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My head says no, but my heart says no


LMAO Okay this one's my fav


Lmao in all seriousness, if it makes you happy, then it makes me happy. It’s your guitar, that’s all that matters


Appreciate it man! Have a good one


Wholesome, you guys rock (and made me laugh)


What I love the most about the guitar is imagining it without any decoration


Hey it’s your guitar. As long as you like it that’s cool. But there’s no way you’d catch me putting a sticker let alone sharpie on my guitar.




Woody Guthrie was making a powerful social statement with what he wrote.   OP has shit like "HO MOM" ( I know it's "I heart Mom", but he was sloppy) and goofy-ass band stickers on his guitar.  The only statement that makes is, "I'm an adolescent."  Which is fine, of course, but it's hardly the same as what you posted.


Not even in the same ballpark lmaooo


I fw ur preference heavily ty for not being an asshole abt it lol


I mean.. you asked for opinions? Youre getting them. Sorry if its not the opinions you wanted lol


There's a girl in your homeroom who has a crush on you, but you're not going to realize it for a decade. It's like that Greek tragedy, Neckbeard Cassandra.


Oh God that's tragic... Worse part is, I'm already taken. I feel so bad for her now.


Not a very good sub to ask on, for some reason lots of people just hate putting stickers on guitars


Especially certain acoustics and what looks like a nylon-stringed classical here….


I think it depends on what the guitar means to you and how much it’s worth. I probably wouldn’t put stickers on a super expensive guitar or one that I’m sentimental about, but I recently put some stickers on my cheap guitar I keep at my parents house for when I visit and I’m sure I’ll feel sentimental about the stickers in the future. Plus I love that guitar despite it being supposedly worse than my others based on price. Do what makes you happy!


My main gripe with stickers is that if you ever want to remove it you risk fucking up the finish


I can tell. Alot of people here are salty and negative for some reason 😭😂


Well, as others told you, instrument subs don't really like decorating their stuff with stickers or writing/painting over them. People here like to take care of their guitars, basses, etc... And you did ask "do y'all like my guitar?", so you're just receiving answers to your question. And since they're not the answers you'd like, or that you were blindly expecting when posting, you think they're "salty and negative", but they're not. They're honest, and surprisingly mild for what I'd expect from reddit in general. The general take is just "we don't like it, at all, but you do you, it's your guitar, and you can do with it whatever you like". And I agree with that sentiment. You'd never catch me doing that to one of my guitars, because I hate "decorating" with stickers or random ink/paint, so my answer to your question is "no, not at all, especially not on a classical/Spanish guitar" but it's not my guitar. Enjoy it.


Lol yeah don't worry. I figured that I'd get honest comments being brutal but I'm mostly surprised at the ones calling me ret*rded for it or saying I barely use the thing lol. I just recently was told that it was because it effects the instrument itself so I finally understand that aspect lol I do like the ones that simply say "no. But it's yours so who the fuck cares" lol


The main issue is what those stickers might do to the wood/lacquer itself. If you ever get tired of them (and chances are high of that happening), if you remove them you don't know the damage the glue might do to the finish. You might end up leaving unremovable residue on, discoloured/opaque/damaged finish patches, or even just stripping the lacquer off altogether. Also, I personally think it looks bad, I don't like stickers on any of my stuff (car, water bottle, computer, you name it), and I like my guitars' looks too much for me to ruin them. If I ever received a guitar I didn't like the looks of, I'd definitely look into refinishing it.


Don’t let them get to you. You do you and who cares what they think?


Welcome to reddit. Most people probably don't care but just want to say something negative. But you did ask the question.. You should be prepared for the negative.


Oh I'm SO prepared lol. I'm actually entertained by them cause some of them honestly are hilarious 😂 plus I don't really take reddit users seriously so :/




not in the slightest but that’s ok


Oh ok








It’s a similar guitar to those I found many times over at parties when I was in my late teens early 20’s at friends of friends houses. Typically dusty as hell, out of tune, and with bad action. Brings me back a bit. I dig its vibe for that carefree aura it emits. I wouldn’t buy it or take it for my own collection. But it serves its purpose in social environments and can bring people together on long nights of conversation. Learn some songs your friends can sing along to and enjoy!


