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You should be fine. You might see a slight return of symptoms. Once you get back on meds things should return back to normal. Just an FYI, if you can make an appointment at the Walgreens take care clinic, they will do an emergency 30 day fill.


Thank you for the response! This makes me feel much better. I actually had the issue at Walgreens, so I feel apprehensive to take that route, but it's helpful to know that's an option in the future.


Personally, I put in an order for more carbimazole when I still have 100 tablets left, so I wont actually run out even if the pharmacy encounters a delay for some reason. But anyway, two-three days without medication should be mostly fine, as it takes a while for your thyroid levels to change,


Can you ask your doctor’s office to send a new prescription to another pharmacy? Hopefully another pharmacy will have the methimazole in stock.


Yeah in ireland we can ask for an "emmergancy" supply for the couple of days. Try not to go without. Once your levels start to get out of wack it can take weeks to get back on track - it's just annoying more so than anything!


Most hospitals should have some. While you should be fine, you will likely feel more anxious. Can you take your script to a hospital and ask for 4 days worth?


I've already started to feel anxious and fatigued. I'm thinking this is the best option and will head over to have them fill a few days worth. Thank you for your response!


All the best.


Just speaking from personal experience, I definitely missed a lot of doses even when I was at 40mg a day. My levels are all normal now and I didn’t go into thyroid storm.


Could you go to an ER to get an emergency prescription to hold you off? I'm so sorry you're in this position. It's not great to quit methimazole cold turkey, so if it's financially feasible, try and see if an ER will help? There may also be some affordable 24/7 telemedicine options depending on your insurance that you can check out?


Thank you so much for the information. I have definitely felt weary about stopping my medication cold turkey. Another responder suggested the same course of action, so I will likely see if the hospital can fill a few days worth. This is the first medication I have ever taken, and had no clue that you can get an emergency prescription from the hospital. Super helpful to know!


I hope all goes well! Good on you for being proactive about your health!