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This is insane he felt so pressured to make a statement and feels the need to go as far as to unpack it in a biscuit. He crossed a line but all the negative comments did too, good lord.


It could be interesting to hear him reflect on potentially going a *little* overboard with the humor given the stress of the tour, the long-term project, the difficult shooting schedule, etc., while also absolutely excoriating the nutcases on reddit that wanted to decapitate him. Will look forward in particular to rhett ripping reddit a new one- I get the sense he especially detests the subreddits


I feel like the youtube comments were way worse than the subreddit in this instance. Every video they've posted since Monday has had comments referencing the darting and people saying they can't look at Link the same way anymore.


Those comments have been INSANE. I saw one that was along the lines of them feeling disgusted with Link and that he's just "gone too far" to be likeable and- ugh. Just ugh.


i wonder when they'll realize that a parasocial relationship like theirs is *far* more concerning than what Link has displayed. He's just childish. He goes overboard sometimes, but that's just the kid in him getting too hyped.


I saw a few people call it "Seriously disturbing" and "traumatizing" and man, I hope nobody that said those things ever watches Jackass or goes to a major metropolitan city.


I'm sorry, but what?? I can be a bit too sensitive, not even gonna lie, but when I think "disturbing" or "traumatizing" content, I think body cam footage of an irl shooting. Link stabbing the chicken suit made my partner and me laugh HARD --granted, I didn't realize he got that close to stabbing Chase until it was brought up, which was the part that was not so funny, but the idea itself was good, just the execution was careless. I 100% understand thinking Link was reckless, but get a grip, people-- I would hate to see what those folks would do if they were to watch some of the edgier and MUCH more generally reckless content I'm subbed to like Cold Ones (which isn't even that bad, just not exactly experts in safety measure adherence).


Exactly lol. I believe everyone lives their own life and their unique experiences are valid and shouldn't be compared to others, but like, there's gotta be a line somewhere with that. Seeing chase almost get a widdle booboo from a dart is neither of those things, and if you're triggered by that and think immediately of like 17 stab wounds to the head maybe go to some intensive therapy and stay off the internet for a while?


Someone recently got in an argument with me over a joke someone made about wanting their girlfriend to be happy, and they had commented about how it was a toxic mindset to only ever want your girlfriend to be happy. I told them it was clearly a joke, and they told me to go look up domestic violence rates because there are people out there who won’t let their partners express their emotions. I think some people genuinely can’t disconnect anymore and just… scroll the internet. Everything has to be a lesson they’re teaching someone else to feel superior. Like, I’ve lived DV statistics. I don’t need to look them up. But when I pointed out that I understood it was a simple joke, they told me it must be nice to be so far along in my healing that it’s fine for me, but it’s not for everyone. The internet doesn’t owe anyone sanitization from reality. I don’t want to tell people to go touch grass, but like. It’s becoming impossible to enjoy anything without someone telling you why it’s shitty.


That’s so beyond ridiculous. Those people can just leave then, good riddance


I saw people calling him a narcissist and a sociopath and I was so confused cause he just went too far with a joke and that was it


Idk I saw numerous people in this sub saying that he was a total sociopath and definitely had unchecked serious mental issues. People were going way too far. I feel like the youtube comments were more blunt and short, like "Link sucks" while this sub was writing up essays about why he's a basketcase who belongs in an asylum.


that's true, and I forgot that the episode discussion here had over 800 comments.


I stopped looking at YouTube comments years ago, it’s scary down there.


NGL, I love how this incident has been talked about so much that you’ve started calling it “The Darting”. 🤣


Agreed, the YouTube comments have been insane. This was the first time I have seen youtube be more unhinged than reddit.


I genuinely hope Rhett (or both) say something about the subreddit behavior. Monday's episode's thread is INSANE, and unfair.


Oooooh then yes, lets have that biscuit 😈


Could be a spicy, spicy biscuit from the boys


I really thought it was a non issue. It was a bit. I don’t understand how one could think it was real.


It still is a non issue to me. He is a fantastic and beautiful and uniquely wonderful human being who the internet decided was a villain this week for something that was clearly just humor gone bad. No one died and it’s clear as day they communicated the hell out of it.


That's what my boyfriend and I talked about, it they really were uncomfortable with it as a company and hr saw an issue with it, that part of the video would've been scrapped and redone. Probably found a way to explain the deflated costume or just scrapped that bit all together. I mean I didn't like the joke, it didn't go well but I wouldn't go so far as to say link is a sociopath for a failed joke. Especially when he's repeatedly apologized and explained


> I don’t understand how one could think it was real. See, this is where I think both sides of this discussion are rewriting the situation to match their agenda. It *isn't* some career ending screw-up, but it was a pretty reckless mistake and it did sour the video. But "It was just a bit" implies that it was all intentionally planned... Nothing about the reactions in the video suggest it was planned, and this statement doesn't suggest it was planned. Can we all stop rewriting history, take it for the mistake it was and accept that making aggressive stabbing motions *at* your employees is just generally a bad move?


This. People go out of their way to try to “cancel” Link, so the other side goes out of their way to “defend” Link. Both create false narratives to push their own agenda. Were Link’s intentions bad? No. Was it still wrong to do? Yes. Is it a “cancellable” offense? No. Should he own his mistake though? Yes, and he did.