Woo! Dw I play it HELLA. it's technically my first guitar out of my 3 and I have taken GREAT care of it since. I haven't gone a day without playing it and I love bringing it to bonfires with friends. For a nylon string, it feels AMAZING to play and the sound is INSANE and unique, I love it so damn much. I don't EVER intend on selling it, even if it breaks or if I never play it again. I will pass it onto friends or kids. Thank you man for being positive though!


Lil bro spends more time decorating his guitar like a little girls trapper keeper than actually practicing ☠️


That's a WILD assumption to make lmao 😂 but this one did actually make me laugh






Do YOU like it? That's all that matters.


Do whatever the F you want. It’s your guitar.




That poor thing


This machine kills stickers.


That is definitely a guitar


Why would you treat it as a 14yo’s school bag?


Because I can decorate lol. The stickers don't harm it and it adds personality I guess. The quotes mean something to me so I write them on it


Stickers leave residue and stickering a acoustic is cursed


How is it cursed? I see many people do it


The 'front' of an acoustic guitar body is called the soundboard. There's a reason for that: It's the resonance of this piece of wood that is primarily responsible for the instrument's volume and tone. So sticking things on to it is kind of like - for an electric guitar player - pulling the front off your amplifier, and sticking things on to the speaker cone. It going to fuck with the tone *somewhat*. Maybe it won't be noticeable, but there's a very good chance it will. That said, this is a cheapo nylon string guitar which probably sounds pretty dead to begin with, and you're obviously not precious about that kinda thing, so don't sweat it. If you like it like this, that's great. Enjoy :)


lol why though?


HO my mom?


Lol it says " I 🖤 my mom"


Weird, my.guitar says that I love your mom too!




To pay for more stickers for the guitar man!


Only thing that could make it better is if you added an Oasis sticker to accompany your Blur sticker 😂




Long haired momas boy? Me too.😉🤘




Stickers usually go on the case.


It's like you put them all on in like 5 minutes. If there was a sense of them being like tattoos, applied over time with each one having meaning and significance, then I would get it. This is like someone just rushed into a tattoo shop and said "give me all the tattoos in the book!"


To me it's been ruined, but who am I to say anything about YOUR guitar. If you like it, then it's good :)


This is the subreddit where people say their guitars are unplayable after they get a minor cosmetic scratch, this will be like hell to them


Did someone get reprimanded for their pieces of flair?


If I had a gun with two bullets, and I was in a room with Hitler, bin-Laden, and your guitar, I would shoot your guitar twice.


I personally wouldnt put stickers on my guitars. Atleast not now maybe when i was 10. But now i pay thousands for my own i wouldnt. Stickers kinda strikes me as teenage pop punk. Mcfly, greenday, skater thing to do. So if u play that kinda stuff...it works 🤷‍♂️


You do you!


I like it :) everyone here seems to be against stickers on guitar but guitar is a form of expression so why not express yourself on the actual instrument?


Look at you asking for opinions on your guitar and crying about feedback if it’s not positive per se. Why is the opinion of ‚y‘all‘ so important and what do you hope to gain of the opinion of random people on the puberty aesthetics of your guitar?


puberty aesthetics lol


Never cut your hair until you're ready!




I bought a flamenco guitar in a second hand market in Madrid and put 2 stickers on it when I got back to the hotel. My US jazzmaster also has some stickers on the pick guard and headstock. I don't put as many as you, but like you, I do like adding some stickers to my guitar. My friends don't like it, but I dunno, I've always felt that it adds personality and is customised in a way that resonates with me entirely. I like what you did, nice job. It has a beck-esque quality about it (I recall a photo of beck many years ago and his acoustic was all plastered with stickers..hah).


