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I feel like people are putting way too much emphasis on the vengeance part and not enough on the focus of striking down evil. The Hunt is not about self centered vengeance. Edit: That said, I don’t mean to throw shade at the people who think Dantes would work. In fact, I think he actually does mirror Lan THEMSELF in a number of ways. However, if we boil it down too much, we start seeing people claiming all the Avengers would fit, which I think is going too far.


Dantes description and the aoens are a bit too similar. He fits the path quite a lot


Yeah I put it a little farther down too but here’s a description of Lan from the HSR Data Bank: >"With no end to hate and no boundaries to war, how much concern do you shoulder? With determined eyes and the arrow drawn, the Reignbow Arbiter needs not turn back hither." > — Worlds History as a Mirror, Xianzhou >The Aeon known as the Reignbow Arbiter wanders endlessly between worlds to destroy the undead beings that once poisoned their homeworld. >The cost of the hunt was never a consideration for Lan. There is often no difference between the salvation they offer and total destruction. Destroying those who wronged him is a gimme. Believing his actions are just? Considering he referred to himself as being guided by “Providence” (essentially the wrath of God) that box is checked. No regard for who his vengeance harms? Until it started to hurt the people he cared about, true. He happens to have all the qualities of a follower of the Hunt. I think my gripe was mostly on the focus on “vengeance” alone, but looking closer his specific flavor of vengeance is THE flavor of the Hunt. The only difference is that his vengeance is directed at a specific few people rather than a massive faction of countless beings.


Yea i agree with you. My vote goes to dantes


Remind me again, what is Edmond Dantes Noble Phantasm. After that do tell me how does the Hunt character being shown in game?


The biggest faction of Hunt followers is the Xianshou Fleet and all of their citizens must kill Abundance abominations without hesitation or questions. if they were to encounter an Abundance Emanator they __will__ attack it unprovoked and without initiating communication. (on paper, it's been like 300 years since Lan's last sighting when he shot that arrow that killed Yukong's friend. even the most ardent follower like Dan Feng and Blade or that Alchemy Commission leader will start losing faith and turn to heretical experimentation for their own wants)  On the other hand, the next biggest group is the Galaxy Rangers and they are basically space! cowboys that follow their own unique brand of justice that may or may not clash with another member's. doesn't matter though since the Hunt only cares if you stick to your ideals no matter what happens, even if it means getting into a fight and challenging the opposing member to a duel


>on paper, it's been like 300 years since Lan's last sighting Last war happened 30 years ago, Quintet fallout happened before it, 700 years ago. Dan Shu lost faith not because Lan didn't show themselves for so long, but because while they *did answer* Xianzhou call, they killed her gf while at it. (and at least 2 Generals, aka their own possible Emanators, so Lan is the embodiment of "friendly fire" here). >Galaxy Rangers and they are basically space! cowboys It's one guy. Boothill himself told they are all different.


Orion. He's a famous hunter, the grand archer, and his girl is the Goddess of the Hunt.


Definitely more Xianzhou Alliance member than Galaxy Ranger.


Honestly I was leaning towards Orion as in the Artemis version. She’s the EMBODIMENT OF THE HUNT Arguing for anyone else is like arguing that Boothill is more representative of the Hunt than LAN THEMSELF


Atalanta **Alter** for representing BOTH sides of the path based on her hunting ability and her character arc in Apocrypha (pursuing a well-meaning individual she nonetheless believes to have crossed a line). Avengers in general and the major hunting experts like Tell and Orion tend to be on one extreme or the other.


It's Edmond Dantes. Like seeking revenge, ruthless efficiency, strong moral code, etc? That's all Dantes as fuck and while a lot of other servants could probably qualify (I think Raikou could fit), he's still pretty iconic as THE Avenger and so he was the first pick in my mind.


Much as I hate to admit I was wrong, he does fit well. Let’s look at the data bank entry for the Aeon Lan: >"With no end to hate and no boundaries to war, how much concern do you shoulder? With determined eyes and the arrow drawn, the Reignbow Arbiter needs not turn back hither." > — Worlds History as a Mirror, Xianzhou >The Aeon known as the Reignbow Arbiter wanders endlessly between worlds to destroy the undead beings that once poisoned their homeworld. >The cost of the hunt was never a consideration for Lan. There is often no difference between the salvation they offer and total destruction. Destroying those who wronged him is a gimme. Believing his actions are just? Considering he referred to himself as being an act of “Providence” (essentially the wrath of God) that box is checked. No regard for who his vengeance harms? Until it started to hurt the people he cared about, true. It fits TOO well.


I'd say his hunt is a bit more mindless as an Avenger, he also isn't exactly going after anything


And, at the end of the day, he wasn’t simply about killing those who wronged him in his legend. Meticulously and creatively ruining their lives was a major element.


