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I actually agree with this.


Dipper vs. Manliness was one I didn’t care for but it grew on me


Why tf aren’t all the weirdmagaddons in s tier


I think the first one sufffers a bit by the fact that it Has to be set-up. Also im not the biggest Gideon fan "apart from Gideon rises that was excllent" I like it when he affects the continuing story rather than jsut being a filler villian. But weirdmageddon 1 was exclennt it was a good set up but it was still set up- if i ranked all of them as one episode it would be between sock opera and blind eye


no way in hell is stanchurian candidate below roadside attraction /j


well thing is while i hate the focus on masculinity in Roadside attraction and dipper vs manliness. It does taleast feel in character for both dipper and stan but Stanachurian? Like We had a WHOLE SHORT about the fact that stan cant go 5 minutes without lying. and now the problem is hes too honest?. That be like if mabel really wanted to win waddles did that and loved him and then waddles would terrorize the town and so she sends him away It feels ok when you watch the episode because off the specific context but when you think about the rest off the show you realize its off. Stanachurian feels like they asked an intern to write it. people complain that roadside attraction feels like fanfictiion, and that Little gift shop and bottom less pit dont feel canon. But too me stanachurian just seemed like bot an episode. its still pretty good like i dont disliek any gravity falls episode i lvoe them all but stanachurian is the one i like the least. gags and so were decent tho


don’t get me wrong, i don’t think stanchurian candidate is a super good episode either, but i think it warrants being above at the very least roadside attraction for the gideon and bud content. their shenanigans hard carried the episode way above anything that’s in roadside attraction to me


eh tbh ive never been huge on the gleefuls.dont get me wrong. Gideon rises is EXCLLENT A MASTERPIECE. But i think that gideon is much better when hes an actual threat not a filler villian like he is during Little dipper,thee deep end or stanachurian.


I would demote: Dipper and Mabel V.S. the Future to A tier, Into the Bunker to D tier if it exists, Scary-oke to B tier, Summerween to C tier, Boyz Crazy to D tier, The Inconveniencing to F tier (I hate that episode), The Love God to D tier, and Roadside attraction to F tier. I would promote: Pretty much everything else into A or S tier.


wow like thats alot of changes. Ok first I think theres No BAD episodes of gravity falls id take the worst gravity falls episode over an average normal cartoon episode. Ok so for dipper and mabel vs the future i have to explain i basically see weirdmageddon as One massiv emovie with dipper and mabel vs the future starting it. so i rnaked the weirdmageddons basically on how good of acts they were. as for into the bunker why d ? I think into the bunker is perfect It sets the tone for season 2, starts the laptop arc which leads to bline eye and sock opera AND it concludes the dipper and wendy crush plotline in the best way it could . Her rejecting him and telling him hes too young the entire point of that arc was " dipper has a childish view of romance thats never gonna happen" And that ep concluded it. Scary-oke was also great as a set-up to show the new status quo and a welcome back and having stan reveal to the kid sthat he does know. Summerween is just pretty good foreshadowing. It shows the eventual conflict of " dipepr wnats to grow up too fast and mabel doesnt want to grow up AT ALL" Inconvieciencing... yea i can get it up like i like it. its the best the friendgroup ever gets Imo and the scene where dipper and wendy bond is just.. its just nice to let dipper know that he has someone who kept this secret. Also like gruncle stan watching that movie was AMAZING ITS JUST LIKE MY LIFEEE in a way As far love god " I EAT KIDS" do i have to say more? and roadside Does have issues but i really just think stanachurian is worse


Honestly even after reading the comments I don't get the hate for Roadside Attraction and Dipper VS Manliness. DVM has some funny gags and considering it's the first Dipper-centric episode it does a great job at establishing his character and his struggle with his masculinity in a way that felt relateable. RA is a bit of a weird break in the action of s2 and doesn't really serve much purpose, it's also a bit contradictory of Dipper's characte to act so childish this far into the show, but it had some cute moments and the writing was really great, albeit a bit pointless. If they really wanted a romance episode which tackles Dipper's masculinity, we would have been better off just getting another Pacifica and Dipper episode imo :\


you basically exactly stated my opinions i dotn think its "bad" per soi i jus tthink ist weird to place it at this pooinb. the retcon in j3 did help a bit and i love the athmosspehere and concept but idk. Ig if it was like between sock opera and soos and the real girl. Or if the motivation to find a rebound was the deleted scene version ( where mabel embarassed him infront of 2 girls) id like it more co sits a vobe just. not a really great vibe. they basically make dipper "cuckold macho dipepr" for an episode


I really like The Stanchurian Candidate, The Love G-d, and The Golf War, but overall I agree with your assessment


yea like none of the episodes are BAd itws jsut some are not that great like the 3 of bottom 3 still have 1 thing i really like. Dipper vs manliness atleast has teh message that toxuc masculunity is bad but like ik ig its just me being a transgirl and for a long time ntot having gotten the point of the episode as a kid and desperately tried to be " more masc" but yea and roadside atleast has dipper apologizing but my problmem with the stanchurian candidate is. Well i think it doesnt fell like stan. Like the whole truth teeth short was about the fact that stan cant go 2 sentences without lying . and now the problem is that hes too honest? Why not have stan lie and thus get alot of attention but dipper and mabel are worried that him lying will cause him to be hated cos he cant possibly do all that he promises? So having them sabotaging him and thus loose the election and the moral is manipulation is bad. as both dipper and mabel AND stan used it. Or have stan candidate aganist ford and ford go by stanley because they think stanley is stanford?. It would definetly fit the opening of basically being another ford being a better stan theme that culminates in weirdmageddon 3. I did like them listing his crimes tho.


Finally some Boyz crazy appreciation, I see everyone hate on it but it's always been one of my faves


Bottomless pit in s is crazy


How so? I thought it was an incredible little "anthology" if you will. Each story was unique and funny, with a good plot, and the final ties back into the central plot of the episode... whats not to love?