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If I could convince boomers to pay 10 grand plus for flamed maple, I’d probably shill for Big Wood too


They are the same people that buy a new version of an old car like a Challenger or a Mustang.


I mean that 5.0 and 10spd is a demon, a 67 and modern mustang are pretty different atp


>Sports car >Automatic transmission 🤢🤮 Also they weigh like 800 lbs too much.


Manual aint been faster than an auto in decades grandpa


I never said a manual transmission was faster, I said it's cringe to buy a sports car with an automatic transmission.


You can’t convince people that don’t enjoy driving cars, how much fun it is to drive cars. I’ve been trying for years lol.


The subculture of people that spend thousands making a street car that can go fast in a straight line but don't know how to brake is so baby-brained to me.


This is why I like auto. I hate driving. To me, driving is commuting and errands. Nothing fun ever comes out of it, so the action itself has become something to dread. I want to put it in drive and get it over without having to think about anything. Even just having to clutch and shift is way more effort than I'm willing to put into the process. And I'm definitely not willing to take out any time to actually get accustomed to it. This feels like a complete rejerk but I'm dead serious lol


Well nowadays you don't have hardly any choices on anything new, the take rates on them have been low as shit, like 5%, despite you and the likes of Motor Trend decrying their demise. I prefer a manual but its silly to think that a dual clutched paddle-shifted monster with 500+ hp can't be fun. Try a new C8 cometime. Super fun.




Why would anyone buy a Challenger or Mustang when they could have a Ford AU Falcon?


I'll answer for some of the American market: it's the same reason I don't drive a Land Rover Prado. I want to, but they don't sell them here


This is so sad, Marty play 035


Big Wood, now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.


I felt it recently. Truly a full experience


I mean, Big Wood definitely improves my tone, I don’t see why it wouldn’t improve a guitar.


Uj/ i grew up close to Amish people. One day i went to a fair. Some amish dude was ripping off cuts from a log. I thought sweet, make something out of it and help out an amish dude. That slice off log log was a couple hundred dollars, nah ishmel. He was selling them like crazy. Boomers like any wood


> Boomers like any wood ED's a bitch


Big wood huh..


Even some of the boomers know it’s not about the flame but the grain tightness coefficient to moisture percentage depth ratio.


When I worked at the factory there used to be disclosures for whatever Brazilian rainforest they decimated for boomer dentists


Ha, joke's on him, my basement walls are made of bookmatched Maple and Brazilian Rosewood.


Legend says Paul doesn’t understand jokes unless told in a specific toan.


Specifically, Koa.


whoever popularized the "X hours ago" timestamp for articles should be murdered just put the actual fucking date and time it was posted


I fucking hate guitar. Anyway the only function this article provides is to cure the erectile dysfunction "tone deniers" have inflicted upon boomermasters. Finally they can jerk once more.




>"heh wow, look at this poor only able to afford a little plastic keyboard. Sure you can make every sound imaginable, but it can't replicate the absolute toan made by my 150 year old cherrywood grand piano"


Honestly looking like a better option each day


Reject 148MB vst. Return to giant wall Moog that has the power demands of a small data centre.


On one hand, people are certain that guitars matter. But on the other, these “toanees” favorite albums will be ones with fake les pauls e.g. Appetite. So like which is it, ya know?




Fender have just released a replica of Joe Strummer's piece of shit battered Tele, its £20,000. Cos everyone is dying to get that authentic "Joe Strummer" toan. [facepalm emoji]. I think the secret is in the rust and stickers


I think the secret is knowing your instrument as an extension of your body. There is nothing special about my old ibanez gio rg, but after two decades of play time I am simply comfortable playing on it.