Mm, that element isn't highlighted enough in fgo sadly. Sometimes there's elements of it though


I'll throw my vote in for Atalanta/Atalanta Alter.  Besides the obvious correlation of a *Hunt*er fitting in the *Hunt* type, she has shown herself to be a ruthless and vengeful women even in spite of her moral code to protect and save children.  She was raised in the wild and developed a 'Strong devour the Weak' philosophy. She spares no pity for people who are killed whether it be by monsters, animals, or simple misfortune. She turned a blind eye to the people being murdered by Jack and even scoffed at them.  She embodies her vengeful aspect by transforming into a monstrous Berserker via Agrius Metamorphosis in order to kill Jeanne after she purified Jack.  I will say that this berserk state does still qualify for Hunt instead of Destruction because even in the deepest throes of her hatred, she still retains the cunning senses of a beast.  This is reflected in her skills Self Evolution and Wild Beast Logic. She will mutate her body to any amount necessary, growing fangs, claws, and wings in order to rip you apart. And her Wild Beast Logic means that she is always looking, always seeking for a way to rip out your throat. The moment the Hunter/Beast sees weakness is the moment she pounces for the kill.  This feral craftiness is best shown in her fight with Achilles in Apocrypha where she-even in her maddened state-recognized the dangers of close quarter fight with him and instead pelted him with a swarm of fierce arrows that ruptured Achilles body to just block. She never let up for a second until his heart stopped beating.  Literally, she could hear his heartbeat from across the entire battlefield and heard when it stopped.  As for gameplay wise, Atalanta Alter is very much a glass cannon. Besides that, she's a crit Berserker who has a massive 110% crit damage up for a single turn for her Buster letting her deal serious damage. Her only other steroid is a 50% Quick mana burst which makes her NP hurt. Basically a 2-shot cannon. She's going to crit, she's going to NP, and then she's going to die.  The glass cannon moniker does fit when you consider her NP is literally her turning herself into a cannonball and hurling herself at the enemy. 


Orion, Atlanta or William Tell. People saying Dantes because of a single optional word (revenge) are just so wrong.


Edmont Dantes hands down. Single minded pursuit of vengeance? Determination of Steel? That man is a perfect Hunt character.


Cu Chulainn seems the obvious choice here.


There are two important elements to the Hunt path. One is seeking revenge against injustice, punishing those who have done wrong and (theoretically) deterring others from perpetuating the same evil. The second is that strong moral code, the idea that those who follow the Hunt are indeed on the side of righteousness and will not commit further evil in their quest to right the galaxy’s wrongs. That’s why the Aeon of the Hunt, Lan, is called “the reignbow arbiter.” And yeah, The Count of Monte Cristo *mostly* fits that description. I’d argue that in the original novel he wasn’t as careful about NOT causing collateral damage as a true Hunt follower should be. But whatever. He still mostly fits. Especially in the context of FGO’s story. I think Dantes wins mostly by default, though. There just aren’t that many other Servants who fit the Hunt path. Sure, there are a handful of Servants who stand for righteousness and/or who have anti-Evil traits. But none of them really have the obsessive determination to doggedly pursue their prey no matter how long it takes. Not like a true Hunter would. I feel like, in order to be true to the Hunt aesthetic, we should be looking for an archer or a gunslinger… But dammit, none of the Archer Servants fit the Hunt path nearly as well as Edmond Dantes does!!


>he wasn’t as careful about NOT causing collateral damage as a true Hunt follower should be. Ironic. This kinda makes Lan fail at his own Path, bc while his followers are precise single target, Aeon themselves goes for AOE and is know for massive collateral.


So does everyone agree Edmond Dantes fit?


Only half of it - the “retribution” part. The part involving hunting monsters as a skilled craft isn’t really his thing.


Tbf, Fate Edmond hunted down Roa and slew him, so there's that.


Actually, (OC2 Spoiler) >!It was revealed that The Count was responsible for putting down the Beast of Gevaudan and Theodoric the Great, going after them specifically after they were wreaking havoc.!< Combine that with >!him being responsible for Roa’s death in Fate timelines!<, I think he fits in that regard.


Not the same as a dedicated career in hunting. You could argue any powerful servant with a noteworthy kill is a “hunter” in that case (eg. King Arthur).


It's not just about the kills, though. It's about why and how they made the kills. King Arthur's feats of slaying beasts from various myths/legends are merely exploits to showcase his greatness. He wanders upon these beasts or is requested to slay them, and so he does. Dantes >!actively goes out of his way to hunt down and eliminate these threats, for the purpose of making his revenge more satisfying!<. If anything, >!his elimination of rivals that could bring Fernand worry, so that he could be the sole thing on his mind, is something a hunter would do to make the kill all the more satisfying!<. Also, let's not forget that Arthur (our Arthur) in particular is indeed a hunter of the Beast in FGO. Though he may not have slain it just yet, the mere fact he's going through several worlds lines with the intent of putting it down is enough evidence of such.


Maybe Kagekiyo or Tametomo? I feel like they have different aspects of the Hunt in how they operate from in-game versions to their lore.


