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This guy was the biggest corrupt asshole on earth. I could give a rats ass if he is holding a dead sign. Fuck him. Source.. AZ resident.


It's sad that so many right wing extremists are so vocal about their GD fandom, they're not a crowd I want to associate with.


I was standing in line for a phil lesh last year while coming up on some lucy. The boomers in line were spewing the most vile maga shit ever. Ruined the vibes of the show for me. When I first got into the dead, I was expecting a welcoming group of hippies. Instead its trust fund kinds cosplaying as homeless and maga boomers. Hell, the metal shows I go to are more welcoming and inclusive


I'm a boomer Dead fan and those people disgust me. I know none of the band members or crew agree with them. It seems to me that a lot of them are fans from the 80's and not the original fans from the 60's and 70's.


I'm a mid-50's fan from the 80's on, and none of my crowd were right wing. I can't think of a single right winger I met at a show or life in general. But just like with the weed scene, these trash have become pervasive in recent years, and they spread their hate and intolerance in all of our names. It's not generational, it is societal across all ages.


I think it may be where you live. I’m from California about an hour east of San Francisco so if I went to a show in the Bay Area I bet it would be more left leaning and “hippie” people. 🤷‍♂️


You've never met a right winger in life???? Ok, lol. Possibly the most ignorant thing I've read today. Typical. 🙄


I wish! Wouldn't that be a great world to live in? :) My point, albeit vaguely worded, was that I hadn't met any right wing heads at shows or elsewhere. Wish that was still the case.


Ahhhh yes - the party of tolerance 🙄 I personally don't associate with any lunatic libs and I assure you mybfriends and I have gone, and still go, to lots of shows... That world sounds miserable actually - someone has to actually work, start businesses to create jobs etc for the world to function. Grow up.


Sure thing snowflake.


What is an example of this hate and intolerance?


This you? "Claim she is trans, they will roll out the red carpet!" "The left is doing something about it, BIGOT! They have their foot firmly on the gas pedal trying to sexualize and trans-ize every kid as fast as they can!" Although in fairness, that's pretty mild for the other trash you support.


Is that hate? NO! It is pointing out insanity. Nobody affirms mental illness such as eating disorders. If they did, then a lot more people with eating disorders, confirmed mental illness, would be dying. No, you don't affirm mental illness you reaffirm reality so they can break out of their fantasy. I suppose tolerance is watching men redefine women's and girls sports.


ATP the original fans are too old to go to shows for the most part lol


We may be older, but at least we got to be a part of the REAL DEAD SCENE, and most of all, we got to see the greatest guitar player and human being, ever to exist....Jerry! Miss Jerry and Brent every day..always Grateful..Peace and love to my Dead fam out there..❤️⚡💙🎶


Hey no disrespect intended. Nothing wrong with getting older. Just pointing out that many of these “old heads” at shows these days are more than likely actually touch heads, not the OGs. Jealous of what you got to experience!


Oh boy do I remember the Touch Heads my friend 🙄..that's when the low key, very quiet and respectful crowd started to become a bunch of drunks wanting to hear Touch..my favorite nights were when they didn't play it during an entire three day set of shows 🤣..sorry, I can be vindictive, lol..nice talking to you my friend..stay safe..much love to you and yours..Peace bro ✌️🎸🐺💀💨❤️⚡💙🎶


Ugh. My least favorite song — I mean, it’s ok, but so overplayed that I just skip it when it comes on.


lol, that reminds me of the Laguna Seca show when they were taping the Touch of Gray video after the show... We kept hoping they would play a few extra songs since we were all out there dancing as extras for the vid (that's me at one minute twenty two seconds and 24 frames but don't blink or you miss it) Instead, they kept cuing up TOG endlessly, over and over and over... a few bars here, a few more there, for hours. At least those shows were fantastic. Can't complain there. Glad to take part in such a crazy part of Dead history too I guess... (mixed feelings of course because that video's release marked the untimely end of intimate shows at places like the Greek, Marin, BCT, Radio City, etc) In any event, I had been at the shows when they introduced the tune back in 82, then on the tour where they played it almost nightly. By the time the vid shoot rolled around I was already hoping for Day Job or anything else instead... but after that night, I have almost a reflexive impulse to take my bathroom break every time I hear it. Pavlovian response. Can't help it.


