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So there’s a huge difference here based on how you’ll use it. I have both and use them pretty equally. The Mini is small enough to pop in a backpack and take with you wherever you want. It runs great at 20w (although some find the heat pretty strong on the buttons, I do myself) and the 120hz VRR screen is great. The Mini is pretty quiet until it’s not. You can adjust fan curve and speed pretty easy in the handhelds program, but I found my Mini hitting 88c at 20w often with the fan full blast. Now my Max 2 is my favorite. You can take it to 28w so you can get that little nudge for those few AAA games at 1200p if you really want. The screen is only 60hz though so I prefer to play my indies on the Mini for that 120 fps. The 10in screen on the Max 2 is NICE. Along with that, the 67wh battery makes a difference. I can play games at 20w for a lot longer on the Max 2. At 28w my Max 2 hits about 67c. A note for both devices though, the joysticks are shockingly bad when you first feel them. They’re recessed and require you to adjust to them if you’re used to controller sticks or a Steam Deck. After a few days, you won’t mind the sticks though as you’ll be used to them quick


My idea was to use it as a hybrid gaming device/ general purpose laptop. I do care a lot about fan noise so is it possible to just run the device at a lower tdp and a flatter fan curve to achieve a quite experience while still being performant enough?


You’ll have to find that balance for sure. If you want a hybrid laptop, the Max 2 is your best bet, the Mini isn’t comfortable to type much. Like all I could do is thumb type a bit for logins and basic googling. You can run the WM2 at 20w and the fan will be pretty dang quiet.


If you have used a steam deck LCD how would you say fan noise compares to the max 2? I found that the LCD was too loud at 15w but good at 10w and below


The Max2 is def quieter in my opinion at 15 or below watts


^ this guy has the best advice for you so far, I'll keep my trap shut x) he said what I was going to anyways, I'd recommend the wm2 for you, the ONLY other thing I'll mention is the win mini is 520 grams, the win max 2 is around 1100 grams? I believe? For reference if you've used a Nintendo switch, their 398 grams with the controllers on, this is why I got a win mini, I wanted a light devi e that can play all my games, it gets hot but I deal with it lol I had a win 2 x.x my fingers are broke in for the heat z.z


If you aren’t a strongman the win max 2 will get old in terms of weight fast. I have to play with the bottom of my keyboard in my chest when laying down and when I’m not I use itas a laptop.


^ that was me with the Asus rog ally which isn't a whole lot heavier then the win mini, but the form factor plays a big part I feel


Hey, could you tell me what adjustments you made to your max 2 joysticks? I'm afraid of messing up the profile with Win Controls.


I honestly didn’t do anything. The only thing I do once I a while is recalibrate the sticks. There’s way too many numbers for me to adjust lol


Mini. Max is too close to a laptop IMO & games look too soft when not at native res (2560x1600). Rather just get an older version of the ROG Z13 (or X13 Flow variant) for around the same price (if you look hard enough) & have it run circles around the Max. Also, the joystick placement of the Max irritates me just looking at it.


Max2 is a laptop with a built in gamepad Mini is a gamepad with a built in keyboard It depends on your use case, do you want to sometimes use it as a normal laptop? then the win max, as the mini keyboard is small and annoying. I use my Winmax to play LoL and WoW and its great for that, I wouldn't dare try it on the mini. Do not forget the mini is also techically capped out the box to a lower TDP than the max is, 15w vs what ever you can for the Winmax2, I run my 8840u at 35w plugged in, so you get some better performance regardless of diminishing returns.


I’m probably leaning more toward max since I would like to use it as both a laptop and a gaming handheld.


Yeah, I was going to recommend the Win4 if you just wanted something with access to a keyboard. Winmax is pretty good though.


I do want it to be a clamshell since I like the ergonomics and self protection that it adds compared to the more standard game handheld design


If you want to use it as both a laptop and gaming handheld, definitely go for Win Max 2, not Win Mini. I got the Win Mini thinking I could use it as both if I dock it with an external mouse and keyboard, but after a bit I realize I also want to use it like a laptop but it's too small so I got the Win Max 2 lol. Moral of the rant is, if you want any significantly productive laptop usage, WM2 is way better.


ok yeah i have decided that if im gonna buy a gpd handheld its gonna be a max 2


Hey there, I have a Win Mini 7840U and two WM2 (6800u and 8840u). The Win Mini fan does get louder and the device itself gets warmer to the touch as you play more in demand games (or even just the speed up function in retorarch). Probably the lightest modern Windows Unit I've held. The WM2 fan does not get as loud to catch up at similar TDP's to the Win Mini, nor does it get as warm to the touch. But then again, its a much larger device with bigger fans and a larger battery capacity.


Hi! I have a Max2 2023. I think you’d want the 2024 version considering it has the newest chips, a bigger(ish) screen and I assume better cooling. Because it’s a smaller device than any desktop of gaming laptop, no matter the size it’ll be loud. It pretty much sounds like how it does in videos if you were to wear headphones. When on 28w tdp my max runs pretty hot to the touch, the touchpad feels *warm* but not *hot*. The bottom where the fan it however runs pretty hot. This was my feeling when it was smothered with fabrics. On a table the max has little rubber parts that lift it up a bit and it stays a good temperature. If you’re gonna go for cheaper, you should go for the 2023 version as the new chipset came out I saw most sellers cutting prices. That’s only what I know though!


Have you run the max 2 at lower tdp’s and if so does it improve the fan noise? Or does lowering tdp hurt the performance to much?


If you play under 18 I think the fan gets better, but that’s just because less heat is being produced by the gpu/cpu and you’re going to have to get used to fan noise.


I just bought a used max 2 7840u. I love the device. I take it to work and use it throughout the day when I'm doing desk work. Then I take it to my car for lunch time and play some games. I also have a 6800u Win 4 and get quite a bit better performance. The only thing the 6800u has going for it is the old sleep. This has been removed from windows moving forward but hibernate works well for me. I would only get the mini if I had extra cash just lying around which I don't. Max 2 is literally like the perfect device for me.


Get the mini, Max2 is too physically heavy.