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I actually just did this now, made 127k from selling a top range car. If you use ghost org, pretty much all the deliveries can be done before the ghost org timer ends.


yes for sure, and in mt opinion it is so fun and i don't get tired of doing it


Yeah don’t listen to others who just focus only on making money in the came and call these businesses “obsolete”. These are the people who made 1.189 billion and have nothing else to grind. They just focus on cayo, dre and other passive businesses completely ignoring businesses like these.




You’ll always be wrong. I’ve done every business and I know this one isn’t worth doing at all.


wow congratulations for being so good and thank you so much for enlightening all of us with your knowledge on what is worth for other people or not in the game, mr. obsolete🤓☝️


you lose money robbing the car, you lose money delivering the car. the business is a griefing hassle. you can earn more for less hassle elsewhere. its not a business worthy of recommending.


you lose money if you are bad lol


so if your good the NPC's dont spawn & other players dont try to grief you ? lmao go on, reply with something else that also as stupid, im down for having another laugh.


do it on a good public session and you avoid all these problems you said, literally just like as any business in the game. Just saying this.


So what if you have done every business? All that money you earned is just a waste of time if you don’t even spend it all and you know it.


shut up. hes talking about the hassle involved compared to the reward you get.


Nah I won’t. I don’t see any hassle when doing vehicle warehouse. I agree there are better businesses but vehicle warehouse isn’t the worst. Honestly, y’all acting like it is the worst business of the game, like even worse than document forgery.


> I don’t see any hassle when doing vehicle warehouse if you cant even be honest about the downsides to this business then your just a shill.


The only hassle I see when doing the vehicle warehouse is loading into public sessions. Other than that, its easier to do.


To be fair, I think you’re more wrong in your quest to make every player do and play the same things and way you do. You constantly clown people doing I/E or other “not worth it” businesses, but fail to realize that other people have different interests, and some might like that option much more than Cayo or something like it. Put simply: I have every single business, nearly every car, no need for cash or grinding, and most my time is spent helping or teaching heists. And I/E and other ‘not worth it’ businesses are some of the most enjoyable things for me. Also please explain how it isn’t worth it. 127k for a few minute sale, and the option to test cars? Man, sounds *awful*, can’t believe they’d put this in the game Edit: Wanted to add, that despite me *hating* MC sell missions and thinking nobody should endure those because they’re far from worth it, I still don’t go around telling people how to run their game, or trying to lean that far into making them know they’re wrong. Just loosen up and be okay with the fact that some people like import/export and have interest doing something you don’t want to. Learn how to share your opinion without shoving it down someone’s throat and forcing them to regurgitate the same flawed stance as you :)


By speaking my mind, I am giving the express point that people can learn from the mistakes I made. I/E was never good. Crates were better but people were lazy. And when the Terrorbyte and it’s Client Jobs came out, it completely eliminated the need to run such a shitty business. I made over 400 million plus out of my Client Jobs/VIP Work routine. I built my third character’s empire from scratch using that routine. It works with none of the bullshit I/E presents. I posted the other day about what a solo player can do to make real money given my billionaire experience. I/E is not on there because it’s a shitty obsolete waste of time. There is hardly any reason to own the vehicle warehouse at all given the plethora of options a solo player has. It is, and always will be, an obsolete waste of time.


Man, you act just like all the other billionaires in the real world lmao guess that I/E kickstarting my moneymaking and helping me earn millions just was a waste of time and didn’t matter!! You need to realize, if someone wants to do something, and has fun or likes doing it, it’s not a waste of time. Nobody is saying to get it first thing and it’ll be your main source of income. But people like having a variety of things to do, and this is FAR from one of the worst paying things in game. Die on your hill, I guess, but it’s a weird hill. You’re foaming at the mouth at the idea that people like doing what the actual title of the game is.


And you get to try new cars out that you might not have 👊🏽


yeah such a cool feature, a lot of the cars i got interested and bought were the ones I sold in this business


Money will come if you just do the things you enjoy. I don't mind doing a single MC business if I get the supplies from the stash house, but when I start doing 2-3 at once it gets tiresome. I also enjoy I/E but I don't have the warehouse filled up on my new PS5 account. I should do that, pop into public lobbies to sell top-range cars, and pop out again.