Imagine believing because someone is in theor 70s they are just automatically "out of rouch". Lol. Holy hubris. Ignorance of youth never ceases to amaze me. I'm 52 btw so save your boomer insults.


Huh? Think you misunderstood. I was saying that people around your age were likely those that started going to shows in the 80s or 90s, while those that were seeing shows in the 60s and 70s probably don’t get out to shows much anymore due to their age. I know I don’t see a lot of 70-80 year olds in the crowd personally. Not saying there’s anything wrong with that, just more so stating an observation.


Lol - that's true 😁 apologies sir, thanks for the kind reply 😉


Amen, brother!


yeah like if you were going to shows in the 70s you're probably close to or over your 70s as well.


im.a boomer, and I don't see what he posted. I do know some idiots who are..but I don't associate with them much.


The Dead were apolitical anyway.


Metal shows tend to be amazing. Folks are super tolerant about sharing space too


Despite liking to gatekeep about sub-genres (“that’s not real progressive blackened death metal”), I’ve found metal scenes to be super welcoming and accessible.


That's half the fun of hyper specific sub genres


There’s a huge difference between post-GD iterations and actual Dead shows. The scene and vibes at real Grateful Dead shows were second to none.


Idk, I've always been in some real cool audiences for DSO shows, but those were in Asheville, can't say the same for elsewhere


It still is nowhere near the energy of a Grateful Dead show. Honestly I felt better vibes at a D&C show lot/audience than I did DSO (though, musically, I love DSO way more).


Yep. I started going to shows as a teen in the 80s. Even the people destined to be the above DB were cool because the vibe just wouldn’t allow douchebaggery.


What did they say??


I’ve been to plenty of dead and company and local cover bands and am in one myself, I’m sure the maga heads do exist but I’ve yet to meet anybody that wasn’t extremely nice, a few drunk people that are a little belligerent but that’s about it, I like to think the dead attracts some fucked up people because it’s the only music that’s pure enough to reach through to them, maybe I’m just too high tho haha


I figured you were going to say Tucker Carlson was in line.


Go to a rainbow family gathering or find the local new age regenerative farm scene gathering. I feel like the music world has become big business and the wholesome community has been mainly replaced by weekend warriors cosplaying characters. I think the shows are too expensive for the wholesome crowd to show up so now it's filled with people who want to buy this experience to say they were there post some insta pics to show how wild their life is. Rather than showing up to have this experience that comes out organically for the love of the music.


Have you ever been to a rainbow family gathering? Because everything I’ve heard and read is a nightmare.


Stay away from Rainbow Gatherings! All those free-spirited, open-hearted, healing circling, djembe-banging, fire-dancing, neo-pagan, hairy tree-hugging hippies, with their magic hats, no money/guns/alcohol policies and zero recognition of leadership (except for those Elders and their damn talking sticks)! I tell ya, drinking corporate beer with a good Christian partner in the safety of a densely-packed urban environment is def the way to go!


I couldn't agree more my friend..it wasn't like this in the 80's and 90's, now it's just for the rich, who ARE NOT true heads..Jerry wouldn't approve AT ALL!..maybe it's why Phil, and especially Billy, walked away from the cash grab the rest of the band has become..now you only need about 10 grand to go see ONE show at some futuristic Sphere?..an absolute joke imo..you could've caught an entire summer tour back when for less than that!..miss Jerry and Brent every day..always Grateful..much love to all my REAL Dead fam..stay well all..❤️⚡💙🎶


Cry more


Phil charges higher prices than anyone


And they are all over the facebook groups. 😔


I was standing in line for a phil lesh last year while coming up on some lucy. The boomers in line were spewing the most vile maga shit ever. Ruined the vibes of the show for me. When I first got into the dead, I was expecting a welcoming group of hippies. Instead its trust fund kinds cosplaying as homeless and maga boomers. Hell, the metal shows I go to are more welcoming and inclusive


I've never felt unwelcomed at a dead related show. Also never felt unwelcomed at a metal show, so I don't know what that was supposed to mean.


Common perception.


It’s odd because the Dead despise authoritarianism.


"Aint no time to hate / barely time to wait." clearly is not what they hear during UJB


I really don’t care what people’s political leanings are. I simply refuse to look beyond someone’s past simply because we share similar tastes in music.


I care about people's political leanings when it is used to justify being an absolute garbage human and harming others.


