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\- Catherine (after how she manipulated April and wanted to sue her + how she cover Harper's SA and acted like this 'poor black woman, who had no choice', when she did for herself because she like the prestige Avery name brought her) \- Alex (after beating Deluca up) There are many characters, who make mistakes and aren't perfect, but I still manage to feel sorry for them, however, I just can't feel sorry for someone who commits a crime or covers one (for their own profit).


Okay preach about the Catherine thing. I’m surprised at how little I see Catherine be condemned for covering up SA and paying for victim’s silence for years


Because people excuse it by saying that she was this powerless black woman, who did her best and that we actually should praise her for paying those victims, when the truth is there was nothing holding Catherine back - she was this great surgeon and would totally be able support herself and Jackson without Avery's money... sure she wouldn't be that well-known and they would lead way different lifes, but it's not like they would end up on streets. This is what writers messed up by joining the #metoo train and having Harper be this sexual predator - Catherine is suddenly this power hungry woman, who would do anything to protect Avery name so that she could use it for her own benefit...


You’re not taking into account how things actually worked back then. We’re talking about the pre Anita Hill world where sexual harassment was wasn’t taken seriously at all. Those women were going down whether Catherine was involved with the foundation or not. It was because of Catherine that they weren’t black balled in the medical field.


Doesn't change the fact that she could have left 'Avery world' - take Jackson, move away, start fresh... instead she used Avery name, Avery money and acted like she is so much better than anyone else... moreover, nothing was stoping her from coming forward later, she just didn't care and didn't want to mess Avery's name.


If she had done that, what would that have solved? All of those women would have lost their jobs, their professional reputation and their ability to make money in their field. Plus Harper Avery would have continued to harass other women. She didn’t just make the problem go away, she resolved it. You’re saying it would have been better for her to walk away and let the worse happen than to stay and try to fix things. Why would that have been better?


Catherine didn't stay to fix things, she stayed for herself as she enjoyed every perk Avery name had, used Avery money to prove her point and didn't care about anyone than herself (and sometimes Jackson). She chose to be Avery and did everything to protect herself as let's not kid ourself - paying victims of SA is something you have to do to get them to sign NDA. EDIT: Moreover, funny quickly she returned to her maiden name and let Jackson with Avery name's burden (and Harriet too) - this is who Catherine is, opportunist without any morality.


You do realize that even today, any settlement agreement is going to included an NDA, don’t you? That’s how it works. Most lawsuits never see the inside of a courtroom. They get settled and the victim is receives compensation in exchange for their silence. Catherine didn’t invent that system. Besides, back then no one believed women when they spoke out about this stuff. Harvey Avery would have just fired and blackballed them. In those days, he didn’t have to give them anything. Catherine knew those women’s careers were over which is why she pushed for them to be paid.


Except she didn’t stay to fix things. If she couldn’t fix things way back when because it was impossible to do so that’s one thing… but how long was she in a position of power and able to do something… but still turned a blind eye, enabling Harper, and paying off his victims? “We thought if it hurt him enough financially he’d stop” is a weak argument, too. Men like that don’t stop. They notoriously don’t stop. She didn’t do anything until after the man was dead and victims came forward.


Catherine said that after the 13 victims were paid off, Harper Avery stopped harassing women. He had only been dead for a few months when the scandal was revealed. Catherine was running the foundation, but he was still in charge. If he had stopped harassing women, there was nothing else Catherine could do while he was alive. She couldn’t bring up an already settled matter. NDAs work both way. The reason the victims came forward is because Jackson invalidated their NDAs without knowing why they were in place. Catherine was prepared to take the fall for what Harper did, but Jackson wouldn’t let her do it.


Moreover, you pay victims so they have a reason to sign NDAs (where they also agree that if they were ever to talk about it, they would pay huge amount of money), so it wasn't like anyone was paying them out of goodness of their hearts.


Alex didn’t commit a crime for his own profit. He commit a crime (beating up deluca) bc he thought deluca was SAing Jo


And then Jo begged him to stop, and he just kept beating DeLuca. There was no reason to nearly kill him.


Who said we had to feel sorry for her?


Derek after calling Meredith a whore and then again after batting her ring into the forest


Derek after everything. He’s so condescending.


THANK YOU!!! I cannot STAND Derek lol


Ditto, I much prefer Nick. I loved him in his first episode and was excited when they brought him back.


same!! i genuinely thought meredith and nick had SO much more chemistry than meredith and derek ever had.