This is a nephew post; all the uncles have retired from this grind before Kapitan showed up


It was rendered obsolete in 2018 with the advent of the Terrorbyte and its Client Jobs. Now the game has expanded so much that it isn’t worth running at all.


Nah chief, I/e is better than the terrorbyte


Unequivocally wrong.


Sigh. Import/export *carried* the Terrorbyte for solo hourly grinds. The terrorbyte client missions were *solely* for use during I/E cooldown. If you don’t know, don’t speak as if you do.


1000% Wrong. Client Jobs and VIP Work paid more per hour in an invite only lobby than I/E did in a solo public. That was why I/E was rendered obsolete. Further additions to the game have made I/E completely unnecessary and a total waste of time.


Not the most profitable but definitely the most fun of all the businesses. I’m going through the career progression for it rt now. Almost at tier 4.


I’m still on T3, I think. Gotta do some of those missions still…


exactly, i never get tired of doing it somehow


It’s honestly the most GTA thing of all GTA online. Literally steal car, sell car.


Some people would call it an act of Grand Theft Auto.


The music is the best music in the game for sure




yes, it does, only way of making this business work properly actually in my opinion


I'm out of touch with this business, how did this work again?


you start a search mission on your office, to find a high, medium or low value car. Then, after you get it to your warehouse, you can carry out a sell mission for that car. Simple as that


Oh sorry, I should have phrased it differently. How full do I need it to be with low and medium cars before I only get high end cars?


get all of the low and medium. And then only high will appear!


Ah okay, I wasn't sure if I needed to stop at some point lol. Thank you, I appreciate the info!!


Basically only ever sell High end cars and you'll end up only sourcing high end cars after getting one of each car. I have a video that goes a bit more into it if you're interested.


You should source 32 cars exactly before selling. You'll get unique cards with each source and no dupes. 


Yes, but if you fill up the top range category too you permanently lose the ability to only get top range cars. Learned this the hard way so now I don't do import/export as it's no longer profitable for me.


Ran into this recently. You think it would work again if I closed down/changed the vehicle warehouse?


You would have to sell every vehicle before moving. If you intend to waste your time with this obsolete business, store 10 standard, 10 midrange, and 12 top range cars. 32 in total with no duplicates. Then sell only the 12th top range car. You next mission will be to replace that car. However, the missions you get will be terrible in every way. It simply isn’t worth the time or effort to run it.


Worth the time or effort for what exactly? Money making or having fun?


not worth discussing with him, this guy is bad at the game and can't deliver cars by himself so he thinks others shouldn't aswell


Bro this guy was saying the same thing since past couple of months. He also hates doing stash houses and he doesn’t even like arcade. He just says the same thing whenever vehicle warehouse is mentioned. “Obsolete” , “waste of time” , “ less self inflicted grief”, “ Unequivocally wrong”. Like I got tired of looking at these words already. Just do whatever suits best for you.


i bet my whole money he simply can't deliver a single sell mission and that so justifies being "obsolete" and how no one should be able to have fun and get money with something he is bad at doing.


None of the missions you source are “fun”. Getting attacked by other players is not “fun”. Having cars burst into flames is not “fun”.


Well that only applies for a hardcore gta online vitrual moneymaker addict like you but not for me.


I have a cool game for you. Here are the rules:  Get a calculator.  Now, hit +1 = See if you can get a high score! No NPC attacks, no other players griefing you!  If you subscribe to my account, I'll notify you when it's +2 week.


Um...if you sell 3 top range cars, you'll be able to then replace them with mediums until you're doing what was actually suggested - get all the low / medium ones so that you only cycle round sourcing and selling the top range ones. It CAN be profitable for you, if you want it to be. If not, well, it's your cash tied up in stock, not mine....


"Um... actually" ☝️🤓 Jokes aside it's still not the best method anymore, I do cayo, bunker, acid and hangar sales whenever I need money, which isn't often anymore.


Fair enough, I'd agree there's plenty of other things to do, but would still say vehicle warehouse is far from the worst.




