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If you can only eat 1/4 of a 12$ double cheeseburger in a sitting, first off, you're a bitch, and probably can't do a lot of basic things in life, but also, that means you've got 3 big meals left in your carryout box, at 3$ a piece. Maybe the pansy should get a single slider from White Castle, or just not eat hamburgers if they don't have the self-control to handle it.


They prb ate all the fries first, rookie mistake. Damn Europeans need to read the strategy guide before they come over here.


The fries don’t save well, but the burger does. Fries first.


i'd say the opposite is true. you can't really save a burger once you've taken a few bites out of it. fries on the other hand are single units.


What? The burger tastes the same 2 days later, the fries are soggy in 2 hours in the fridge.


Both can be saved, slam fries into an airfryer for like 3-5 minutes and they are nearly as good as new sometimes even better cause more crunch.


I still just have a toaster oven and it makes fries better than they were the first time


If your toaster oven has convection than it’s also conveniently an air fryer


It doesn't but that'd be cool. My mom really wants "one of those big air fryers with racks in it" I said, "So a convection oven?" And she was like "....no?" Still working on that one


as someone who does this, this is a lie, they are never better, they are not nearly as good


I do it too pretty regularly, I have only had the fries turn worse once but that was human error leaving them in too long, its literally a numbers game. If I put the fries in for 3 minutes they always tuen out either equally as good or better cause it will have more crunch. But it also depends on how good the airfryer is. My old one I had to leave them in for 5-6 minutes since it was a worse model but even those were then nearly as good as new.


It depends on how you reheat it and what sorts of toppings were on it. Yeah, a patty on a bun, with lettuce, cheese, onions, tomatoes, ketchup, mustard, and pickles reheated in a microwave is going to taste like shit. I've "perfected" the art of reheating burgers and will leave it here for anyone to see. Plain burgers reheat much better in the microwave, the sauces and toppings just make the bun soggy, so when you're done with the burger scrape off all the toppings. Surely if you like those toppings enough, you have some at home. Now, first, you want to remove the buns from the patty, because surely everyone knows bread gets ruined in the microwave in seconds. Second, toast the buns in whatever way you can. Air fryers, toaster ovens, and actual toasters work. If your bun has some leftover cheese or whatever on it, don't put it inside the toaster and instead place it ontop of the toaster so it's covering the top and gets heated that way. Third, heat up your patty in whatever way you see fit. It will probably have cheese stuck to it, so the microwave is probably going to be the best choice but you can experiment with an air fryer or toaster oven. Make sure you don't heat it for too long at a time, especially in a microwave, go in like 10 or 15 second intervals and then let it sit for about the same time. Finally, your bun and patty should get done roughly at the same time since toasting will take longer than microwaving a patty. Construct your burger, add your toppings to it, and maybe add some normal sliced cheese (or shredded if you want) because microwaving the cheese gets it thin and melty usually. Now, you *can* just put the entire burger into the air fryer or toaster oven. That said, I find having control over the buns and patty separately leads to much better results, though takes a bit more effort (Not necessarily more time since heating your bun will probably take about the same time or even less time than heating the entire burger)


Let me use this opportunity to invite you to the church of the air fryer.


Or even, an oven. But of cheese, some sauce and bam. New dish


Clearly you don’t own an air fryer


You can absolutely save half a burger and microwave it later, fries will become a gelatinous mass within hours though


Surely with the amount of preservatives and salt, that burger would be fine in a years time


Half the fries, half the burger, second half of fries, rest of the burger


Yeah exactly this. It’s true that you can’t box up the fries/reheat them as well, but you also don’t want to fill up on carbs before eating the burger. That’s why when chicken wing places do all-you-can-eat wings and fries, they’re very generous with the fries but bring the wings out like 4-6 at a time - they’re banking on you filling up with carbs early so they don’t have to give you as many wings.


Respectfully I disagree, throw those bad boys in the air fryer and they are good as new!


That’s true but tbf most tourists prob don’t have an air fryer with them


Once again the europeans need to learn the meta before coming over, always have a air fryer with you in the USA


As a European, I was raised to finish my plate and that not doing so was disrespectful toward everybody who couldn't eat in the world. It was framed as resources wasted in a world that already didn't have enough.