Yes! He respects her, her achievements and goals and the fact that her kids come first yet will call her on her sh*t. Derek didn’t support her like that and would have expected her to go with what he wanted.


That would have been the end for me, honestly Meredith.


Callie during the custody battle.


Callie during the custody battle showed that she never saw Arizona as the mother of their child and Meredith supported that and it was disgusting.


I was done with Meredith after that.


this bc how do u have an adopted daughter of your own but side w callie saying arizona isn’t really her mom???? i was sick when meredith did that SICK


The writers did everyone dirty on this storyline and because EP was an executive producer by then, her sway and influence should’ve made it a different outcome. Meredith died to me after that lol


Meredith simply supported her friend. Arizona is just a coworker, ofc she would be on Callies side even if she doesn’t agree with how she handled it


Hmm a real friend would call their friend out on bullshit and Meredith never had a problem telling her other friends they were doing shitty things.


Her “how the hell could this happen!?” after always threw me for a loop- like it literally only happened because you initiated a custody battle ?


It was the attitude that bothered me. Like she didn't think it could actually happen.


Right? Arizona was just as much as Sofia’s mother and I think Callie needed a legal body to tell her that


It didn't occur to her that a judge might say no to her taking Sofia across the country. Moving to New York where they have no support system and to follow a woman who wasn't even sure what grade Sofia was in. Not to mention she wasn't going to be head of ortho anymore, so her schedule might be more unpredictable than in Seattle.


And the position Penny was taking was TEMPORARY. Uprooting Sophia to chase her girlfriend to the equivalent of a residency. There's always a chance you get hired at the same place, but they would likely both have to get jobs somewhere else in a couple years.


she really wanted to be the victim here like all of this wasnt her own damn fault


Cali wanted to be the victim in every situation.


I can't stand Callie


Like really...


Callie any time she exists


Especially after the plane crash she kept saying how we were affected even though Callie was on the bloody plane at the dinner she always made it seem like she was on it as well when she wasn't


Callie during the custody battle, Derek when he picks Addison but is still whining over Meredith, Catherine much of the time. Webber whenever he was crying about Adele leaving him. Owen when he wouldn’t get over the abortion. Izzie when she’s crying about George and his marriage. I’m sure there’s more lol.




Hahn. I’ve got no time for that biphobic gold star lesbian nonsense. But I think she could have grown to be better if she’d been given the time.


On rewatching I oddly really like hahn until she said that to Callie. Oh and she is horrible to cristina for no reason? So maybe I shouldn't like her. Help.


You thought sex just sucked until last week, who made you the lesbian police?


I expected some growth after Webber scolded her for not teaching. She basically spent just one episode taking his advice, before completely reverting back to being a bad teacher. She was rude to Christina in her own home. But telling Callie she can't kind of be a lesbian made me so angry. She had potential as a character but once she joined the hospital they destroyed any chances of development. The only good she did was help Callie realize she was bisexual


i loved Hahn right up until she said that. wish she was given more time to grow :(


Reed just got on my nerves the entire time she was on the show


Right when she died I was like 🤨🤨🤨 okay and what?


Exactly! When she died I was like oh sad for Charlie I guess but then he went too so I was like 🤷‍♀️


George after Mer cried during sex with him.


George took advantage of her and proceeded to make her feel like TRASH afterwards.


So I just got to season 3 and this whole situation really infuriated me. And so many people gave her shit for it! I was so confused as to why they were mad at her. She was crying and George made it about him without just asking her what was wrong. And because his tiny ego got hurt, he got everyone to hate her. For being sad!


Yes this made me hate him. George was always gross to me though he seemed like he felt so entitled to all his female friends bodies.


Hahn. I will admit her glasses speech got me a little teary, but otherwise I was like wow, she is AWFUL isn’t she


I think the glasses speech was one of the best ones in the show.


Wait what glasses speech? I don't seem to remember


She never really liked men. She just went with the default. Having sex with a woman made her realize that she had always been gay. https://youtu.be/jqrwo6UBefk?si=psOMsr-zBYd-tTnw


The leaves - how before glasses the trees had green blobs but now she could actually see the Leaves


Oh I thought that speech was cringe lol


Me too


I related to the speech both as someone who didnt know how good other people’s eyesight was and how I could be interested in women too


Catherine is the only possible answer for me.


Catherine. She’ll never be redeemed in my eyes after buying a hospital just to shut it down because she was petty.




