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I just did exactly that. I ordered the 7840u but then I was thinking that I won't ever be using the oculink. I already had a pretty ok PC if I want high graphic. So, I returned the 7840u and ordered the 8840u. I just got the 8840u on Tuesday and have been pretty happy with it. I have been using the usb-a for my mouse (orochi). As for performance difference, I didn't have a chance to use the 7840u before I returned mine so can't comment on that. Both my order was from Amazon and it takes 2 days to arrive from order day (I have amazon prime).


The difference is neglible. I wouldn't bother.


I had both. I chose the 7840u in the end due to seeing a better display on the older model and the Occulink port for a G1.


worth the exchange for the VRR and native landscape display


No not really, these two have no big difference besides the slice update of CPU and the display VRR and canceled OCUlink


I honestly wouldn’t as you wouldn’t notice a difference unless that USBA port is really that important to you.


Thanks for the insight, I would say an important feature for me is battery life. If the battery life is the same or even worse (because of power draw) with the new model it would definitely sway my opinion


From what I can see the battery life is about the same.


Yes, you should. Current benchmarks don't show a big difference in gaming performance but Microsoft is adding an AI based upscaler called Auto SR (Super Resolution) soon that will require additional NPU horsepower. It's currently restricted to the new Qualcomm arm chips but it will come to other chips later. I can't guarantee the new 8840u will support it but everything points to yes, eventually. AI or machine based upscaling will help a lot on a handheld and should be better quality than AMDs FSR that is not AI based.


VRR is quite an upgrade imo, if you can switch for minimal cost might be worth it.


If you dont use eGPU with Occulus link port, return it and get new one


Swap it. The latest 8840u has a landscape screen.


I built an EGPU enclosure out of a briefcase and PSU I hot on Amazon.com along with an oculink PCIE Adapter and an RTX4090 and 2560x1440 144hz portable monitor. I couldn't see any better way to get a powerhouse rig that is portable and modular. I can run the APU and pocket the system, or dock it for insane performance. I would take this setup over the USB-A Port any day...


Can you send links for the products you bought?


Sure, I will put together a list and maybe make a video of it in action.


tough choice as it depends on your needs. Performance and battery life are pretty identical. Main differences are: 7840U has a portrait display with amazing image qualitty and an oculink port 8840U has a landscape display with slightly worse image quality but is a VRR display and the USB-A port in place of the oculink port If you don't have an eGPU (or don't plan on getting one in the future) to take advantage of the oculink port and USB-A is something you need then easy choice, get the 8840U. I personally find it a game changer as you can dock this tiny device to an eGPU with something like a 4090 and transform it into a gaming beast. But some people prefer to keep their handhelds as handhelds which is understandable. I wouldn't say the VRR is a must have since locking games at a fixed frame rate has the same benefits as VRR in minimizing screen tearing (VRR just does it for you automatically). Portrait displays can be an issue with certain games (typically older titles) so the landscape display avoids these issues though I have yet to run into any on my 7840U. The trade off for the display on the 8840U is the noticeably worse image quality compared to the 7840U. So there are certain things on each device that are better than the other. This is not a case where the latest is the greatest. You just have to base your decision on which device matches your preferences.


wait the 8840u doesnt have the oculink? they advertise it afaik


Nope, they replaced it with a USB-A port


While i do have some use for usb-A and not much with oculink I would still prefer to keep the 2023 model If you didn't have a win mini prior I would pick up the 2024 model


You may as well, especially if you don't use Occulink. Get that VRR and 8840u


Isn't the 8840U more power efficient at lower wattage? That's what I understood.


The difference is negligible, even if I didn't already have the 2023 version I would still pick it for the Oculink port. But that's just me, if you don't care for Oculink then go 2024 version.


If you are still in the window of return without free, then you can return it and get 8840u with VRR


No, there is barely any difference