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Get out of the car and get in again. Drive like a mile away and come back. Worst case restart the session, things happen.


he need to try to enjoy the ride at Hustler lol


I found entering and exiting another building (either on foot or by car) sometimes helps too


Literal billions of users and countless data servers and people get up set when there is an occasional hiccup that cost them like $30,000 in game.


I have to restart so many heist because of glitches and even the daily drug dealers are a pain. If you hit the menu while you’re even moving in the slightest and the menu won’t pop up and you’ll be soft control locked and can’t move. Just pause the game to find a new session.


This literally just happened to me. Luckily I'm in invite only and just changed sessions.


This happened to me once and literally the only thing I could do was press down on the d bad to make the map bigger and see the gamer tags of players around me so I messaged some dude that was nearby and asked if he could come and kill me 😂 he did!! Saved me the time and inconvenience of having to restart the game


lol never thought of that, but I also usually play in Invite only


Probably one of the most wholesome moments I’ve ever had playing this game lmao


Imagine having found a Dubsta 2 (or some other rare find), sitting in front of your garage wanting to store it, only to be blown up by a random after a minute or 2. Nah dude, entering *your own property* seems like something that should work 100% of the time. Specially in a game that’s 11 years old.


It cost me the Masterminds achievement, the worst part is that they didn't do anything about it


I ran into the same problem while shipping a T20 from a warehouse. I solved the problem by getting out of the car and then getting back to the wheel.


Seriously? You just sat there for 10 minutes waiting? Like didn’t try moving the car a bit or anything, just sat there for 10 minutes, then came here and told us about it? 🫠


I had that problem too once, basically locked all controls, couldn't drive, couldn't get out. The timer was ticking away, once it was over control was back


Yep I had that happen the other day. I was stuck and trying to throw bombs out the window to blow myself up but no luck. Once timer finished it forced me out of the car and back to normal, but I travelled several miles in a shit box for no reason


Shit like this happens a lot in public lobbies but doesn’t really happen to me in friend sessions. Especially freezing up trying to sit down at a laptop or entering a building.


Some people create their own problems, thinking it’ll somehow solve their other problems.


Tbf, the quantity of bugs just like this one in GTAO is far from acceptable. But yeah this particular one is pretty minor




People don't have problem solving skills. Which is insane considering you have every answer you'll ever need on the internet. I bet a glitch like this has got loads of post about it in forums and such.


What is your point? This kind of issue shouldn't happen in the first place. What the player did as the end user of the software isn't the issue. The software is.


My point is, problems happen, with all software, including what’s in your real car. If you’re not going to attempt to problem solve, yes even if that means turning the system off and on again and (god forbid), replaying the mission (the horror!), you can look forward to a life full of disappointment. A lot of bugs come from bad shutdown habits, marathon sessions without restarting the system, and playing in public lobbies with hacker wannabe’s. If you’re playing it on PC, you know public lobbies are 100% guaranteed to be corrupted.


Its not the same as a car though, is it? You buy something in 2013 wear and tear is going to demand general maintenance by you the person who purchased the vehicle. You never changed the oil and the motor seized up, yeah, that's on you. You haven't rebooted your PC in a month and you have insane memory leaks and everything is slow? Yeah. That's on you. (We don't know that is the case here though. You're projecting this idea). But... if you're a multi-billion dollar gaming company and you release a game that depends on peer to peer networking traffic that is easily exploitable by people with only a rudimentary knowledge of what they are even attempting to do, and you neglect to correct that issue which has been known since release 11 years ago, then at some point it stops being on the end user and starts being on the company with resources available to fix an issue yet consistently neglects to because that would affect their margins, so fuck the end user. If you're into making excuses for that sort of thing, more power to you, I guess. But I would sooner lay it at Rockstar's feet.


>...and you neglect to correct that issue which has been known since release 11 years ago, then at some point it stops being on the end user and starts being on the company with resources available to fix an issue yet consistently neglects to because that would affect their margins, so fuck the end user. this. there's waaaay too many issues & bugs & freezes that make it a user issue, but they don't get addressed [my favorite being 'Black Loading Screen: The Animated Series']. sure doesn't stop them from hotfixin' or patching any money glitches, dupe glitches, or playlist shortcuts to make money faster, cuz, to add to your statement, that would affect their margins for not being able to fling out shark cards like a Shinobi bonus stage.


A month? If you run your system straight for 4 hours with a game like GTAO you are stacking up cookies that are going to slow your game processing down, and eventually cause a stall out. Not shutting the game down properly causes problems too, regardless of what SeriesX “quick resume” thinks it’s capable of. And talking about tech working out of the box, CyberPunk, No Mans Sky, and a TON of other modern games would like a word. This is all before even considering if there’s a network error on the users end, especially people using wi-fi in a home with multiple other users streaming content. But whatever, if having to replay a 10 minute mission in a game that you’ve pissed hundreds of hours away on, doing all kinds of time wasting nonsense, is a big deal, maybe return it and don’t buy a Rockstar game again. People get too butt hurt about the smallest things, and expect perfection in a world where they themselves have never been able to provide anything even close to it. ALL games have bugs if you play them long enough. You can expect one or two from a game that’s occupied players for 13 years straight with a continuous stream of mostly free dlc.