That wasn’t exclusive to Europe. It was a weird trend in the 80/90s, because I guess parents collectively forgot about Tupperware and to-go boxes briefly


I swear they have the constitution of a small Victorian child with TB.


On some Barnacle Boy shit.


For real, euranon has either: 1. Never left his mother’s basement, and/or 2. Is too regarded to figure out how “left overs” work.


A toaster oven or air fryer can really bring leftovers back to life, but the one I heard somewhere and have sworn by ever since is throwing leftover pizza in a dry pan and grilling it up. It re-crunchifies the crust, and the radiant heat melts the cheese on top just enough.


When the pan is really hot, put a few drops of water next to the pizza slices and put the lid on. The steams helps melting the chesse and prevents the pizza from getting to dry.


That's right, that's another part of it! Steam is a great cooking tool. When I bake soft pretzels in the oven, I throw a handful of ice cubes into the actual oven as the pretzels go in. It delays the formation of the crust on the bread, allowing it to rise more. Also, cooking eggs low temp with a tiny bit of water in the pan makes a great 1/2 poached, half over-easy texture that gets the yolk right at the butter zone consistency, and its slow enough that its hard to mess up.




The customary European lunch is two cigarettes and Aperol Spritz. Go easy on them.


Wait, euros have a drink with ice in it?


Europoors be like, “I shall take this home and provide my family’s daily meal”


Hr has the self controle to not over eat like a retard and stop when he is full Guess thats a foreign concept for u


Self control to handle a burger, kek


If you get a tummy ache, you're not good enough at feeding yourself.


Dude... when I go somewhere to eat, it isn't to then eat the same reheated thing 3 meals in a row later. Even more so when it is one of the unhealtiest meals possible. Also, It isn't a contest. I'm not speed running cardiac arrest. I'd like to have control over how much I eat, please?


said it like a true 300+ lbs champion


[ ](https://c.tenor.com/VB0BfGA7neYAAAAC/tenor.gif)


Why do amerifats think that carry out is such a great bonus? Twice reheated corn syrup slop and cold fries that I can eat at home, awesome!


>waaaaaaahhhhhh, there’s too much protein on my burger >i miss my mashed peas and unseasoned chicken… >how am i supposed to eat this? there’s no soy mixed in! https://preview.redd.it/vjk4e1qs085d1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be3dcfc5ae7d568e2bae14d625e3068748e2a1f


Right? Like, it’s one thing to bring up obesity, which is pretty fucking valid, but they constantly whine about being given large portions of things as if it’s insulting to them or they’re being force-fed. I feel like this is what happens when your continent hasn’t contributed anything culturally significant in 200+ years and you’re just riding that high like a former high school quarterback working at a gas station.


“How much you wanna bet I could throw this football over them mountains. Yeah, if coach woulda put me in 4th quarter, we would have been state champions, no doubt.” —Uncle Rico, Former High School Quarterback


Vote for Pedro


Yes, that is a line from the widely-known movie they quoted.


I see you’re drinking 1%. Is that cause you think you’re fat? Cause you’re not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to.


So Dont Vote for Pedro?


And to be fair, America has a massive leftovers culture. It's pretty common to take what you don't eat from a restaurant home.


>I feel like this is what happens when your continent hasn’t contributed anything culturally significant in 200+ years and you’re just riding that high like a former high school quarterback working at a gas station. Bruh what? You're honestly an idiot if you believe this. Americans really think they invented everything huh. You do know the internet and the TV were invented by the Scots right? Most of modern medicine was the Germans too. .... Holy fuck we are a dumb ass ignorant country.


Yeah lol, wtf. 50 years would be more accurate, but even then thats pretty dubious. 200 years is BS though. Like the entire 19th century was full of European innovations cultural and scientific. The latter half of the 20th century is when the US really shines: the more recent the timeframe the more prominent the US is compared to Europe. Generally at least. btw the foundations for the modern internet were largely accomplished by ARPANET, a US DoD project (but with collaboration with the UK and France). idk where you got the internet being invented by scots from


More specifically the world wide web, html etc. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Berners-Lee. First web browser. First http protocol etc. perhaps the base work was some obscure telephone based communications system, Tim put all of it into a usable format for most people.