A guy likes a band boo hoo


i’m pretty young and i remember getting into the dead i was like “do all these hateful old folks even hear what i hear” lol. and then i remembered no, they don’t, and they are gonna keep being hateful and annoying about it no matter what you tell em lol.


How so very tolerant of you!


Tolerating injustice is complicity, it enables the injustice to continue. The right wing in this country are vile insurrectionists who want to force women to give birth to unviable fetuses even at serious risk to their own lives, expel immigrants, criminalize homelessness, burn books, and force their superstitions on others.


How many people have you legitimately talked to in person that believe that? Talking in absolutes like that is dangerous and doesn't help anyone. Just because someone believes original right wing principles, doesn't mean they blindly listen to the direction the current party has taken it. I know people that lean right and disagree with everything you're assuming they believe. I feel the biggest disconnect amongst PEOPLE (not politicians) is the Left automatically assumes everyone that isn't with them is FAR right, while so many boomers on the right assume everyone on the left is FAR left. Now there are exceptions, but I've found from talking to people that most are good and we actually agree on more than you would think.


My entire extended family has become that way and are insufferable as the majority of their conversations when they gather is in support of this vile garbage. My wife lost her best friend of over 30 years to this right wing nonsense -- she tried and tried to retain the friendship, but the friend went off the deep end and refused to maintain contact. It's more common than you're giving credit to. Have you not seen the vulgar flags that so many of them fly? Not too many years ago that would have been unheard of except for the rare nut, now you see them everywhere in some places.


Wow, never considered that before. You are indeed a free thinker and true champion of justice!


Same with that dork Tucker Carlson


I just learned Tucker is supposedly a deadhead. My first thought was he somehow missed the point of going to dead shows.


There's no "point" in going to dead shows lol It's music and fun goofball. If you decide to ascribe a grander meaning to them, which many of us do, that's your prerogative.


Signed. AZ resident.


might be photo shopped I've been to cactus Jack's and the hut countless times and never bumped into him. the birdcage, only a few times.


We don’t want to be associated with this guy


Is this picture of the previous AZ AG? I’m confused, current AG is Chris Mayes correct?


Yes.. This was the previous AG.


Goddamn. I thought the samurai swords meant he was one of us


A corrupt politician?! Say it ain’t so


We got more than one or two stains like this in our midst. As a resident of AZ I can tell you I would not be particularly kind to this here fella if given the chance. He can fade right the fuck away. Edit: If you saw the news yesterday about the 11 MAGA fake electors that got indicted yesterday - it only happened because the guy you see above lost in the last election (by the less than 300 votes!) - had he not that would never have happened. This guy is bad bad news for the world and not someone we should celebrate. At all.


Thank you and other AZ residents here for enunciating that this guy is trash.


He would probably point you out to security for hiding a J in your sock.


His punchable face just screams 'narc.'


This is great to read because I look at the pic and think why does it use the color scheme and format for a MAGA lawn sign?!


I, too, thought "why the fuck are there dancing bears on a MAGA sign?" Glad others have clarified that this dude is not a person to be celebrated.


Mark Brnovich. Former Attorney General of Arizona and all-around scumbag. Spent his tenure fighting against environmental protections, LGBT rights, etc.


He was also a lobbyist for the Corrections Corporation of America. That's the most evil possible thing you could lobby for. Fuck this dude.


Ain’t no time to hate.


Speaking out against hate isn't hate, it's necessary.


Like punching Nazis


It's the least they deserve.


My favorite Dylan line: Don’t hate anything at all except hatred.


Watch me


Ah yes no time to hate someone who wants to take my and an entire community of peoples’ rights away. Wants us dead & eradicated. Don’t really wanna die so I will always speak against these evil evil individuals. Maybe you and the rest of the MAGA inbreds need to LISTEN to the ACTUAL lyrics & message of the band you say you love so much.


Blessings brother! I guess my motto is just love and kill them with kindness. Trying to stay away from the negative vibes.


Its unfortunate, but that doesn't work when people are trying to take your rights away. You either fight back, or lose your rights.