Yeah man that's just a lot of words and restructuring the of the issue to get around what I'm actually citing. 11 years and no dedicated servers, no real attempt to fix easily exploitable peer to peer traffic. Now they have the gall to try and charge money for a "premium" version of something they barely maintain outside of... as you said "free DLC". (Which is its own debatable topic). I'm not butthurt. I'm just pointing out the blatantly obvious. GTAO lets Rockstar print money. They could stand up servers/fix code and have much greater control over the game as well as its stability and still be rolling in cash. They just choose not to. But, I'm supposed to be happy they pumped out another conceived by 12 year olds formulaic "heist" thing instead of applying these types of fixes and streamlining the house of cards that all of these DLCs sitting on top of each other has become? Cool. You're right. Anyway, all I meant to say is that its pretty likely most of the instability people experience is from the lack of maintenance by Rockstar. Just as in your vehicle example. Some are built well and fairly bullet-proof. Some fall apart if you look at them funny. I'd say GTAO falls into the latter category and the manufacturer might want to consider a recall so they can fix what's broken rather than offloading the work to the consumer. ...I gotta touch on though... You're going to cite Cyber Punk. Really? CDPR even said it was undercooked on release. I didn't have any issues with it myself on PC even on day one, but if its bad to the point retailers are de-listing you from their store and apologizing to their customers, you might have a problem that goes deeper than "people were butthurt". You got some kind of white knight complex for these game companies man. They already have attorneys for that. I wouldn't worry about it.


Are you still trying to shit on the best selling game ever? Just look at how many players still play it daily, 13 years later, it obviously works just fine. If it didn’t it would have empty lobbies…it never has empty lobbies. Whatever beef it is you have with Rockstar, you’re not convincing me or anyone else that “it’s broken” when it isn’t.


You must not play public lobbies on PC is all I can really say to that statement.


See, there you go, “PC”. You know as well as I do that PC is a corrupted mess of modders and hackers, and if you choose to play on that platform you accept that your “community” is going trash the play space. Your problems are more likely PC related, not GTAO related. Console lobbies are thriving.


LOL, ok man. This is the point in the flow chart where you return to the top.


I found this happened if i used any of my rc cars


Only RC Tank will do this. 100% every time on every platform. Bandito, Drone, and Personal vehicle are fine.


no it won't i've seen lol levels no be able to deliver the drug cars and they don't have tjose


I'm talking about remote vehicles specifically. There might be other things that cause this delivery glitch, but for remote vehicles (specifically) only the RC Tank will cause this.


Exactly This. Every time.


It happened to me dozens of times during business battles


I’ve been screwed over by BBs so many times in GTAO I lost count before hopping from PS4 to 5…


One of the many examples of "friend in session is a powerful weapon" was managing to deliver something that wouldn't activate because I managed to rejoin before someone else came over and yoinked the car sitting at my nightclub garage. The game could really use a "force rejoin same session" button.




You probably DC'd - just close the game & Rockstar launcher and re-log. There are a lot of people involved between your Internet router & the Rockstar servers, shit happens a lot.


Are you in an invite-only lobby?


Nah, this shit described in this post is only happens in open sessions full of modders and maybe some people with connection issues, high ping to other players and etc. This case i guess some braindead modder destroyed normal functionality of this session so you cant finish car delivery because of that. But usually GTA process suspend will help with that, but not always sadly.


Yeah, i have this happen a decent amount (usually on acid sale missions), or similar stuff where it takes 5 minutes to enter a building. it's always in a session with several modders messing things up. On invite only lobbies everything happens very quickly all the time.


Get iut of the car, switch to franklin but dont accept the alert. Wait for the game audio to fade out, back out of the alert, and then get back in and drive into the circle. It doesn't work every time but it works sometimes.


60% of the time, it works every time.


Yep gotta love that peer to peer connection with no dedicated servers. The total lack of infrastructure is a feature, really.


The only time I’ve had this happen is when doing those random side events where a SUV appears as a blue dot and you then have to deliver it somewhere. I get it to the garage at Cypress Flats, drive in the circle, and… nothing.


it can happen with any yellow circle mission


I don’t doubt that. It’s just for me on PS5, it’s the “Hey, I see you’ve found my stuff” that it only seems to happen.


I get this on pc occasionally I just assumed it was cheaters breaking the lobby


I agree. It only occurs to me when in a public lobby where modders are F\*cking around.


I’m seeing people roasting this person but the bug is the car will not drive. You can’t get out, you can’t shoot, you can’t do anything! You’re just softlocked like this until the game decides it wants to progress the mission


Send a ticket to support and they'll kick you down some cash. Give them a general idea of how much you lost and they'll fix it, at least they did for me.


Had that issue with the lspwd van, had to redo mission which was annoying but luckily in El Burro Heights instead of all the way by Zancudo.


I have this issue alot with business battles. It's so annoying. I try blowing myself up and everything.


