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Lots of water - way too much. Kale, avacado, pistachios, sweet potato, turmeric, fermented foods, apples, and more celery, especially the little leaves. Also, celery seed as a spice.


Black coffee works wonders too


Daily allopurinol and anything in moderation. Diet is not going to fix your hyperuricemia. See a doctor, get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan that includes daily medication if you meet the requirements.


Yeah I'm the middle of a flare and they called it in. Starting this weekend as this flare is on the way out


Eat what you want diet is only 20% of uric acid 80% produced regardless of your diet. Control uric acid and bring it down so your blood isn’t saturated with uric acid crystals and get your system some help breaking down purines by taking comprehensive pre pro post biotic and stay hydrated with non sugar electrolytes. Eliminate sugar for sure. I ate a whole shrimp ring yesterday and washed it down with red wine 🍷


Yeah, I'm going to say that none of us are doctors or know enough about OP's medical history to offer up the "*eat what you want"* advice. I agree with you on the numbers (80/20), but... * is OP on Allopurinol? * is OP obese? * what does "eat what you want" mean to OP? Heck, you say "eat what you want," and then go on to recommend eliminating sugar. To ME eating what I want would include sugar, and honestly, both on and off Allopurinol, eliminating sugar is not something I've had to do because it's never been a big part of my diet. We all need to be more careful with our diets.


I grew up eating a plate of food that includes a meat, a starch and a veggie. Like wtf is wrong with that? Gout is a weird one I suspect they still have no clue what causes it. A lot of the foods they tell you to eliminate are healthy. Spinach, beans, mushrooms, asparagus, some meats, seafood, game meats(some of the leanest protein on the planet). Makes completely no sense. I mean I get purines convert to uric acid and then the body can't get rid of it. I get meds can lower uric acid and put in safe zone long enough to pretty much stop worrying about this crap but what is the scientific cause at age 45 for my body to suddenly stop filtering uric acid? Worked fine for 45 years. That's what they need to find out and fix. Rant over 😡


I think its the processed foods and drinks. Sometimes you read the components and think is it a sausage or bioweapon.


Take my gout-infested upvote




im in much the same position, similar age, similar diet meat and three veg, not to much of anything a little of what you fancy.. However I think its genetic for many of us, are you on Allopurinol? Is your weight ok?


I'm 41 and thought the same. I got diagnosed Hyperuricemia some days ago and now I'm on Allo.


We know what we eat as we track our diet. Last year, we started eating two types of protein, either fish or chicken. When we had a meat buffet, we experienced bladder stones a few months later. We think this might be related to gout, not just from last month, but from prolonged excessive meat consumption. Therefore, we took medication prescribed by the doctor and also some Ural (for kidney stones). It's weird, isn't it? We drink a lot of water but still have no idea why the gout attack started last month. So, my conclusion is to temporarily eat eggs for three months to reduce symptoms and help the body adjust to new dietary data.


I started taking Allo like 8 years ago and moved on with my life.


Agreed. I've found that diet has no affect. It happened 2-3 times a year then I forgot about it until it happened again. Got an MD to do bloodwork and prescribed Allopurinol and a precautionary script of Colchicine to knock down flares quickly as needed if at all. But never needed it. Get treated then live your life. It is what it is. If Daddy and Grandpa had it, you most probably will too.


no simple sugar or carbs




mineral water 1.5 liter per day , cup of tea morning . Morning - 2 egg , hash brown , bread between and some tomato / mayonis Afternoon - fried rice egg . \*\* if hungry night - bread only \*\* From 12 to 4 something.


I eat low fat dairy, eggs, beans, brown rice, quinoa, and all the veggies and drink a gallon of water a day. I stopped drinking alcohol. I could eat meat, I guess, but I never really liked it much and I hate chicken, it smells and tastes like wet dog to me. LOL. I've been on this journey since the end of March and I've lost a couple sizes, reduced inflammation by a lot, and even a shoe size. Everything still freaking hurts but I feel better physically at the same time. I have tophi in my hands, elbows, shoulders, knees, ankles, feet, tops of my ears. Hoping that today my doc ups my allo dosage to get numbers lower and maybe dissolve some of these bumps.


Anything. I take allo.


Does it really help that much? I just started it Yesterday.


I haven’t had a flare since February when I started it, and I haven’t been watching my diet *at all.*


It absolutely helps. I’m about 3 years without a major flare up, though I still get little aches in my foot occasionally. They are tolerable, however, and they don’t hinder my mobility. Good luck.




