calling for an apology or acting like Chase wasn’t capable of handling that work environment, I just knew it wasn’t for me.


I haven’t been watching gmm as much recently, could you let me know what happened in yesterday’s video?


Chase was wearing an inflatable rooster/chicken costume and he went to sit in his regular spot behind the guys right before they threw darts at the map. Then R&L noticed how much noise was coming from the costume because it has a fan in it to keep it inflated so Link suddenly decided to repeatedly stab the costume as a joke. It came off super aggressive to a lot of people and Link was also very close to hitting Chase’s knee so there was a lot of concern for that too. Link then seemed to get defensive when he noticed people were just shocked and not laughing about his joke. It brought the vibe down for the rest of the video. That’s just my interpretation of events though, especially the last bit as by that point I was in shock and not really processing it lol.


Thank you for replying! I would have thought Link threw the dart yet again while Chase was walking by, but stabbing his costume directly nooo that’s so dangerous for him🫣 Link doesn’t have the best aim or impulse control, there’s been too many times he almost hurts cast members 😭 why do they keep giving him sharp objects


Because those moments get talked about and attention. That's also why Link sort of plays it up and probably why he didn't fully realize how much further he was taking it yesterday. Clearly none of the crew cared that much if it made it into the episode


>That’s just my interpretation of events though, Very accurate interpretation. Oh my goodness! What's happened to Link? I still like him, tho. But poor Chase. I'm scared for his life. Too many close calls with Link


I laughed my fuckin ass off, especially at Links face afterwards. We need more of this stuff.


I about died laughing, too. This was on a "smashing tiny chairs" level of impulsive outburst. And then how many times he *accidentally* knocked the easel over in More. Just completely off the rails.


I notice I've been down voted. I despair just how fragile people are these days.


Let's all keep in mind that GMM is pretty scripted.


I love link because he reminds me of myself in all his strengths and weaknesses. Except hating tomatoes. That’s unforgivable


I'm dangerous with knives also. Parents wouldn't give me a pocket knife till 16. Worked in food preparation for 30 years and you learn to respect knives quick.


Knives is one of my biggest points of relatability. I was even allowed scissors unsupervised. I work in building maintenance now and sharp stuff definitely demands respect


>>My opinion is that many times we criticize other people, because they remind us of things we don’t like about ourselves. Yep 💯


I can find the humility to admit that often, what I find most annoying or disappointing in others is what I find most disappointing about my own behavior at my worst. I very mild example is that I know I can often get long winded, but also just want everyone else to just stop talking so much.


Omg. “As a Rhett who acts more like Link at work”. … yes


Oh I’m absolutely link. And he annoys the hell out of me. Lol but it’s like in an endearing way? I don’t know how to explain it.


Link is great, I definitely identify more as a Link than a Rhett. Because of that though I can acknowledge that he is more prone to maybe...overstepping, or taking a bit too far, like with Chase's chicken costume the other day. But I mean, the way the youtube commenters just dogpile on the guy is a bit much.


It's not just youtube, but often here as well. I agree. I see Link's flaws and love watching him anyway.


YouTube commenters complain about Link on every single video, I don't know why those people still watch if they hate half the cast so much.


What would they have to complain about then?


Literally everything


I mean, to be fair - the incident with the dart was stupid and extremely dangerous. He could have legitimately hurt Chase. I'm not one for speculating about people's lives - but that was straight up just a stupid decision that was caught on camera, and it deserves to be called out. ETA: It's also not like I think this is something that needs to be held against him forever. But I do think it's a tad concerning that so many people are willing to *completely* look past it.


People are less looking past it and more rolling eyes because what is left to say? Why is it still being talked about and held against him so harshly? We get it. It was a dumb move. Why do people care more than chase and the rest of the crew do?


Yeah honestly the people here in the comments and this post who are now worshipping the ground Link walls on are concerning to me lol


His lack of forethought and impulse control has just been mildly annoying up until that point. I was actually mad he could have so carelessly hurt Chase, and it's exceedingly weird ANYBODY can defend him on that.


The fact that I'm seeing people call him a sociopathic narcissist who hates his employees after making a single mistake is wild to me. The same fans who jump to correct you for not being your mythical best and treating others fairly will drop people like they are worthless as soon as they decide they are iredeemable. Out of every great friend I've had who is a genuinely good person I could probably count half of them as having misjudged a situation or made a mistake that either led to me getting hurt or having a close-call. For me to treat those friends the way Link is being treated right now would ironically be sociopathic narcissistic behavior.


right like they’ve been friends for YEARS and sometimes you joke around with your friends and it goes a little too far. he’s a human and he’s gonna make mistakes. i honestly thought the joke was funny at first but a little too far but assumed if it was truly an issue they wouldn’t have posted it. was shocked that everyone in the comments was acting like he’s the worst person alive for a bit that was taken too far. he’s filming almost every day, of course he’s gonna have bad days. people need to chill


Ok, I missed this, haven't been watching like I used to. What happened?