This same shi happens when i try to go inside any place. Tho not very often it happens enough to be irritating. Forces me to just sit outside for sometimes 3 ish mins for the circle to appear. Dont get me started on how sometimes the register as boss just doesnt show as an option


It's a broken game. You can sit there for 3 hours or 3 minutes and nothing will change. Either you accept that sometimes you have to restart the game (and mission) or you change your game of choice entirely. Personally I did the former and then the latter.


I’ve had this happen if you did the mission in a session with a script kiddie using mods, they tend to break shit. Try to stick to solo sessions when doing salvage yard heists.


this is a issue with the game not modders


While this *is* the most likely cause if OP is on PC, anyone with a shitty enough connection to regularly drop packets can cause many of the same issues. The whole game's netcode needs to be redone from the ground up to not double check pointless shit with all other players, but it's not financially worthwhile to them to do so at this stage of the game. (...reminds me of the TF2 subreddit lately...)


This used to happen very often and I have an Xbox S. I found that if I leave the vehicle on the yellow circle, sometimes the game would realise its there before the event timed out. Got to be patient I guess.


I've never had this happen but sometimes entering buildings my game would freeze, and every time I tried to watch TV at eclipse Blvd it freezes the game.


Is the Salvage Yard a worthy investment? I like the Auto Shop because they are multiple things to do that is actually fun. Currently working towards the ability to afford it right now.


Get Nightclub or bunker. Salvage yard is mid.


I’ve already got everything else. Only thing I don’t have is the Arcade and Salvage Yard. I normally play Solo that’s why I asked about the Salvage Yard.


Yeah then get Salvage. The heists are fun but don’t really pay well, and the towing business is kind of fun. Arcade is only good if you’re bored and want to play on the arcade machines, or if you want to do the heist, which requires two people.


The Arcade Heist only requires 2 people? That’s cool then. Me and my 10-year old play together sometimes when he’s in the mood for GTA so that’d be another good heist we can do! He only recently started playing and we did the Fleeca Heist together for the first time and he was a true psycho when robbing the bank 😂


Yeah the only solo heists are Cayo Perico and cluckin bell, everything else requires 2 or 4 players, depending on the heist.


Rockstar: Did you turn it off and turn it back on?


Have you been in an RC car in that session? That breaks delivery halos.


This game is old. Did you pay full price for it?


Still tons better than swtor


If you're on PC, and playing in public lobbies, your lobby can break when a Modder breaks the session. All jobs quit working, and you have to completely restart the game.


Also hate in mind, it’s still a pretty new game so there are going to be bugs. It’s not like it’s been around 13 years or anything. Now that would be ridiculous.


Funniest part is this is likely an internet connection issue, and he’s blaming the game


Worked fine for me


It's been bugging out fow a few days for me


You have to drive away & come Back or leave the session🙄🙄🙄🙄 I hate that


Nah the acid lab resupply with the tractor done pissed me off. I blew up all the ones near the trailer so i had to go to the topp of the map and look for one, drove that slow mf miles away to the trailer, then to the drop off, drove over the circle many times and never worked


How bout the load time to get into your office garage 🤯


Restart the mission that's all what you can do tbh... We do heists and the game gets confused when a player doesn't arrive at a certain checkpoint and the mission softlocks so we will have to restart the mission by failing it


I think it’s when there’s a modder in the session. It’s happened to me a lot of times and I’m looking for patterns, all bugged missions seem to be when someone’s modding


Screenshot and submit a ticket to Rockstar and they put the money in your account


Ive ran into that glitch more times than i can count and its frustrating ngl


Got far away and came back?


Happens to me with drug dealers often too


Well the auto shop is glitching also I just put in a ticket about it cuz it happened a couple months ago too then right when the weekly update comes the auto shop is glitched again


Happened trying to bring vehicle back to my warehouse, actually it happens almost everytime, it’s a known bug that hasn’t been fixed yet


Happened to me once, but in my case I successfully delivered the car, but later the car was worth 0$ both to disassemble and send to Yusuf Yeah, I lost 390k because rockstar servers are dogshit literally just installed the game after that


I get that with maze bank, go flying in and smash into the door and bounce off then just sit there in the marker not going in.


If you’re on public text someone and ask them to kill you. That’s what has worked for me in the past when I’ve been frozen like that.


It happened to me a lot of times while I was playing the game like crazy. It was during a delivery mission... I either had to leave the session with the cost of losing some goods or just hope the bug to go away. 2nd one never happened.


You just sat there instead of trying to reset it lol I’d rather have them divert resources to GTA VI than fix little bugs like these especially with how few there are


Look, bugs can happen in any game at any time. For being as large as GTAO is, it's pretty bug-free imo *on console.


The issue isnt always cum* this problem comes with host migration, some hacker?/mod abuser probably buged the session, or ypur connection got interrupted so now it wont load. Also therr are plenty of times cuk* release an update that will break delivery markers, has been happening all the time over the years. I find that as others have mentioned forcing the game to reload or reconnect something can fix these, but its not always a certainty


Cockstar has nothing to do with the DLCs, thise are outsourced to different chinese sweatshops, where children have to code like crazy with their little fingers, so dont expect Online to work perfectly, those children eat like one grape a day.