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Considering the Hero 3 came out in 2012… and the Hero 4 in 2014… I’d say that price is spot on.


They are so old, he would be very lucky to get 50$


I have a 3+ silver. It’s so old and shitty. Wouldn’t even be worth $50. Anything less than outside on a super sunny day was just a blurry mess.


Funny - had it as well. And every generation of Hero cam is hailed as amazing video quality.


It was for the time, but its bad compared to what we have now


Good to put on rockets. Lol


And it was...in ideal conditions...with a mechanical stabilizer and post production.


FTFY: Every generation GoPro put out an amazing video, and people are dumb inough to think they will be able to make one just like it. They try to film their sick skateboard tricks, realise they look lame and quietly delete the footage, and never speak of it again.


It is what it is.. personally I consider them expendable.. if they get destroyed I'm not worried.. but rather put a 3 instead of a 10 if there is a chance it won't survive.


Valid point.


Exactly, I have 4 Hero 3's that I hang on the outside of airplanes. If they die, they die.


Not sure why you had that issue, I still have the Hero3+ Silver and it has great quality images and video.


Depends on your expectations. Compared to the newer cameras there is a pretty big difference


Those are over 10 years old lol I’d offer $30 and see what they say tbh


More like $15


Best to start as low as possible tbf. $1 and pay for postage haha


A scam in that it's not for free


Don't let the "newer models exist" talk fool you. If you want basic 1080p footage without worrying about any features or extras, the hero 3+ is perfect. I have had mine since it came out. It has no stabilization. A chin mount will do wonders for it, your head will stabilize it pretty good.


they are older. personally I like my older gopros better just cause they're easier to use and I never record 4k cause it takes so much space. but paying more than fiddy bucks for those would be a crime. You can probably pick any of those up for 30 bucks if that's a good deal to you. You can get a chinese knock off new with better specs for that.


I switched from my Hero 2 to Hero 11 this year and still have tasks for old camera.


How much would you spend on a 10+ year old iphone? I think the iPhone 6 was released around the same time as the Hero 4.


Older ones, probably not a scam. I’ve gotten a few at great prices on marketplace. As always do your due diligence. Ideally meet up so you can see it.


I wouldn't pay more than 10-20 bucks for a hero 3 lol


Thats about right, being h3 I would pass


Old as fuck now, probably still work fine but you’d definitely be better putting that money into a 7 at least


Doubt it’s a scam, that’s a super old gopro. People that want a gopro are typically looking to buy something newer, so if that’s what you would want it’s a good deal for you.


I gave away my hero 3- 2 years ago because no one would buy it


I bought a hero 5 for $60. So...looks good to me.


Good price for a decent 1080 camera.


Lol the hero 3 isn't even worth $50


I'm selling a 4&3+ on eBay with a bunch of accessories. I think I have it up for 120$ and no one wants it. 2 cameras and tons of accessories, travel case, lenses lol I think they're just kind of worthless


Drastically drop your price if you want any hope of selling them. You can get a 7 black for that price


I have heard the 5 and up are usually good. But i also hear 7 and up are even better. If you want a budget one get a hero 7 black. Mine is doing find and it shoots in 4k


Scam? Probably not. I sure the seller is offering what's exactly photographed. I personally wouldn't pay that much for that model. It also depends upon your intended use. Basic 1080 video would not be a problem.


That's a Hero 3, we are on the 12. Its like buying a 1990s 486DX2 - of course it will be cheap. You could probably use this on the next trip to the Titanic or in a car that is being crash tested as long as you worked out how to recover the SD card.


Man I have a Hero 8 that I don’t care for lol I’d sell it for $60 too


Yeah, what does that record 720p at 30/fps???


Wouldn't pay £30 for it ngl


It's probably legit. I have two of these that I've been trying to give away. Nobody want's it, even when they just need to pay shipping.