In yesterday's video, Chase was wearing an inflatable chicken costume. The noise of the fan keeping it inflated was annoying to Link. He made a comment about the noise, joked about stabbing it with the dart he was holding, then stood up and repeatedly stabbed the costume with the dart. While stabbing it, he came close to accidently stabbing chase in the knee with the dart. At this point, Stevie calls his name and he sits back down. The crew don't react to the bit the way he expected (Stevie says repeatedly that the crew is shocked/mouths are open), and Link doubles down by trying to joke about It verbally. The jokes don't really land, so he doubles down again and gets back up, stabbing the costume again/ripping the costume where chase's knee is in an attempt to prove that the dart would not have hit chase. This shows that he did actually come close to hitting chase, and the scene gets awkward. Link argues that chase was fine, and after some squabbling back and forth with Link and rhett/the screw they all move on to the first round of the game. It's clear during the video that the chicken stabbing left everyone feeling kind of awkward in the immediate aftermath, and Link comes across as frustrated and kind of "off" immediately after, making a snappy remark towards Rhett. Everyone seems to get back into a groove after round 2 of the game, and the video kind of normals out from that point on. Chase proceeds to give Link the stink eye a few times afterwards, but it looks like it's in a joking manner not a legitimate mean-mug. Stabbing the chicken suit was not planned and agreed on, per the reactions of the crew, Rhett and Stevie. And it was briefly addressed at a couple of their live shows recently, where they agree Link made an impulsive decision that didn't play out very well in the moment. But they insist that chase is not upset and everyone is still friends. Things take another awkward turn during the GMM More episode. At the start of the episode, Link is messing with the score board thing and Stevie makes a sarcastic remark/joke about Link stabbing the board. Stevie sounds a little irritated when she makes it, and Rhett cautions that the joke/remark was too soon in a somewhat playful manner to diffuse the situation. Link takes this opportunity to joke that he would be a good murderer because he's good at stabbing, and he understands why people who stab others do so repeatedly vs. A single time. This joke falls flat, and the moment gets a bit awkward with no one really knowing what to say for a moment. Link starts to double down again by attempting another joke, but is gently cut off by a crew member moving the score board closer to the table and between Rhett and Link at the same time that Rhett starts to steer the conversation in another direction. Link is noticeably "off" during the remainder of the episode, but everyone does collectively move past the initial awkwardness and seems to find their groove more or less. Link's mood does seem to improve a bit by the end of the episode and it ends on a more normal note. The majority of the YouTube comments focused on Link taking bits too far, a lack of impulse control, and this not being the first time he has injured/nearly injured someone as a result of not thinking through his actions first. Many were upset that he chose to destroy the costume out of no where, and in a way that could have hurt someone. Some minor drama and debating went on among commenters, and a small portion of the comments want a public apology/Links cancelation. That about sums it up.


This should have way more upvotes. This is a wonderful description of the situation and I haven't even fully watched that episode yet


Thanks 🙏. I get it was kind of a dumb move but I agree with most stating it wasn't intended maliciously. After how many episodes there was bound to be a mishap and this is pretty tame to be honest. With the comments I was gonna guess he accidentally said something offensive or something. Anyways, again, thanks for a solid response. I googled it and found nothing.


Downvoted for being too involved like lmao. Who does this ?


Same actually lmao i got hooked on grey’s so that’s been my iPad kid eating time show for a bit, curious as to what happened


If he had truly done something that was a PR issue and made the employees feel unsafe, they wouldn't have put it online.


I know right? I don't recall if there was any cuts or not but they either cut to check on Chase or asked him if he was okay with what happened as soon as the episode finished. If there was any issue from Chase, (the only one who I feel has the right to be genuinely upset) they would have scrapped the episode.


It's totally ok for someone to dislike the mean-spirited, unhinged direction of the humor in that episode, but anyone who is taking it as a piece of evidence that Rhett and Link exploit their employees is in the wrong.


Exactly. There were multiple opportunities to either edit it out, or rerecord it, or even make a comment about it during the video... That they still chose to put it online says that it wasn't that big of a deal to *them* so it shouldn't be a big deal to *us*.




I never saw him as a sociopath, just a dude with low impulse control lol


This pretty much. The scene of him putting his hand on a blender and turning it on years ago sealed it for me.