Thank you. I thought I was losing my mind reading all the comments. The world isn't black or white, not every situation/action is 100% good or 100% bad. I am a bit shocked at how many people seem to brush off what happened...


It makes zero sense that is was "planned." Hey, I know! I'll complain about the rooster being loud and I'll stab it close to your knees and everyone can act shocked! That's not how writing works.


Exactly. It was a dumb thing to do and made the video weird. Claiming it was all staged isn't helpful or at a reality unless they also staged the air leaving the room. It's ok to point out it was dumb and kind of annoying. And TBH, the people claiming it was nothing is worse than the majority of the complaints. People aren't wrong to say they didn't like it for XYZ reasons.


its kinda weird how people are saying its a non issue, i mean fuck all sides with their hyperbole. But link being so aggressive with darts arounds chase has never been a good look (remembering the first incident where he threw at the board and chase was close). Link has certain tendancies and even if its not world-ending, it IS an issue nevertheless. An issue, but not a damning one.


I thought I was crazy on Monday because I didn’t see what the uproar was. A dart in the knee is pretty much a pin prick no matter how hard you throw it (yes I’ve been stabbed by a dart)


He didn't throw it though, he slammed it down in a closed fist as hard as he could over and over. There is a significant difference there.


"As hard as he could" is a massive exaggeration. Just cause he did it quickly doesn't mean he did it as hard as he could


I mean, isn't the fact that he had to apologize and needs to unpack it an indication that it wasn't a bit, or at least not one that the rest of the crew was in on?


They did in the studio -they didn’t think it was humor. I think Link tries too hard and it falls flat or weird at times.


me when I watched him popping the costume during the actual episode: 😬 me when I saw all the comments calling the event traumatic, complaining that it was a brutal act of violence, and putting words in Chase's mouth: 😬


People nowadays calls everything even a single moment of inconvenience traumatic. Pathetic soft asses.


It's really so crazy how far people have taken it. I didn't find it particularly funny, I kinda cringed at Link trying too hard with it, but the fan reaction has just been **absurd**. Like people saying Link could have sent Chase to the hospital by poking him in the knee with a dart, saying it was traumatizing and disturbing, or calling Link a sociopath and all kinds of just insane nonsense. You'd think these people have never horsed around with their friends before, because that's all it looked like to me. One person took it a step too far and apologized and that's all that's necessary, this whole outrage and public apology is completely unwarranted.


What really sucks is any funny moments like that will never be included again.


Yeah. I won’t lie, it upset me a bit when he did that, but I also recognize that he didn’t mean any harm in it. He’s notorious for not knowing when to end a joke. It’s not malicious, it’s just mild social ineptitude, which, frankly, I can relate to. I feel like anyone who’s actually a fan should be well aware of that.


Idk but "unpack it in a biscuit" made me giggle


Internets gonna internet


Glad he posted as a story instead of making a big deal out of it. He was playing around with sharp objects of course Link would have an oopsie 😅


I hate how this type of discussion always ends up at either extreme. It's either egregiously extrapolating it to the point of questioning Links entire person, or it's a lot of people in this thread saying there was nothing wrong with it at all or calling it an "oopsie". It was a reckless thing to do that clearly shocked the crew running the episode. It should be an opportunity for self-reflection for Link and others running the show there. It's fine to suggest that without all the other baseless speculation. Like just about everything in life, it's not binary.


Nuance? In this subreddit? The same subreddit who calls holding creators accountable for their actions “parasocial” while excusing their every move and defending them like Rhett and Link are their besties? Pfft. Please. Don’t be ridiculous.


Finally a good take


> of course Link would have an oopsie Maybe a man in his 40's should be mature enough to be trusted around sharp objects though.


Whaaat no my pookie is free from responsibilities /s


what time in the video did it happen? i somehow didn’t see it


It was before link even threw his first dart I believe. Chase sat down behind them for the first time, and then Link did what he did


It happened within the first 3-4 minutes or so. Edit: [Here it is.](https://youtu.be/lT9Xq_DK_gg?si=grjFyWveXlsHPkFW&t=222) At around 3:42 is when he brings up the sound (the link isn't showing the correct timestamp for whatever reason).


The real hero right here


Wow, I can see why Link is getting flack!  They mayyybe should’ve just cut that whole stabby bit and tried again. Idk.


Yeah! Like, I didn’t know what to expect, but it was so much. Completely out of left field.


He didn’t need to post this.


I feel bad for him. Fuck the internet and negative comments in regards to the incident. If Link really stabbed Chase and caused harm it would’ve been just more than a pin prick. I have training on anatomical and trauma-induced injuries, darts do not pierce deep. People are acting like it was a knife.


Pin prick or not it's honestly between him and Chase as friends and boss/employee. As an audience we saw Link immediately get called out so we know others on set who know them IRL are advocating for Chase so there's literally zero reason to go after the Linkster.


Eh idk, by posting it they’re putting that up for the public to comment on it. Idk what they expected from posting that one.


It’s self-righteous bullshit. I’ve had a dart pierce my foot cause my friend is a moron. He’s still my friend lol. It’s not a big deal


I had a dart thrown into my arm by an angry relative. I hadn’t put my arm up it would have landed in my face. I still have nerve damage from that 15 years ago.


Link is not Chase’s friend. Link is Chase’s boss. This is not the same as your scenario.


