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I know there is quite a lot of hate for these but I'm really happy with it so far. Also does anyone with a metal zone have any recommendations on settings?


Everyone hates everything all the time everywhere. Enjoy that pedal man. No hate here.


The Metal Zone has, bar none, the best EQ section that Boss ever designed. The pedal gets a bad rep due to beginners who crank the gain, notch the mids completely out at 800Hz, turn the bass and treble up all the way, and play the riff to Enter Sandman eleventy billion times through a 10 watt solid state practice amp with a 6” speaker, only to complain that they don’t sound like Metallica enough. It’s a legit GOOD pedal My recommendations: - never turn the gain past noon - keep the treble turned down a bit - these can get shrill - never scoop all the mids. Keep some mids


Lando knows his stuff


As does his mustache, apparently


That eq is 🎯


I think people hate it because it’s quite ubiquitous, it’s a meme, and it has the cheesy ass name. By all accounts (of people who have actually used it) it’s a great pedal and does distortion heavy in a very usable way. Enjoy it baby!


Run into the effects loop instead of the input. Seriously. This is da wae.


It was my first one too! Wish I hadn't sold it.


[The old manual had some preset settings you can try out.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fijfm5ra2pyfc1.jpeg)


Play with the EQ settings. Try everything. I've heard of people using even as a clean boost. Have fun most inportantly


I can’t imagine how you’d be able to use a metal zone as a clean boost, the signal enters clipping even with gain completely rolled off haha is there some kind of sweet spot that you have to set it to?


I am still waiting on purchasing one, but I've heard it can be done.


It can be done. You can find presets by doing a search. Personally I was not a huge fan. When I do a clean boost nothing will ever beat my klone clone.


They're much better than most people give them credit for, but they're also quite fiddly and hard to dial in. Keep in mind, this thing will probably never sound good through a beginner amp at loud volumes. Unless you're literally in Cannibal Corpse this thing has too much gain, don't go over 50% on the distortion knob. Search online to figure out how a parametric EQ works and really grasp that concept(visuals are helpful, search on youtube) because that's what the mids knob is. The "Mid. Freq" knob is overly sensitive and has too much range, minute adjustments have drastic effects on your sound, so adjust carefully and with your ears, not your eyes. These sound very fizzy really easily, use a mix of you amps treble knob and the pedals high knob to make it manageable Try running it into the effects return of your amp if it has one. It's a good pedal but it's also incredibly easy to fuck up your sound and actually varies a lot depending on your amp. I like to use it with an old PA head into a cabinet.


i've never understood the hate for this pedal. i got one from my buddy after he quit playing and i've always really liked it. i dont even play metal. it has some really good fine tuning for the sound your lookin for.


EQ at noon, drive minimum, level max. Best high gain boost ever


This pedal goes so well with other pedals. A buddy was using one in conjunction with a Sansamp and Hotcake and had a huge beastly bulldozer sound. We tried a bunch of classic dirt pedals to try and get a more gear-snob friendly set up and they all just sounded weak in comparison. This is worth a watch I reckon https://youtu.be/nxRe99Tjlwg?si=WAC4yybvRN67sKKy


Roll the highs almost off and use you mid control as your highs. Takes away a lot of the highend shrill I found.


Don’t listen to all the online bullshit, this was my first pedal as well and I loved it. I know it won’t “sit good in a mix” but who gives a fuck, cut that midrange and rock that pedal dude.


I loved mine, but haven't been able to find it in over a decade. I've considered getting another one.


The EQ is +/-18db per band. That is a RIDICULOUS amount. Using it sparingly is key. Same with the distortion. Only use as much as you need - too much really thins out your sound.


Just lean into what it’s for, set everything at 12 and the 2 knobs for the mids at 0


A *long* time ago 14-yo me asked my parents to buy me a distortion pedal for xmas. I knew nothing of pedals but I was into Nirvana and Green Day and alternative stuff. So xmas morning when I see 'Metal Zone', my heart sank! Turns out, it was a great pedal given the EQ. Yeah it's not a DS1 but it's a really fun pedal. The sweepable mids are where it's at. This is also one of the best pedals to put on a 303 synthesizer and make it growl.


Awesome choice, amazing pedal


It was my first pedal 31 years ago. Enjoy! My second pedal was a Boss GE-7 Equalizer...that really made the Metal Zone shine.


Metal Zone into GE-7 is my favorite combo, honestly


Same and I stomped the shit out of that bad boy.