That has been my motto for a long time & it still is in every other circumstance but these politicians who wish for the bottom 99% to suffer by turning the lot of us against each other. Its a lot to maintain when people like this are screaming at me to kill myself, screaming the trans “40%” statistic at me (which isn’t accurate), t-slurs & f-slurs hurled at me, etc all on a regular basis. I’m at risk every day I try to even leave my house to do mundane tasks, and if I come across the wrong person I could be in immediate danger. Can’t kill them with kindness if they just want you dead. Blessings to you as well and don’t forget to register to vote & vote in all elections if you’re in the US! It starts at the local level. “One way or another, this darkness has got to give”


True that! If you plant ice… Hope you have a great day! Nothing wrong with fighting the good fight for sure.


Some of those that boof doses, Have the MAGA psychosis




Was I supposed to read this in the melody of killing in the name of by rage against the machine ?


Fu*k that absolute clown.


anybody who displays a samurai sword upside down is an assclown, i don’t even need to know his politics


I see you have studied the sword




He's clearly very confused and yet to listen to the music play.


He’s a POS mobbed up evangelical sociopath. No brethren of mine! 🖕


This guy is the antithesis of what the Dead stood for.


Fuckin prep school hippie trump font dog whistlin custie motherfucker


Az deadhead here, fuck this trash bag. Get off my bus.


I’m a deadhead who happened to be born in 1956 turned on to dead at 15 never been right or left just far out man,🐳


What show did you see in 71?


Well, if you were ok with the Dead existing outside of Prison in the 60s and 70s you definitely leaned left at some point. Maybe you're just avoidant of admitting or analyzing what your politics actually are. Denile ain't just a river in Egypt. 🤷


I see we have a "Keep on Trucker Carlson" Head here.


I've argued with like 5 people today about that mf in the scene ALONE. One dude literally was unironically calling himself a conservative hippie...


John Perry Barlow would probably have called himself a conservative hippie as well. Although based on his writing and interviews, I think it is safe to say that he would've also appreciated the irony too.


I mean cool but isn’t this guy a bit of a douche?


He's the whole damn douche factory. This is one of those "In Bloom" scenarios Cobain talked about.


So proud of my fellow Arizonans denouncing this scumbag.


Arizona sure acts very ungrateful lately.


Boo Arizona, Boooo


There’s Ann Coulter on the bus as well so no surprise.


We have a photo of young Tucker Carlson next to Jerry too.


He’s a bozo


Is the c*nt with the nunchucks? Lol, fuck that guy




Some got six months; others one day


I see Norbert the Narc ended up becoming the Arizona AG.


Yeah this is what touch heads turned into.


Dead heads are apolitical. I’m sure this poser sucks


Fuck this guy. He should be exiled from the community.


Him and Tucker Carlson can get a first hand report on lot justice. Air that 12 hour special on your fox News assholes.


Sick dojo!


Fuck this guy


Would be cool if he wasn’t a piece of shit


He’s a conservative shithead. Don’t give him any credit.


I have no political horse, elephant, or donkey in the is race, but it seems like everyone is bashing this guy but no one has given a reason aside from his political party. Seems like the exact opposite of tolerance and inclusivity.


That beard is sus…. overthrowing the US government and subverting democracy is not very Grateful Dead




Sorry but Wu-Tang is forever.




AZ ain’t hetty 👎


Right on, python!




The nunchucks guy!


https://youtu.be/JO-wZykVHDY?si=w4umDCfi5jr5o0Ha Mark’s sweet nunchuck video


This asshole isn’t even AG anymore


On 6/23/84 the Mayor of Harrisburg declared it Grateful Dead Day. I still have the flyer that was going around (somewhere). A great fun venue but, aside from the giant cloud of dust swirling all night as people danced, an unremarkable show. Still a grate trip and phun time!


# 1984-06-23 Harrisburg, PA @ City Island **Set 1:** Alabama Getaway > The Promised Land, Peggy-O, Little Red Rooster, Brown Eyed Women, My Brother Esau, Big Railroad Blues, The Music Never Stopped > Don't Ease Me In **Set 2:** Touch Of Grey, Estimated Prophet > Eyes Of The World > Drums > Space > Truckin' > Black Peter > Around And Around, Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad > One More Saturday Night **Encore:** Keep Your Day Job [archive.org](https://archive.org/details/GratefulDead?query=date:1984-06-23)


Heaven help the fool!!


I’m the co-creator of Presidents are Temporary so it’s cool to see it spread like this.


this guy is kind of a piece of shit,no? it's like when shit-for-brains donnie plays CCR at his stupid fucking rallies. shit,Tucker (never worked a day in his life) Carlson claims to be a Deadhead. and he interviewed Phil at one point.