Oh my god massively agreed she was such an annoying character and I feel so freaking and but the lisp made her worse, if it was almost anyone else with a lisp I'd like them but it'd whiny whaa whaa woe is me Maggie like lord all might


what she put her mother through for her childish behavior is one of the worst things i’ve had to see. her and george always playing the victims was honestly so annoying!!


Oh my god the shit with her mom’s boob job I think it was? That made me hate Maggie even more.


I hate how she has to make everything about her! Shes an awful character


Owen and Burke. Nasty men


I wanted to punch Burke the whole time. Christina held it down for the both of em and they took her for granted. Icky


Cristina really had the short end of the stick when it came to men. Smfh


Tbh Izzie she’s always gotten on my nerves. She gets way too attached to patients (besides Denny). I love Katherine Heigl as an actor but there’s something about Isabel Stevens that annoys me to no end.


Oh my god yes!! Also the way she suddenly becomes obsessed with George the second he finds Callie? Real pick me shit


Leah Murphy


Izzie, Mark when Lexie sleeps with Alex x2, Owen, Alex when he found out he had kids, etc


why wouldn’t you feel sorry for Alex? it makes no sense imo, he honestly didn’t know Izzie was going to go and use the eggs and then never told him that she conceived THEIR children together, so he missed the first years of their lives, because SHE chose not to say anything.


Because he left his wife and announced his divorce with a LETTER. Not even in person.


Yes the way he left things with Jo was fucked up but think about it in the way Alex probably was. Didn’t want to be like his dad, wants to actually be a dad for his kids, ect. I feel bad for him in the situation because he did in fact have years he could have spent with his children taken just because Izzie neglected to tell him she was having their kids that they only fertilized because she had cancer and it was the best chance for the eggs survival and probability of future success of using the eggs. Not only that but he missed their birth, their first words, the first time they opened their eyes, ect.


And how does his want of being a father prohibit him from asking for a divorce and explaining to Jo in person? Genuinely, the way he left her was sickening and no one deserves that.




Especially when she got caught screwing around with Tom and everyone heard it.


yea i was done with her then. and her and Owens baby name was just... it didnt sit right with me .. she just be fcking everybody man and girlfriend😂😂😂😂


EXACTLY!! I really loved Teddy's character pretty much the entire time! When they brought her back, I was so happy! And then... they ruined her character. I still don't like her from that little stunt she pulled, not once but TWICE and on the night of their wedding lmao. Just done with her!


Owen, Burke, George, and Hahn in that order. Derek sometimes, especially in later seasons. I don't fw Minnick either, but at this point does anyone?


Hahn was the only character who actually dared to ask out loud “What the hell is wrong with this hospital?” I wish they would have given her Teddy’s teaching arc with Yang because while she wasn’t a perfect character, there was a lot of potential there.


This is spot on. I liked Hahn a lot. I agree, I hated how she treated Christina, and if the show let her come around on her more I think she would have been a lot more popular.


Idk why but Hahn’s “I could see the trees had leaves” monologue really made me weep. I felt for her in that moment.


Maggie 😬




Izzie. Can’t stand her at all


Catherine... I don't care what happens to her, I won't feel bad, ever


You Knowwww... i did like her until she started doing richard dirty. im only on season 17 i think but shes soooo




Teddy after cheating Owen.


Teddy and Owen deserve eachother


Owen is definitely a dick, but she did him so dirty


For real.


I always get downvoted and attacked for this. . . But Arizona


yes bro like after she cheats on Callie and then whenever Callie confronted her about it she brought up the plane and how Callie wasn’t there, which i mean that is reasonable because Callie wasn’t but from the time the crash happened and all the lawsuits Callie did play a part like she was one of the SG 7, but she wasn’t, but that’s also no excuse for Arizona to cheat. I don’t know, i like her character sometimes but other times i wanna beat the dog piss out of her 💀


Arizona’s excuse for everything was the plane crash and the fact Callie amputated her leg (even tho it was actually Alex). Like girl did you want the infection to kill you??? You can survive without a leg!


literally!! it always goes back to the leg in every argument after the crash


I know as a main protagonist the show revolves heavily around Meredith, but sometimes.. It's her.




arizona sorry if that makes me a terrible person lol


Then we are two on the same terrible boat


Make room for one more!