You do have basement floors full of technicians sourcing stock, right?


Isn’t it a 20 minute cooldown though? Only 2-3 per hour


just find other things to do during cooldown


Yh just some simple things that have a similar shorter cooldown like a 5 mins mixed export job, 5 mins selling an auto shop car/ MC clubhouse bike and then 5-10 mins on a payphone hit. $50k+$50k+$85k in the cooldown period + whatever you make from the imports/ exports can get around $300k in about 20-30 mins


payphone hit has been nerfed unfortunately, giving about 45 thousand now per job.


Oh yh, forget they got nerfed, been a minute since I've done them. Even so around 150k for 15 min in-between a cooldown is still pretty decent


Its too bad that it never got a buff because the highest you can make is selling a Top Range car for only $100,000 which at the time was a lot of money for people, but nowadays since there has been so many updates and businesses added to the game its just been forgotton about and left in the dust.


when selling in public lobbies, you can get a max of 150000 if im not wrong. For the time you spend on this, I think it is so worth it


Yeah it is for people who don't have much money and they are just want a business that can make money, but again it may not be much use since it is behind a payroll where you need a Ceo Office first and then the vehicle warehouse.


It did receive a buff some time ago, where I/E now receives High Demand bonus. IMO still not worth it, but high demand is quite nice :)


100k is a hell of a lot for 4 minutes of work (counting typical source and sell, with cargobob if needed).


First of all, yes - Import/Export is a solid moneymaker, even if it has been surpassed re: profitability these days. I made millions with it before the Nightclub came along. I actually always did this in solo lobbies - mainly because I didn't care about the bonus (I found ways to make up or that), and also because I had a fun tactic I always used back in the old days: My Vehicle Warehouse was down in the La Mesa area. I found a fantastic little part of the map that had only one way in/out, and it was at the exact distance the NPCs would be triggered to begin appearing. I'd drive into this little area, get out, hide behind a wall and shoot the 4 waves of these NPCS one by one with zero damage to the car. Then, after they're all dead, I'd just have a liesurely drive to the drop off.


yes, I used to do exactly what you said when delivering in solo sessions!! My warehouse is also the La Mesa one. But for me at least, doing it on public has only benefits so I don't do this trick anymore


Was it the little fenced in area two turned to the northwest of the warehouse? lol I loved that little spot. Not one bullet would hit the car! I used to make up for the bonuses by doing VIP work during the cooldowns lol. Once I got a cargobob, I think i didn't do it as much. lol


precisely. I used to do VIP on cooldowns also, but after Hangar buff I started doing search crate for it during the cooldown of warehouse


Back in the day I used to know all the little tips and tricks for the actual stealing missions, too. Like setting up far away from the "Stolen car" mission and sniping the driver before the target car "chase" starts moving, etc. lol. Memories!


especially if you fill your garage with low/mid range cars which makes it so you only spawn top range cars. 125k every time


also if you don’t sell any low and mid range and just fill the garage with them, eventually you’ll only get high end every time


https://preview.redd.it/mgdq91gvay5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b22284fac9eca501ce74bcb1e40f0a2466c3137 *Literally* the name of the game....plenty of people seem to have forgotten that....




Is there any bonus to selling in public lobbies? I cannot remember, my IE cars wouldn’t start anyway. They are covered in dust, flat tires and dead batteries 👍


yes!! you can get max 150000 in a full lobby for a high value car if im not wrong


And if you get attacked, you make nothing.


holy shit dude, you got griefed and don't want others to have fun because of that? such a broken record, dang. Stay playing on solo sessions and have your fun with npcs then


Just pointing out the fact that public lobbies are not all sunshine and rainbows.


if you actually know how to choose your public servers you won't have any problems. I just think you don't want others to have fun with the game has to offer because you are bad, so you spend your whole time answering every comment how it is "obsolete"


And if you get disconnected, your car bursts into flames. It’s an obsolete waste of time.


ok dude, just like any other business in the game. What is your obsession with import/export? you don't want others to have fun with something you're not capable of doing it, right?