I didn't see this comment when I replied to your first one, so thank you for the clarification. But to add to this, the Internet was not telephone based. In fact, its earliest proposals were created as solutions in the event that a Soviet attack on the U.S. could destroy the telephone system. They wanted an independent technology based off early computers so communications could be made without the telephone network.


retard, one of the main reasons you people are obese is because your portions are fucking gigantic.


It's a cultural thing. In my country it's seen as very wasteful not to finish a meal, or at least 90% of it. The large portions don't help with this.


This is how usually is seen in Europe. Either wasteful or rude to not eat all, and pretty normal in restaurants to take home the leftovers. Thus, the portion sizes are smaller, mor economical.


First, it's not a force-fed problem. It is a waste problem combined with a health problem. The US has a world record of obesity for a reason and is one of the most wasteful nations in the world while also one with the proportionaly biggest starving population in the occidental world. I hear your argument about cultural significance, however, and I must admit that, in terms of cultural impact, we can not compete with the one of the US this last century.


The point is, this is exactly why so many Americans are fat fucks




Wrong 'jak you fucking nusoi twitter immigrant. \>haha look its /pol/jak seethe, I love those hecking woah jacks!! https://preview.redd.it/sqev0gz2q85d1.png?width=730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7262b3216ec1875e97d739e897875073b849fe98


Sharty users need to face the wall


I went to the USA, after tasting your food it's no surprise everyone is obese it's that fucking good


loaded to hell with salt and artificial flavoring meant to make you think you just did cocaine


I fail to see the problem. I’ve got my credit card out about to carve me up a line of smackdonalds.


yeah that’s what i mean it’s glorious


They play it really fast and loose with food standards in the USA; quite a lot of the stuff they use is actually banned in most developed countries, gives you a tastier and cheaper product but it's part of why they have worse health outcomes and a lower life expectancy.


I want the hawaiian fruit punch so much cant find it in my country


r/snackexchange yw


The US is ranked third globally in terms of food quality and safety according to the Global Food Security Index. They’re just behind Canada and Denmark.


Not sure where you’re getting your info from, [the USA is 13th](https://impact.economist.com/sustainability/project/food-security-index/) They also have chlorinated chicken, salmonella in their eggs (hence needing refrigeration) and a _fuck tonne_ of corn syrup pumped into everything


The USA is 3rd in terms of food safety and quality. That’s why I said food safety and quality. You’re referring to overall which includes affordability, availability, and sustainability.


The US is very strict with food, and we ban things other countries don't. US ranks very high in food quality.


Nowhere on earth has better food than the US. We have taken every possible cuisine on the planet and carefully crafted it in a lab to be the most delicious, addictive, endorphin-pumping thing imaginable. Except British and Irish food. There is nothing you can do to make that palatable.


Regarded take


The American cuisine is just the British cuisine that got way out of hand.


That couldn't be more wrong. American cuisine is based on what poor people really WANTED to be able to eat in the old countries. Italian in America is a great example.


> We have taken every possible cuisine on the planet and carefully crafted it in a lab to be the most delicious, addictive, endorphin-pumping thing imaginable. I've seen american goulash. That is not an improvement. That is a war crime.


Why do Europeans act like you’re being forced to eat all the food in one sitting? I will never understand the notion of complaining about being given a large serving of food. Like, if you won the lottery would you be like, “no no zis is too much monies please take eet away!”??


There’s a comment above yours raising a point that could answer that question: who’d want a leftover half-eaten fast food burger in their fridge. All in all it boils down to cultural differences I guess.


why wouldn't you? easy breakfast


Consider this: you dont want to eat garbage 4 times in a row but also dont want to create leftovers. Fresh food tastes better than reheated food. It simply comes down to moderation. Id rather pay 6 bucks for half the burger and fries, finish it and the next day i can eat a proper meal again, that wont turn me into 400ibs lardass within a year.  This way i either have to eat it in a worse state with the same calories or it creates food waste which sucks.


The mistake is that you think that halving the food will half the price. That's not how it works. If you halved the food your 13 dollar burger would now be 12 dollars, because 90% of the costs are labor. That's why the food is the size it is, so you get acceptable value for your money. It's not supposed to be a one meal thing. America is rich, most of the money we spend on things is forcing lazy well off people to actually do work, because if you spent any less they wouldn't.