So true, I’ve had a Gibson SG faded for close to that long and it just feels so natural in my hands. The only other guitar I’ve bought was an 8-string about 7 years ago


/uj Ya when you hook it up to a scope and plot the frequency response it shows that the different woods in fact resonate differently. Does it end up making a difference in the grand scheme of things? Fuck no


Also, what if the only reason they used wood back in the day was because it was cheap, cheap to work with, and readily available? What if some metal or alloy was as easy to get as wood back then? Let me take another hit and think about it…


1958 Fender: “I’m gonna use this cause I can get a fuck ton of it cheap lol” 2024 Fender: “it’s crisp, but soft, it’s warm and full bodied. It cool, but also tidy. It’s scrongily, but most importantly it’s boingy”


2024 Fender:”Oh we’re talking about boners. Y’all talking about toan wood?”


Leo Fender: this wood cheap, easy to buy, good for when you bonk your guitar on concrete


“Hey Leo we’re out of wood / it’s going up in price” “Oh shit haha just switch to this other wood, no problem”




/uj Reminds me of this one dude on one of the old forums describing a certain wood as "breast milk." Even the other toanwood dudes were like WTF.


that dude was straight up jerkin before the baby popped out


Aristides guitars are amazing, and they have no wood at all.


> Aristides guitars are amazing Doubt. [Goes to website. Sees butterscotch tele.] ~~Doubt.~~


Only the players have wood then?


I was reading a physics paper (can't find it right now, rip) that was measuring some of this stuff. One thing they pointed out that really put all this tone bs in perspective was how the neck construction type has an order of magnitude more of an effect than every other physical variable in the system. And they were concluding this based on the degree to which it mattered in a numerical model they had compared to a measured guitar, not just based on "this is how an idealized string resonator should work". So any effect the type of wood has on the tone is at least 10 times less of an effect than the neck construction type. And like, can you *really* tell what type of neck it is based on listening? Maybe, but the differences would have to be **massive** for the idea that the body wood matters to hold any weight. In a similar vein the paper didn't discuss, I think it's really informative to remember that like half of all solid body electrics have their strings connected to the body via a solid piece of metal, and the other half have their strings connected to the body via a mass of literal springs, and you can barely tell them apart by their tone. Like, yeah I get that the air from the string vibrations will cause the body to vibrate which will effect the strings vibrating, but that's going to be at best a second order effect compared to, you know, how the strings are physically connected to the wood.


This makes both me and my physics degree happy


Honestly, I think most of this stuff really comes down to placebo/feel. I like a guitar that i can feel resonating in my hands when I play it. Does that actually mean anything? Probably not. But it makes my brain go, “I like this,” and that probably makes my brain think it sounds better too. Placebo can be incredibly powerful, and I think that’s what’s really going on with most of this shit. If you convince yourself some ultra-rare wood from the Congo sounds better than pine, it will sound better to you even if you can’t actually tell the difference in a blind test.


Glenn over at spectre Media group says that from proper A B testing, your speakers make the biggest toan difference. Think cabinet design has a measurable effect too. So think about different speakers rather than changing pickups or guitars maybe.


Jim Lill tested this stuff out too. Effectively found that for electrics, the cab makes the most difference. My favorite video is on him figuring out if different amps matter for tone. He effectively found a way to make any tube amp sound the same so they didn’t really matter. Definitely some interesting videos to watch. I think Glenn even commented on the one regarding amps.


Yeah amps are just various stages of EQ and amplification. The amounts and ordering of these stages is what makes them sound distinct


For acoustics, one hundred percent. But does that affect the resonance of the pickups? Could it be picked out in blind tests?


What if I buy guitars to plug them into my oscilloscope? Uj/ what if I buy guitars to plug them into my oscilloscope?


I once had an argument with someone about the whole tonewood thing. I conceded that it probably did make a difference with clean tones, but this dude's gain was fucking maxed out with a distortion over it, so how good were his ears exactly that he could hear the difference?


I hold a master's degree from Stanford and can confirm that the laws of physics apply to every single object in the universe apart from the electric guitar.


Ok college boy, then what laws do apply to the electric guitar?