Arizona. The way she left Callie in the airport and then was delulu enough to be mad when Callie had relations with Mark (WHICH WAS WELL WITHIN CALLIES RIGHTS BECAUSE THEY WERE BROKEN UP) and proceeded to be insolent throughout the pregnancy. And don't even get me started on the cheating. She cheats on the woman who held it down while she recovered from a physical and mental trauma, despite knowing that Callie also lost someone super close to her, gave Callie no room to grieve, and then HAS THE AUDACITY TO BLAME CALLIE. "I cheated because you cut off my leg!" Like, Even if Callie did make the call, ITS HER JOB, SHE IS A BONE DOCTOR. AND TO GUILT TRIP AND GASLIGHT. nuh uh. Fandom jail. Her only excuses are "my brother died in the middle east" and "I don't have a leg". I want to see her try to get out of a parking ticket.


Not to mention causing the car crash that cost callie her fertility because she wasn't watching the road whilst driving with her pregnant partner


Callie is an adult..you don’t take off your seatbelt when someone is driving…


I have to agree with both of you, cause yeah Callie should be buckled in on a windy mountain road but also Arizona should have been looking at the road not the person in the passenger seat for like 10 seconds… both dumb as hell. don’t propose while driving


Hadn't she taken it off because Arizone snatched her phone and lobbed it in the back seat though. Still no reason for her to take her eyes off the road long enough that she couldn't see a big ol' truck coming 🤷🏻‍♀️




Amelia. Please kill her off already.


April after she failed her boards and after Jackson divorced her. The failing of the boards because she had a mini crisis because she lost her virginity with Jackson. It was so stupid. You are a grown woman who decided to do grown woman things and now instead of writing about it in a diary or going to church you decide to put Jackson down and just word vomit to the proctor's administering your board exam. So stupid. And as for the divorce, I hate that she seems so shocked about it when Jackson told her that he would leave if she went to Iraq again. She just wanted to do her own thing and left Jackson who was in pain. Then when she returns she again tries to do her own thing and force Jackson to stay with her.


Jo. She’s so bland and pointless. I hate her


she always has that same whingy face


Agreed. Female Alex but with the personality of a rock, oh how interesting! I know people hate Ross but at least out of that group he was complex and interesting beyond just being main character love interests. Also probably unpopular but Avery. Wannabe Sloan that can't set adult boundaries with his rich mother. Woe is him.


Shane is basically a male version of Yang. Care about their work with a tremendous amount of passion, to a fault. He just had way less time to breath as a character so they tried to do too much with his character in a short period of time.


don't you know she lived in her car?? 😱😱/s


UGH DONT REMIND US😂😂😂😂 i feel like this was her whole personality


this she used to be one of my favorites but she literally has no personality


Just Izzy. And later George. I feel like they both did awful things, but the show tried to make you like them the next episode. I just couldn't see them as good characters. But you know I'm season 13 now, so in the long run, they are long gone. Also, Burke for just being a terrible person and man. Honestly, a lot of the early characters that left can just go in a dumpster. I'm surprised I've been sticking with the show, considering how unlikeable some early characters were. Anyway, I'm ready to get told to burn in hell in the comments


Jo, we get it you lived in your car. Also disliked the way she treated Steph and Leah.


omfggg she made it her WHOLE PERSONALITY


Owen when Teddy cheated on him after he cheated on pretty much everyone he dated/married.


Arizona and Alex


Totally agree with Arizona. Like we get it girl you lost your leg, let’s not drag it on forever 😭


I can totally understand being impacted by something that big but to sit there and be such a little bitch to your wife (the woman who quite literally saved your life) because she had to make the decision for you to amputate? AND THEN CHEAT ON HER? Got me mad fucked up 🧍‍♂️


get therapy or get over it 😘✌️


She dragged it for a year lol…


My husband is an amputee and as such Arizona's attitude about it really pisses me off. Of course you mourn the loss of what you thought your life would look like and how it's going to change, but she was unnecessarily bitchy about it. I just wanted to shake her until her teeth rattled and tell her to shut the fuck up with her self pity and try some gratitude that she was still alive.


Hahn for how she treated Cristina. And Jo for how she treated Edwards in s12. It’s been eff her ever since


Hanh and maggie


Owen, Burke, Maggie, the list goes on lol


Owen for sure


Honestly, any of them.


when owen gets cheated on, play stupid games when stupid prizes


April Kepner— I said what I said. It blows my mind the people on this sub love her so much. She makes the same stupid open-lipped face for every reaction she has and literally never takes responsibility for anything. She has constant victim mentality and I find her obnoxious. Edit. Spelling


I have despised Richard Webber since ep.01. What an arrogant hypocrite whiny little bicth. There, I've said it!