Finally someone said Tametomo


Y’all forget atalanta


She got knocked down a peg or two for having a noble phantasm that caused collateral damage


I mean that's what kinda Lan do to, his arrows cause collateral damage kek


Yeahhh, that's the thing with Lan actually. THEIR arrow brings both destruction and salvation canonically, wiping out both THEIR followers and followers of the abundance.




Super Orion was first that came to my mind.


Gonna throw a wild card in with **Calamity Jane** specifically because there's a subset of The Hunt followers known as Galaxy Rangers. The Galaxy Rangers being a cross between bounty hunters and vigilantes, chasing down the worst of the worst and bringing them to justice. Calamity Jane would fit in well with that crowd, and also probably the second form of Space Ishtar but I'm sticking with Jane as my pick.


Then, given the Avenger-gasm in this thread, wouldn't Jane's partner Spishtar also be a major candidate? >She proudly recognises that the good deeds of individuals that are "right", secret rejoicing them, and scowls with hostility at the bad deeds of individuals that are "cruel", boldly insulting them. (And if the person is a villain, she mercilessly squeezes their assets, life and fate out of them.)


She would also work, but I'm more likely to place her as the Pathstrider for Equilibrium considering her whole trinity good/evil thing going on.


Hands down Edmond, the First Avenger would fit pretty well in the Path literally made for retribution


Wasn't the First Avenger Angra Mainyu?


Maybe, but dante fits the bill as the default avenger better




well I already have an Idea for Voracity. ALTER EGO KIARA


My pick for Voracity and Propagation was Kiara and Mara respectively, since they mirror each other in both canons.


Actually a pretty decent choice.


That is so accurate and now I can’t unsee it Thx for that…


Orion, people saying Dantes are funny asf


Cu Chulainn, this time seriously.




While I'm certain there's plenty who qualify, I cant think of anyone more fitting for the Hunt path than Edmond Dantes. He's THE avenger for a reason and commits himself fully to that once he has a target in mind. Only other person who could also qualify is Scathach.


Atlanta or super Orion


Orion, hands down


While not really a “servant” what about Romani? >! Spends every minute of his wish to be human to hunt Goetia !<


First thought is Atalante Alter.


You can't pick Orion without picking Artemis, Atalanta, Chuculain, and Tell lol. And even if they all have skillcraft to hunt... they still lack hatred for their prey as OP described above. But Count of Montecristo is the one and only. It took him years to hunt and plan a perfect scenario and a fitting end for those who wronged him to match his own satisfaction.


I think he has no shot at this one, but I'm gonna nominate Proto Arthur for this slot. After the events of Prototype he has literally been jumping around timelines hunting Beast VI.


This Path just fits best with Avengers in which case, either Edmond Dantes or Monte de Cristo would fit it it best.


Saliery still want his revenge agains Mozart :D


Im glad that we all agree it's Edmond Dantes


I vote Super Orion!


Super Orion.


Definitely Orion and/or Artemis


William Tell anyone?






Voting for Orion


Orion, straight up.


Edmond Dantes


The way of the Galaxy Rangers would be Robin Hoods path so I vote him


Definitely Edmond Dantes.


Artemis. Literally Goddess of the Hunt.


The monte cristo fan in me wants to say Dante’s but I have to go with Artemis, literal goddess of the hunt, and her single minded devotion to her husband and turning his cheating bear hide into a pin cushion. As the saying goes; “hell hath no fury”


orion as a hunter, and he has easy access to arrows which is lan's specialty. But if I were to say who would be the coolest. gotta be cu or skathach, basically any of the gae bolg wielders due to it being an instant death, kill you regardless of what you want to do spear once you chuck it.


William Tell??????


Ig Musashi saber should be hunt as she is single target and goes to different timelines and galaxies like Galaxy Rangers


If you don’t choose Artemis the GODDESS OF THE HUNT or Orion you’re honestly insane. 


It’s the Vengence that they both lacking


I dunno Artemis was pretty vengeful when someone insulted her mom or when Orion was flirting around


Everyday this pops up, I get reminded that we can't comment using pictures here.


William Tell might be the best option considering his story, character and actions during LB3, even his NP is good for the Hunt


Xiang Yu, only for the looks tho.


Cu Chulainn or Kama. More tending to Cu Chulainn tbh


Koyanskaya, maybe? She loathes human beings and is ruthless in dealing with them, but she tries to be incredibly efficient, fitting her role as NFF's CEO. And while I wouldn't call it a moral code, she's unwavering in her code as a businesswoman, always honoring her side of the deal, even when it screws her over in LB6. She also fits the desire for revenge and the desire to extinguish (human) life. And who fits the Hunt better than the Beast of Taming?


I'd say Orion, isn't he like THE Hunter in Greek Myth?.


You'd think these would be pretty cut and dry considering there's actual gods of said domains within the cast, like Artemis.