I'm currently watching the latest episode and Rhett's mention of needing to build trust in regards to handling a blender is so good and timely lol. they will definitely pick on Link pretty hard in future episodes about handling stuff lol


Sometimes I cant tell if Link likes to play the impulsive magoo character or if hes actually like that lol


I will say watching ear biscuits or even More, Link is a lot more dialed down. I'm wondering if that would be better for GMM or if it would be less entertaining... Interesting thought 🤔


I think theres some things Link does for the sake of entertainment that actually just kinda comes off cringey. Like the whole dart thing with Chase just seemed a bit much and cringed more than I laughed. Basically I think Link is funnier when hes not trying to be funny. Edit: I still love watching them all regardless.


Yeah, sometimes he definitely tries too hard. I personally wanted to just focus on the dart game. The show would have been entertaining enough if he just did that and let Chase be in the costume. But I'm watching the next episode and had a nice chuckle about the single-handed peppering


Rhett is great about subtle humor. Sometimes even when hes not trying. Then theres times he will make a semi quiet joke and just smirk to himself like he was proud of it and those are my favorite lol.


You are correct. I am a neurodivergent person and I strongly feel that Link is one too, even though I can't recall if he himself talked about it?! But the point is, I get irritated by the way some of the crew and fans react to some of his actions. There have been times when people made comments about his hands shaking too much, as if it's his fault. What's even more heartbreaking is that I remember him apologizing because of it. While it is a common sign of neurodivergence and Anxiety disorders, which one cannot control. I also have shaky hands that got even worse after taking ADHD and anxiety medication, and I can relate to this so much. It's sad to see that a lot of people can't understand this things and react harshly, which only ends up worsening the person's symptoms and causing them constant RSD and high levels of stress.


Yeah he is one of us, even if he doesn’t know he just… is


I hope he reads this because the comments on the video is an absolute shit storm. People are so entitled.


On today’s video?


Probably referring to the comments on yesterday’s video with the cock stabbing.


Chase just had to get that cock riding in there!


I mean. He had to say it, someone was going to and I am glad it was Chase.


Yesterday’s 👍


Knowing that he struggles with OCD and harsh self-criticism I feel so bad for the guy after yesterday's comments. I wish he could see that some of us don't agree with the whole debacle amongst all the hate.


There are a lot of EB episodes where he goes into how he really struggles to understand how others feel and tends to forget to think about how his actions/words can impact people. I do think this is a big difference between him and Rhett and it does seem like he's getting called out on it more which I do think is good. Now that GMM is becoming less about just Rhett and Link and more about the GMM crew as a whole, it can be difficult to adjust to that.


The episode about the ski passes was painful lol




do you know which episode that is?


It’s from a year ago but it’s episode 377


thank you!


Link never said he has diagnosable OCD. You may be thinking of Rhett's wife?


I believe he mentioned in EB that he's diagnosed with OCPD (not the same as OCD but I think that's what the above commenter meant)


Yup. That is what I meant.


I know this is something less than 1% of the shows audience got to experience but the way he owned it and made a few self-deprecating jokes at the Philly show Sunday night definitely made me have a much more reserved reaction to it


Do you know where he talked about it? I would love to listen or watch if he did


I’ve looked for it on Searchicality and found nada. I don’t think he actually has it, there is no info about it anywhere aside from a few scattered references on places like IMDb and some fan wiki.


This whole situation is so baffling to me and exposes a huge issue with most fanbases of artists/creators in general - Everyone's opinions are all or nothing with no nuance whatsoever. You can love Link for who he is (I very much do) but also accept that sometimes he acts without thinking. You can accept that his impulsiveness often makes for funny moments, but can also occasionally put those around him in dangerous or uncomfortable situations. Vice versa as well. You can criticize Link stabbing the costume & nearly hitting chase or his reactions afterward without calling him a sociopath/horrible boss and reading into his relationships with the rest of the Crew. Anyone who's tried to pull inferences into the off screen lives/relationships of any of the Mythical Crew based on the 15 minutes of videos we get each day is so weird & delusional.


This is absolutely the correct take. Would I be friends with Link? He’d probably stress me out too much. But he’s entertaining and cares about his employees, even while being willing to run to the edge for the sake of a bit. The video rankled me but ultimately I just thought “that’s Link for you!”.


I was thinking about making soup for lunch.


Chicken noodle?


A chicken noodle soup bath!


Just dont go to Panera.


Look, I understand your point here, but we still should not endorse that behaviour link showed, because it was dangerous, reckless and Chase could’ve got seriously hurt


Agreed I'm frustrated with the immaturity around sharp objects especially since there are younger humans who watch the show. I do like Link and his care for the crew, but the behavior he's modeling when it comes to sharp objects really gives me the ick. Especially since it seems like there is no growth when it comes to respecting sharp objects or taking responsibility.


Most of the sharp objects stuff is a bit. It's for lolz. Is he clumsy? Yes. Maybe some dyspraxia? I can see it. He has probably been evaluated for ADHD and OCD and may not share that with us. We know he's on medication from his therapist. Anxiety? Who knows. But he's a grown man who helped raise three children and has a university education along with a multi million dollar company. Pretty sure he *can* use a knife.