I’m perfectly capable of doing it. But I did it enough to know that it’s crap. It’s obsolete. You can do more with other things and not have as many issues as this shit business gives you. That you need to “shop” for the right lobby to sell in is proof it’s not worth running. There is zero need to do any of that.


literally everything you do in public sessions requires that, and if you want, like I said, have fun with npcs on a solo session. People don't play the game because something is the absolute way of getting money or profit, but because it is fun. If it doesn't works for you, fine. Just stop being a jackass whose whole purpose is saying "obsolete" expecting people will change their minds because of something you said. Besides, like I said, it is absolutely NON obsolent, and I think other people in this reddit agree with me, just look at the upvotes of the post.


If you put it like that, it applies to other businesses like ceo cargo as well.


Nope. None of the other businesses have the problem where the cargo is completely lost.


You get attacked even if you sell product of any other business.


Import-Export is a lost art of a grinding business. The problem is really just time. It’s good money, but it takes a little while. What I love though is than unlike recent updates, I can go as fast as I want and if I get a scrape I don’t instantly lose a massive bonus. But the sourcing missions can be a massive fucking drag, especially the Cargobob mission. Unless I have a teammate, 9/10 i’ll just switch sessions, not fucking worth it. But other than that, Imp-Exp is an awesome business, and when X1.5 or X2 is in play, it’s way way way better


agree with everything you said


•Own a cargo bob •Have assistant call pegasus for cargo bob •Skip getting cargo bob portion But really I just use a cargo bob on pretty much all steals.


Not worth it honestly. Your vehicle is more prone to damage, and in a cargobob, you cannot defend yourself. Even worse if there’s a helicopter, which will damage your vehicle to an extreme. Not worth it at all. Better take a few more minutes and have low to no damage taken than make things fast and deliver swiss cheese to my warehouse.


I feel so stupid. I honestly don’t know how to import/export 😕


you mean how to actually do it or is it hard for you?


Yeah how to do it. Is it salvage yard?


no, you got to first buy the office to become CEO, and then a vehicle warehouse in the office computer.


I see. Makes sense iv never done it I don’t even have an office yet. Thanks for the info I’ll definitely put it to use


Mind sharing the strategy?


so, just make sure to fill your vehicle warehouse with all the medium (10) and low (10) value cars, and then you will only get top value cars search missions. Make sure to sell in public sessions for the high demand bonus, it is surprinsingly easy. That way, you can make a minimum of 120 grand for car, which takes about 5-10 minutes. Such a great business


I finished the career progression there so I don't really have any incentive to go back anymore. It used to be the meta money maker (outside heists)


yes for sure, years ago it was so relevant but I think things changed after Cayo. But with the nerfs this heist received, I think other kinds of business often not talked about enough deserve more attention, and I consider this one of them


This is exactly how I made my money before the Casino and Cayo Perico heists. When I start playing again closer to the release of gta6, I'll probably go back to import/export coz it was a nice chill way of making money driving cars


I haven't touched it myself since before they added the player count bonus to it, but when I was new I definitely used the 80k from a run of it to get back on my feet after spending everything on a new business/vehicle many times over. Wouldn't recommend it myself, but that's because I've since found that the bunker and nightclub are even lower effort and I have 4 businesses with safes and also a ton of casino chips (stopped converting chip prizes to cash, I only use the lucky wheel) to pull from if I somehow am low on cash ever again. Plus it doesn't have that stupid $2k bonus for griefing, so those people have no excuse. I immediately orb+strike team+Lamar anyone who does that without hesitation.


I'll have to get back into that.




I made maybe 40m on it in the days before casino opened. Its quick and fun and a thrill to do in hostile lobbies. Do a test run first and watch when the NPCs spawn, then next time drive just to this spot, get out and kill the NPCs on foot. They have limited respawns.


exactly, I think there is a point in this game where everything is better at public lobbies, better yet when you make tons of money with it. I have the warehouse on La Mesa, so usually I stop the car at a parking lot nearby the main road, kill al of the 3-4 waves of npc and continue the sell with no problems


Pro tip: before you go to your warehouse to start the mission, park your armored Kuruma at the spawn point, hop out of the sell car and into the Kuruma, then kill the NPCs. It's way easier and you can drive a little bit away from the sell vehicle so it doesn't take any stray bullets.