Yeah! I was actually told by many people it would look horrible and make me seem like a "poser" but I could honestly care less. I can play it, and I love it, and that's all that matters. I understand people who don't add anything to it, but I feel like adding at least SOMETHING different to your materials make it look 10x more unique and personal. All power to those who don't! I personally love flamenco's by the way haha


I like it! You own it lol


No. Gross


My first guitar had stickers all over it and a huge hole from when a hung picture suddenly crashed down on it. Eventually covered the hole with a Southpark bumper sticker. Played it for years, rock it bro!


I covered my first guitar in stickers too, don’t let haters get to you. As I’ve gotten older I prefer a clean and classic look for the most part, but I do still have a “front toward enemy” sticker on my bass…


Thanks man! Also haha I get that. The clean look sometimes looks badass too. Have a good one man!


Personally no, but the only opinion that should matter is yours.


No. It’s like putting bumper stickers on a Ferrari. But it doesn’t matter if I like it. What matters is if you do. :)


Agreed, but , if I’ve bought the Ferrari, I’ll put whatever bumper stickers I like on the back of it. Hell, it if I decide I’m gonna go full Mr Bean and tie an armchair to the top of it with a pulley system to work the pedals then that’s what will be happening to that Ferrari. Precisely how fast ol’ Enzo wishes to spin in his grave is up to him. In the same way as people complain about Apple and the ‘right to repair,’ I reserve the ‘right to fuck it up beyond recognition,’ so long as I’ve got the receipt of payment.


I inherited an acoustic years ago that already had stickers on it, and I also decided to write on it in Sharpie. It was so cringe and stupid that i loved it. I think your guitar is gnarly, doesn't matter if I would do those exact stickers, etc. I say more power to you to be different and express yourself. There's gonna be a lot of people who get uptight or negative about it. Who cares. As long as you like it, as long as it inspires you in some way. That's what matters. A lot of opinions would change if you were some famous guitarist and a company was releasing a signature model "complete with original sticker set!" blah blah blah. Just keep on being yourself. Doesn't matter who understands


Eh. Not my thing, but if you like it, that’s all that matters.


I have an Amigo brand guitar in the same size(among 3 full-size acoustics,2 electrics, and a baritone). I've had it for 20+ years. I love it because it's not too loud and doesn't disturb my wife when I play it.


Lol well this one is surprisingly loud haha. My family gets pissed when I play it at night because they can hear it from their rooms


There will always be people who will say "stickers are bad for the guitar and its sound". I understand them but I also agree with you wanting to personalize your guitar. My guitar is full of stickers as well. When I started putting stickers on it I had no idea it could cause any problem with the guitar and never really heard any difference with other guitars of the same tier. When I found out about it I decided to finish what I started anyway because I liked it and didn't care much about what others guitar players said. I get a lot of compliments and a lot of blame and choose to only listen to the compliments. I suggest you to do the same


Looks like it’s barely been played.


Fuck other people's opinions. I learned that a long time ago, and it has served me well. If someone doesn't like your guitar or how you wear your hair or the bands that you listen to or they may not even like your mom. Fuck em' their opinions are completely irrelevant to your happiness. It's what I like to call a their kind of problem, not a your kind of problem. So, play your graffiti filled guitar and headbang your long hair while jamming out to blur or the stones whenever you like. I'm sure your mom would agree, as long as you're happy.


i put stickers on my acoustic too , only ones from my friends tho, and specifically the cute stickers , the cute stickers on my guitar look silly because of my edgy ass look lol p.s nice guitar


DUDE SAME!!! That's basically my electric look. I love silly cute stickers


It looks like you can play wondewall on it really well


Hell, might be able to play stairway to heaven or smells like teen spirit if I'm lucky


Just make sure a girl is watching otherwise it doesn't count.


Oh yeah! And make sure I'm recording the whole thing too


No i love it. Takes me back. What make/model?


Blur, Depech Mode, and The Who stickers on a classical guitar Genius? Madness? ¿Por qué no los dos? Haters gonna hate. True artists may weep at the beauty you put forth.