The Laws of Blooz


Masters degree in toan is money well spent


Jet fuel can't melt steel beams!


The death of Leo Fender was an inside job


That’s what you think. He’s alive and living somewhere in Fullerton. I’ve heard he is a sweetwater sales rep now.


Uj/ this is true but what people overlook is it sure as fuck can soften steel beams on top of the fact that you thousands of tuns no putting downword force on the soften steel and the vibration caused by impact creating massive friction and that cocktail of heat, friction and violent movement can cause steel to melt.


Vibration, friction, violent movement…you keep this up you’re gonna melt my steel beam


I think my building 7 just collapsed 🤤


But valyrian steel melts ice beings.




He's just uppity cuz he missed a boat payment. Help him out and buy a DGT.


Don’t trust toanwood deniers, only trust toanwood peddlers.


That's what Big Wood wants us to think


You rang?




Can someone please explain to Chevy Chase over here that wood makes a difference when it comes to how the guitar feels in your hand, how it looks (depending on paint) and its resale value? It has no discernable impact on tone.


Why is Mike Pence holding that ugly AF guitar?


It's the only thing Mother will let him hold.


That's obviously Dr. Drew.


I met Paul when he was giving a workshop at Sweetwater. I already wasn't a huge fan of PRS guitars, as I personally just have never really liked the way they play, but I've always recognized they were well made. Having said that, Paul was one of the most obnoxious people I've ever met.


I gathered that impression from this post alone, good to see we have a man in the field to verify it.


I wish I had a basement to sit in. MUST BE NICE.


Finnerty gets a hot tub and you don't even get a basement? No justice.


I had a hot tub but it broke. I don't miss it. Id rather have a nice bathtub than a hot tub.


dude, same. I moved from the northeast to the southwest... I miss basements


Everything sounds the same and perfect through my Peavey Rage cranked to 10




He’s just a performer and knows nothing about circuits, but he has some great [videos](https://youtu.be/wcBEOcPtlYk?si=2VMXeVi0Gy_jgHW0) on the matter!


Seeing a mere picture of this man could cause Paul to have a manic episode


I’m sitting in MY MOMS basement thank you very much


The guy that stands to make money off this idea criticizes those that have no vested interest.


Bruh I saw a guy play a bass made from a shovel.


I mean, yeah, but then again, you know, a bass, a shovel, who can tell the difference anyway


I’ve never heard anybody say that they went to concert and they could feel the shovel going right through their chest but then maybe I’m watching the wrong bands.


Can someone just explain how magnets work to this fucking boomer Do they have to account for the wood when making your pickups Paul? Why not?


“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” -Upton Sinclair


Snake oil salesmen aren't going to admit their shit is placebo


Gibson used mahagony in the 50’s. Not for “toan” as the term didn’t exist like it does today. It was A cheap wood and easy to work. Every piece of furniture back then was made of mahagony. Fender used whatever cheap wood he could find and automotive paint.


Tonewood truthers. Jet fuel is not hot enough to burn maple.


This is like talking to a teenaged girl at this point. inb4 “OMG! AN EPIPHONE’S NOT EVEN HOT!” Listen, ~~Becca~~ Paul, I’m not saying that your guitar isn’t pretty. It clearly is. I’m also not denying that it helps you sell lots of premium grade guitars for lots of money. Clearly it does. I’m just saying the looks don’t make any difference in the sound that comes out of the speakers. Because that’s what the pickups do. And your pickups are good pickups too. But when people can get pickups that are just as good without paying thousands of dollars, they’re going to do that.


But here's the thing, even if he admits it's all bollocks, people will still buy his guitars. Because they're bloody well built, they play really nicely and people like owning nice things. To me they're a bit like a pretty Pacifica, great guitars but utterly devoid of anything inspiring. But plenty of people buy PRS and I'm damn sure toanwood is only a small part of why.


