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Not standing by his wife when Izzie treated her like shit and then cheated on her with Izzie


After she told him his friendship with Izzie made her feel insecure and he told her multiple times they were just friends and made her think she was crazy for thinking otherwise.


Also the asshole basically told her that was only the case bc Izzie was too hot to be in to him but Callie isn't


He also made Callie feel like she was fat


Not disagreeing but when was this? I don’t remember


Same scene as the commenter above me .O. He was really putting his foot in his mouth talking about how hot Izzie is TO CALLIE herself. And of course she gets rightfully offended and George backtracks and calls her curvy, but he does it in a way where he’s struggling to find words - when he was talking in straight sentences about Izzie without missing a beat. He struggled to call Callie beautiful.


"She's blonde, she's stacked, she's a supermodel!" Such a cringey scene 😭 ETA: I'm cackling cos this keeps getting downvoted and I'm baffled at how anyone wasn't cringing at watching George claim his bestie was unattainably gorgeous IN FRONT OF HIS WIFE! 😂


I have to say though, all of his behavior was super accurate to how I found men to be in my real dating life at the time. Just no concept of women being more than their body type, not careful with women’s feelings, viewing themselves as a sweet down-his-luck guy who just can’t get it right gosh darn it.


I wanted to hit him so bad at this comment, I was like wtf dude?


And the fact that he said this to her AFTER she told him that Izzie had feelings for him🙄


George was a “nice guy” if you think about it… Olivia: He wasn’t all that into her if you think about it, what she did to him was shit but he wasn’t even all that into her. Meredith: He could never get it in his head that she didn’t want him, but he chased her anyway, and he slept with her while intoxicated and stormed out when she CRIED. Callie: He never stood up for her, was never into her like she was him, and when she TRIED to leave he wouldn’t let her. She had the strength to walk away a couple of times and he grabbed her and pulled her back insisting that he loved her. He didn’t respect her, in his grief he used her as a sex doll, he allowed Izzie to talk mad shit about her and never ever confronted her about it and made her think it was all okay that she did it, and then he cheats on her with Izzie. Izzie: She was pretty much the whole problem here imo.


He was definitely a nice guy. His approach toward every woman he was interested in sucked. I don’t think Izzie was the whole problem, she became A problem during George’s relationship with Callie, but it was George. George had the power to make it better. He even treated Izzie like shit for cheating with him for a little bit. It seemed like he blamed her to me. Like he didn’t run right to her after that fight with Callie about Izzie.


Yes to this, and it made me so angry. Callie is beautiful, and George was a dumbass.


Blows my mind. It's Callie ffs.


Callie is much hotter imo


They are both drop dead gorgeous


He said something about waist size or legs, i don’t remember exactly, but he definitely made Callie feel like a goblin in that moment.


![gif](giphy|lQw1opM0tVvEvUw1zU) sure did! the body shaming of that beautiful woman that callie was, truly criminal. they were both so wrong in this era frfr callie deserved better from them


THANK YOU 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Callie. Deserved. Better!


YEP! Justice for Callie Torres!


I say this every time I see her or talk about her


Pretty much everything he did during his relationship with Callie.




I will never understand how anyone liked Izzy at all with the way she treated Callie.


I despised her 💯 she was a disgusting person. She was so selfish (especially with Denny as well as George and Callie) and only cared about herself


also with how she was jealous of Cristina and Mer being best friends and kept pointing it out. One, they’re best friends. Two, have some self respect girl


![gif](giphy|l0NhWzop32NNsXmHS) ooop that part


Basically his entire relationship with Callie and all the terrible ways he treats her


This 1000000%


Cheating on his WIFE


He fumbled the bag hard


For real. And seeing Callie so heartbroken and asking him not to tell her for just more night 😭


Literally got the baddest bitch


It's funny rewatching late S2 and S3 cuz George fumbles that bag a dozen times lmao, somehow Callie keeps giving him another chance after he's pathetic enough for a while George used to be the character I relate to the most back when I was a teen, nowadays he annoys the hell out of me.