I have 3 old hero3s just collecting dust on a shelf that I tell myself someday I’ll want to strap one of these on something that I might not get back so I wouldn’t be mad if I lost them…still waiting for that day to use them lol. Wouldn’t buy anything older than the 7 the built in stabilization is a game changer.


I can't connect my Hero4 Gopro to my phone any longer because it is too old. It still somewhat works with my iPad. When the time comes, I don't see making more than 20 dollars on resale.


Offer them $20 and the promise of a good home.


It could happen. Only pay when object in hand. Don't pay ahead of time, and if you do it online only pay with a service that will allow you to dispute. If they object because of fee.. that's a red flag. Add the 3.6%


I couldn't give away two of my older cameras. I let my kids play with them now.


Those are a decade+ old.


Just old. It's still fine for light usage.


I have this exact set up. I’d sell it for $50.00


its a hero 3 it should be cheaper than that


Yeah I could sell you a lot newer one for a $100.


For $40 with a case and battery I'd stick a fast SD card in it, set it to 720p 60fps pro mode and use it as a bumper camera on a track car that I won't be upset if it gets smashed off.


That selfie stick went for $50 new itself


Nah, it's worthless nowday


Yeah that’s a fair price for like 8-9 generations old


My Hero 3+ Silver has outlived 2 Hero 5s and a Hero 7. Sure it doesn't have all the shiny bells and whistles, but it takes good video for what I use it for and it's freaking reliable.


I sold mine for thirty bucks last year on ebay


Those things are so old


If the shown accessories have value to you then it is a good deal. The camera is meh but at the time it was novel.


Its super old. If I had a GoPro 3 atm, I would give it for free.


Believe me or not i got my hero 5 with a lot of accessories for 115€ It came with the remote which costs 100€ itself and a selfie stick which costs 50€ also a case and 2 batteries with the dual charger which is like 50€ and they are all fully funtional.


I bought a GoPro 5 for $60 4 years back, so $40 for 3s and 4s sound overpriced to me 😂


10 years ago why a scam ?


I bought a used Hero 3 in 2022 at a local camera shop for ~ $45 with the camera, waterproof housing, and two batteries. I only bought it to see if I would like the GoPro camera format. Now I own a Hero 11 as well. Everyone on here says they’re old and they are but I think the quality is still there if you’re looking for a model of entry GoPro starter. https://imgur.com/a/WsPFVni Hero 3 vs Hero 11 video https://imgur.com/a/4x59Dbt Hero 3 vs Hero 11 photo


Do you realize how old the Hero 3 and Hero 4 are? If a Hero 12 can be bought brand new for $399. How much were you expecting the Hero 3 and 4 to cost to label $50 as a scam?


I did not realize how old they were that’s why I asked. Thanks for shaming me for asking lmao😭


Thanks for the replies everyone I guess I didn’t realize how old these are😂. Prolly gonna shoot some lowball offers and call it a day.


Not a scan, decent price for a 10 to 12 yr old camera.


I wouldn't say decent.🤷🏾‍♂️


That's about right for a hero 3 or 4. We're currently on hero 12, these older ones were horrendous compared to new tech. I wouldn't even give $50 for one honestly. Edit: I just found a hero 5 black with a 6 month warranty for $64


Bought a hero 3 for $20 about 4 years ago, just picked up a 4 for $10 one on Craigslist one on nextdoor. The 4 even came with tons of accessories like underwater housing, handle, several mounts all go pro brand. Total score.


It’s ancient. It’s actually overpriced, not too low.


Might as well use a potato by today's standards. Not too mention 10yo battery is probably toast anyway


GoPro 3/4 is very old now. I used a GoPro 4 on a tripod to record goalmouth footage for a non league football club. Footage was fine. Very clear. I wouldn’t use it with a gimbal or selfie stick though as there is no image stabilisation.


Good luck finding batteries that wont die after 5minutes


Don’t buy anything lower than a Hero 6. The stabilization sucks on anything less than a 6.


It's a scam because that price is way too high


Yes it's a scam and not because it's super cheap