Arizona. If i took a shot every time she said sth biphobic to callie i would be siffering from alcohol poisoning. 'youre just one of those fake lesbians living in lesbian land', 'i get the gay you for like 20 minutes and mark gets the straight you' and lets not even begin to start with how she said that callie should 'try and understand her father' when her father fucking cleared out her bank account and had the entire family oust her




Jackson and Maggie specifically during the Vic plotline. Otherwise they’re fine but I hated how they show horned Vic in just to treat her terribly. Maggie was being petty and childish. Jackson was projecting his prev relationship issues onto her and almost like he was punishing her for his own problems.


April, Jo, Owen, Teddy they’re all insufferable




izzie all the way lol never cared






Most of the time O'Malley... he barely had any good sides I'm sorry lmaooo


Owen when he got cheated on 🤷🏽‍♂️


Owen. I hope he get killed off in the dumbest way


owen. having trauma doesn't excuse shitty behavior.


Meredith... so many times. Maggie.


Owen Hunt. Hands down. Always thinks he has moral superiority while often being the one in the wrong. The way he shamed Christina repeatedly for not wanting children then doing the same with Amelia. He can kick rocks.




The only time I ever hoped cancer would win.






I'm sorry but Link when amelia denies his proposal for the umpteenth time and he has to face reality that he can't coerce her into it he's so miserable as if he didn't repeatedly ignore her boundaries 😭


You know I completely agree with you here, but she was totally backwards in this too I just rewatched this the other week and wanted to bang both their heads together 🤣 it was so frustrating and painful to watch them both!


owen, no hesitation




Bailey, most of the time.


Amelia is one of my least favorite characters on any show ever. She’s so obnoxious, and at least until I gave up watching a few years ago, had virtually no character growth whatsoever.




Amelia’s love life, Owen’s love life, Teddy’s Love Light, Erica Hahn’s existence, Izzie after the wire cut; yeahhh




Izzie for me




Meredith and the bullies, I mean the gang when they gang up on penny


Owen. no explanation, just Owen.


April definitely April she always rubbed me the wrong way and acted entitled imo


Stark. On the rare occasion he was nice he was condescending. He put himself before his patients, especially in the episode where Meredith kept interrupting his dinner for a really sick kid. He tried to steal Alex's idea in surgery before kepner called him out on it in front of Webber. He treated April horribly after she was honest she only wanted to be his friend, even after saying nothing would change. He was swayed on that whole social services case just because he liked kepner but I guarantee he wouldn't have listened to Alex or anyone else. Oh and he tried to chop off a good leg even though Callie was available. One of the only good things he ever did was telling Owen April goes above and beyond for her patients. That of course only happened after he spent an episode making her feel bad for trying to learn a language and cook for one of the kids brought from africa. The guy was awful.




Owen when he was upset that Cristina wanted an abortion


Izzie, Bailey, Maggie, and Callie


BAILEY BAILEY BAILEY... i loved her in earlier episodes but ive gotten as far as the covid season and... somebody else needs to be chief shes so jealous of everyone and always worried about everybody but herself and her relationship thats no longer existent 😂. shes such a B**** idk whats going on with her even during Meredith's trial for the insurance fraud


Bailey went through hell during the Covid season… literally lost her mom, ran a hospital running low on surgeons and morale, people died everyday in HER hospital, she couldn’t grieve, separated from her family, she JUST lost a baby before this too. Then Meredith’s trial just out unnecessary stress on her and the hospital. Meredith was wrong for what she did. As Chief she had to make the decisions she had to. Bailey is ALLOWED to be the vulnerable person she became. She doesn’t have to be the strong black woman figure every damn time.


Owen 🥱


Izzie, Owen, George.


Amelia, Catherine Fox, Penny


I think the hate about Penny is so overrated




Jo. Can’t stand her


Alex. Growing up poor with a mentally ill mother does not make you an insensitive cruel asshole. He doesn't even get better until the last quarter of his time on the show, so to me his "development" is not that honorable.


Mark 😬


Unpopular opinion but George. I could not stand O’Malley




Amelia and Owen




Tucker. Whatta whiny beeotch he was.




Addison and Izzie. I only started watching for the first time and only on season 3 but yea lol


Owen, Derek, Alex, George, Burke,


Callie most of the time


Callie after she was left behind at the airport