So much to choose from: 1. Playing victim when he was a classic misogynist "good guy" where Meredith was concerned, stalking her from day one in the creepiest way, including acting jealous of Derek like a possessive dog 2. Marrying Callie when he didn't love her, then cheating on her, then never telling his mom about their divorce 3. Lying about having failed his intern exam his first day as a repeater 4. Not getting hit by a bus sooner


The man couldn't even buy tampons without bitching about his fragile masculinity.


So, the buying tampons complaint was ridiculous. But I did feel for him in that episode. Idc how comfortable someone is with their own nudity, Izzie was being incredibly disrespectful by coming and going from the bathroom when George was in the shower. He repeatedly asked her to stop and she just kept doing it because it ‘didn’t bother’ her. Also I’m pretty sure she used his tooth brush in that episode, and if someone did that to me I would lose my mind.


I think George had some valid grounds there in terms of setting boundaries and personal space. However, the fact that the writers had him completely ignore that reasonable argument and instead approach it from a misogynistic angle (by being specifically pissed about 'being treated like a sister'; particularly poor choice of words given that his actor is gay IRL) won him no brownie points, especially as even after they allegedly talked things out George still hadn't bought the tampons and Izzie was still using his toothbrush so it was a whole bunch of hoohah for naught.


Absolutely agree with you there. As an audience member I was seeing things that would make me unhappy/uncomfortable, but the writers were having him vocally gripe on things that should’ve been nonissues.


“Not getting hit by a bus sooner” YES!😂


George has one of the grossest lines in the series tbh. When he's being all jealous and possessive about Mer he says "I saw her FIRST!" YEAH because she's just an object that you can claim and own. Derek sucks, but at least he treated Meredith like a whole person instead of George who I'm never sure saw her (or any woman) like that. Alex calls him a creep later in the series, and that is so true.


Team BUS honestly


how is not telling his mom on this list amelia didnt tell her family about hers either, and him failing his intern exam was nobodys business let alone on day one


I watch GA through tiktok only and today this post is on my feed. So not to sound..dumb but George gets married and then cheats on her?!?!?


If the TikTok edits of Grey’s have you interested, then I highly recommend at least the first few seasons. The drama is truly unmatched!!


If I start something I have to watch all the way through usually. Did ER and Criminal Minds last year. I don't think I want to commit to the GA time suck yet lol


I binged all of GA in 2 months. I pick a show and just watch until I have caught up. I'm housebound so bingeing TV series is my primary activity.


Was mine too lol. I did 52 series the first year of COVID. I read now so I try to not binge as much. Plus I don't have too many shows left to watch that I want to. I keep thinking of GA or Supernatural but then do a comfort show or something shorter.


Yeah he marries Callie and cheats on her with Izzie in the early seasons


Thinking he had a right to women for being a nice guy


And he wasn’t a nice guy. He slut shamed Olivia, slept with a broken Meredith and then walked out in her crying, told Callie she was wrong for being jealous of Izzy but told her she wasn’t in the same league and cheated on her with her.


When did he slut shame Olivia? He was angry about the syphilis thing, but I don't recall him slut shaming her beyond getting rightfully mad at that. The Meredith thing was fucked up indeed, he literally admits to knowing from the moment he got into the room she wasn't into the situation and yet kept going. The fact that, after all that, he still acted angry is just so fucked up. Callie thing can't really be excused at all lmao


He talked about her being a whore in front of a patient, if I recall. She was harassed and slut shamed by many, even though Alex and Mark we’re far worse I hated her return, though.


Mark was constantly being called out by his slutty behavior, though. Alex you're right, I can't recall anyone mentioning that besides very early stuff where he'd be the one highlighting it. Pretty sure there is one bonding scene between him and Mer about them both being sluts lol > He talked about her being a whore in front of a patient, if I recall. I vaguely remember that, but in my impression it was about him being mad at her sleeping with Alex specifically, not slut shaming her in general, which is a very normal reaction knowing their history lol, of course Olivia has no fault or obligations, but if the characters were mature bout these things the should would be pretty boring


I'm going HARD for this one.


gave me incel vibes


How he treated Callie




Turning on Meredith after an awkward sexual encounter


Not to mention said sexual encounter only happened because he pursued Meredith while she was vulnerable. He even later admits that he knew she wasn’t into him, but “one night is better than never”. So gross


"she's crying but let's make it about *my* ego" 🤮




Super creepy. Took advantage of her, then acted like a complete narcissist when she became upset. That always bothered me!




