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I like wholesome shooting stories.


I'm glad we not only have a post about someone actually going to the range but having a good time. Glad you had a positive experience bringing a friend.


Dude that man gesticulating that I’m a badass... taking it to my grave. 😊


Well I'm glad no one was a jackass and you had an enjoyable outing.


I also appreciate that.


Took my wife shooting, they were super nice to her at the range. Local range hosts half price date nights. It’s good that there are places that work to be welcoming to others.  Now gun shops, on the other hand..


I actually had a good experience walking into a shop. Once. They actually addressed me. The whole time. They now have thousands of our dollars.


Amazing how that works!


I thought it was just me. Why are all gun shop employees and owners miserable motherfuckers? I bought my first suppressor not too long ago and I can't tell you how many times a few different gun shop owners looked at me like I had a dick on my forehead when I asked about the process. I got nasty looks and snippy emails no matter how much I insisted I wasn't rushing or trying to be shitty but just understand the process. It's not like it's a federal fucking crime if I mess up or anything /s


A LGS near me had a jar on the counter full of all the live rounds they’ve taken out of the chambers of “unloaded” guns people brought in. Any public-facing customer service job can start to convince you that most people are morons, and a lot of people who become FFLs do it because they like guns, not because they like *people*. Add in getting up every morning *knowing* you’re going to get flagged several times during the day, I can understand becoming somewhat embittered. Not excusing, just trying to empathize.


I get that but it's also part of the job. You accept that job knowing full and well and having that disclose to you even. I wholeheartedly agree people are idiots but it doesn't excuse poor attitude towards every person that walks in the door imo.


I don’t disagree. Like I said, not excusing, just understanding. I worked for a time taking phone calls from people having shitty days. Won’t bore with details, but anyone having a good day didn’t need to call me. Over time, it wore me down and I found myself having a shitty attitude and needed to get a different job. It happens.


Please keep these types of posts coming, it’s nice seeing people have enjoyable wholesome experiences with ranges.


Kudos for sharing your skills in the paper punching arts with your friend. We need more responsible educated people in the 2A community.


I feel like I’m missing something. Have there been negative post?


I think that people expected a rant or complaining about some man being a sexist ass to two women at the gun range. Instead we got a good story, and are happy. Glad you had fun and did great. It's uplifting and awesome to read about. Often times shooting sports is deemed a "man" sport. I'll be 100% honest with you too, I have seen men get smoked at target shooting by women countless times. I actually like hunting with women too, I'm not sure how but you all have great eyes for spotting game. My mother and her mother could do better deer hunting than most men out there. Thanks for sharing your story, and I wish you the best!




Maybe some of what that dude said too but I don't recall nearly as many posts like that across Reddit compared to ones that fall into just generally bad experiences at the range types, regardless of whether you're a man or woman. Like fudd range masters getting in your shit, jabronis throwing lead into the ceiling, pollution, ridiculous pricing schemes, etc. Ranges can get gnarly. I love to shoot but I hate going to ranges.


My fiancé smokes me. I’m salty about it lol


My ex-gf outshot me with my own guns. She was also not very humble about it... I thought dark thoughts for a brief second...


My buddies wife outshoots both of us all the time. Its actually frustrating because we both practice a lot and she just shows up like once a year and humbles us with no practice or training.


Woman generally have steadier hands and can see more colors than men. Men can catch and follow movement better and see more detail. Men generally have shakier hands.


I was at a Steel Challenge match being run for a fundraiser for the local youth team going to nationals. The team is a buncha teenage girls with race guns, every one of whom crushed my times. It's good to be humbled now and again. "Excuse me? I was told that old age and treachery would prevail over youth and skill?"


My kid sister is better at spotting blood-spore than I would believe without having seen it. I think women generally have better color and pattern recognition than men.


I’ve been going to the same two firearms training schools 2 times a year for the past 15 years. Every now and then I bring a new shooter with me and take the defensive handgun level 1 course with the new shooter. Hands down the newbie women out shoot the newbie men. Why? Often, the men show up and want to ‘prove’ they are great shots. The women, on the other hand, usually have no egos, listen to the instruction, and ask questions when they don’t understand. For the life of me I can’t understand why someone would pay $2K+ for a three day course and think they know everything. I’m 51 , been shooting pistols since I was 10, and I still learn stuff everyday.


That's what I like about the ranges near me. Male, female, gay, straight, transgender, it doesn't matter. All we care about is you being safe and having a good time. We have classes and events at the one I frequent the most specifically for women so they don't feel objectified. I have been to a few in other areas that are like clubhouses for the "good old boys" and even as a guy, they're weird and uncomfortable.


Consider going to a competition. They also tend to be dominated by men, but welcome women. It's also a sport where women [can compete at the highest level](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Gushchina) with men, not just in women divisions (although those do exist).