Fucker tarlson used to play up his dead head ness. It's like star trek. I'll never understand how far righters like it either. It probably lies on their uncanny abilities to be willfully ignorant of reality if it suits them.


I don't watch star Trek but I'm a huge star Wars fan and basically the entire community is fucking SOO TOXIC. Aside from hating everything that's come out in the pats ten years most the critiques I hear are just bigotry and people getting mad about how "woke" Disney made star Wars even though George Lucas is a stanch liberal and did things like make anti Trump ads and promote the Obama campaign and even admitted to basing the enoire off if the US government under right wing rule. The idea that anyone can watch the Skywalker saga and walk away a sexist, racist, white supremacist is beyond me. But yeah definitely reminds me if the dead scene in that way that it itself is about as progressive as can be but somehow so many "fans" manage to just COMPLETELY miss the mark.


Yeah same thing with star trek. There's been numerous star trek reddit subs shutdown for hatespeech. It's awful.


Definitely relatable. I literally saw someone in YouTube saying the new star Wars acolyte trailer had "too many women and colors"... I don't even know how tf to react to that...


Jesus. I know a lot of it is hostile actors to the west looking to start trouble and to get us to fight one another, but it doesn't explain it all. Even xbox reviews are full of the type of nonsense you just described.


So much hate in here with these comments… it’s unhealthy to be so easily triggered. Thankfully it’s a microcosm of this sub bc at this moment this post has 966 upvotes to 162 comments (most of which are hate), that’s almost 4/1 likes to dislikes.


This comment section is a pretty good representation of Reddit. In real life, you encounter a lot of good hearted and friendly folk. Come in this comment section and find all people with hearts full of anger and hatred. Hope you guys all find the peace you’re looking for.


I live in AZ. I can call a fucker a fucker if I feel like it. He's a fucker. I don't give two shits if he likes the Dead.




Yeah, fuck you.


Just saying… it can be helpful for people with a lot of anger.


So for good measure you're saying everyone deserves total positivity and acceptance? What about nazis? And white supremacist? And murderers? And child rapists? And sex traffickers? There's a lot of fucking people who deserve the worst in their day to day life and this process of shit is one if them. If you're gonna try to act like the bigger person while shaming people for hating on a fear mongering corrupt politician you're just ignorant.


I mean yeah, I would put this guy above *checks notes* nazis, rapists, murderers, white supremacists and sex traffickers 😂 is this satire?


Wow. You would? Cause I sure as shit fucking wouldn't... Here's a short list of just a few of the things this man has gone out of his way to do over the last decade... 1: Shortly after taking office, Brnovich sued the Barack Obama administration for its Clean Power Plan, a carbon emission reduction initiative intended to reduce climate change. 2: In 2017, Brnovich filed an amicus brief in support of ExxonMobil after the company was issued a subpoena by the Attorney General of New York in an investigation into whether the company had misled investors about the risks posed by climate change. Brnovich's brief defended ExxonMobil and claimed that there was no scientific consensus on climate change 3: In 2021, Brnovich joined 11 other states in suing the Biden administration for calculating a social cost caused by climate change (rather than just market costs). 4: Brnovich opposed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and signed on to lawsuits seeking to invalidate the law. Brnovich argued that the ACA is "deceptive, ineffective and eventually unconstitutional." 5: Brnovich filed a lawsuit against the Joe Biden administration after the administration halted construction of a wall on the Mexico–United States barrier.Brnovich argued that the border wall was needed because of the adverse environmental impact that migrants might have 6: In 2015, Brnovich backed a Louisiana amicus brief before the Supreme Court which argued that states should be allowed to prohibit same-sex marriage. 7: After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that prohibitions on same-sex marriage were unconstitutional, Brnovich instructed Arizona's child safety agency that only married heterosexual couples should be allowed to adopt children.  Arizona Governor doug ducey disagreed with Brnovich's legal advice and instructed the department to overturn the policy. 8: In 2016, Brnovich announced that Arizona would join ten other states in a Texas lawsuit against the Barack Obama administration which had directed public schools to allow students to use bathrooms and showers based on their gender identity 9: In 2017 and 2018, Brnovich defended the right of businesses to refuse to serve same-sex couples when the act would otherwise infringe upon a business owner's religious beliefs. I couldn't make this shit up if I wanted too. This is like Darth sidious level fucking evil right here.