He got so many people to turn on her. I still don’t get why she was so villainized for crying during sex. He confessed that he knew she was emotional and vulnerable. She clearly wanted to stop because she said “you’re almost done right?” While sobbing. And he did stop. But then shamed and guilted her for it because he made it all about himself and fragile male ego. And even the ones that didn’t ice her out never comforted her and told her it was okay. They acted like it was mean of her too.


I still don't understand it. There was so much going on and all of her friends knew it. Why tf would they act like her breaking down and crying was some terrible thing that she did to him? And in what fucking world would her friends not be ok with her wanting to stop in the middle of sex? I just can't imagine a scenario where a friend was like: "well you know how my mom is dying, and I just found out that her affair is what ruined my life? And you know how I just spoke to the father who abandoned me 20 years ago? And you know how the 1st and only man I've ever actually loved left me for the wife he never told me about and then his best friend just showed up and stirred up all the dirt that was finally starting to settle? And you know how I have horrible abandonment issues because of everything I just said? Well, this guy knew all this and told me he would never abandon me after obsessing over me for a year. I fell for it and we started having sex but then everything hit me and I realized I didn't want to be there so I broke down crying and didn't want to continue having sex and now he's treating me like shit. And then telling her she's a monster for it because that hurt his feelings. Like wtf?! I could almost understand why he was upset, but I can't for the life of me figure out how anyone else supported that behavior from him. I can't for the life of me figure out how her friends didn't support her.


I don’t think anybody ever knew she cried.




Even Meredith herself was beating herself up over it. She apologized to George over and over and her never asked her way she was so sad that night. Doesn’t feel like anyone ever got to really hear her side of the story.


So much this. It's wild to me that when the show aired, SHE was in the wrong for "leading him on." And the show/network had to make a blog post defending her, like holy cow.


Cheating on his wife immediately after telling his wife Izzie was too hot for him and she was being ridiculous being insecure. Fast forward 2 hours and might as well sleep with izzie 🤦‍♀️


The way he took advantage of Mer coupled up with how he did Callie is why I will always be #teambus


#teambus 💀💀💀💀


Full belly laugh out loud at this you hashtagged for the win #teambus 💀💀😂😂


Team bus is crazy 💀😭


Not team bus! Lolol


LOLOL team bus omg!!! 😂


It took me 20 seconds to get this but when it did my mouth was on the floor 😭💀


Help 💀


I had to save this comment.


It almost makes me feel bad how happy I was that he was gone.


Lmfao ok I liked George but team bus is friggen hilarious, I’m dead…like George after the bus 🙌


I liked George too, but I like this comment even more #teambus


Pahahahahahaahahahaha! 🤣🤣🤣🚎🚎🚎


I can’t look at your comment without bursting out laughing.


I’m rewatching and he annoys me so much I had to skip to the bus episode


Remember when he had flu symptoms and thought the problem was his marriage? Yeah his whole treatment of Callie takes the cake for me. But the thing with Mer is def a close second.


Completely ignoring Lexie supporting him to passing his test, the man didn’t even celebrate with her afterwards


Oh that too, lexie was so supportive of him but the moment he passes his test he forgets about her. I'm actually sad there wasn't a reconciliation between them


I honestly thought they would have made the sweetest couple in the end.


Using Meredith’s drunken and brokenhearted state to sleep with her. Then lashing out when she wasn’t feeling it because he was too much of a wuss to admit that he was embarrassed that she never liked him. Then rushing off to marry Callie and randomly deciding he was in love with izzie causing him to sleep with her and cheat on his wife. Like TF. And the worst part is he didn’t seem to reap the consequences of those actions. I guess karma came for him when he had to repeat his internship year.


Karma came for him in a much bigger way than that.




I’m so happy I wasn’t drinking anything right now.


