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[Source!](https://www.justjaredjr.com/2022/07/08/exclusive-disney-channel-debuts-theme-song-for-new-chibiverse-series-watch/) Disney is apparently making a bunch of these shorts as part of a whole new show and there's gonna be Gravity Falls ones as well. We live in a strange timeline where there's no art book, but Chibi Grunkle Ford may soon be a thing.


10000% Alex isnt involved in any of this




🙂 Edit: Yeah, fuck me for trying to brighten the mood. God, y'all are truly insufferable.


They don't have to pay the OG voice actors with these either.


I think it's been said that this show *will* have voice acting even though the previous shorts didn't.


Oh yeah Disney is going to milk that shit. Just like Cartoon Network did with the Powerpuff girls and Nickelodeon with Spongebob


I thought y'all wanted Disney to milk Gravity Falls. Why do we always back and forth on this? lmao Edit: Damn, 60 downvotes. This sub really does get offended way too easily. Touch some grass.


That depends on who you talk to, doesn't it? I wouldn't mind seeing more content in some form, but only if some of the actual creative team was involved in it. (Like with the graphic novel.) Wishing for "season 3" (as people incessantly ask Alex for), or even a movie or something, ignores the fact that Gravity Falls was made by a whole team of people, not just by Alex Hirsch alone. The things we loved about the characters and the story were created in collaboration, and other creative voices made Alex's vision better. That team is now scattered, and it's almost impossible to imagine getting them all back together -- or even getting enough of a chunk of them back together, so that the resultant project would actually feel like the Gravity Falls people remember. This Chibiverse thing just looks... very lightweight, is the kindest word I can use for it. I mean -- whoever is making it doesn't even know Gravity Falls well enough to get the hand on Journal 3 right (they gave it FIVE fingers), or to realize that they've drawn the symbol on Stan's fez backwards. If they can't even get one of the most basic and important details of the show right (the six-fingered hand on Journal 3), then how well are they really going to write the characters?


Maybe because it's intentional/for some kids?


"For some kids" is a terrible excuse for something to be sloppy. Especially when it's a show that's including a BUNCH of shows that never dumbed themselves down just because they were aimed "at kids". Like, you know, Gravity Falls.


I really don't want to sound rude, but what are you on about? The Chibiverse is obviously made for kids and is clearly non-canon. It's not that deep.


What I'm on about is that I don't like sloppiness, even in things "made for kids". Don't disrespect kids like that. The makers of Gravity Falls didn't. And the other thing I'm on about is directly answering your question implying that everyone really wants Disney to milk Gravity Falls. In case what I wrote was too long: no, not everyone wants Disney to keep "milking" Gravity Falls. Wanting some more quality content isn't the same thing as Disney ripping off properties it has the rights to, without input from the actual creative teams that made people love those properties.


The way people assume that something being “made for kids” is a good excuse for that thing sucking is distressing.


I'm not disrespecting kids. Kids will love this. Hell, I'll watch them just to see what they're like and which characters interact with whom, I love crossovers. But I genuinely don't see the problem with these Chibi shorts. It's not like they're destroying the lore their respective shows set up or anything like that. These are just made for pure entertainment purposes, nothing more and nothing less. They will also nicely serve as a way for younger audiences to become interested in other shows that they weren't into before. It's not sloppiness, it's extending the brands. If I see Stan interact with Louie Duck or perhaps see Perry the platypus and Mabel grabbling hooks, I'll consider those massive wins. At the end of the day, I'd rather Gravity Falls be a part of this Chibiverse than not. Especially since they're just harmless shorts made for fun.


i don't see why people act like it matters if the original team is there or not cause u know Its all filler now anyways the story of gravity falls is done either want more filler or don't but their no more story


It's hilarious because this sub would bitch nonstop if Gravity Falls weren't included.




This 100%. I hate believing in the 'manchild' stereotype, but damn, these people make it really hard not to. Plus they make actual gf fans look bad. It's quite hilarious and sad that people are always heavily complaining about lack of content. And then when content comes, they throw ragefits when (*gasp!*) it's kids content from a kids show. People have really forgotten that Gravity Falls is and always will be a kids show that appeals to kids. Then they bring up the 'bUt LoVe GoD' thing for the thousandth time and still act like it's fresh info even though the episode is fucking over seven years old. It's a shame to see what a predictable shitstorm this entitled fandom has become. They actively want to look for things to complain about and harass people on. Happens to every fanbase after a show ends, unfortunately. But anyways, surprised you weren't immensely downvoted in your comment like I weirdly was.