I was more annoyed at the waste of an awesome cock costume honestly lol


I was loving the costume and was definitely sad when it got damaged that early in the episode. It looked like it was something Chase had looked forward to wearing and using. But it definitely wasn’t worth the overreaction that it brought. Was it shocking? Sure. Did it put a damper on the episode? A little bit. But was it worth all of this (gestures around)? No.


Eh having Chase carry around a limp cock the rest of the episode made me giggle.


Don’t get me wrong, the limp cock jokes helped make it more bearable. But I would’ve enjoyed a few more erect cock jokes 😂


Link just couldn’t handle a cock that big. 🤷🏻‍♂️


well said


same, i'm more annoyed at link ruining something fun just because he was in a bad mood


i didn’t think ppl actually took it that deep??


Dude people took it that deep, people especially in the YouTube comments wanted to have him institutionalized and charged with crimes. You’d swear he straight up murdered a person based on some of the absolute unhinged commentary people were making


an insane overreaction


holy cow man, the comments on youtube are ABSOLUTELY ripping him apart 😭😭 and there were SO many people calling him narcissistic and selfish now LMAO Legitmately I think if I watched the video without knowing the situation, I wouldn't have even noticed anything; I'd probably just be upset over the deflated cock costume


Oh fun, let's call for the slightly-perhaps-neurodivergent one to be institutionalised and/or murdered for having done something wrong, that's not harrowing at all


semi unrelated but link is 100% on the spectrum


They were a handful of loud voices on this subreddit


Um did you see the thread on this sub that had over 800 COMMENTS that were, in fact, taking it that deep?? 😭


I’m interested they’re going to discuss it on ear biscuits, but I really hope more than anything that they will push back directly against the weird, infantilizing, obsessive way that a lot of people addressed the issue. If they don’t, it’s going to empower those kinds of fans to continue overstepping anytime something like this happens that shouldn’t require a PR move to resolve This was not nearly as big a deal as people made it out to be, and I hope they don’t beat Link up over it too much. He acted a little crazy, he apologized, it’s fine. He and Chase are adults, we should trust that they can work out their own issues


Seriously. It was a weird moment but not even remotely as weird as some of the fan responses to it.


It’s because most of the fans are children/people with arrested development at this point. I don’t even identify myself as a fan because of the state of their fandom anymore lol


I hope if anything it’s taught them the audience’s tolerance for shenanigans. I hope that the editing and production just never shows this to the audience again. Not because I think they should sanitize the show, but because the audience is not mature enough to handle it.  Let’s be real if it was still an issue they wouldn’t have published it. But internally it was resolved so they did and the audience isn’t able to critically think about why and how it made it to the web.  Tbh I was annoyed with the violence but the second I knew chase was okay I moved on. 


The absolute switch up in this comment section vs the one originally mentioning this “issue” is quite astounding. Monday it was hard pressed to find ANYONE who didn’t take this situation and make it out to be their last straw/video/grievance. So many comments about how Link was being crazy and a bad boss and he traumatized Chase… now this comment section everyone is like “it’s not that deep lol”. Crazy what fans can do.


Wait, you think the same 'fans' that made this the end of the world in the first place are the same fans that are saying "this isn't that deep"? 💀


I certainly think it’s a monkey see monkey do sorta thing. Comments in the first post were so charged there wasn’t one person being “it’s not that deep…” and now that the comments are chill everyone is like “yeah I hardly even noticed really”


Gotcha, yeah I didn't see any of that. This post was just served to my homepage, so I didn't even realize it was this big of a 'problem' until seeing *this* post with Link's response. I think this entire thing is silly and overblown.


Yeah it’s wild. Every comment section about this now is “how DARE you have a negative reaction” and acting as though YouTube comments haven’t been nonsense for literally fifteen years


Completely agree and I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed. I didn’t understand how everyone on Monday thought it was bad and on Tuesday it was fine. I got whiplash from the change in response to the same thing within the same sub. I think the commenter who said monkey see monkey do mentality in another response to your comment hit the nail on the head.


> I didn’t understand how everyone on Monday thought it was bad and on Tuesday it was fine. I got whiplash from the change in response to the same thing within the same sub. As a person from that first thread, who's position on the matter is: "I'm surprised they posted the video and it didn't die in the editing bay" I'm mostly avoiding re-engaging this topic because the whole community is so partisan about it. Either you think it was all a planned bit and no mistakes were made, or you think someone should be sectioned for violent outbursts... There is no inbetween, and I don't want to get tarred with that brush. The reality is far more mundane: A misjudged joke went too far, and they decided to post the video for what it was; A not very entertaining episode of GMM.


My take hadn’t changed one iota


I'm a rather liberal person, far from a "back in my day" blowhard type, but my god, at what point do we acknowledge how soft and thin skinned terminally online people have become. If I would've watched this before seeing the outrage, I wouldn't have thought twice about it lol. Meanwhile people are over-analyzing and doing deep dives into the psyches of Link, Rhett and the crew. It's not that serious, people need to chill tf out and stop digging for such minor things to be triggered and offended over. Link has proven without a doubt over a decade plus what a good person he is, he doesn't owe the deranged para-social mob a thing, yet is still decent enough to provide a public apology.


The comments on the reddit post were so alarmingly soft. I'm also a very progressive, left wing, love everybody and let their feelings be their feelings type of person, but man some of the shit I was reading was so hyper sensitized it felt like it was out of a conservative satire on liberals. Couldn't believe people were un-ironically saying it traumatized them and upset them so much and calling link a peer hungry sociopath


Skin as thin as one-ply toilet paper smh.