And I get that. I’m really not personally slagging his products. He does make great stuff. But the pretty wood is just that-pretty wood. If you were to really test and select wood for best tone when played, the wood would actually look quite plain.


My dentist says his PRS has the best toans he's ever heard.


And he’s had that guitar for 20 years and played it on occasional Saturdays.


I watched a dude make a guitar out of pencils dawg


We’re they flamed maple pencils by any chance?


Rosewood pencils?


A fucking pencil


uj/ He’s grasping at straws, claiming that people are claiming that even old strings don’t affect sound. So not only is the a stupid take, he’s not even arguing against it in good faith. PRS guitars are beautiful and it’s cool to have crazy figured woods, but it’s absolutely not necessary to sound good. Pickups suitable for the guitar and well dialed pedals and amps will allow any wood combination to sound great in the desired context. rj/ I love adding 4-5 EQ plugins in my DI chain headed into a vintage amp sim to remove the horrible resonance that $5,000 mahogany has around 300hz


To sound good, one must practice. The toan is in the fingers, not your penis. Now, paint the fence.


Nice try. Toan is in the balls.


Even if it was actually possible for some people to hear the difference, I can guarantee that the older guys buying these things, definitely can not.


There was a podcast with 3 famous/respected bass builders. They spent a good 15-20 minutes detailing how much more pickups/pickup spacing>scale length>neck construction impacts sound than wood. Like really dug into it. Then they were asked about their feelings on tonewood, and suddenly the previous segment evaporated away as they all discussed Ebony vs maple. Shout out Carey Nordstrand for letting everyone discuss their opinions, and then just coming back in with "ya, but pickups seemed to me to be the biggest change I could really make"


You can't just bring up *ass like that, I thought we all agreed that this is a place of decency!


Throw them in jail with the Holocaust deniers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n02tImce3AE


At least I can grow a head of hair


Toan is in the balls, not the head.


Fuck, Marry, Kill: Paul Reed Smith, Josiah Bonermasta, 500 board feet of 6A curly maple.


Kill the curly maple with fire, just to make Paul cry.


You don't understand, the wood resonates in a frequency only super powered dogs can hear, which is why the guitar is worth $15K.


Paul could end this whole argument by doing a double blind listening test.


Fuck you Paul! I got a standing desk!


TIL Bob Taylor is an online toanwood-denying basement dweller. /uj Folks like Paul seem to view (or pretend that) any criticism of 'tonewood' theories is a threat to their livelihood. These toanwood snobs act like people who criticize paying extra money for 'the best' toanwoods are tasteless basement dwellers who are saying there's no sound difference between using honduran mahogany v. home-depot 2x4's. Nobody's saying that. By and large, the people who criticize paying for 'premium toanwoods' are saying that paying thousands of extra dollars for 'private stock premium toanwoods' (compared to, for example, a slab of mahogany on a regular Core PRS model) isn't necessary, and that the difference in toan is nowhere near being worth the price difference. ...except Paul will NEVER agree with that more-than-reasonable assessment, because if he does he won't be able to sell 'private stock' woods for 5+ times as much as he does over the, per his implications, inferior wood used to make all of his other guitars.


Because the people with the money to buy a private stock don't have the intelligence to realise it's the law of diminishing returns, beautifully illustrated... These aren't guitars that are getting played out. These are guitars that look fucking pretty and sit on the wall 90% of the time. The people who buy them don't give a shit if they sound better than a non private stock, with anything less than a 10 top.


Gufaw! Jimmy Hendrix would argue that the wood a guitar is made of DOES IN FACT make a difference! Granted, mostly in how hard it is to set on fire after being smashed to bits. Toanzwood also affects the color and ToAn of the smoke that rises from the burning instrument! Maple has more of a pancake-house-dentist smell, where mahogany is more of a cigar-blooz-lawyer aroma to it. Not everyone has a pallet sophisticated enough to recognize these toanz, so I'm not surprised there are so many in this thread who haven't smelled the "light" of real American hardwood smoke rising from a custom-shop campfire. Doesn't make a difference?! My s'mores and BBQ would say otherwise! And if that doesn't directly translate into my 035, then I don't want to live on this planet anymore! Pickups?! Hickups play a larger part in my toan once I've infused that tone wood food into my stomachs signal chain!


