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I think R* forgot about the terrorbyte existence šŸ’€


We'll have to contact R Support for them to remind the small dev team to patch it lol


It appears that you now can, do ceo and biker missions in private only however the terror byte won't let you, most likely a glitch. To launch a source cargo mission you have to do it from your CEO office. To launch Ron's arms smuggler mission you have to do it from his hangar. The other missions should work the same, as you would need to launch them from your businesses. Haven't tested the arcade yet.


It does work from the master control terminal. I sourced cash and vehicle cargo from there in an invite only.


That's good news! Appreciate you confirming it.


Is the master control terminal tied to the arcade? I haven't played in a while.


Yes, it's in the basement/garage near the casino heist setup boards. You purchase it through the laptop in the arcade office.


Thank you.


I spawn in the arcade just for the master control center access. The only business computer missing is the agency. It controls everything from one chair.


Yeah that's what I've gathered. I hope it's just a glitch. It would make no sense to have it barred off.


youve always been able to do that


Hope they fix this soon! I literally bought the terrorbyte just now.


Same here. Literally bought the terrorbyte then realized it. At least it's not a 4 million dollar vehicle and is only 1.25 mill tho if they intend it not to work in private haha. I think it's probably an oversight of Rockstar, and hopefully not one of the perks of playing in a public lobby.


it also takes 32 homing missiles to blow up. worth the money alone is a great vehicle to block traffic and provide cover with.


And the homing missiles can lock on to players on foot


ā€œWe will introduce this next decade like the rest of the stuff!ā€


But how do you assign a Lupe to get Special Cargo. Thatā€™s the question.


When I went to my cargo warehouse, they were at the big overhead door. Just go and ask them they will source for you for 7500, then you just go and pick it up whenever they find it.


So you still have to go get it after you pay?


Yes. But the first time I just went to pick it up, no fight or anything


How many crates


I'm pretty new to the warehouse business, I just picked up 1 vehicle. Whatever that means lol. So 1 crate?


3 crates can fit in a vehicle


Fair enough. I just tried the one time. I'm not 100% sure if it's worth using at 7500 dollars per source.


Actually when you pay the 7500 you will get a notification just above your mini map with (ie, 2 crates sourced to west vinewood backlot) it takes 1 in-game day (48 minutes) for this to happen then you can repeat the process ... note you can do this with any 5 warehouses simultaneously


Nice. That's a good explanation of it. Thanks. I had no idea how it worked now I do lol.


I'm about to grind all business until I saw this post


Itā€™s a bug. Source from office


Leave it to lame ass R* to fuck something up.


ya must be a bug, hope it gets fixed soon, its much faster to be able to source from the terrorbyte


Is it just me or do I find it funny that the arcade lets you source and sell but a terrorbyte doesnā€™t meaning that rockstar probably forgot about the terrorbyte but not the arcade šŸ„² (oh I just found someone else said this exact thing)


Same thing happened to me today fk


Might be broken for a while . Or intentional by Rockstar. They haven't said anything about fixing it.


I just sent a ticket to their support a few days ago and they replied saying that they have alerted the department about it but they do not have a specific timeframe of when they will resolve this issue


Doing God's work!


What about the Arcade master terminal? I might actually get it this time if it's useful.


The Arcade master terminal works in private session tho , no bug is affecting it fortunately .


Awesome! Thanks.


Don't have it.


Iā€™ll check when I get off work if no one gives you an answer


I thought I read it was for selling but not sourcing but I haven't even had the chance to play it yet


I think it was only the sales missions that you can do in invite only sessions


No it is not. You can source via office computer in invite only session. Bug indeed.


Oh ok


Well I can source cargo from the ceo office in invite only.


OK, So I still can not do something in a private lobby which I do not do at all. Gotcha. I've steadfast refused to do CEO Cargo since my day 1 in PS4 GTA Online 25 months and 3 days ago, I am not going to change that now.


They buffed it pretty well. And they nerfed cayo perico with a 2.5 hour cooldown. But good job because everyone was asking you. šŸ˜‰


No one asked me. I just commented on the OP, in that I still can not do it in a private session.


You can do it in invite only just the terrorbyte is bugged


It literally does not matter, as I steadfast DO NOT do CEO Cargo, literally not a single fucking CEO Crate between both of my accounts over the past 25 months. I have no fucking intention of changing things now, in regards to the CEO Cargo.


![gif](giphy|5fBH6zodw7VMuR8uUnu|downsized) Why are you so upset and aggressive Jesus Christ calm down little miss got my panties into a twistā€¦ Who shat in your cornflakes




But we are just stating things calmlyā€¦ seriously someone mustā€™ve shat in your cornflakes. if itā€™s none of our business donā€™t comment or mention it then.. youā€™re just contradicted yourself.




But how did I provoke you? Did I call you names? Was I aggressive towards you? Like I just said something simple.. yet you get all aggressive and mad and very upset, call names and shit for no exact reason.. over a petty issueā€¦ no one is saying you should do crates yea itā€™s an option and an opinionā€¦ no one is being aggressive towards you, youā€™re just like a reddit version of a Karenā€¦ getting all aggressive for no reason and calling names for no reasonā€¦ At this point Iā€™m confused and dumbfoundedā€¦ like the fuck did we do for you to get all agro like a deranged crack head thatā€™s off his meds begging for some crack.


just posted about this too lolā€¦ maybe theyā€™re updating it to be a mobile master control terminal like it shouldā€™ve been??


Same here