I just saw it thanks to someone posting the link in the comments because I’m way behind on GMM…it truly doesn’t seem like it was as big of a deal as people are making it out to be.


Same thing when I finally got around to watching. I was like seriously, that's it, that's what all this fuss is about? Was expecting something much worse.


^^ this dude I legitmately thought link DID injure chase before I watched it 😭😭


ikr it was a chicken costume 😂


I see a lot of people saying he didn’t need to post this but I’m honestly glad that he did. Even though he did not actually harm anyone, his reaction to the crew’s shock did come off as very flippant and as if he did not take any accountability for what *could* have happened. Link is not a bad person! He is in an unfortunate situation where a bad moment that he had was broadcasted for millions of people to see and react to. If he had not posted anything, people would likely bring it up again in the following years and harp on about how he did not give a whole-hearted apology. I think he did the right thing


yes thank you for saying it, like. the vibe was extremely off in the video after that and he did not come off as funny or a good person to work with in that context after refusing to apologize on camera in the moment. I'm honestly surprised that clip passed through the edit bay.


I completely agree. Like yeah in the general sense it wasn't 'that deep' and it was just a joke that fell flat but from a broader perspective it was... Kind of toxic? Like at what job can your boss even jokingly threaten to poke you with a sharp object? (not to mention that he actually proceed to do so). In what context would that be considered okay? Obviously even the crew didn't feel comfortable in the moment or Stevie wouldn't have said that everyone was just standing with mouths agape. If that's how they were all reacting being there I'm not sure why they thought the audience would find it funny when the crew obviously didn't. The entire episode after that just felt tense and uncomfortable. The biggest surprise from the entire thing was that they released it . Feels like they absolutely should have just re recorded that part of the episode


Agreed. I think it was the "oopsies...anyway" kinda vibe that bothered people. I know I'm similarly oblivious, so I avoid using stabby or sharp objects (or use with protection when necessary). I wouldn't pick one up and be even *more* dangerous with it to be funny, but how I live my life has no bearing on how anyone else lives theirs. The parasocial people are annoying. Anyway, Mythical likely realizes that this episode should have been remade - that the hilarious moments didn't reduce the overall impact of the concerning ones as much as expected - but not much can be done about it at this point.


I particularly agree with your last paragraph. The episode probably should have been scrapped in retrospect. But maybe they do like to maintain an air of transparency with the audience too and figured if folks responded badly, they'd handle it. Maybe this whole thing will change how they approach those issues. I hope not. I actually prefer they stay the way they are, even if someone has a less than stellar moment on set. We don't need more sanitized content.


Yeah I'm glad because this makes it perfectly clear that Link isn't a bad person, he's just a bit of a dumbass lmao


aw that's nice of him. i didn't think it was that big of a deal, but it's nice that they listen and address things


I kind of saw this coming between the massive amount of comments concerning the darts thing and how Mythical usually responds when fans are loud about something. He didn’t have to post anything but it’s for the better that he did, IMO.


I just watched it because I've been hearing about it for days now and I tend to catch up on GMM a month or so after they air. Was it kinda ridiculous? Yes. Was it a HR NIGHTMARE? No lol. Link and Chase are gonna be just fine. People on the internet are just ridiculous.


I did think that part was hard to watch, I did cringe ngl, but I didn't give it much more thought. I mean they aired it so it couldn't have been that big of a deal for them.


For sure. And I've cringed at certain things in the past. But some people seem to be treating this like Link is an abusive boss/person.




I can't comprehend that being a reason to stop following someone.


I feel like some people forget this isn't live. If GMM thinks the optics are bad enough on something, they can easily edit something out of an episode or scrap the episode entirely. Yes, the crew was surprised and yes, it could have been bad. But ultimately, they moved forward with the full episode. That tells me that even if there was some bad blood, it was remedied weeks ago when they filmed.


Exactly lmao if the crew, or Chase specifically, had that big of a problem with it, we'd have *never* seen the episode. This entire thing is overblown by the *aggressively* weird, parasocial cult within this larger fan base.


I wouldn't say he owed anyone the acknowledgement, but I do think it's healthier for the relationship with the community. Not even an apology, just literally an acknowledgement: Hey, I know that was weird, the bit went a little sideways, but Chase and I talked about it afterwards, and we're cool. Just to clear the air. Like you, I'm glad he posted it. It's improv, something line-crossy was bound to happen eventually. It just helps to know afterwards that mommy and daddy don't hate each other.


Really? That one thing made you think they need to move on? They had unpacked it, dealt with it, talked to chase, and all had been forgiven likely weeks before we even saw it. Yeah he went a little overboard and it was awkward, but it was not that big of a deal. Sometimes people do dumb things. Their biggest mistake was uploading the episode where a bunch of people could whine about it. 🤷‍♀️




I’m giving you another notification because that’s wack


I’m commenting on this because you edited it.


Just delete it, hope you get another notification:)


As an aside, I gotta give kudos to Stevie for having the guts to call out Link and stand up for her coworkers in this regard. I'm really impressed with her ability to stop the situation and stop it.