I was. The Wall has a nice red splatter paint on it right now from the juice I was drinking


>Using Meredith’s drunken and brokenhearted state to sleep with her. Then lashing out when she wasn’t feeling it because he was too much of a wuss to admit that he was embarrassed that she never liked him. Yeah. That was pretty nasty tbh. And I actually remember liking George, I cried when he died. But this was terrible, and I couldn't understand why people were upset with her like I was genuinely confused that no one was upset with him.


Being a shitty husband, creepy with Meredith, fooling around with Izzie, being either blind or stupid with Lexie… didn’t treat his ladies right.


The Lexie thing shouldn’t count imo. Meredith was the same way with George at the beginning, would you say that’s her fault?


Lexie persuaded him to retake the intern exams and helped him study. Then they agreed to celebrate it together after the exams. But when he passed it, he went straight to his other friends and totally forgot about Lexie, while she was sitting there in the bar and waiting for him


Making himself the victim when he took advantage of Meredith


what episode was this? I forgot it




LITERALLY I just rewatched this episode recently and I was like “hold up- wait a damn minute” because EW


Cheating on his wife


the way he treated callie was unforgivable


Letting Izzie treat Callie like shit. He should have dropped Izzie like a hot potato for the way she treated Callie, not just because she was his wife but because Izzie was being *such* a bitch she didn’t deserve to have any friends left.


DEMANDING to know what was going on with Izzie when she was trying to privately give bone marrow to the daughter she gave up for adoption. Friends or not, respect patient privacy—you’re a doctor!! Stop acting like a whiny baby about things not concerning you!


Eh. Mer, Christina and Izzie all forced their way in to watch him get a shot in his ass after the syphilis incident, so they're all as bad as each other on the medical privacy stuff.


I get that. Didn’t really like that plot either. I’ll be honest, I’m a first-time watcher and only in season 7 but George really irked me in so many ways in such a short time. 😂


I dislike George more every rewatch lol. My favorite scenes are when Alex is bullying him 😂


I literally count down the days to the bus on rewatches after the “awkward” encounter with Meredith and the aftermath. Talk about something that doesn’t age well.


Same. Everyone is always so sad about it but I’m glad. Good riddance.


It's the way he treated Callie during their marriage. The sleeping with Mer thing that everyone is mentioning is awful but I think both of them were written out of character for that whole side story and it just seemed to be drama for dramas sake, and I think that whole scenario was bad writing rather than something genuinely bad you can completely pin on the character. But then looking at his marriage, he and Callie got married in a rush when he was traumatised after his dad, so there's a little bit of a question mark of Callie taking advantage of him there, but as soon as he realises it was a mistake he doesn't face up to it and try to deal with it honestly with Callie, he makes all the wrong decisions and he just treats her like complete shit, and it's all in line with his character so I think it absolutely has to be that one.


Not defending Callie against his "girl best friend." Choosing Izzie over Callie repeatedly. Comparing Callie to Izzie repeatedly.


Sleeping with Meredith, while being well aware that she doesn’t have romantic feelings for him, then pouting around the hospital for weeks.


He really really really sucked when it came to how he treated women. But tops has got to be what he did to Callie. Him and Izzy were so dirty for that shit.


Sleeping with a very drunk Meredith knowing she didn’t like him the way he liked her and then throwing a pissy fit and turning everyone against her


As awful as he was to Callie, I think sleeping with Mer was the worst. I don’t see him as the victim in any way in that situation.


Not standing up for Callie when his friends were all treating her like 💩. Cheating on Callie!?!?!(!!(!! Taking advantage of Meredith and then turning on her. Alex calling him out on it is one of my favorite early season moments from Devil Spawn.


Okay, so basically we're all in the same page here with how he was a pathetic whiny little shit for not accepting that Mer wasn't into him at all and he took advantage of a very vulnerable moment of her and then bitched and moaned "poor little me" and being an awfully cheating bastard towards Callie and not standing up against the others (specially Izzie) when they were incredibly rude and the fact he basically told her ugly and crazy when Callie said Izzie had feelings for him and stuff.