Yeah man I’ve gotta be honest with you. I don’t think any of those things are anywhere near as bad as the people you listed. But I’m not the arbiter of good and bad.


IN real life. Lots of people had their reproductive rights taken away or severely diminished. There are lots of good hearted people but politicians do affect real life. I think most heads regardless of political world view just want to be left alone to find that peace you are referring to


Pretty good scope of it all. Reddit is a place where the worst of humanity gets to pour their garbage out into the world anonymously. Whether it’s liberals or conservatives, they hate each other and get off to the weird game they’re ensnared in.


Sure man, the Grateful Dead, famous well behaved lovers of authority. /s Read the room bruh.


I don’t need to read any room, I have my own opinions. Watch any interview of reporters trying as hard as they can to get Jerry to talk about politics.


Absolutely! It’s an absolute shame that so many buy into the left and right propaganda so much they honestly hate each other. Not only that but they’ll downvote your comment which further proves your point. Both sides are full of shit and aim to keep us all divided.


Sounds like you walk around with rose tinted shades, real life isn’t Mayberry and never was. Is there some anger here? Almost certainly, but it’s more than that too. It’s frustration, at people within our system working so hard to divide our country. It’s betrayal, by those sworn to guarantee our rights to all of us no matter class, race, or creed. It’s fear, that the moderate middle class is too placated by technology and modern convenience to go exercise their rights and make a difference. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the people here saying exactly what they don’t like about this guy and his policies. If you like him and what he stands for that’s your right, but it reeks of hypocrisy and fraud if you ask me.


I do like George Jones and Andy Griffith. But I don’t like this guy, I don’t give a shit about him. But people here are comparing him to rapists and sex traffickers.


Yeah those comparisons, while passionate, ultimately aren’t constructive. It’s harder and harder these days to stay constructive but that’s what needs to be done if anything is going to improve.


Agreed, thanks for that ✌🏽


Everyone gets to listen to the Grateful Dead. Everyone. Weir Everywhere. We do not need politics in this sub. We need music


When they come to take your rights should we all just shrug and say "just listen to the music play, maaaan"?


Sure. But for decades I've been going to dead shows and they have openly endorsed dems and advocated for people to register to vote for them for decades. It's fine if you are an old school republican. I think these people are referring to the maga/fascism crowd. I don't agree with the majority of republican policy, but there should be no place for Maga policy in America, at all. I feel the same way about radical leftists though too. The extremism is the problem.


Yes everyone gets to listen to the dead. Everyone can also voice a valid argument saying fuck him because he's an objectively bad human being who purposefully makes other peoples lives worse for his own gain. Kim Jong un could be a deadhead and I wouldn't have to like it because he's an objectively horrible person. If someone is a literal stain on humanity they don't deserve any respect.


Yep. It’s just Reddit


They are just trying to be gatekeepers. They have a hard time believing that the girls they danced with on the grass at Shorline or tripped with at Red Rocks might have been (gasp!) right wingers. I know a lot of Deadheads who were on the right then and now. The music and the scene speaks to lots of different kinds of people.


Conservative or right wing people can both enjoy the music and also at the same time support politicians that are objectively doing terrible things. Spoiler alert. Left wing people also support shitty politicians. Half the population in many states have had their ability of self determination taken away. They can no longer make medical decisions about their own bodies or even consult their doctors withouth facing jail time. But you think people are upset that they danced with people with a different world view.


MAGA: Make America Grateful Again (Edit: I should probably state that I hate the orange menace)


Out on the road today Saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac A little voice inside my head said Don't look back, you can never look back. I thought I knew what love was, What did I know? Those days are gone for ever I should just let them go but... America. My love for you will still be strong, after the orange asshole has gone.


Imagine playing music with Henley...god that'd be a soulless straightjacket 




So much love from and accepting culture 🙄


Yeah these folks are so tolerant and open-minded lol


I refuse to tolerate intolerance. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=The%20paradox%20of%20tolerance%20states,practice%20of%20tolerance%20with%20them.


I expect this is a doctored image and a hoax post


Oddly enough, it's real.


oh dear


Definitely tripping.


So this is what happened to the touch heads 🤣


People here wanna claim to be loving and supporting yet if you don’t support everything they support, they say you’re less than human and should fuck off. Idk this guy so I’m not saying I support him, but y’all need to calm down and actually be the accepting loving people you put on the facade of being.


