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Yes. Dual booting with Windows on my '24 mini. I keep windows for egpu support and have a shared NTFS partition set up for my steam library. I spend 90% of the time in Bazzite. I had come from a Steam Deck OLED and am really happy with the transition.


Do you need to redownload your games between windows and bazzite?


Not if you are using a shared NTFS drive: [https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/wiki/Using-a-NTFS-disk-with-Linux-and-Windows](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/wiki/Using-a-NTFS-disk-with-Linux-and-Windows)


Nice! Thanks! Definitrly trying this out. Are you sering any difference in performance or battery?


I have less stuttering but that may be a placebo. Battery is the same. Just a much cleaner experience, which having come from a Steam Deck was meaningful.


can you use lossless scaling frame gen in bazzite? Because frame gen and egpu support are the only reasons why I'm still on windows. If frame gen is possible I might consider dualbooting bazzite and windows. When bazzite has both, I might just ditch windows altogether


Lossless scaling doesn't work on linux yet, or at least I didn't figure out how yet. Egpu support is present on bazzite.


Are nvidia cards officially supported now? Or just AMD?


I can only confirm amd. Since I have a g1. However nvidia will require some drivers which should not be too hard to install


Not sure how to get it noticed so they'll update the instructions (already posted a new issue for it sometime), but in this section, [https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/wiki/Using-a-NTFS-disk-with-Linux-and-Windows#preventing-ntfs-read-errors](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/wiki/Using-a-NTFS-disk-with-Linux-and-Windows#preventing-ntfs-read-errors) , linking to the existing compatdata folder is a bad idea and can lead to data loss. It's better to make your own new folder anywhere in your home folder and link to that instead. Make a new one for each library you might have on NTFS that you need to make one of these links for. Specifically what happens is when trying to move a game between two libraries that share the same compatdata folder, the game's folder in compatdata ends up getting deleted. If a game doesn't use Steam Cloud to back up its settings and save files, or if you haven't been connected to do it yet, then all that is just gone.


Preach. I was playing around with the setup on an old laptop before setting up the Win Mini, and I had to nuke the NTFS drive due to a preexisting compatdata folder.


Ok sweet, but it’s not compatible with an eGPU? That sucks. Oh and do you install games using Bazzite or Windows?


It is just not compatible for the steam deck image on nvidia cards. Booting into gamescope isn't compatible with nvidia cards, if you're on amd it should work fine. I have a separate laptop that I set up using the nvidia Bazzite image and it works fine with my eGPUs as it boots to the desktop. Games can be installed and updated from either OS.


Ok thank you. It is an AMD eGPU, the GPD G1. I’ll definitely install Bazzite in a partition and try it out tomorrow then. If I like it, I’ll keep it. How’s the battery life compared to Windows? Is it better?


It's about the same I'd say. Bazzite has a dedicated script you can install especially for eGPU users, but I've never tried it.


Thanks again! I’m pumped to try this out now. Sadly I’m at work, so won’t be able to install it until tomorrow, but that’s fine.


I can't necessarily help with the AMD egpu setup, but shoot me a note if you have questions during setup, esp around the shared install drive/dualbooting. This was incredibly helpful: [https://github.com/aarron-lee/gpd-win-tricks](https://github.com/aarron-lee/gpd-win-tricks)


Thank you, if I have any issues I’ll let you know. I just got my WM2 back from GOD for repair, and I’m now debating on which one I want to keep. I’m still going to install Bazzite on the Mini though.


interested in this.. but i use a lot of Lossless Scaling for both framegen and upscaling.. would this work on Bazzite?


Scaling is the same as the Steam Deck so FSR 1.0 for systemwide and framegen on a per game basis.


I installed Bazzlite but took it off. What I really wanted were the sleep features, but the games I ran didn’t run as well as windows. Also, I found windows hibernate to be sufficient.


While hibernating in windows do you do it while in game? With my Win Mini 24 if I hibernate in-game, when I boot back up it tends to crash the game, if not the whole system. This is more with AAA games but I never had such a problem with my Ally or steam deck. Does anybody else have the same trouble? My fix Is to close the game I'm playing completely (Lords of the fallen) and then reopen the game when I boot back up, which takes a lot longer than the steam deck.


The only game I play is roboquest. Runs can go 30+ minutes and there is no ability to save. When I gotta stop I pause the game and hibernate. The game has worked every time after. But I could also see this being game dependent.


Weird. All my games run better on Bazzite without the windows spyware hogging resources


I clean install windows so I don’t have any of that garbage.


What you did for the clean install?


Made media using the Windows Media Creation Tool. Installed 11 without internet. Hooked up WiFi and waited until windows found all the devices it could. (All but 6) Installed the 6 unknown devices using the drivers from the GPD website Ran all updates Updated video card driver to latest (I know there is a lot of discussion about what version of what driver to use, but I haven’t found it makes much of a difference) Installed GPD Motion Assistant for TDP controls.


This. But make sure to get motion assistant from discord cause the one on the site is old as hell and gpd sucks at updating software links


Damm. An intern could update the link for them for free. Can't imagine why they can't be bothered to update their own site. Source: I'm a software developer who was an unpaid intern for a graduate college as a web developer updating one of their department's website.


They didn’t actually write motion assistant it’s 3rd party, but your point is still valid for sure. They also use Google drive to host a lot of software. Not kosher.


Thanks. I did not know that, and I did not do that.