Walking out on a crying Meredith that he never should have slept with to begin with and then blaming her. Honestly, he is the worst. He also treated Callie like crap.


It’s absolutely cheating on Callie and just the way he treated her like garbage their entire marriage


When Callie tried to tell him Izzie was into him and he went on and on about how Izzie was too beautiful to be into him.


Everything. I can’t stand him.


Either cheating on Callie or how he acted like the victim after the meredith incident


Pretended to be an innocent victim all the time when in reality he was just an incel jerk.


George said A LOT of extremely bad stuff, but when Callie says Izzie is in love with him and then he starts talking about how hot Izzie is (when Callie is already extremely emotionally unstable because their relationship is going downhill) takes the cake for me.


not!! appreciating!!!! CALLIOPE!!!!!


cheating on callie def


how he treated callie


for how terribly awful he treated callie. she needed reassurance and he told her izzie would never be into him bc she was too hot… which makes callie what? sounding very less than compared to izzie. callie was his wife for crying out loud what the fuck!!!


Oh boy Webber is next, better get a notebook out


100% him being angry at Meredith when he pushed her into sleeping with him and she cried. Dude's a louse. What's revolting is that the show made it seem like it was her fault too, to the point that I didn't even realize how awful *George* had been until I rewatched.


I grew up with the show. Pilot aired the year I turned 13. And for the LONGEST time, George was truly my favorite. Watching as an adult? (I’m 31 now) oh my GOD he is not a nice guy. Can definitely be a decent friend. But oh my god his dating life.. Literally ONLY dated Olivia because Mer wouldn’t. And he continually pursued Mer despite knowing she was not interested. And knowing VERY well how head over heels she was for Derek. Then, also knowing full well, when she was in a very vulnerable state - that’s somehow when he magically gained the courage to go talk to her. Is the person you’re hooking up with crying awkward af? YA. But rather than y’know… getting dressed, grabbing her a cold glass of water, and either leaving her alone to feel that. Or call over Izzie or Christina to comfort her. He makes himself the victim? Avoids her at all costs at work and even decides he’s gonna move out with no notice. And I think it was brave of Mer to say, when she caught him packing, that she wanted things to be how they were before. She has EVERY right to be the one avoiding HIM. And telling him he has to move out. And don’t even get me started on how he acted during his marriage. Sure, Callie was a lil jealous and insecure. But can you BLAME HER? I mean, the other comments here covered that whole shituation very well So, honestly it’s between him taking advantage of Mer and making himself the victim. And his behaviour during his marriage


Gaslighted Mer because she didn’t wanna sleep with him even though she was in pain


Manipulating mer into sex when she was DRUNK and then treating her horrible after


Cheating on Callie with Izzie. The way he treated Meredith, after he took advantage of her sadness and she cried during sex ... the way he tried (and succeeding) to push everyone to take his side Always always taking Izzie (and Meredith) side when they treated Callie like shit, actually kinda taking part to the bullying. Always demeaning Callie during the relationshit ... calling their marriage toxic, the hand washing bs that Izzie and Meredith began ... (I'd add marrying Callie that he didn't really love but his dad just died and I'm not sure he was in the good mental state). He was a mysoginitic asshole hidden under the good guyTM ...


He's a "nice guy" through and through. Could not stand his constant whining.


This comment section checks out, I feel much better about it now, thank you fellow Grey's lovers ❤️


When Mer took back consent during sex and he acted like she slaughtered his dog.


When he became a menace when his father was being treated. I know that he was going through a rough time, people were trying to help but damn was he relentless. However I’ll give him props to calling out Cristina and Burke


after reading the comments, i think the easiest way to put it, “always playing the victim”


always playing the victim in every situation and never taking accountability for any wrongdoing. particularly in the situation with mer, she apologised countless times and he never did, he never even thought he did anything apology worthy. everyone always refers to his loyalty but there was ALWAYS someone he had iced out, and convinced others to do the same with.


the whole Izzie situation. Treating Callie terribly, not standing up for her; and eventually cheating on her with Izzie after repeatedly assuring her Izzie was just a friend.