It’s kinda hilarious how her yelling his name like a pissed off mom like snapped him out of his trance 😂. He immediately stopped lmfao


Boy this subreddit really changed its tune since the pinned episode thread


My thoughts exactly... Like... The day the episode aired, everyone was concerned and saw how bad the vibes of the video were, but now everyone was "overreacting" for being uncomfortable??? 💀💀💀


People are insane. Anyone who dared to point out the obvious (that it wasnt a big deal) were downvoted to oblivion. It was never a big deal but a whole bunch of people that spend way to much time on the internet lost their minds over it.


Genuinely thought he hit Chase with a dart on purpose with the tweets I saw only to see the clip. Why are people acting like Mythical isn't a real company with HR that can deal with something if it's needed? I'm so shocked to see people use this as 'i've actually hated Link for a while now' But then again it is the internet. I need to stick to enjoying content without seeing people talk about it lol


I think it all boils down to the fact that people aren’t used to seeing things like this getting AIRED. I would practically guarantee that people do dumb shit like this all the time on shows like this but it gets cut. I’m just surprised that it didn’t get cut this time around. The incident wasn’t that bad, but it doesn’t fit the vibe of the show and is pretty jarring. If they left it out or reshot part of it, nobody would have noticed or cared. They could have even said “sorry we had to cut the last part because Link tried to stab Chase” and nobody would have batted an eye. But god forbid there’s like ten seconds of unprofessionalism and awkward uncomfortable conflict. And you’re right. If Chase had a problem with it, he would have gone to GMM’s HR person to handle that. It’s on camera, pretty cut and dry, and not difficult to handle.


It was really annoying seeing people play armchair psychologist about this. The dude made a mistake and toed over the line a bit. He definitely needed to discuss it with the crew and Chase, but commenters immediately started making assumptions about his mental state and hating on him. People need to get over this parasocial relationship they have with certain individuals.


You know, I saw a few comments talking about how Link lacks empathy and has XYZ tendencies to be hella arrogant and stuff, and at first I was like "yeah I can see that, sometimes he definitely seems like he's got a diva personality. I could see him being an asshole" but in one of those comments someone mentioned the EB where he talks about his ski trip and it turns into a sort of confrontation so I listened to it, and my mind changed entirely. Several comments in the string this episode was mentioned in talked about "Yeah he said he has people care about things for him!" and pointed to other things he said, and holy shit does this fandom not know what humor and deflection is. The entire episode was Link suuuuper uncomfortable and trying to make jokes to deflect his discomfort while also being extremely open to the feedback. He also told a story about a guy at a movie premiere they were at, and how he liked that the guy was kinda being snarky towards him. This episode of the podcast reinforced to me that; 1. This fandom does not understand humor beyond G-rated silly little goofs 2. This fandom takes things WAY too fuckin literally and seriously and is way too sensitive, 3. Link is extremely empathetic, but gets carried away with excitement because he's a naive optimist, and 4. Link's just a ball buster and the snark / "ego" / diva thing he gives off sometimes is 100% a bit and his brand of humor is "aggressive" and chaotic. I actually really like Link way more than I already did now after watching all the things the fans took way out of context and hearing how vulnerable and receptive he actually is. I guarantee as soon as cameras were off Link went up to Chase and checked in on him to make sure he was okay and that they were good. Really sucks that the super squishy soft fans had to make him feel so compelled to post something like this.


Ear Biscuits is incredibly illuminating. GMM is a very narrow and curated, performative view of Rhett and Link - don't get me wrong, I do enjoy it daily, but Ear Biscuits, though often goofy and light, can peel back the caricatures and reveal the real guys with the positives and negatives we all carry around. The view of Link, in particular, through only the lens of GMM is very one-note, whereas the Ear Biscuits Link is probably a lot closer to his real persona, much more layered, human, understandable. Link's like that quirky guy in the office, who drives everyone crazy, is unpredictable and annoying, who says things that you just can't figure out, but when you get stranded in an airport for hours on a business trip and take the time to get to know how he feels, what he's going through , you see him in an entirely new light. What was annoying becomes understandable, and the weird becomes endearing.


If people actually got upset over it they need a life, link obviously meant no harm but was too embarrassed/ashamed to admit it in the episode.


i really hope he’s okay. what he did was crossing a line, but there are so many nasty comments calling him horrible things, and saying he’s a sociopathic narcissistic. that can’t feel good to hear, and if he knows the fans are upset, i’m sure he’s seen this hate


I appreciate the statement, and really want us all to put this situation in perspective. Link went too far - his job is to be over excitable, and he took it in the wrong direction. Let them handle it internally, and calm down with the diagnoses and vilification.


Wow the internet is insane... it's just a show... for fun... I'm very sure Chase is not upset and Link isn't a monster... calm down people


Look at that - accountability and an apology like everyone demanded from Link. Hopefully they’re finally satisfied and can move on because clearly the crew already have. That being said, it’ll be interesting to see if and how he unpacks the whole thing in an upcoming EB