If people actually exercised then eating this and eating the left overs even if it was 4 meals straight wouldn't be a big deal. All I see is Europeans talking about being healthy this and that when in reality there all mostly skinny fat. Are they healthier than the obese people ,well yes there's no arguing that. But generally they aren't all that healthy or fit.


We were raised hearing that waisting food is disrespectful toward everybody who is starving in the world and that eating the same thing multiple meals in a row was unhealthy.


In eu you eat the stuff you ordered at the restaurant. I never and have never seen anyone bring food from there at home.


Be me Go to Europe Eat some brown bread What the fuck is wrong with you people?


Brown bread is great tf you on about


Cheesecake Factory makes great brown bread, I only go there for the bread


You can't be talking with your shitty detergent smelling bland tasting sugary white bread


i love when the yuros get triggered


We’re all American here lol


That's just what the welfare Americans and children eat. The rest of us know about bakeries.


Be me, Go to America, Buy some "bread", Tastes like a slice of cake. What the fuck is wrong with you people?


“Wahh! Le stúpid Americans are eating le bürger, I wish I was back in Laueuxuex province dining on snail jizz and baby ducklings that are thrown into a vat of sulfuric acid while still alive!”


**For Brits:** *“Oooii! Bloody Yanks are eating hamburgers with too many chips. I wish I were back me own in West LancastershireKingstown where we ‘ed proper British meals of bland beans and sausages with a piece of stale bread.”*




Live anon's wrist reaction: https://preview.redd.it/4vz0579qt75d1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d441c8b0bc3a0724a790c25b446f74116246345b


too manly


Be merican, go to yerope, go to restaurant, order 48euro meal, get plate with one cracker, one pepperoni and baby cheez wheel with sprig of rosemary, 1/2 pint glass of slightly fizz water, eat meal in one bite, throw back water in one swing, now more hungry than when i sat down. Get insulted by waiter, leave café. CuLtUrE


Either that or some disgusting French dish made by curbstomping birds and throwing their children onto a bonfire while forcing their parents to watch.


Unnecessary cruelty and sexual depravity are the defining aspects of French culture.


Don't forget cowardice. French babies come out of the womb waving a white flag.


I had so many eurofags upset when I said traditional French cuisine was the most depraved of any cuisine after mentioning Ortolans having their population reduced by over half by Froggies forcefeeding them grain and drowning them in cognac after plucking their eyes out


At least other nations have the decency to kill the poor bastard before doing depraved things to it’s corpse.


From all the Americans trying and failing to mock European restaurants, I can say that you, sir, are the closest to the truth of restauration here in Europe.


Fake: Anons burger came with "burger sauce" for $12 Gay: Anon wanted meat in his mouth


I agree. Europe is a supremely fucked up country.


"Went to a burger place and didn't like it. Well, time to eat in another burguer place."


I hear Europeans fancy themselves superior in intellect and logic solving skills.


Why did he eat another burger


He’s in America


Anon discovers why American Adults are built like M1 Shermans and their offspring are the size of chest freezers. >Ameritards eat burger the size of a dinner plate >"No wonder they're so fat" Literally Einstein reincarnate. A true genius of our time


Dude. You don't have to eat it all. I mean, it's not like the waitress is gonna punch you in the face if you don't finish it.


No but some of them will give you a [paddle spanking](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_Attack_Grill) "The establishment is a hospital-theme restaurant: "nurses" (waitresses) and "doctors" (waiters) give "prescriptions" (take orders) from the "patients" (customers). Each patient dons a hospital gown and wristband before ordering, and those who do not finish their food will receive a paddle-spanking by one of the "nurses" with the option to buy the paddle afterwards"


Well that's unfair. That's a place known for bad food. They outright use their customers dying in your building for advertising Also it's las Vegas. I'm surprised they even have customers with all the cocaine


The wine in the IV bag is hilarious, and so is the art on the walls.


And they said hospital food is too bland.


The place is literally named Heart Attack Grill where people over 350lbs eat free, the fuck were you expecting? A kale smoothie with a light salad? Their whole gimmick is trying to kill fat people to then use as marketing to attract more fat people to kill. Their CEO literally carries around the Ashes of their dead spokesperson and supervillain monologs about how, "When I was a nutritionist, nobody listened to my message of being healthy. Now I'm showing health in a different light, instead of a fit individual, I showcase obese, depraved individuals with no self control."