I’m generally on Link’s side here too but i do feel the need to point out he’s admitted to his wife doing most of the child raising and house/cooking stuff before lol


This is honestly, not because he lacks the skill. It has to do with where he grew up, his own hang ups about how things "should be" done and to a lesser extent, age. I am their age and I know plenty of people who fall into traditional roles for husband and wife. I actually think we're some of the last people to hang on those roles - the xennials. End of Gen X and start of millennial. Nothing wrong with it, if it works for that couple.


You don’t know him. Stop being delusional like you know this man’s life outside of what he posts for the world to see


For your information, my comment is based on anecdotal data, not based on Link personally. I am aware that anecdotal data is basically useless but my comments are not EVER based on *only* Rhett or Link. They are based on my own experience being from the same (micro) generation, my memory of things they have said, information about what other people in similar locations and lifestyles are like etc. Stop assuming what is in my brain when I post. Consider asking questions and being curious. "Did you mean to suggest this/that...?" is much better than what you did post. And I am not sure you know him either. So can you guarantee that I am wrong?


As someone who has a majority of the disabilities you expressed above along with bipolar 2 it is not a valid excuse when it comes to hurting or possibly hurting someone on your staff or people around you. There are tools to help bridge the gaps. Along with recognizing sometimes you fuck up and you probably didn't mean for a bit to get out of hand does not mean you can get out of it without apologizing or taking accountability that your impulses can get the better of you. Seeing chase visibly uncomfortable and the rest of the crew audibly stunned should have been enough for him to properly take accountability and apologize rather than trying to brush it off. You can like a YouTuber or influencer/celebrity and still recognize the flaws and ask for them to hold accountability for actions that are harmful to others around them.


Definitely not saying he can't raise his children to be successful nor am I saying he doesn't have the capability to use a knife properly. My point is that modeling this behavior of disrespecting sharp objects is harmful to people watching the show and may encourage others to mimic these behaviors of being irresponsible with sharp objects around other people. Also cool it's for a bit. Bits can also be not funny and harmful, you can't just label something as a bit to justify the dangerous behavior.


Exactly. I applaud Chases professionalism despite Links actions and staying cool in the moment. I’ll be honest if that happened to me I would have blown up then and there, stormed out and have a meeting with HR immediately. It takes one stab at the right vein for a serious medial situation.


Yup same


Amen! It’s incredible to me how quickly communities like this will turn on their own in an attempt to claim moral high ground. The criticism of Link after this episode is absolutely absurd. Chase doesn’t need you to grand stand for him, if there was legitimately an issue with the episode and the way Chase felt, it wouldn’t have aired. The ironic thing is that the people so outraged by this will inevitably continue on their rampage, and will also be the same ones so utterly confused if their actions cause the show to be altered in an unfavorable way to account for said objections.


I think you highlight an important point, being the show is very edited before posting. If it was such an issue, it would have been edited out.




it's incredible how quickly people forget when it's convenient for their point of view. This isn't an isolated incident, Link's done this multiple times and has been called out about it. You can't leave Chase to deal with this alone because the community also plays a part into the equation. If the community doesn't care about the issue then the show has an incentive to please the audience and not make a big deal about it, Chase may feel that pressure on his own and not come out just so the show doesn't get affected. At the end of the day, he did something shitty, he just needs to take accountability and then move on, it's not even that big of a deal, you're acting like he's going to be executed or something.


Chase isn't a child. He doesn't need your help making any decisions.


Are you a moron? This isn't about Chase, Link's stunts are directly related to the audience's taste in the show so if we keep enabling dangerous behavior he's gonna keep doing it. It's really obvious based on how the community reacted that they don't like this type of behavior.


You said "You can't leave Chase to deal with this alone".


My heart sunk so fast the more the episode went on, I’ve *so* been the person (mostly in my younger years but still) to do something a little over the top and it doesn’t play as funny, it plays as “why would you do that??” And that feeling after of embarrassment and shame and all the yucky feelings when you didn’t mean to is so real and awful 🥲🥲 my poor guy


Link is my favorite strange man.


"I'm not dumb, I just suspend my intelligence"




Maybe cuz he almost stabbed someone? Being reprehended for bad behavior isn't being harsh. I get it if you're talking about the people that are assuming shit beyond what happened, but that doesn't mean he's suddenly excused for his initial actions.


It’s amazing how much people want to get up in arms about this thing that Link did. However, if it was a real problem amongst the cast/crew and it did not get resolved properly between them, then it never would’ve aired. This is a pre-recorded show, it didn’t happen live, and they could’ve edited it out if it was an issue internally.


I disliked the incident because it seemed to deflate not only Chase's cock but the whole episode. But I saw several comments calling Link a psychopath, and that is just bullshit. Anybody who listens to earbiscuits knows how big Link's heart is.