Here’s my unnecessary two cents: I was super surprised by the reaction I saw on here and Youtube. I didn’t even notice until I saw some nasty replies on Twitter on Monday. I was like “eh, it’s just Twitter, that site is insane. No one is really that upset”. Then I checked here and Youtube…hoooboy. Was Link wrong? Yes. Was what he did dangerous? Yes. Should he have apologized sooner? Yes. But, holy crap, people said he MAIMED Chase. They said Chase should sue, Link should be fired, that he’s a psycho/sociopath, that he’s having a mental breakdown, that he’s a danger to the crew and Mythical. I was genuinely stunned! I just figured that he apologized more thoroughly off camera. Because, well, entertainers do things off camera too. I also figured they moved on since people said it was brought up at the live shows and said Link also apologized there and Chase said he was fine. I figured Chase was fine with it being uploaded. You know that Judd Apatow tweet in reaction to Will Smith slapping Chris Rock where he says Will could’ve killed Chris? From a slap? That’s what the comments here and on Youtube felt like. A wild reaction to an inappropriate moment. I don’t know. I can understand the discomfort, the anxiety, and the stress some people felt. But I can’t understand the attacks, diagnosing and villainizing Link, and demanding a public apology for something that didn’t even happen to them. Also, by the logic used by many, Rhett should also not be on the show because he’s also hurt Chase and didn’t apologize until he was told to. He’s also hurt Link and has also made the crew seemingly shocked and uncomfortable. I guess GMM should be over? Idk. I’m glad Link is taking responsibility for what he did, but it’s a shame that so many people felt comfortable with how they treated him. Especially since he’s gotten emotional over how he struggles with wanting to he himself but also being aware of how it affects other people. I hope, in the end, everyone will be satisfied.


It feels stupid that he even has to address this, but at least he did to settle some people's concerns.


from links angle it obviously looked like he was just stabbing air, harmless joke that miscalculated. feel like the crew and community gaslight link into thinking he’s a dumbass or something. even rhett leans into the straight man too much when links being normal, noticed it on ear biscuits but i don’t think it’s malicious.


Lmaoooo your know they’ve been having meetings and shiz about this 😭😭😭


Eh they're adults. We're just an audience. If they sorted it out between themselves I don't really think there's a lot to worry about. So long as Chase is alright and they talked about it, live and let live.


Or maybe I'm just... Too old to get in a hullabaloo over it


"Too old to get in a hullabaloo over it" is how I'm feeling \*often\* when it comes to this kind of thing lately 😂 People making huge deals out of nothing and I just sit there so baffled.


Jesus did we all just forget that Link almost took Chase out with a dart when they first started that damn format?? Link is a menace. Always has been. But that’s why we love him. He’s getting older. This is going to happen.


He addressed this at the Philly show this past Sunday. The episode didn’t come out yet but he basically had chase come out and he apologized and was super sincere on how he made a mistake.


I just went back and rewatched because apparently I missed the part where Link stabbed the rooster and didn’t know what everyone was fussing about. Obviously I noticed Chase’s costume was deflated and I knew Link stabbed it but I didn’t see the part where they talked about how close he got to his knee or when Stevie scolded Link. Looked in the comments on YouTube and people are saying stuff like “the mood definitely changed after Link did that” but on my first watch through when I missed it I noticed no mood change and there wasn’t really one on my second watch. The mood changed for a little bit but people are acting like everyone in the video was upset the for the rest of the game or something.


i’m trying not to come from some strange parasocial relationship with this and not to excuse his actions(i’ve no clue if itll come off that way), and it’s nice to see he’s going to talk more about it in ear biscuits and has apologized off camera, but a part of me has that thought of “oh i kinda get how it happened when you accidentally take a joke a bit too far” because i’ve had that happen with friends and feeling extremely guilty about it later even when they’re fine. i don’t think some people realize that sometimes you get this weird surge of adrenaline or impulsiveness where you either don’t think about what you’re doing or you think itll be fine. not saying that these are what happened, either because i obviously don’t know, but it’s a possibility since it obviously wasn’t to deliberately hurt chase. genuinely, if there was an actual issue because of it, i’m sure chase, link, rhett, stevie, or someone else on the crew would’ve stated something about it before the video aired.


After meeting R&L in Raleigh, I can say they're such wonderful people. It wasn't just a quick photo and moving on, my husband and I were closer to the end of the line, and while my husband was in the middle of telling them something, someone interrupted. After the M&G ended and we were grabbing our stuff, they BOTH came up to my husband and I and asked for him to finish talking to them, because they truley wanted to hear it. We wanted to let them know how they aren't just silly youtubers to us. We grew up under the same situations as they have in the south, and them speaking out on all the negative parts made us feel very seen. We went through our deconstruction as Rhetts album came out and it helped us in so many ways. We told them we just really appreciate the art and can't wait to see what else they have in store for us, and thank you for their time. Link was also so kind to me. I was a nervous wreck since I don't do well in crowds already, and basically speechless, and he was asking me all kinds of questions about myself. They laughed and joked with me before it was all over. They're both so kind, and it was the best celebrity interaction I have ever had. The internet trolls are just too mean.




i feel like some mythical beasts are just desperate to be mad about something 😭


I thought it was not an issue…it wouldn’t have been aired if anyone felt it was. Stupid no drama drama that everyone made up in their heads


While I don't think this issue was big enough to warrant a response like this, I also think that the whole bit about Link not being trusted around sharp objects is getting old and maybe it's time to retire it and move on to something else. Rhett had his own anger management arc that only lasted a few seasons and then they were able to move away from it, so why can't Link have some character development?


I really think people just enjoy putting Link down far more than they like putting Rhett down. So many just will pick absolutely anything to tear into Link like his glasses or a face he made several years ago for 2 seconds. Was the dart incident a little alarming? Sure but I think people took it WAY to far as they film in advance and if they weren’t good they wouldn’t have aired it.


