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It is a cool small device. Excellent form factor if you want to bring it along. A missed opportunity IMHO is an ethernet (min 2.5 gbit) port and since the upcoming duo seems to get one, GPD seems to be aware of it. I personally would have preferred a graphics card with more memory, but my use case is video editing and not really gaming. But I like it. If you only use it for stationary, I am not sure if using an desktop card in a thunderbolt housing is not more efficient. Have one of these Thunderbolt 3 ones and have a 2070 Super in there, but this one is way too big to ever carry along. But of course I could easily put in a 4060 Ti or 4070 Ti and have way more performance. Edit: One more thing to add: what really stands out are the thermals. This device (at least for me) can really run at full capacity without running hot, I have not experienced any throttling so far (same for the win max 2 with the 7840). And this at full power. This is another factor to keep in mind, as I see some of the big names now offering relative thin laptops with the 7840/8840 where I really wonder how they will perform in terms of thermal management, especially if there is still a dedicated GPU on board. Have not seen any tests, but remember my Dell XPS 15 from a few years back with a 1050 and that one basically throttles whenever you look at it the wrong way.


I actually got it for my Win 4 and now that I have an Ayaneo Flip KB w Oculink, I use it with that. I take a trip to help a sick relative every couple of months and take it with me and run either a VR or AR glasses for the large display. I can play some PCVR titles with it like Halflife Alyx. I have a USB ethernet adapter for it when it's plugged into the house. Surprised that I get so much use out of it because I have other stuff to plug in at home, but it's great to travel with when packed with the gear above,


It's very nice. Currently treating my win max 2 with it as a desktop like setup and it's great. Only annoying caveat is it seems even with thunderbolt connection you gotta unplug and replug it in every boot to be detected, but besides that it works well.


does the g1 itself have a power switch? if found my win 4 doesnt detect egpu but recieves power. i have to power cycle the enclosure for it to detect in device manager, not just plugging in😭


From my experience you gotta do that if you turn the g1 first instead of win first via USB, other way should work. For oculink you gotta turn g1 on first and its finicky.


For portability it cannot be beaten. It will run most games well at 1080p, and only starts to struggle at 1440p.


Are you running them on ultra or something? My 780m does 1440p on low settings and that's integrated.​​​​​​​​​​​​


'Most games'


I use my GPD G1 with an Aya Neo 2 sometimes. The performance is pretty good, but it can disconnect sometimes. Fan noise is much better than I see in videos. I use my G1 upright, not lying down on its side. I use it for PCVR and solid 1440p gaming when I need it on a trip. I'm still surprised how well PCVR works with a Quest headset, wired or wireless (don't even use the wire anymore).


The GPD WIN mini & G1 (via oculink) is my primary desktop, and have been since I got them. Being able to play HalfLife Alex on an Index on such a tiny device is pretty damn cool. But it (or maybe my mini) is a little buggy. Twice it just stopped working. The both screens flicker, then all my apps are on the little screen. It is incredibly impressive that Windows handled the failure of a graphics card. If I use the Mini without the G1, the next time I use the G1 I have to: * Re-enable it in device manager. * Unplug and replug the external monitor. I've also tried it with USB4, and that has just worked every time. If I was to do it again, I would have bought a larger Oculink eGPU. While it is powerful enough for the games I play, I use it as a static device so it could be bigger.


never owned one but I don't like the fact that you can't upgrade the gpu. I use a One Dock which is a better option imo since you have the option to swap graphics cards and if you pair it with a low profile graphics card, it's just as portable as the G1.