When you make a living fear mongering, revoking rights, and purposefully hurting other peoples lives for personal gain you don't deserve respect or to he treated like a person. Hitler was a bad person. Kim jong un is a bad person. Stalin was a bad person. Donald Trump is a bad person. Joe Biden is a bad person. Jeffrey Epstein was a bad person. Dan Schneider is a bad person. Some people are just objectively bad people with no moral compass relating to anyone or anything but themselves. This man is one of those people and he doesn't deserve to be treated with respect. We don't just disagree with him politically he's a rich corrupt politician who profits off ruining peoples lives, if you wanna tolerate that you have issues.


Never have I seen a more legitimate take on Deadheads. They’re more of a political cult than some group of peace and love hippies from the ‘70s. Creepy shit for sure.


You say this as if the hippies weren't protesting the war and corrupt politics. Tolerance and acceptance has always depended on the resistance of intolerance by all means necessary. If someone is an objectively bad person and is profiting off ruining peoples lives then sitting around and doing nothing is pretty fuckin shameful. I think that the hippies who spent their time involved in the civil Rights movement would agree.


Some things that I believe are true about the Grateful Dead and its fans, having seen shows continuously since 1980. And some things I think about this post and the ridiculous comments. The Grateful Dead are an American Rock and Roll Band and personify traditional, historic, American values of freedom and liberty. Wave that flag! Grateful Dead Fans come from all walks of life, and live all over the world, and are wealthy, middle class, and less well-off. It's hard to distinguish between these people when they are all wearing tie dye. Grateful Dead Fans are freedom-loving people who want to express themselves and consider it their right to dance badly and enhance their concert experiences. Grateful Dead Fans find a way to afford to go to concerts that now routinely cost way over $100 a ticket, and many of those fans will pay $500 or more. Some are still looking for a miracle. There are many politicians who are Grateful Dead fans. Some of them we agree with, and some we don't. Some of those politicians who love the Dead are Republicans, and some are Democrats. Some are Independents, Libertarians, Marxists, Green, etc. The same goes for the fans. We are all Dead Heads and anyone who uses the term 'Touch Head' is best ignored. Are you better than them because you started seeing shows before 1988? Do you tell people how many shows you've seen like it's a contest? That's lame. No political party can ever lay claim to the Grateful Dead. You don't own the Grateful Dead and don't project your values onto them. They are now 'elites', and that wasn't the case back in the day. They are all multi-millionaires and have private jets and large carbon footprints. They are not you and you are not them. They are wealthy musicians who could do shows for less money but they choose not to. JMay wears $100k watches FFS. Jill Lesh is the Anti-Christ. IMO the band went in the wrong direction when they did 'Dead for Obama'. I was there for that and it was slobbery - I did vote for Obama, twice, however. I have a ton of friends who get all their news from the NYT and MSNBC and love the Grateful Dead. I have a ton of friends who get all their news from Fox and Tucker Carlson and love the Grateful Dead. They all love the music and the people in the scene. The fact that someone you don't like is a fan doesn't matter. Do you really want to hang out in an echo chamber? Maybe. Some are sober, some aren't. Some are delusional. I used to vote Democrat but after what they (and Biden - who I mistakenly voted for) have done to our rights, economy, our kids, our borders, and our justice system I will never vote for them. Dead and Company enforced ridiculous vaccine requirements that (most) knowledgeable people know (and knew) made no medical sense. And they forced their road and stage crew to wear useless masks while the band performed mask-less at outdoor venues in front of thousands of maskless people who somehow survived. What a shocker. They made us line up for hours to get our papers checked, but somehow we didn't have be 'six feet safe' in the show. But I will respect your right to vote who you want to vote for, marry who you want (or not), sing along out of tune, pass out in your seat, and all the other things. I hope you have fun... ...As long as you respect me for my love of our Constitutional Republic (it's not a 'Democracy'). I own guns, oppose most abortions, am anti-censorship, and don't want our kids to be exposed to porn in schools And whatever you do, don't judge me. But feel free to vote me down, IDGAF. I will be voting for Trump this time so we can regain some freedoms that we are slowly losing to tyrants. And I will be going to the Sphere for some shows. I still try to see 5-10 shows a year. See you in the GA Section.