I adore Link. No one is everyone's cup of tea. It's fine to not enjoy him or his personality, which he puts out there for consumption and comment. I'm not going to speculate on why he may have seemed off. He's a human. Honestly, I think he tried to be funny and didn't realize that he could have hurt Chase. We've all done stuff like that. People need to relax.


I love Link. That’s all.


When I watched yesterday’s video i honestly didn’t think anything of it. Just Link being Link. Now people are saying they’re not watching the show anymore because of this?? 😳 I feel like people are overreacting. Maybe he did go too far, for a joke. But it was a one time mistake right? I mean, it’s a show? If I’m wrong I’m wrong tho. Genuinely if you think my opinion is wrong please let me know. I’ve just been confused since everyone’s been so mad.


Same. I’ve watched the episode four times, trying to put different lenses every time to see the outrage but I just can’t. I just have faith in Mythical that they wouldn’t have risked airing anything detrimental to their image. Maybe they miscalculated but in the end, I just found it entertaining. Is that not their goal?


You know, I thought the same way - funny bit, no big deal - until a post reminded me about what went on on the shoot of Rust. Now, this is a tiny thing compared to playing around with guns until someone gets shot, but the point is, I realized props that can harm should be handled like they can harm. No, Chase wouldn't have died, or even been maimed, but Link was stabbing very hard, and having a dart sunk into your thigh, or your kneecap, would have been awful. I wouldn't want to go through it. So I've re-evaluated my take, but I still don't think Link is deranged, or a horrible person. He's behaving carelessly, he needs to reign it in, and probably needs sharp object probation on the show. And they need to retire the "Link is dangerous with knives," bit, because it has reached it's pinnacle.


There are so many comments on the video acting like Link personally murdered peoples’ families. I get secondhand embarrassment from the way people clutch their pearls over shit that has nothing to do with them. Like, just stop, log off, and take a breath. You won’t remember this in a week, probably less.


But he attacked a fake chicken in yesterday’s GMM!! He’s an animal, and deserves to be locked up! /s


The vibe definitely changed after “the incident” in yesterday’s episode but I think a lot of people are overreacting. I think Link genuinely thought it would be a funny thing for him to do and maybe didn’t realize he would get such a negative response from both the crew and the fans.


I think so. And everyone seemed impatient with Link in the More. My only complaint about “the incident” is that someone worked hard on the costume and concept and I thought that it was kind of disrespectful to the creative team.


Oh I didn’t even think about that! I figured they bought they costume from Walmart or something but if they really did make it I’d be upset for them too


Wait, people hate Link? Since when?


Less "hate" and more controversy around his conduct in yesterday's GMM episode (International Chicken Dishes dart game).


I don't think people hate Link but sometimes find him to be a bit “much” in my opinion. When I was younger I liked Link more but as I get older I tend to appreciate how Rhett is more in tune with those around him and seems to put a lot more thought into how his actions and humor can impact people. Kind of like how on the recent ear biscuits they talked about their impact on small businesses when they openly disparaged their product on a show. Rhett said he tries to be more generous and reserved when judging a local business because they can have a real impact on their livelihood where as Link said it was worth it for the comedy. Another episode of EB involved Link telling a story about making a bad/inappropriate joke at a party that made people uncomfortable and instead of apologizing he doubled down on it and kinda spoiled the night. He didn't realize it until his wife and daughter confronted him about it and he actually cried because he realized he has a bad habit of not taking other people's emotions into account when he does something.


I actually think Rhett talks a good game about being more sensitive to others, but is not. I see it less on GMM but more in Ear Biscuits. Like the conversation you brought up about how they relate to brands...he talked about how he tries to be more sensitive in the way he criticizes brands so that he won't ruin any potential brand deals, but then he also went off about how ad agencies are basically a bunch of dipshits who need to justify their own existence, and they won't partner with Mythical even though Mythical would reach their ideal audience, because they know Mythical's ideas will outshine them. Like, yeah, exaggeratedly scolding Jimmy John's for taco-ing their sandwich in the context of your comedy morning show is gonna ruin your potential for a brand deal -- but personally insulting existence of the people in charge of making the deals? No prob. 😆 I like them both on GMM, I think they're a good balance when it comes to comedy, but I find Rhett's podcast persona to be pretty annoying.


I can see where you coming from here. I don't think either of them are personally that worried about a big companly like JJ loosing sales because they criticized their product, and I do kinda agree with Rhett that mainstream advertising is a lot less effective than it was decades ago. Nobody can remember the a St Wendy’s add but everyone remembers when the dude running their twitter account went off the wall. I think Rhett sometimes wants to view himself as a modern day philosopher, especially with the background he has, and that can be annoying AF when he goes off on a long winded spiel about why something is wrong and he is right (although I kinda agree with him on some of it). Also him and link did advertising for a few years and even made a somewhat successful TV show about the wild commercials they would make.