Taking advantage of the situation with Mer being emotionally vulnerable and still trying to have sex with her and then acting like a bitch to her for crying. Ughh I hate that plot so much.


Cheating on Callie with Izzie is the actual only correct answer


When he wouldn’t forgive Mer even though he knew she didn’t want to have sex, had sex with her anyways, and then acted like she was in the wrong for crying when she felt bad for having sex with him.


When he went to Meredith when she was in a really dark place and told her really lovely things, went to bed with her even though he (ADMITTEDLY) knows she’s not in a place to make serious decisions, and then had the absolute fucking audacity to treat HER like the villain when she changed her mind halfway through sex. Cheating on his wife was really bad, but THIS was what made me not like George for like… probably a full season and a half.


Taking advantage of Meredith and how he treated Callie


I think cheating on his wife was 100% the worst one, yeah what he did to mer was awful as well but so many people in this show sleep with someone they shouldn’t of. Cheating is the worst part


Cheating on and gaslighting Callie. The Mer thing is horrible but at least he didn’t suck her into a marriage where all he did was demean her and lie.


Basically SA’d mer


Blanket statement "how he treats women" should cover Meredith and Callie


Making himself the victim when he took advantage of Meredith being drunk/sad and then making Meredith apologize for it


being a creepy mf


I honestly hate George and this thread reinforces my feelings for him


The worst thing he's done is definitely take advantage of Meredith when he knew she didn't like him like that, then getting everyone to turn on her after, and acting like a man baby about the whole situation. Thank god that bus took him out🙏


Get hit by that fucking bus. And lose the baddest bitch


General inexperience and immaturity towards his and others emotions (turning on Mer after sex, cheating on Callie, not standing by her side when Izzie was treating her like shit). I feel like whilst he was amazing in some manners, he really didn't have the maturity to be in a relationship.


Everything with Callie.....how he treated Meredith after they had sex, dude is so insecure istg


finally it's my time. let's start with his treatment of women in general, constant grabbing women, like being disrespectful to bailey and grabbing her when he demanded she do something, or to meredith. the way he spoke down to or about women. how he treated and cheated on his own wife. To me, the worst thing he did was taking advantage of meredith and sleeping with her when she was clearly incapacitated, depressed, and hurting and then ignoring and being outright disgusting toward her and trying to turn her friends against her and isolated her because of his nice guy tendencies. I have a lot more to say but I'll keep it there. the rest still stands about as high but this is my thought. I'm never going to understand how Meredith could've been in the wrong for changing her mind during sex and him getting vindictive about it. He should've been exiled for that shit.


While the whole thing with Mer is up there, how he treated Callie CONSISTENTLY was worse.


Any interaction with Callie during marriage tbh


I’ve been waiting for this one. How he let his friends treat Callie Cheating on Callie How he wasn’t there for Izzie because he was mad she didn’t tell him about her cancer first. How he acted after hooking up with broken drunk Meredith


i know you picked callie x izzie but I think sleeping with meredith and then acting like a victim was fucking insane


People are saying cheating on his wife, but it's definitely him sleeping with Meredith when he knew she didn't like him like that...and then got mad at her as well for not reciprocating the same feeling, as if she had a choice. He took advantage of her when she was vulnerable and didn't care. He just wanted sex with the woman he "loved" more like obssessed with. I love George, but this can never be forgiven. It always shocks me how they did Meredith afterwards and George suffered no consequences when he was the one in the wrong. He even comes to her later and tells her that. Don't at me about it either.


100% taking advantage of mer


It’s such a toss up because obviously what he did to Callie was so shitty. But honestly how he took advantage of Meredith was MAJORLY glossed over, it gets like one line of dialogue seasons later. She was so vulnerable and he knew she wasn’t interested him. He fully abused his position of trust as a friend and then treated her horribly afterward because what? His ego was bruised? She was literally sobbing and trying to encourage him to continue likely because she felt so pressured and obligated. Obviously there was more going on than ‘I like my roommate and she doesn’t like me, this sucks for me’. Editing to add. The show (and George) pretty much frame the whole event as a sexually traumatizing event for him alone. It’s so gross and unfair.