Paul does everything he can to remove toan from guitars then speaks on the merits of toanwood.


Guitarists will say everything effects their tone except their amp and pickups


Maybe he is just trolling all of us and is the troll master?


Toandeaf denier is what I am. What? Say again? Cunt hear you because you because my wood is better than yours.


Wood merchants HATE him. Learn this ONE WEIRD TRICK this autist did in his garage with a PICKUP and STRINGS stretched across two chairs. 😮


But you can literally order guitars to your basement and find out that toanwood is bullshit in a real life scenario. He’s tapping premium blocks of wood in a quiet studio, I’m plugging them into an amp with eight pedals in between.


paul reed smith is just larry david with less talent


This is literally like Mark Zuckerberg trying to convince us selling your PII is a good thing.


So, it basically becomes a self-wanking experience for the instrument maker? Interesting.... Thank you, Pole Read Shitts!


I can't take seriously anyone who puts ugly tacky little bird inlays to a fretboard. But I applaud the guy for feeding into the "cult" mentality by using words like "deniers" and charging his most fanatic followers obscene amounts of money for a chunk of wood with some magnets, wire, and some magical tuners.


It's always the basement with these hacks. At least he didn't say "sitting in their mother's basement". Probably just forgot. What a douche


Yeah, seriously. Why would you care what portion of the house someone hangs in? I bet PRS hangs near the toilets in his crib because his guitars smell like shit. Oh, and he sucks too.


It doesn’t matter once I run it through 4 stages of gain


He is using the headstock of that guitar to pin his scrotum to the chair. Look at his face.


Paul Weed Smith really is a bitch here, speaking in absolutes and moving the goalposts. Maybe Ultimate guitar should put more effort into curating 300 wrong versions of the Hot for Teacher solo tab instead, it's what they're almost good at.


Are there even any PRS players with good tone?


Mark Tremonti gets some great tones, just wished I dg his tunes more.


This place is so predictable now I think we need a r/guitarcirclejeckcirclejerk


Make a PRS out of 'shit wood' and prove it Paul. Show us what we're paying for.


Guitarists using scientific methods have proven tonewood doesn't matter but they're basement dwellers, I swear. Unrelated but buy our brand new AAAAAAAAAA maple tops which change the sound so much we are now happy to announce our prices are quadrupling


Im getting a big toaner right now


I am just a performer and I know nothing about toanwood, but here’s a video that could alter your perception on the matter. https://youtu.be/n02tImce3AE?si=U7v_n_2Oy8Dw76mR


His basement is a Rare Toanwood Library!


I might be sitting in my basement, but at least I don't own that ugly blue guitar.


I think he meant to say tone deniers in their parents basement.


Yeah the marketing difference is what is setting them apart from a fender or Gibson, of course he’s going to believe this, hand a shitting guitar to Mateo and then tell me about tone wood


Fuck off Paul your guitars are overpriced.


I put DiMarzio PAFs in a $200 chibson off of AliExpress. It sounded pretty much identical to an $8000 Wildwood R9 Les Paul


Yeah I think an argument can be made for acoustic instruments. Where the sounds vibrates, and bounces but electric instruments with amps, pedals, internal electronics. It doesn't matter


Paul Reed Smith hates basements!




He’s pandering to all those doctors with a guitar room


The only thing that matter is the hardness, so the neck doesn't bend completely. But even then you have trusa rods


Dude sells electric guitars made of mahogany and maple. What the fuck is he going on about. Who’s in their fucking basement talking shit. Anyone can make an electric guitar and it will sound fine if it’s playable and has decent pickups. The least nuanced form of instrument making is electric solid body guitars.