The amount of salty Americans in the comments. *chiefs kiss*


“Chief’s Kiss” Now I can make fun of Europe schooling system too 😀


The butthurt is too strong... OP created a monster.


If you can’t eat it all you can just pack it up and take it home for later, fucking idiot.


What kind of place gives you a large loaf of bread with a kids' meal? If he's referring to the bun than this anon must have a tiny mouth.


Anon gets winded trying to finish a single White Castle slider


Anon should shut up and learn to Bigmaxx


I don't know if the meals in America are really that big or if he's the rat from Ratatouille


they have to be from france that’s the only type of european who would be afraid of a large sandwich.


They're that big. Source: am American.


Anon acting like fast food doesn’t exist in nearly ever single country on this planet


The fast food in the rest of the world has actual human sized portions


i dont get why europeans are so proud that they pay a similar amount for a quarter of the sandwich. Like mcdonalds HQ is not thinking “Yeah they are skinny make their big mac smaller”. They are saying “How small can we make our food in this country before it starts to piss people off?”


I don't think it's pride, I think it's disbelief that you guys eat so much at once compared to the rest of the world.


mcdonalds is standardised both in pricing and size all over the world really so no.


> American, 6 foot 6 inches tall. > Go to Paris restaurant and order escargot > name sounds like “cargo” and its expensive so it must be a rather large meal > it is 4 tiny little snails for $40, eat them in 1 bite each, still hungry. > ask to see the dessert menu > Options are a coffee for $9 or a cigarette for $5 > Order the cigarette and it is a tiny little cigarette for women and I smoke the entire thing in one hit, no exhaled smoke. > Order more food and the entire restaurant erupts in laughter, pointing out the obvious tourist > Arrive home to the states 20 pounds lighter with no money left


This little bitch eats a quarter of a hamburger then has to go lay down lmao


Hey, he's built like a rat who's never left the basement, it took all his energy just lifting the burger, much less digesting the one bite he took


What a shitty story. "I wonder how I can shit post about America" "Haha cheeseburger big" That will show those fat Americans *Begins furiously typing out random fake story about America and cheeseburgers* "Incoherent nonsense" "I'm so smart. I bet everyone will laugh at my witty clap on American cheeseburgers relation to it's decline as a capitalist nation. " "Post fails on 4chan for obvious reasons so also posts it to reddit" "Is gay"


then they go eat beans on toast


Anon goes to eat fast food slop and is surprised that it is fast food slop


Anon is eurotrash.


So many overeaters triggered in this thread.


What is this Eurotrash talking about with "large loaf of bread," like that's not a thing I've ever seen in my 30+ years of eating burgers, jackass can't handle a bun?


>European burgers are smaller than happy meals Are Euros just dreadfully impoverished or what


The European mind simply cannot comprehend American pleasures




It’s either eat it all or wastefully throw away a huge burger which has been bitten halfway. Overall it just sounds like a lose-lose-lose scenario


I don't know about you but I like looking into the fridge and realizing I have that bomb ass chicken from a couple nights ago just sitting there. It's the same as when you don't eat all the food you make at home and store it for later consumption.


Take home culture in America is real. We don’t save fast food like that tho, it’s mostly for restaurant food or pizza.


I'm 106 pounds and I destroy 10 spicy mcchickens before promptly shitting my brains out like once a month or more


there’s bell curve. 1-3 spicy mc chicken = no weight gained. 4-6 and youll gain a little chub. 7+ and you will shit out all of the mc chickens and more and you will end lighter than you started




America's leftover culture is something they just can't comprehend. (What's the reason for that anyway?)


they never get enough rations to have leftovers in commie europe


Dude portion sizes are NOT big at restaurants/ fast food establishments. The only reason us Americans are fat is simply because the foods they do serve is so god damn calorically dense saturated with oil and sugar.




alright so what size are euro burgers? do you just eat it whole in one bite?


All I’m hearing is Europeans are suffering a food shortage because what


Burgers aren't that cheap in europe this guy is crazy


So European burgers are what we would call sliders?


Anon weighs like 90 lbs max.