I've been watching gmm for 10 years. Yes that is a long time. However I don't pretend to know what Rhett and Link and the crew are like in their real selves when not performing or what their relationships are like with each other in the real world that they live in together on a daily basis outside of the 40 minutes a day we see of them on GMM and GMMore. I don't pretend to know that because that would be crazy... Why people would insert themselves into a situation the way that they have is beyond me. Link is a person. He is not just a robot whose purpose is to serve the Fandom, and we cannot control him or change him. Link is who he is. I think it's sad that he even saw a need to feed back into all this backlash and I hope that when they discuss it on earbiscuits they establish a boundary with the fans to try help people understand that this shit is not ok and not normal. You don't have to be happy with what Link did but you don't know him & it's not for you to say whether he crossed a line. This happened between Link and Chase & it's evident that amends were made long before it aired because otherwise we probably wouldn't even know about it.


Wow, what a soft ass society we have.


Seriously, it was clear that the costume’s configuration gave Link a skewed perception of where Chase’s knees were, and his intent was to deflate the chicken suit, nothing more. Someone here actually believed Link could be charged with assault (which requires intent btw) People need to get a grip. If you were traumatized by the episode, you need help.


To the people making extremely negative comments in the first place: we don’t know how the fuck Chase feels in the first place. It was a bit that went too far in the audience’s minds. Do you think they really would’ve aired that bit if Chase or Stevie, who are literally producers of the show, called it off?? I guess we might find out now, but why should we speak on Chase’s behalf just because you interpret it a certain way?


People overreacted. Yeah they should’ve pointed it out but calling Link a psychopath is too far.


Bro the YouTube comments are so dramatic lol parasocial behavior


All I’ll say is my partner and I only have GMM on in the background as we do things. We don’t really watch intently. But during the darts thing the vibes were so off we both stopped to watch the screen. It just felt off. Then Stevie said that everyone’s jaws were dropped, which kind of reinforced how we felt in our home. The dude tripled down on a joke that shouldn’t have been done the first time. It’s okay. Seems like all is well. No harm, no foul. But also the GMM community has an extreme parasocial relationship with the GMM crew so it’s like the fans felt personally involved.


Glad Link owned up to it. Even though that was meant for a gag, I, too, was a little worried he was gonna stab Chase in the leg


What really happened to Moochelle? Makes you wonder…


Honestly for me, the incident was very quick and yes potentially very bad if he had stabbed a friend/employee, but what keeps bugging me is the continual jokes during all this week’s episodes about it that show Link was uncomfortable, feels spotlighted, and didn’t really understand the pushback by the crew. It’s giving otherwise fun episode ideas a weird vibe. I’m glad he and Chase worked through it, but since the episodes were filmed well in the past, there might be a little bit of an awkward stretch here for anyone with second hand embarrassment like me haha


I’m glad he addressed it because people wouldn’t have let it go. I personally didn’t think twice about it and I know I’m not alone in that. However, it is absolutely NOT ok to rip into Link by speculating on his mental health. Those of you in this subreddit should be ashamed. It was a bit. It was never that deep. People are acting like Chase went home and cried over that costume he probably wouldn’t wear again and he didn’t pay for. If Chase is good with Link who are you to say otherwise?


I didn't like the stabbing joke. I left a couple comments on reddit and one on their channel voicing that it was a bad joke and upset me cuz i dont like stabby humor. Then I moved on after that day and enjoyed their next episode. Were there people fixated on this beyond the day it happened? I just can't imagine a rational person holding onto this for days on end.


Thought the dart thing was funny, he pulled the costume up to pop it, enough of the could’ve/would’ve, he didn’t cause any harm Armchair psychologists need to get over themselves, it’s pretty pathetic The best thing that could come from this is next International Dart episode is Chase comes out dressed up in cartographer body armor 😂


I think he deserved some of the pushback as it was necessary to get him to see how he messed up and upset some of the fans, but I don’t think the sociopathic characterizations of him were even remotely fair or warranted.


So link only gets nerf darts now


What did he do?


he stabbed Chase's inflatable costume in Monday's international darts episode. he didn't stab Chase, but was pretty close to hitting his leg. a lot of people in this sub and on youtube had very strong reactions


Okay???? This is what this is about. That’s so fucking lame


Ikr, I can admit that it was a little over the top, but people are acting like he purposely beat the shit out of someone


The last International Darts game had Chase do the cartographer shtick wearing an inflatable chicken suit and link went a bit overboard and poked the suit so it deflated, but in the process came close to sticking Chase in the knee with a dart.


https://youtu.be/lT9Xq_DK_gg?si=ACHHr2VhdUOKt6WH&t=204 The conversation about the sound of the chicken suit motor starts around 3:24 and it goes from there...


This is why I no longer associate myself with being a fan. I just enjoyed anything GMM/R&L. fck the fans, a little inconvenience and everybody loses their minds calling it traumatic when it wasn't even remotely. And it's always the newer fans that are fckng loud.




They wouldn’t have posted the video if it was THAT big of a deal for any of them.