Why? Genuine question.


Because he was the creator, executive producer, one of the main writers, and did the majority of voices on the show.


Well yes, that is true, but it's clearly a non-canon series of animations meant for kids. I'm not sure why he would be involved.


This high intelligent guy was talking the language of facts, but some fans are definitely not using brain


No kidding?


10000% Chance of me blowing my brains out after watching it then I guess


jesus thats a bit extreme


Talk about an overreaction to a damn chibi show


This is good, but it's missing the important question: What is the connection between Bill and Hooty?


The voice actor


Isn't Hooty voiced by Egoraptor? I think King is voiced by Hirsch.


Nope both are voiced by Alex


...Huh. Well, that's pretty weird! It definitely sounds like an Arin voice to me, but it looks like he just does some minor roles on that show.


Hootys voices is based off of the face of the Disney company


Voiced by Alex. He was doing a horrible impression of Mickey Mouse, Dana found the voice hilarious and wanted him to do it for Hooty as well.


They’re both voiced by Alex


Where'd you get that idea? He's not listed as a VA for any of these shows.


I'd love to hear them voiced by egoraptor, though. Alex is a great VA, but it would still be fun to have others "as well"!


Voice actor, and they're both eldritch interdimensional gods.


Pleaae god no


Damn, Anne from Amphibia is also getting done dirty on this


Why do I hear infinity war music?


“On your right”


I'm more concerned that he's found a link between Hooty and Bill. He's about to crack the fourth wall!


He'll break the fourth wall no matter how tall infact he's just gonna BREAK THEM ALL! (iykyk)


Anne: Oh yeah I remember you I totally killed you in frog form Stan: ...


Alternatively, Anne: Do I known you? Stan: I do not think so. Why you ask? Anne: There is just something about the way you look, sound and act that seems familiar, but I can not put my finger on it.


Also Kim possible is going to be there (the bald hamster from the show could be seen there(forgot his name)). There are also a bunch of characters from diffrent disney musicals aperantly?


Rufus is a naked mole rat.


His name is Rufus. And he's a mole rat.


What about Todd and Riley Daring from The Replacements tv series? Are they in Chibiverse too ?


why is Dipper blushing?


Why is Webby blushing?


This is my new favorite ship


Grunkle Ford's charm comes from his grumpiness and his grizzled appearance. Chibi-fied grunkle Ford is just wrong.


Isn’t that Stan?


I mean, that's not the ONLY thing that is charming about Ford as a character. (How quickly they forget how much people really liked seeing his goofy, nerdy side in DD&MD.) You could also say the same thing about Stan (grumpy and grizzled), but Stan is way more than that, too.


Bruh Dippers figuring out connections between Alex Hirsch VAd characters, he's gonna figure out that he's in a cartoon


More proof owl house and gravity falls are in the same universe


Disney: we will literally butcher anything we get our hands on and create a half alive thing out of the remains


Fans makes multiverse wohoo were so creative:Disney makes multiverse oh my god there just milking it at this point


Fans usually do it for free for the fun of drawing. Disney, from this still, looks like it's using a very simple art style to pump out shorts as cheaply as possible. That's "milking"


Ok it has a simple art style that’s what Chibi is


You... know these are non-canon and directed mainly at kids, right? Right?!


If I get the chance to talk about how crap Disney is, I’m taking it


Even when you're very exaggerant, like here? lol


I mean have you seen the r/fuckdisney subreddit? I honestly have no idea what the hell is going on over there lol, and I mean Alex and Disney really didn’t seem to get along so in that sense I think it makes sense


Calm down son, it's just an animation.




Well put, I’m so pissed.