Does this guy think fast food kids meals are supposed to be healthy? Does this guy think putting lettuce and tomato on a burger makes it healthy? And then we’re supposed to think his opinion has value?


LMAO at all the Americans seething and moaning in this comment section lol


lol the sheer amount of salty americans


Eat the whole thing pussy


Goes to a burger joint. Gets mad at burger. Classic yurupeeing


This is so dumb. I used to live in Germany for 6 years. Portions are huge as fuck there. Like you get schnitzel and you get plated fuckin' half a god damn chicken. Literally, there is so much filling carb and protein heavy food in most European countries and they order it the same way we do when we go out to eat, and then fucking devour it. In France, there's SO MANY over sized over stuffed deserts and pastries that seemingly exist just to ruin your blood sugar in one snack. Like, this whole idea that America is this overly gluttonous country when it comes to food is absurd. Other countries are just as bad, people love to fucking over eat because splurging and gorging is "fun" and feels good. The only difference is lifestyle and activity level. Mother fuckers will walk fucking 4 miles in Germany to go eat the fattest most filling meal you've ever seen and then walk back. The only truly American thing is serving sizes of sodas and how obsessed we are with "massive" gimmick food.


all the americans in this comment section exude 300 pounds overweight energy.


Left over half bitten burger sounds gross. Mostly because it's bitten. The saliva the germs. And the vegetables in a burger makes reheating nearly impossible. The veggies taste gross if you heat them. If you don't hear it up again there are the germs. And to truly heat the meat without burnt your bread you better separate them up. Now then here's the nasty sticky sauce on them.... Over all that sounds gross and dumb AF. 🤮 It's a big size for fat people. Fat people usually eat more. Hence the burger size. It's too much. 


This is the only thing Europeans make fun of Americans for b/c they know they are no longer relevant on the world stage. COPE


Anon orders hamburger Complains about hamburger not being healthy ???


Europooreans are protein deficient.


I mean the burgers I had in Sweden were about the same size tbh so idk what anon is trying to say here. Only difference is that I thought the burgers were better in Sweden


I like the implication that kids hamburgers should come with vegetables. First of all, adding a pickle or some shredded carrot or whatever does Jack shit nutritionally but also, burgers are not health foods.


Anon malds about getting a good amount of food for his money


Imagine complaining that you got TOO much food. Motherfucker, just take it home and get multiple meals for the price of one?


Anon has not had the superior smash burger yet


Large food portions has consistently been one of the strangest things to be mad about. You know you can it home?


I really haven't noticed this gigantic portions meme when I went to Florida. I'd even say the steaks were smaller than what we get here for much more money. Also, and this might ruffle some feathers, American (or at least Floridian) KFC and Burger King were the worst ones I have had so far.


>Evropean See that's the problem, it doesn't exist, and if it doesn't exist that means you don't exist


Only half of the US population (48.9%) are considered obese. And this guy wants beautiful people in the richest nation of all history to be skinny like urop ?


Gets three meals for $12, complains. Typical European.


Anon realizes he can customize the burger right?


What the fuck is “burger sauce”?


I mean, people from other countries do know that many of us just eat the giant portions as leftovers, right?


Largest burger I ever saw personally was in germany


So much seething in comments


You people need to go outside, wow


Maybe learn to eat a bit more?


Someone has burger envy.


When u complain about too much lmao. I understand the stomachache afterwards tbh lmao


Anon is regarded, here in Europe I expect similar burger if I ordered it at restaurant


Holy Ragebait!


Don't get me wrong obesity and food waste are big problems in America, but if you are full from 1/4 of a burger, then you theoretically have 4 filling meals for $12, which is not something to complain about IMO.


Man, I want to go eat where these euro trash folks keep ending up. All the normal burger places have pretty regular sizes of burgers and portions of fries. Sure you have the option to get some mega giant burger but it's often super expensive. The drinks are usually where you see the big difference between NA and EU, as the fountain drink sizes are often smaller.


Wdym 12$ (which is, like, about 11€) for a burger menu isn't expensive by European standards. And you can get all the larger items on the pic anon postet here too. Sure, American portion sizes are larger than ours, but I feel like Anon is LARPing just a teeny weeny little bit here. *Or maybe he's from some weird Europoorean place on the Mediterranean, that would also explain it.*