The Who sticker won me over. I dig it!


We hate it but as long as you love it, we still hate it.




I can't bring myself to ever sticker a guitar so it's a no from me but to each their own. If you like it then that's all that matters.


I build and restore guitars and am a vintage guitar fan and while I get what everyone is telling you about stickers and sharpies in these replies, screw them. It's your guitar and you clearly enjoy the look so do what makes you happy. It's an inexpensive classical guitar, not some priceless antique. I hope it inspires you to play more which in the end is all that matters. I hope you keep it for life just like it is.


This guitar makes me think of that typical college dude who sits under a tree playing the most basic songs in hopes it’ll get him a girl, or the same kinda guy who would be like “have you heard of the Beatles”


"omg I'm so alternative because I listen to Nirvana!" Then they go to guitar center to record themselves playing smoke on the water with make-up on


No but it’s yours and it has its own personality, that’s what matters.


“Loving cock from a distance?”


Don’t ask here, lots of boomer mentality of “it’ll lose all its resale value!” Fuck em, Woody Guthrie and Tom Morellos guitars are just fine.


I love the blur sticker.




i like it alot, i like the billy corgan "i <3 my mom" on it. cool strap too !


TYSM!!! Also I wrote the "I <3 my mom" because I actually love my mom 😅 I didn't realize Billy Corgan did it until after lol


I like the I heart my mom I don’t like that you ripped off Jerry Cantrell


Oh shit- I did? How?


Honestly I love it! "Don't cut your hair!" Is the best part in my opinion


Thanks!!!! That's also my favorite part of it too! It's an anti military/ pro self expression message


I'm glad that you made it your own OP! It looks fun and loved in my opinion. Don't listen to the haters, people feel free to be mean for no reason because there's no consequences on the Internet. They're sad people that you wouldn't want to associate with IRL.


Dude TYSM this actually means a lot to me 🙏😭 cheers man!


No prob dude 🤜🤛 keep being yourself


Not really. But I like that you like it.


No. It is my subjective opinion but you are guitarong wrong if it is covered witch stickers and written in with marker. It feels like a serious disrespect to the guitar which should deserve some respect!


It has character. So yes


Liam would smash it with that Blur sticker on there haha.


He’d still probably smash it if there was an Oasis sticker.


I feel like you thought to yourself…”What can I do to my guitar to piss off people who actually like guitars.”


No. But I don’t tag my car with a ton of stickers either. I’m glad you like it!


Fair enough. Thanks for being nice about it though!


To be fair, you did ask, and people are answering - bluntly for sure, but this is the internet. I think you’re getting off pretty light considering 😜


Lol yeah, compared to most this is DEFINITELY light lol. I knew what I was getting into when posting on the Internet but I was expecting THIS much backlash 😂


Are the stickers mahogany or are rosewood?


I really like it. Only thing is I wouldn’t put pins on my strap since they can snag and the pointy ends can come loose.


I absolutely fucked up one of my early Schecters by engraving the matte finish with cringey shit. But when you know you’re not gonna resell it, hell, make it yours.


Do’nt ?


Hey man stickers gotta go some place, as long as you like it and play it FOH with all that hating energy. Forget the haters that’s Rock N Roll dude


Got some cool stickers on there. Love the “I am doing my best”. Not my style because I do want to oil the wood every now and again so it doesn’t dry out. That’s some of the background of why some people might be a bit judgy. Some electric guitars don’t have to be treated so stickers are less frowned upon. It’s not because people are assholes - just that they would ultimately prefer for the guitar to be looked after and stickers on an acoustic makes that a little more difficult. But ultimately just use it and enjoy it.


I have a $2.5k acoustic Taylor that my gf fronted 500 of via trade ins of her old equipment bc she loves me. Would never dream of putting stickers/writing on it. All my other guitars growing up had stickers tho. Especially my first 2 electric ones they had writing along the neck from band mates


Where is it?