Doing it in a solo lobby is now pointless


Do you make more off of cars in public?


No NPCs attack you in any public session. And if there are enough players, the high demand bonus does apply.


Yes you get the high demand bonus like the other businesses


You make more money from any sale if there are other CEOs/MCs in the lobby, but Im not sure about the numbers needed. Also not sure exactly what the person you're replying to means but personally after years of playing the game I just dont get fun from simply earning money anymore, got to make it dangerous on purpose to stay entertained.


yes, a lot. Selling a high value in a full/almosr full lobby grants you 150 grand minimum, taking out the cost of sell (20000), and you got a profit of at least 130 thousand for car sell. A lot of money in so short time


Doing it at all is pointless.


Only if you don’t know how to play the game


Nope. It’s an obsolete waste of time.


Again? You're a stuck record. Let people enjoy the game however they want. Your opinions are not facts.


How dare these people not do the most efficient money maker possible, and not only spam cayo heists? Oh God are they... they having... FUN?!? Get the fuck out of here with that shit you peasants! GTAO should only be about maximizing time with money earned. That's why I buy shark cards and don't play the game at all.


bro your comment is the whole point i was trying to made in the post. People always worry too much about payouts and forget they are playing a game to have fun (lol!). And in this matter, doing different business and not spamming cayo is the way


It has nothing to do with Cayo. The missions for I/E are terrible in every way. There is nothing “fun” about it.


nothing "fun" about it....TO YOU.


Yes, like driving a Cargobob “is fun”. Cars bursting into flames is “fun”. Chasing cars through police chases is “fun”. Getting chased by auto aim helicopters is “fun”. Cars serving into you is “fun” It’s a shitty business that isn’t worth running at all in 2024.


Oh, come on, Mr Grinch...you love it really. BTW, I don't use a Cargobob, the cars don't spontaneously combust on me, police chases are the DNA of the game, helicopters are easily taken down and don't play tennis with machines....


Here he comes again, the offical hater of import/ export


Haven’t done it in years lol. Now I just grind cluckin bell, salvage yard, acid, and Cayo


This is how I started out until I got the MK2 and moved on to casino.


Meh, I died before I even got to spawn in and hit ghost organization. Never mind that every server I've been on recently apparently has a hard on for vehicle cargos. Can't do it solo, and if you attempt to and you d/c for some reason, you'll only have approx 10 seconds as the car spontaneously combustion. Used to be a solid in-between while doing other businesses, but i haven't moved any more cars since.


How much is the set up cost for these and what property is required


you will need the office and the vehicle warehouse. If i am not wrong, all this together will cost about 2.5mi-3mi


It's a boring slog to fill the warehouse up, it takes forever with the same 3 or 4 missions, there are more fun things to do (Cayo, Cluckin Bell) that make more money and don't feel so monotonous. The hanger is another one, the profit margins are huge with the bonuses but grinding 25 crates to get the bonus is mind numbing.


you got a point, I filled it so long ago that I don't remember how a pain in the ass it was. But I'd say the effort is well paid, since repeating heists in a row after some time gets so boring. Hangar is also one of my favorite business for sure, but filling it with always the same 3-4 land missions can be really bleh, so I always make sure to pay Rooster to help.


Pay rooster decrease your payout


actually it doesn't, considering you will fill it faster (time=money) and he can find two cargos by search


But it takes the bonuses out of the deal, because he'll source random categories. Pay him 33 times, you'll 50 crates spread across 8 categories and maybe 1 or 2 5% bonuses. I'm not advocating any particular alternative, but the "worthwhileness" of the Hangar (time vs money) seems pretty subjective


The issue with rooster is that you can’t control which type of cargo he collects, and with the hangar you typically want to fill it with only one type of high value cargo to take advantage of the sales bonus, which is how you maximize profitability outside of of high demand bonus. So in addition to the source missions for say Narcotics, you’d also need to do sell missions for any other type of Cargo rooster collects, since those would mess up your bonus and take up space. Therefore, you’re wasting both time and money with rooster.