On that specific subject: I don't think mainstream advertising is as effective as it used to be, but I will also say as someone who worked in media (including ad sales and product placement) for the entire first half of my adult life, I also found Rhett's understanding of how advertising works in new media to be pretty mistaken. Hell, even as a viewer, I can see that sponsors are *not* all that resistant to letting creators come up with the ad ideas...if you watch, Evan & Katelyn, or the Drew Gooden / Danny Gonzalez / Kurtis Conner axis of commentary YouTubers (which includes Jarvis Johnson, whose podcast Mythical has invested in and whom they are very familiar with!) you will see there are many companies that obviously have a preference for creator-written ad copy. But yeah, in general, whether I agree with him or not, the general know-it-all attitude and the way he talks about some subjects is just...not pleasant for me to listen to. And there have definitely been some EB episodes where he'll talk about how people should behave, or how he speaks to people, or how someone else (often Link) was being a dick, and my reaction is like "Naw man, if this is actually how you conduct yourself in real life, *you're* the one being a dick." Like I said, I think he and Link are a good team when it comes to comedy, but when it comes to the parasocial aspect of "Would I want to spend time with this person in real life?" the answer for the EB version of Rhett is a hearty "Probably not." (Although I also don't expect the EB version of Rhett to be the same as the real-life version of Rhett, to be clear. I mean, even in their more candid productions, like the Car Biscuits or the camping trip with Stevie, he comes off as less uptight and more likable to me than his EB persona.)


I do give credit that Rhett has a history of questioning the establishment while Link (by his own admittance) tends to go along with whatever the people he trusts go along with. His whole deconstruction was centered around “here is this guy that is my longest friends and closest confidant, and if he questions the system of believe I govern myself in, then so will I.” he admits that he didn't really do the research or reading, but couldn't believe in something that Rhett questioned so much because he trusts him. For that reason I do give Rhett the benefit of at least he isn't always talking out of his ass even if he's misinformed or has an incomplete view. I'm probably biased but I don't give Link the same respect sometimes.


In addition to what you said about Rhett. Pay close to attention to his expressions and tone of voice after they show a fan video for wheel of mythicality. Quite often there's a lot of contempt there


Wheel videos often feature people that are a bit awkward on camera, I've never noticed any disdain just sometimes R&L don't know how to succinctly react to every video and move on to the close. I think you're inferring a bit too much.


I don't hate him, but he's incredibly childish, and it can get annoying at times. Overall, I'm glad he's on the show, but more than once I've had to turn episodes off because he was ruining my enjoyment of the episode. It's similar to the dynamic between Josh and Ollie from Jolly. Josh is the grownup, and Ollie is the kid.


I find Josh (Jolly, not the lovely mythical chef)...creepy. I can't explain it or back it up in any way. But if you told me he turned out to be a serial killer I wouldn't question it.


In the videos I've seen with him and collabs with other channels I've found him very pick-me and arrogant, and he thinks it's funny. To me it is not. I get the vibe that he has massive insecurities and waayyy overcompensates. EDIT: Oh never mind I was totally talking about mythical chef Josh, I assumed Josh and Ollie were like mythical crew or something.




…the chef?


No need to be harsh on him but we don’t have to pacify him either. That was wrong. Period. Idc how good of friends you are with your boss


It’s as simple as this. Link seems like a good man overall, but his behavior in that episode was completely inappropriate and dangerous.


Yeah exactly. You can like and support a person and still call them out on gross behavior. Of course some people go too far. But then other people act like any criticism is 'canceling' someone. I'd bet the vast majority of people who criticized his behavior never had any intention to stop watching GMM.




I just watched “the” episode and I don’t see anything to be outraged about. Yeah Link may have gone overboard for the camera but Chase was not hurt and Link apologized. I don’t know what the uproar is about. People need to chill.


People might not know this, or forgot, and this was mentioned on RhettandLinkast, Wayback in the beginning. After the TV show Online Nation got cancelled, they offered Link job to do other shows. Link declined because they didn't offer Rhett anything. He could have been successful in TV, but he cared more about his friend. To me it's really sad to see that he's basically less popular than Rhett, when IMHO he's the sweetest out of the two.


The show improved when Link accepted himself fully and doesn't care about approval from others. 🍻👍 It was a good journey along the years with their personal development, but I'm happy where they are. Much better than other creative influencers or shows where that character growth is an end point for the show, or the creators lose audience intrigue. GMM Rhett & Link have reached a new level of interest and entertainment.


You can like Link and also think what he did was stupid and reckless. Why can’t people that ride so hard for him just admit how bad it was? Some people seem to think that we cannot criticize Link for bad behavior bc we are fans of the show. It’s ridiculous.