Playing the victim in the situation with Mer.


Cheating on Kallie with Izzi


Cheating on his wife multiple times with Izzie


His ENTIRE treatment of Callie


In general he acted as if the world was just against him It was clear Meredith wanted Derek and he behaved like a child when she cried. He implied that his wife wasn’t as good looking as Izzy? he thought/stated he would never have a chance with someone as hot as Izzy. He let his emotions get the best of him which led to his short marriage, even shorter relationship with Izzy and because he chose to focus on this middle school drama unlike everyone else he didn’t pass his test which he just blamed n everyone but himself. Why didn’t anyone else fail?


Cecilia Regina summarised all the things that are wrong with George really well on Tiktok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGejFok8B/ and she explains in detail why George did take advantage of Meredith. Highly recommend


George taking advantage of mer’s sadness and vulnerability and then getting mad when she was upset and cried and couldn’t follow through. Consent can be withdrawn at any time George and it’s not all about you !!! Also then assuming Mer told the rest of MAGIC when she didn’t and again getting mad at her about that without knowing the truth. I love George but this sitch really grinds my gears


Gaslighting Callie, when she KNEW he cheated or was about to cheat


Slept with Mer and had an affair with Izzie, in my opinion was solid.


Cheating on his wife with the bitch he told her not to worry about because they were "just friends" 🙄


growing up, george was always my favorite. as a 27 year old on my one millionth rewatch, i can say George was the worst member of MAGIC.


Taking advantage of meredith and then making it seem like HE was the victim really enraged me cheating on his wife is also up there


Sleeping with mer and making it all about himself when it went wrong


Gaslighting Meredith into thinking their one night stand was all her fault for weeks/months when he knew he took advantage.


Cheating on Callie. Being an ass to Meredith after their encounter went badly. Pretty much anytime he was shitty to women and then was only concerned about his identity as a “good guy”.


Took advantage of Meredith when she was drunk and emotional, and then when she began regretting it, he made her seem like the asshole. Very “nice guy” vibes


Not standing by his wife, cheating on his wife with the girl he told her not to worry about, taking advantage of and having sex with a vulnerable woman (Meredith), and then walking out on her because she started crying instead of comforting her, and then treating that said woman (Mer) like trash and blaming her for what happened when it takes two people to have intercourse.


Cheating on Callie O'Malley


Obviously cheating on Callie is at the top of my list, but the way he acted with Mer when she was (I believe) drunk/tipsy, thinking of her father, AND in such a terrible mood that carried her into sleeping with him?! Even if they had already been at it, there was no reason for his reaction against her. He not only shamed her for not wanting to be with him, but he also turned literally everyone against her?! Like, this was just meant to be between them, but he unnecessarily dragged it on and on, and everyone turned away from Meredith. Yes, it's terrible that she cried, who wouldnt feel bad someone you are in the middle of sleeping with just starts bawling?! BUT SHE WAS ALREADY EMOTIONAL!! AND!! HE KNEW SHE WAS NOT INTO HIM. He walked right into that one.


Dying too soon for anyone's liking.


I’m gonna go with hanging Lexie out to dry when she does everything to pump his tires and make him feel better, and he just tosses her aside like she’s not worth his time or gratitude. His marriage stuff isn’t great, but it was destined to fail.


treating his wife like shit and then cheating on her with izzie, taking advantage of mer and then acting like a little bitch about it


Worst thing Alex did was leave Wilson CHANGE MY MIND


Blaming Meredith for crying during sex he elicited when she was clearly going through a lot in her life


Cheating on Callie after gaslighting her like crazy


Cheating on Callie and basically being an awful husband


How he treated Callie. The woman he couldn’t say he loved because he was pining after Mer. The woman he married, and then had second thoughts. The woman he told *to her face* was not as pretty as his female supermodel best friend. The woman he *cheated on* with said supermodel best friend. He mistreated her in front of his ailing father in the hospital, when she was trying to get along with his brothers. He didn’t explain to her why he wanted Hahn to do the operation over Burke, and he didn’t treat her with any respect throughout their relationship.


All the reasons above including always talking above thee women in the show