I avoid red meat, pork, and shellfish. I just got started on allopurinol but I'm afraid to test those waters for now.


Same here, however I do eat pork once in a while


low sugar cereal, smoothie, egg whites, chicken, salad, salmon, low sugar yogurt (dairy free for me)


The theme is low sugar, low to moderate purines. I almost think eliminating non fructose sugars is more important than purines, but avoiding organ meats etc and steak is key either way


It is different for everyone, but salmon is a guaranteed trigger for my gout.


Eliminate cereal. Nothing good from that processed food


yea its hard to eliminate every vice


Before "diet" my uric level was about 800, after starting diet it dropped to 400 with no alluprol pills. I exclude: processed foods, beer (not too much alco in general), sweet drinks, mostly red meat. For alco my dietologist said the least harmful is dry white wine. I stick to the classic gout diet about 80% of my meals


Noting that I'm on Allopurinol, I simply try to eat a more common sense healthy diet most days. I'm at work Monday-Friday for breakfast & lunch so I just eat for sustenance, which doesn't have to be as boring as it sounds. That + a good amount of water. If you're looking for something specific, I've seen u/LarryEdwardsMD recommend the Mediterranean diet on more than a couple occasions.


I eat whatever I want but I've been on allo for about 8yrs. I do eat good food though. Eggs, red meat, fruit, veggies and try to stay away from high fructose corn syrup. Vodka was my nemesis so I cut that out but rum and beer doesn't bother me.


So a ham sandwich or turkey sandwich is off the menu? What the hell are working folks with kids eating?


Mac and cheese is safe


Eggs and dairy are my go to options. I love Red Peppers, Onions, and Brussels Sprouts (though I try to limit these to just a couple times a week). I make good use of Couscous, Sprouted barley, Flax seed, and a eat a lot of nuts and dried fruits.


If there was an answer to this we'd know it. Gout has been known about for centuries (millenia, technically). No one has ever produced good, actual evidence of "food/drink X makes gout happen and gout doesn't happen if you don't eat/drink X." All you'll find are people struggling to find patterns that don't exist, like thinking the last thing you ate gave you food poisoning when really it was something 24 to 48 hours prior. It's high uric acid, it's usually genetic and due to an overproduction or under excretion issue. Fix that with medicine and eat what you want.


Cheese sandwich, yoghurt and salads has been my go-to for several months now (had the worst gout in my life). Those food don’t seem to make it worse.


I literally made my Reddit so I could watch this page for gout friendly recipes. My fiance has gout and because of a family history around liver failure he wants to wait as long as possible before managing with medication. I cook for us so that has meant being very strategic. The recipes I use have worked for us- he hasn’t had a flare up since we got on it outside of a time he went to dinner without me and forgot Caesar salads have anchovies in them. His dietary staples are: Breakfast burritos- we hate eggs so I cook the eggs in the oil from a jar of sun dried tomatoes and then add the chopped tomatoes. They also have potatoes, onions, peppers, and cheese. He eats them with yellow bird hot sauce and Greek yogurt for extra protein. Red Sauce- I make a big pot of red sauce with plenty of carrots and onions and herbs. We use that sauce to make margarita pizzas, bucatini pasta, eggplant parm, or lasagna. Cilbir- a Turkish yogurt breakfast where you mix mint and parsley and garlic and lemon into yogurt then serve with a poached egg. He likes it best with a baked potato on the side. Best tip for poaching eggs is to make a 1:4 solution if vinegar:water, crack your eggs in, and let them sit before gently spooning into lightly boiling water. It denatures the outer proteins and help it not fall apart when you drop it into the water. Hope these recipes bring you some comfort! I’ve only experienced gout second hand but I have a lot of empathy for how hard it is.




My last gout flare up was so bad I completely changed my diet and have so far lost 28 pounds in 2 and a half months. Black coffee for breakfast, boring salad for lunch and then whatever my wife makes but a smaller portion than I used to have. Oh and LOTS of water daily with the occasional supplements added (Vit C tablet, cherry juice etc)


I’m on Allo and no restrictions.


I'll be starting it soon. After 3 weeks of being super strict woke up with a flare yesterday and have no clue what cause it except for "high uric acid"


Any alcohol? Stress? Injury? Stubbed toe? Many things can cause a flare up.


Only thing I can remotely think of is I did calf raises at the gym on Monday but was super careful not to engage my toes and used the ball of my foot. Didn't bother me at the time or after.