I didn’t like the “joke”. It’s is very much NOT my humor, and at worst, I feel like there’s a power imbalance where Link is Chase’s boss.. and the joke was a bad choice. The joke didn’t land, and it brought up a lot of “icky” feelings. I understand that GMM has prided itself on being a progressive company, and I think Link’s sense of humor doesn’t translate to semi-violent gags very well. It was a joke in poor taste that didn’t land, and they should have scrapped the shoot and eaten the loss. I have never run a company and would imagine it is NOT as simple as scrapping the episode and moving on, but maybe during editing they could have flagged it and edited in a disclaimer.


That being said - there is nothing wrong with doing disclaimers for episodes! I’m a big fan of Dropout and D20 - the past few years they include disclaimers for episodes and it’s so helpful and very nonjudgmental.


For me it was Link being Link and he went a bit too far by accident, it happens. What upset me was that it put a downer on them finally eating my beloved Parmo.


People are over reacting heavy


Maybe it was said, but what I don’t understand is why do they leave these moments that are potentially damaging to them in the editing process. In this case it is more tricky, but other times, it could be edited out..


Where in the world are all these new people coming from‽ From my perspective, as a YouTube only watcher since 2010, it seems like the past 4-6 months the channel has been mobbed with newbies who don’t want to accept that there’s 17 years of on-camera dynamics. Is their tikTok/insta/short form content personas drastically different from YouTube? Or have people become more brazen than the usual run-of-the-mill internet anonymity? Or am I just old and out of touch now?


Link’s an idiot. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. He’s loveable, but his brain can slip sometimes. Luckily nobody was hurt but he really needs to think before acting sometimes, especially with sharp objects. He shouldn’t need to explain anything to us, as long as Chase is ok and says everything is fine, that’s what matters.


I think Link is an easy target and Rhett’s reactions of disgust and annoyance to his best friend being himself has made everyone on the mythical crew feel that they can treat Link the same way. This reaction to Link has bled into the viewers opinions of him. The reaction to Link’s behaviour needs to be off screen if it makes Rhett/crew actually uncomfortable instead of milking him for clickbait purposes.


Some of these comments are wild. He absolutely needed to post this as in the episode he made no attempt to apologize and acted like it was no big deal. What he did was wildly reckless and childish I think people are forgetting that chase isn’t just links friend it’s his employee. He clearly made the entire room uncomfortable with what he did even needing Stevie to step in and stop him. You can’t make your employees feel unsafe and they should never be the ones having to reign in their boss I think it would be good for link to talk on it in a ear biscuit


It was definitely an odd and dangerous thing to do. I mean I can't even imagine spastically stabbing a sharp object near another person in any context, comedy or not. He definitely needed to apologize and reflect. I also feel like he should have been more apologetic in the episode, but it's not like he can change that now. I think he was embarrassed and trying to get get through the episode after it happened. This doesn't make him a bad person or change how I feel about him as a creator, though.


If Chase, as a supervising producer, was ok with it being a part of the episode, I think they’re all overreacting a bit.


At the Philly show on Sunday they alluded to Link having done something that almost injured Chase that we would see on Monday and it was pretty clear Link still felt bad about it. Clearly it was an impulsive move that went a bit overboard. There's a reason Link doesn't get to play with sharp things! I'm glad the two of them were able to talk it over and come to a good place.


People are so fucking sheltered and weird that they think this is a big deal. Like get a real problem ffs, the adult world is gonna hit the people who think this was anything the least bit problematic like a train


People are so soft. It's ridiculous


The whole episode felt a little off… I don’t think he needs to apologize to anyone except those involved and we aren’t them 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just don't understand why they uploaded the episode. They have full control of what they show.


I think in the end it was a bit that went too far but I don’t think that Link ever meant to cause harm to Chase or bring down the mood so much.


i’m behind so i saw link story and then went and watched the incident. if chase/link were really traumatized by the situation, they could have asked for the whole thing not to be published. it was published so im sure the relationship between link and chase is just fine


I had a warning because I went to the DC show and Link kept saying “Chase is safe no matter what happens in Mondays episode”. So really I thought he was going to get stabbed in the arm by a flying dart. 😂 After the whole thing I was like “that’s it??” 🤣


You all were overreacting. It was an uncomfortable moment, but you made it out to be so much worse than it was. Reading some of the comments in Mondays post were just down right laughable and sounded like they came from the loons who spend way too much time in the antiwork subreddit Some people need to put there phone in their pocket and go touch grass for awhile


I feel like the whole thing has been soooo overblown.


Good on him for addressing it.


i really hope the “link shouldnt be around sharp objects 😱😱😡😡” gag dies soon bc it only encourages situations like this where link feels the need to feed into it and then gets a little out of hand and now he has to publicly apologize and everybodys acting like hes an actual child. lets not forget this is an almost 50 year old man with a family and an engineering degree - he’s obviously not stupid


There were genuinely people who thought Link should be kicked off the show for this and I quote "Rhett could continue the show just as easily without him" and if you think that you don't understand anything about GMM or Rhett and Link as people.


Great response. The backlash was hyperbolic and accusatory as hell (as it unfortunately is on the internet), but even though I found the bit funny, I can acknowledge that it was executed carelessly in a way in which Chase could have been hurt. But if Chase is OK and he and Link are good, I'm good as well. (Also the people thinking he owes YOU an apology, not just Chase, because it was "disturbing", get a grip)


The show isn’t live. If there had been a real issue between Link and Chase they would have not shown that scene or scrapped the whole video.


It wasn't even that serious lmao


Sensitive ass fanbase.