/uj Not a single thing he said in there gave any evidence of tone wood being important to sound. He literally made a bunch of strawman arguments that pretty much just agreed that the strings and what they interact with is what matters. The wood does not interact with the string. I'd even argue the frets change the sound more than the wood. /RJ Checkmate toan haters.


I will let some lawyer or accountant buy his toan wood. They sound even better when they hang on the wall, unplayed.


How dare he say I’m sitting in my basement, I’m laying in my bedroom


It’s all bullshit but money talks. Money lies. Money thinks toanwuud is a huge deal for electric instruments. Everyone knows toan is stoard in the foarskin. Funk is in the gunk.


i mean, my house is a split level. it's not really a basement.


When he said the new tuners on PRS’s are better tone wise I honestly thought it was satire.


Shut yo ass up and make some drums.


/uj noone doubts that it makes a difference for the instrument maker, since different woods handle differently due to hardness and so one. But I care about the difference it makes for the player, which is none except maybe weight.


Of all the high-end copycats, PRS is the most boring.


UJ/ I do find the material of the fingerboard affects how the instrument feels. RJ/ Toan is in the fancy birdie inlays.


I'll have you know I'm writing this from my 2nd floor den, thank you.


Toanwood GOOD. PRS finishes omfg so fucking bad.


/uj As long as it’s durable and stable, resistant to flexing. That’s all I care about for solid bodys! Hardware and pickups and setup are the most important


Yeah! It makes a HUGE marketing difference...


I can almost all but guarantee that Paul couldn't tell you the wood in a blindfold test.


Maybe someone should ask him why he doesn’t allow PRS pickups to be sold separately from the guitars.


Tonewood Denied!


Man that sells toanwood for a living proves its not just marketing garbage


/uj isnt that larry carlton?


It does not end with Toan-wood! There is a whole Toan-world of things that hide toan potential. They now have Toan toilet-paper, which carries in its depth the brown and jizz toans


Roasted - which by the way roasting your wood adds a subtle chocolatey caramel note to the toan from all the Maillard reactions.


Preach Paul! I’m gonna go practice 0-3-5 with my PRS plugged into my vintage Fender 10 watt Frontman


He’s not far off level 7 laser lotus by now.


My dentist has a PRS made out of George Washington's teeth.


My semi-pro home recording studio is located in the basement of the home I purchased. My Mom isn’t allowed down there, so eat a bowl of turds Mr. PRS.


I'm so sick of this toan wood stuff let's talk about what really matters, bridge mass and string through body as well as if the neck pocket is painted or not 😤


Toan is in the eye of the earholder.


Man I hope he falls off the edge of the earth.


what about all the tone wood that sits in his basement?


Toanwood is flat.


I have a colleague who used to work in a guitar shop that stocked a lot of PRS guitars, they had a double neck one with dragon inlays at one point. Apparently PRS himself came over for some reason at some point and he was super fucking wierd.


Wait... How's he know I'm in my basement. Does my silver sky have a camera in it???


Mofugga thinks he's r/classicalguitar


Toan is stored in the basement


It's not that wood doesn't make a guitar sound different, it's that it doesn't matter.


Cool looking guitars are infinitely more powerful than expensive guitars. Most of the guitar music I like honestly sounds like shit.


I like when guitars are spikey and look badass and have cool colors and have cases that make it hard to fit in my car


Who the fuck it’s stupid enough to think that? I’m sure though after you spend over 1.5k no one can tell the diff!


Yeah, he’s full of shit. If it’s not part of the electric components of an electric instrument, it will not effect the electric output of said instrument. I have noticed that the same model of bass guitar, but with different types of wood for the body, may sound SLIGHTLY different, but only when you’re playing them unplugged. Even then, I’m probably imagining it.


What a fucking clown. Never liked him and his gaudy looking guitars


Lazy insult lol