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Some animals are more equal than others.


MLG is transparently (and selfishly) auditioning for the national “big D“ democratic audience…on the New Mexico taxpayers nickel. Which I’m sure makes her lawyer friends happy, but not so much the taxpayers.




Even anti-gunners like Hogg are calling her out. Never thought I'd see the day.


Agreed. It’s actually pretty epic as to the level of clueless stupidity she displayed, right up there with Beto


They are calling her out unwillingly. Look how similar Ted Lieu’s and Hoggwash’s statements are. Someone is coordinating them. Lizard man Newsome and Shitmer of Michigan are oddly quiet.


They aren't calling her out. They are saving face. I've seen several high profile democrats all post the same copy/paste statement...which means the DNC sent out emails telling these people what to say in order to do some sort of damage control.


> Her career is over. You don't understand how entrenched the Democrat party has become in NM. It *was* a purple state, but it tipped blue. She won the governor race in 2022 after mangling the economy with COVID lockdowns. An anti-gun policy will absolutely be viewed favorably by the useful idiots comprising her voter base.


Yep, people don't understand how much NM has a blue no matter who attitude. There's a reason it's a hell hole, because it's too blue.


Ok explain why so many of the other worst states in terms of murder rate are red states… “The CDC data shows that in 2019, eight of the top 10 states voted for Trump; in 2020, seven of the top 10 did. The report said the gap in murder rates between red and blue states has widened, from a low of a nine percent gap in 2003 and 2004 to a high of 44 percent in 2019.” https://www.ncja.org/crimeandjusticenews/is-it-true-that-eight-of-the-top-ten-murder-states-are-red-states


Dude, don't reveal me to these people outside of the church (of COVID)!! Gotta keep my undercover persona going! Also don't ask about fentanyl overdosing! Also note that the evil republicans in these major cities are killing each other https://www.populationu.com/gen/most-dangerous-cities-in-the-us /S or not /s... depending who's asking


But why don’t superior red state policies reduce these crime rates? Why do these states consistently remain some of the most dangerous in the country?


Umm. It does. An armed society is a polite society.




This was done to push the envelope. It was unthinkable yesterday, now it’s debatable and in a year acceptable in an emergency. Grisham is not a small timer in her party, she has clout. This had direction and she knew it would fail and agreed anyways. Which means she will be compensated when her political fortunes lose. That is not just violating the oath of office but corruption. I guarantee you she will get a cushy job after she loses her office and it will involve public speaking on gun control.


I think this is going to go down as one of the most egregious fuckups in NM political history


I'm down with arresting every politician. They have all gone against the Constitution. If nothing else sue their surety bond!


People should stage a protest at the state capital where 20,000 people roll up to the capital in defiance, open carrying pistols. There’s no way they’re gonna write 20,000 civilians civil infractions.


The way they were after January 6th I wouldn’t be surprised if they took video and used Face ID to track people down.


You know exactly why: this situation is (D)ifferent.


I don't think either should be charged under that statute. It's eventually going to be abused and twisted so much that politicians won't even want to take action weed deem as "pro-freedom" at the risk a court/jurt would rule it a violation of rights.


Considering laws say what you *can't* do, not what you *can* do, I fail to see how you think enacting additional laws could be considered "pro-freedom" by some but Unconstitutional by others. Don't restrict people's ability to do something and you don't have to worry about it. Do plan to restrict people and you need to seriously weigh the legality of your actions first.


Simple: you cannot have an abortion after 20 weeks. Courts rule that the law denied the rights of the mother. Straight to jail.


You think an anti-abortion law is pro-freedom?


It is for the baby, who has a right to life.


Love how you two have proven my exact point. Both sides of the issue would argue it's a Constitutional issue, so based on the whim of the current jury pool, could be a long jail sentence.


I think it's a very tricky issue and I'm glad I'm not setting the line. But with it being a moving target, no politician would touch it either way if they could wind up in a supermax for 10 years over it.


Good. We need fewer politicians making up new rules to force people to follow.




Because the DOJ is overseen by the president. The president therefore effectively gets to pick and choose who gets prosecuted and who doesn’t.


The only thing this president is picking is his nose. It’s those that surround him that call the shots.


Sure but he Carrie’s out the interest of his handlers.


Use the state police and local police to do it…if they aren’t cucked enough.


And chance their dental plans and pensions?


She ended qualified immunity, they all hate her anyways. I’m sure a few of them close to retirement wouldn’t mind.


Take a page from Ron DeSantis and offer incentives to work in Florida once they pull it off…


The courts will decide the constitutionality but it clearly looks bad. I think what’s being overlooked here is how Grisham frames the issue - as a public health problem. That kind of language is going to catch on.


Thus EXACTLY why she used it. She is a tyrant in the making IMO.


No tyrant, just misguided and a headline-grabber. She didn’t think this through.


The same reason why the people “occupying” McCarthy’s office right now won’t get 20 years in prison for “insurrection”


She is a felon, and needs to be arrested now!


I’ve been saying this all along. March down there and place her under citizens arrest.


Our government is just as corrupt as any other, just with more money.


Because Grisham being wrong and stupid doesn’t give the ignorant the legal rights to make up a new criminal code The crimes Trump committed federally and in the states are different acts and those acts are defined in the criminal code. Signing a bogus executive order is not defined in the criminal code.


Apples and Oranges.




I only pray someday you are able to see the world with clarity and good will.




Remind me, who are the people you're interacting with online trying to insult then? You're quite the sharp one, aren't ya.


Give it a little time it's gonna happen, if not her, then someone other democrat.


You damn well know why. No one would do it, that's why.


Because she's a demonrat. They don't go to jail for anything!