It’s pretty pathetic how much people are doubling down and defending him


Right? It’s like a cult. You can admit someone did wrong and still like them? It’s not like they will be shunned. So weird.


Exactly, he makes up the other half of GMM (if we’re just talking about the two guys on camera, obviously they couldn’t do it w/o the help of their crew). Plus, everyone makes mistakes. People should be allowed room to make them and grow from it! If yesterday’s vid is what everyone’s beefing about I think we’re fine. The reason we love him is because of his silly behavior and we all clearly know he’s a great person!


I think they both have their flaws. It's just link is less cautious about showing his


not shocking in the slightest that people took that too far.. mistakes happen. he took it too far while trying to entertain us and be funny. move on.


I love both of them so damn much because they are what makes GMM so special!! I see a lot more of myself in Link than I do Rhett but they compliment each other so well which is why they have been best friends for so long and have been able to create and build an empire solely based off of them staying true to who they are


I connect so much with Link and I think that is the reason why I have watched for so long He is himself 100% of the time


That’s also why you’re defending his behavior. You can connect with him and still criticize his moronic behavior


He made a mistake. I’m sure that every person who watched the video has made a mistake in their own lives and didn’t realize it until afterwards. He was doing something that he thought would be funny and just messed up. He apologized to Chase afterwards, he does it at 5:55 in the video. People need to grow up.


Proud member of the Link Community!!


They would not be where they are without either one of them.


From listening to Ear Biscuits, Rhett and Link appear to be well-adjusted people that exaggerate their personalities for GMM. I think Link realizes he took it too far 😅


This thread was inevitable. The overreaction to the moment was always going to result in the opposite, people minimizing the moment.


I like Link, I basically always root for him in all the games. He's not a psychopath. But he's simply, to put it very mildly, completely thoughtless at times. He's also a person who has a tendency to take things too far in an attempt to be funny. And this time an employee was at risk of getting hurt pretty badly because of it. And that is reprehensible, specially since it isn't the first time. I'm sure they have handled it, and talked about it, and he has beaten himself up about it - at least I hope so. But it really doesn't seem that he learns very well from his earlier mistakes, and that is a problem.


I could never, ever hate the guy who said, “PUSH MY EYES!”


Hi there. Long time lurker, first time poster here. First of all let me just say that I have been following Rhett and Link ever since good morning Chia Lincoln. That is a long time, lol I know I’m old (actually I’m as old as Rhett and link). I feel like ever since they filmed the Buddy system, Link seems like he’s kind of lost some of his spark/checked out a little bit. My armchair analysis is that his nervous nature combined with all of the pressures of doing GMM plus the side mythical projects have taken their toll on him. I think he needs a good year or two break, like on the beach, relaxing and maybe regrouping. You can go ahead and flame me but this is just my opinion based on observations. These guys have brought myself and my family TONS of laughs and fun over the years and we feel like they’re friends. Wishing them the best!!!


I just don’t understand why people judge others so harshly in the first place. Every single human being is completely unique, there is zero reason to be so critical of someone you don’t even truly know.


Bunch of haters acting like they know the crew personally


Wait which episode is this about im behind? I love link :(


In the chicken dishes episode.


I'm not thinking that for sure


Heck if I was used as a comparison, my awkward ass would make him seem socially and spatially one with all that was, is and will be. I very much doubt the flatulently wealthy duo (we don’t say boys right just random descriptors??) would have half the success not longevity if they didn’t have vastly different personalities. I mean it’s all perspective anyways many times stretch is by far the bizarre of that manwich


I thought the chicken stabbing was funny


The world would be more boring place if we didn't have people like Link




Links just a normal guy who has impulse and boundary issues. Sprinkled in with some mild hints of ADHD or Autism. Albeit it’s probably heightened due to his fame and need to be entertaining. People with those tendencies usually short circuit and double down when they don’t get the expected reaction. He probably thought what he did was funny -> people didn’t react in that way and instead were calling attention to what he did wrong -> he can’t process it and proceeds to double down as a last ditch attempt to steer things But there’s lots of people like him. Fun to be around in short bursts but tend to overstep once they get too comfortable and “in the zone”




I identify more with Link. I can appreciate him being his weird self, because that is me, too. It makes me feel less alone in the world when I start to doubt myself.


Links great. I like how he’s always doing crazy stuff without thinking lol.


which is why he’s in this situation now


What situation?


Did… I miss something?


I’m definitely TEAM LINK!!!! Watch out for the bean brigade hedging their bets out there, as usual


I’m much more like Link. I feel odd commenting this because he’s a real person and I don’t like to speculate, but: I myself am autistic, and I see a lot of autistic traits in Link that I experience myself. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was on the spectrum without knowing it tbh. (Note: without knowing because he only found out about his anxiety and OCD - both comorbid with autism, I have em too lol - in recent years; he’s not obligated to tell us anything abt this stuff ofc in the case that he does have have it and knows)


I think Stevie is the one who made it awkward… lol


Shes the only one who’s mature with common sense (like usual). Link made shit awkward.