Over there 👉 behind that thing




It really makes my heart sad as I know the hard work that goes into finishing a guitar. I also know that if you pull a sticker off you will regret it (personal experience as pre teen adding a large sticker on the back of my classical guitar...it covered the entire back..and for sone reason I chose a calendar, don't ask. When I peeled that sucker off only parts of the sticker came off, and those parts that came free took the finish with it) Moral of story...if you put stickers on don't pull them off. Just add more.




not really. it would be cool without the ebay pack stickers


I see Blur, The Who, and Pavement reference??? More power to you doing what I can’t do


pretty cool.


shy deserted groovy handle edge dazzling dolls rustic trees pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Guitars are extensions of one's person, and while I prefer dents to stickers (I'm old but not broken), if it makes you want to play or it fosters a greater love for the art form, well, that's a good thing.




Brings me back when I was a teenager and I put some stickers on my very cheap Ibanez guitar, it looked hideous but I felt so cool. I don't dig it today, but back I would've been like: "Damn that's sick" 0/10 for aesthetics, 12/10 for the memories.


Hate to do this to you but you spelt "don't" and "cut" wrong


Oh my god this is horror, but as long as you like it its fine, your guitar lol


Not my style, but if you like it, rock on brother !


Its a vibe, just Not my vibe


I did this to my Peavey Predator when I was 9. Enjoy!


hell yeah! love the character! rock on!


But what if someone reaaally wants to cut their hair 😢


That is genuinely cool. Nice bro


depeche mode + the who = interesting as fuck


Heck yeah. Been thinking of doing this with mine, currently just have a few stickers n stuff on it


Not even a little.


It’s ok but it still needs some more stickers. I can still see some wood.


I REALLY love the punky ascetic!




Too many pieces of flair


It has enough flair to work at Chotchkie’s




Don't hate it but wouldn't do THAT much to mine. I'm all about individualizing your instrument (i've sanded the neck, put some stickers on, wood burned symbols, heck I've even airbrushed a beach scene on a body) but loaded with stickers I've never done. All-in-all, to each their own. edit: [I love stickers as much as the next guy](https://imgur.com/a/qdn3x01) Btw, want a good band to listen to with an amazing guitarist? Check out Glass Harp


If you can play it, then who cares.


It's all just a blur


Love it! I’m too scared to put stickers on mine but i like how it looks hahah


Yes I like when people do what they want with their shit


i think it looks awesome




I personally don’t understand the hate. Willie’s Trigger, or Woodie Gutheries guitar. You do you, son.




No, but it's not my guitar so who gives a fuck?


Amazing philosophy!


I think when you adopt this mindset for most aspects of your life, you become much happier. If someone likes your stuff, they'll come up, give you a compliment, you smile, say thanks, maybe have a nice conversation. If someone doesn't like your stuff, and they come up and tell you, you smile, say thanks, and then pretend they don't exist. If someone does not volunteer an opinion, there's no need to go looking for it, because 9/10 times you won't like the answer. Happy playing my friend.


Nope. Also massively hippocritical how the majority of the bands are British yet looking at your post history you seem to have a weirdly intense hatred for the British?


It’s ur guitar. You do you buddy. I’m not a sticker on equipment guy but I’m not hating. It’s way more important that u practice and can actually play the thing. That’s way worse than stickers


Not for me but good thing it's not for me. You do you.


No, I hate stickers on instruments


It’s dreadful but that’s my opinion, if you like it then that’s all that matters


No but you do you.


It's not my thing. But if it makes you happy, that's really all that matters.


It’s great!


Hell yea! That's punk af. Don't let these nerds in this thread tell you otherwise!




You wouldn’t happen be the person that drags their guitar out to a spot on a college campus. Parks under a tree, plays four chords and the occasional wonderwall would you?


You need to carve it.


No. I mean this in nice but stern way.


It's your guitar OP and if you want to personalize it then go for it. Ultimately you will be judged by your ability to play it. IMO the more stickers you have - the better you should be able to actually play it.


I also love my Mom!