Please scratch the paint, it looks wrong :p I love my MT-2. So much fantastic control with the EQ. Love the tone of it and it's just really fun to play. It's also amazing if you feed it back into itself, you can play it as an oscillator :)


Funnily enough, it's from 1991 so it's actually 5 years older than me. I was quite surprised when I saw how nice of condition it was in.


If you leave the level maxxed like that and start playing all the wives in your neighborhood are going to start stuffing their underwear in your mailbox, be careful.


If you don't already know, here's some things to try with it that I wish I knew when I bought the pedal: Turn the treble all the way down, the mid frequency nearly all the way up, then adjust just the bass and mid to taste If your amp has an effects loop, try plugging it directly into the return jack. If you're using an amp and cab sim, try disabling the amp head and running it directly into the cab.


This and the DS-1 are the quintessential "first pedal" pedals. Enjoy it! There's a ton of fun to be had.


I love that pedal. Fuck the haters


Same here dude 🫡


Red alert! BOSS METAL ZONE! Red alert!


Perfect choice.


Dimebag tone in a box. Love these. You can do so much more with it, as well.


Ohhh shit, this post is bound to blow up! Have fun!


My first was Metal Zone too, young one! Set everything to 12 o clock and play like that for a week or two. Then start moving the knobs a little, judging by your ears.  Have fun!


Awesome first pedal to start on. Enjoy it!!


A classic!!


My first pedal also! Had to buy the Waza version also! Love the sound (when dialed properly not the beeeees) This Heavy Metal and Metal Core used to be my goto. Now I have Klones and Blues driver and others but the raw sound of MT-2 hits differently.


It's still a classic. Owned one myself, never had issues.


Never understood the hate, it sounds awesome in front of my 5150.


Fun pedal that rewards playing around with settings! All Boss stuff is awesome imo. Enjoy your new pedal!


All in all it does what it is supposed to do. I have no hate towards it. If you are looking for something with more beast to it look into the Gehenna V2 pedal👍


That was also my first pedal and I have no idea how I dialled it in, as it was over 20 years ago... so just fuck around with it and use it how you like.


That is my first pedal to haha but i sold it right after i fed up trying to find a good sound out of it on my 10w practice amp silly me that time


I love some MZ. Got the waza,analogman and byang.


That was my first pedal in like 2008


Kirk Windstein from Crowbar has used one for decades - he just uses the tone stack with no gain I’ve definitely gotten great sounds out of that pedal. Tinker and enjoy!


We shall watch your career with interest


Probably one of the top 3 favorite pedals on my board ~ enjoy it !!


I love my metal zone!


Best choice! Seek the ways of that mid knob(s), and you shall gain the toan of your dreams!


I had it for a very brief amount of time, didn’t take the time to learn it. I think I can re-buy it now and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it. Great first pedal! Mine was an Arion SDI-1 stereo distortion.




I still have my first pedal, a DiMarzio Very Metal. Bought it in 1989 and it still works!


People only dislike the pedal because the EQ can be very finicky, so it can be very easy to accidentally turn past the setting that you want. But it’s genuinely a good pedal. Just be careful with the treble and bass knobs and you will be golden.


I just bought one. I had one as a teenager when I first started playing but didn’t know how to use it besides trying to give a small amp some balls. I eventually sold it but since learning more I picked up that and an HM2. Speaking of which grab one of the new HM2s and plug it into this and into an amp and you are in At the Gates Swedish death metal territory! 🤘🤘


That Pedal Show did a video on how versatile this pedal is and different ways to use the MT-2. https://youtu.be/O1p5TV7cA_0?si=KeLp5wdCt8Qnbyxq I’ve modified mine to disable one of the gyrators, plus a couple of other mods to make it more usable. I’m pretty happy with it for a solid state high gain pedal.


Who hurt you?


Watch Kirk Windstein rig rundown from Crowbar and Down, he uses this and his tones are crazy


I'm pretty sure that's everybody's first pedal.


My first too! 28 years ago or something....


Using it at a power amp or a pedal out front?


Out front.


Just take it easy and you’ll be fine. 18db is a LOT of EQ.


The most understood pedal in guitar history.. takes a long time to get that dialed in. Sometimes turning those eq knobs a hair makes it go from poop to beautiful distortion.


Also try running it through the fx return [Here’s Ola Englund getting some good sounds with a metalzone](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nxRe99Tjlwg)


See you all at r/guitarcirclejerk


If this is an „old“ one you can mod give yourself a favor and cut C35!


What will that do to the sound?




Oh boy