Let's talk about that


r/goodmythicalmorning I have to agree with you about the Linkster. 😆🤣 He frustrates and pisses me off pretty often, but he is who he is. 🤷🏼‍♀️💕


Forgive me if this has been said already, but what I find most frustrating about Link stabbing Chase's suit is the fact that he took no accountability whatsoever for doing something that he should have recognized as potentially being very harmful and an invasion of Chase's personal space. Yes, that is something we should all respect and not downplay as simply coming from people who are "sensitive". Whether we know how he really felt or not, it was wrong. Link has done many impulsive things, some more cringe worthy than others, but this was outright stupid and selfish, and he kept going even after being told to stop! It was inappropriate, and it could have all been much less awkward for everyone if he, and the Mythical Crew following that episode, sincerely acknowledged and apologized for his actions. I feel like that's the bare minimum, especially since Chase did look very uncomfortable for most of that. He stated multiple times that it "almost stabbed his knee", albeit somewhat playfully, but that was likely to keep the episode from being too awkward to even continue because he values giving the audience a good time over what should be his own respected space and safety. I don't know if I even feel comfortable watching GMM anymore after that. Whatever comments they gave at tours or not, it doesn't feel like enough recognition of how Link's behavior and lack of accountability/deflecting could HARM someone. TLDR: Link should have taken responsibility like an adult and apologized for this. For GMM to largely ignore what happened and move on instead of supporting someone on their team is shameful and disappointing.


I honestly thought the inflatable murder was a bit like the time Rhett stood up from the table for green beans making the category of beans! I thought, man they are so in to this one!


I've been watching for 15 years. He's becoming so unlikeable. It's cringe at times. Sometimes I can't watch full episodes because the energy is off. YOU can feel it watching.


I adore Link.


Damn right


His behavior was completely out of line. When you do something bad you get criticized for it.


Yup. The weird parasocial attachment fans have with them is odd to the point that no one can criticize them without people saying “okay then don’t watch it!!!”


I guess that's not what I was thinking, but ok.


I understand what you mean here. But, being a mythical beast for over 10 years, I have never stopped an episode, and did not finish watching the rest of it. I did not finish yesterday's episode. I start almost every day with gmm. I look forward to it being fun and lightheaded. I loved the chicken costume. I did not like how sour the mood changed and how it left Link in such a bad light to have the comments turn on him. Mythical Entertainment is a large enough business at this point to have people work as publicists to know whether things like this will go over well with the fan base. International darts is one of the highest watched gmm games. They knew a lot of people were going to watch this. They could have done a better job to edit this video down to not make Link look like such a chicken villain.


Can y'all stop defending shitty behavior? If you truly cared about Link you would hold him accountable for how irresponsible he is. This isn't the first time he's crossed a line with safety and if you keep turning a blind eye then he'll inevitably end up doing something he'll regret and you won't be able to forgive him for.


He did apologize and someone said  during the live show it was something that happened and it is ok now


i agree with you


Nobody was thinking that. Link needs to be the center of attention at all times on show and if he's not Link becomes petty and sarcastic. Remember the stadium food incident where GMM had to edit the show after it came out because of Link fighting with KG or Will it cannoli with Madison Bee. Where again the video was edited after release because Link was waving a knife around and it got real close to the guest with a look of fear on her face and the set got real quiet. Stop defending him acting out. The way some of you talk about Link it comes across as cultish. I watch the show daily and I like it for what it is but for the love of God call out his BS!


Looks like their cult following is downvoting you for actually having common sense


Thank you


I don’t think anyone is disputing the danger of what Link did, but we need to have a conversation about this. The issue is with people writing off concerns as the “parasocial” excuse is lazy. How many times have we seen YouTubers come out about having problems after months of speculation? Look at the Try Guys! I don’t really like this idea of treating the audience as though we’re stupid and cannot read emotions. It is very clear when there is tension between two people, and that’s not a bad thing to admit. Now, as I understand it, Chase and Link are good now. However, can we stop belittling people who express their concern?


I was thinking about Buttered sausage, where it comes from and what it does.


Wow. No. No way. That is not what I'm thinking. Link is awful. Plain and simple. Unbearable the majority of the time. You do not speak for me. You all making excuses for his bad behavior are crazy!






Super grateful that he stabs his cohosts.


Get over it


I think the “go touch grass!!!!!!” reactions are almost equally annoying as the links a psycho reactions tbh. Like people can think he was both obnoxious and annoying af and not think he was the anti-Christ. 😂