That pic of Hooty behind bill lol


Why are people hating on this? This seems like a light-hearted fun idea


To speak my mind, it's just a crossover to get a little attention from those "average GF fan" , because it's really little chance that it will somehow affect the GF lore or the show itself. Considering it's Chibbi verse,I am starting to think that the voice actors won't be the same,so that's probably why people hate this; as 1 guy here said " It's just a show made for kids" , something like that and I fully support his idea


In the shorts they already made the characters usually only grunt, but they still kept the originals VAs


Because they’re milking characters and shows they cancelled against fans and creators wishes. It’ll be animated like crap (hence that Chibi style) and have probably little to no voice acting. I doubt the original creators are even involved. It’s Disney cannibalizing itself to save a buck. I liked the Chibi shorts, they were fun and cute promos. A whole series is just a slap in the face to anyone who wants new real content from these shows and Disney won’t do it. The OP mentioned above the GF art book, a real project they had green lit and were working on before Disney pulled the rug out from under last minute and now we’re unlikely to ever get it. Disney sucks.


It is, though I hope it is entirely or at least mostly new content and not just a series version of the shorts package specials they've already done. (If that is what it is, it would basically be a glorified clip show special series with the only new content being framing stuff and without many actual crossovers.)


This looks fun! Just throwing a bunch of characters into a blender and playing around. I'm not expecting anything serious here, just some fun comedy with preexisting characters, and I'm down for that.


Yeah the only thing I'm concerned about is if this is just the art style or if this is one of those obnoxious pre school versions of the characters type shows


Well this is interesting to say the least. I wonder where Mabel is.


Only reason I’m watching it Also I wanna see frog dip and Mabel and the ducktales quartet meet


How are they going to voice Stan without Alex?


Because none of the Chibi characters have voices?


I see


some give me context... what is Chibiverse




Why is that a problem?


Idk why fans are strict about the project that is designed for kids and clearly made to milk fan's attention




Hmm, it's unlikely to happen, because it's like non-canonical(hope so) project. Anyway , new people= new ideas, but in reality it's usually like turning project into the nightmare, because the process mustn't stop ,so new employees don't have time to do fit in with the past ideas of the project,so when most of newbies are in, they just do what they think is right, especially it's 100 true about managers and directors. I wish it was like in Cybersport, when Team( in our case company) will stop the process, let the new guy get along with the partners and atmosphere in the team, understand the play style, tactics, ideas, so he can replace old specialist.




Welcome to Disney corp,we re milking and killing franchises, Star Wars is great example




That's a shame bro, I was upset with Mandalorian,they ve killed their culture, but it was in cost of the plot,but damn, they could just create some other OC ,like bandit or pirate and make a good story




These are clearly non-canon?


Too bad disney is freakin removed its airing here in the Philippines


I knew it. Hooty is Bill Cipher's reincarnation CONFIRMED!!


I wonder if these characters will be voiced by their OG voice actors? I’m also curious to know if Alex knew about this lol


is that hooty???


*please*, this chibi series is adorable


I need a chibi soos and/or bill in my life


Chibi bill sounds tough, think he'd just have an even bigger cutsie eye


Non-cannon fun crossover? Now this… this is good




omg its webby. *steals*


There’s a lot of heart put into those chibi shorts. Glad they’re capitalizing on it




ITT: a couple people upset that a kids-oriented show will be (big shocker here) appearing in animations for kids. Man, this fandom sometimes. lmao


Think of all the great things Bill and Hooty could achieve together!


As long as they connect it to Ricky & Morty some how I’m ok with it




Gravity falls, Amphibia and the owl house: all extremely dark (for the age rating) and mature shows that tackle issues that most non kids show take on and show graphic scenes like torture, death and even a character getting impaled by a sword Disney; haha silly baby kids cartoon stuff we can profit off this It’s annoying that no matter how hard people prove that kids can enjoy mature cartoons they still only care about this lowest common denominator crap


Exactly. I’d upvote more if I could.


Noooooooooooooo!!! Not like this!!!


Please no.


The what verse?


Grunkle Stan looking a lil terrifying


Chibi dipper is scary


No. Nonononono! I don't want this! this is horrifying. This looks exactly like the weird-quirky sequels that Disney always does


Leave hooty out of this






Please no. Don't turn the show into another teen titans go or thundercats roar which ruined the franchise


That was my first impression. It’s the Disney version of CN lowest common denominator juking up its own properties. Both kids and older audiences deserve better than this.


Well said


I don’t… like it. I’m happy to see a revival of the show, but this is not a lot of appreciation for what otherwise are some great shows. Kind of feels like Disney is just milking people who crave new content in these shows.


This will be terrible. God damn it, Disney.