It does, rooster don't source the same create that you are filling, less then 25 crates = waste of money


Need double payout on this


It’s not bad if you’re doing it in public lobbies, but it’s still not top of the totem pole. https://preview.redd.it/mbt6vot1zz5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ad911406a03d1ae96d8fb46e8627b429b2cd164


add up that is so god damn fun, numbers don't count that


Well when it first came out it actually was the best way to make money, and I agree it is one of the more fun methods for sure, probably #1 but maybe not for everyone. Either way it’s still a grind just like all the others.


anyone know how many vehicle cargos i have to do to unlock special vehicle work


I guess 10? Can't remember sorry but if you do 1.000, you unlock a trophy! 🏆 


It’s the worst business in the game


The MC document forgery business exists, though.


Fair point.


Not even close but nice try


I disagree, doing it in public lobbies grants tons of money quickly in a fun and light way that not all business do. After you get good at it you can make around 120.000 in 10 minutes or less


I have completed all tier 4. To get to 25M vs all the other businesses was the most time consuming. Hence i find it the worst.


As someone who did tier 4 for all bussinesses, import/export is kindergarten copared to MC business


Then you did it wrong




fair enough, but the point of this game is that you have tons of ways of making money, and this is a fun active way of doing it while your passive works. I consider MC business far worse than this, and doing it on public session is a huge thing for me, playing it solo makes the game boring


1. I have a warehouse full of mid and low range and still I only get mid-range. 2. My experience is the opposite with griefers. It is an interesting car icon that attracts anyone who’s driving a normal vehicle. I get fewer people with missile vehicles but more regular sports car drivers chasing me down and trying to either crash me, shoot me “drive by” style, or driving to a spot ahead and trying to pick me off as I come down the highway. Sourcing the vehicle always attracts people with missiles too. I still occasionally do it, but it’s far from my most profitable business. Auto shop and salvage yard are better


1. you probably are missing some of the mid ranges, so if you still got space on the warehouse, i'd recommend filling with the mid value remaining and then start searching for the high range. 2. in that case, either activate ghost org or leave session if you think there will be no way of getting out, so you don't lose the car.


Is it because I have the smaller 20 car warehouse?


yeah I believe so!


1) Make sure you don’t get any duplicates of any mid range or low range car. Sell all the duplicates if there is any. 2) I agree it might be worse money wise but it is not completely forgotten. Can be done once in a while atleast.


Totally agree. It’s a top 3 business for the fun aspect. Does anyone know which type of vehicle with license plate “TH370S” is? That’s the last one I need for all the collector’s set.






I honestly didn't know you could do ghost while turning those cars in. I thought it would put you on the map for everyone like every other drop mission in the game.


You can do ghost for any sell mission if you are ceo


Does owning a 40 car garage have an advantage compared to a 20 car garage? Since you need to fill up the garage with low and mid tier vehicles in order to only source high end vehicles would owning a 20 car garage be better since it fills faster with the lower end cars?


You got it wrong, you don t need to actually fill the warehouse, there are only 10 cars in each class which means you need to keep 20 spaces permanently occupied, then you would need at least 1 more space to be able to source another car which will be guaranteed top range


Ahh allright thx for the clarification!


tbh, i don't know the answer to your question. My garage fits 40 vehicles and the trick with filling with low/medium first works fine for me


Oh yeah it’s great. Music goes unbelievably hard.


another point of why it is so awesome of a business


Oh yeah, anything with good music gives it +100 good business points in my book


It's a great money maker. I grinded it hard to finish career progress and dang it was a long grind. Cool downs suck though. Helps if you get other players to help you deliver.






No it isn’t. It’s an obsolete waste of time.


you prob doing it wrong my dude. Certainly better than a lot of the business of the game in terms of active short term money + able to do in public sessions


Nope. I knew exactly how to do it. And it is pure shit. There are far better ways to make money with less game-inflicted grief.


disagree, but yeah do whats best for you


Obviously, you mean the Fooligans jobs, and the LS Mercenaries missions - the former perfected the grief-free mission, and the latter being the most easily profitable.