Happy cake day Any links on how to start?


Go to practiscore.com, register, find matches near you, show up and say you are a new shooter. Steel Challenge is probably the simplest. Humble Marksman and Ben Stoeger have plenty of good videos on YouTube.


Thank you!!!


post this on 2xchrom and watch their heads explode.


Im active there. I’m more than happy to cross post it if you are curious.




Hehe. Game recognizes game. Nice shooting Tex.


My cousins wife holds a girls and guns day each month for her friends and anyone that wants to learn. Insent my girlfriend and she absolutely loved it. Plus they built relationships with other people and they get time out of the house. I highly recommend doing something similar. I feel much more secure knowing my girl knows how to use a gun with me owning guns. Plus sometimes, us guys don't know how to properly teach our partners.


I had to take a fresh CCW class when I moved to a new state. we were literally shooting at 5 yards and I was annoyed that one of my rounds went into the nine ring. when I looked around, everybody was looking at my target because theirs looked like they'd been hit with buckshot. these people all have concealed carry permits now


The most underrated niche group-shooters. I mean real sportsman not the gangster wanna be’s. We openly welcome new people to enjoy the hobby of shooting and love to see the community grow. Especially woman and kids. Remember the four gun safety rules and welcome!!!


I know the feeling, Op. Took my friend to a range with his brand new Glock pistol. I helped him choose his first handgun after going through the process of determining what he wanted. As a thank you, he gave me the first shot. Dead center in the 1" black, at 50 feet, first shot. Pure luck, but oh man was that cool.


Damn! That’s amazing! My target was bigger and at half the distance. You obviously didn’t have any baggage from before and shot true. Zen. Nice job!


My ex hippy mom shot her 1st gun in her 60s.   I showed her my guns, how to shoot.  She wanted her own gun, and took a cwp class.   She was the best shot in the whole class.  A former hippy in her late 60s go figure.   Smith and Wesson EZ380


Dope. 👍




5 in the bull is never an accident.


Used to go shooting with the ex at a range near her house (we live in different states). The range officers always treated her with proper respect and were very helpful when the scope on her long range rig somehow got twisted. Loved that range. Always approved of her going there by herself bc I knew she’d be safe and wouldn’t be hassled


W moment


This really brought me back to why I enjoy shooting so much, thank you. There is so much I hate about guns lately, I'm happy to see this.


Never bought one that I did not disassemble, inspect, debur PRN and lube before reassembly and shooting it with 'standard' loads!  


I’m confused by this comment. Seems like a general bot comment to most of this sub’s posts. Want to elaborate?


>It was packed. No women. Yeah, you went on the busiest day of the week - it would be weird if it wasn't packed. And most women don't go ever much less on Saturdays, the busiest day of the week. >Not going to lie, I’m an okay shot when I can pause, but that cluster at that distance with a month of dust seems more like luck at this point. But I’ll take the hype. I just really appreciate the recognition. I’ve never experienced it before. Fantastic!


I've been told by every instructor I've worked with that women just shoot better naturally.


I take my kids to the range and my 14 yo daughter is an amazing shot - she isn’t into shooting as much and me and my son so we throw 1000 rounds down range and she throws 50. She blows us out of the water every time lol.


Love it, congrats Annie Oakley!


Hell yeah!


So nice, I am happy for you. Thanks for your story! Take care!


Nice shooting!




We need proof. Post pics with feet. Lol seriously though that's awesome. In my experience most people at most ranges are pretty friendly and accommodating. Glad you had a good experience. But that's not always the case so I'm glad you had a good experience. P.S. we actually do like toes around here.


Fucking weirdo


Lol ok. What because I said it to a girl now we're gonna act like people don't purposely post pics with their feet and toes in them, and people don't comment when they don't put there toes in the Pic. I'm not saying it's every post but quite a few. And why not take pic of the target and post it, with or without feet.


Tf is you talking about ? She made a statement she doesn’t need to post picture proof


Not saying she does. It was just a joke damn. Actually the whole thing was a joke. I hope she never shows her feet and has a terrible time at the range. Is that better?


Sometimes when a joke doesn't land you could try NOT doubling down.




If people quit posting feet in their pics bc of yal I'm gonna be mad.


Tell us exactly why. Since you’re doubling down, may as well get some creative writing out of you.


Sorry I haven't any to offer. We as a community just like feet around here. I could try and be creative. It all started when a young man just wanted to post an innocent picture of his new firearm. Now he had angled his phone too far towards himself, accidentally capturing his feet in the photograph. Not thinking much of it he proceeded to post said photograph. Unbeknownst to the man were others lurking in the dark corners of reddit. Others who noticed the man's carless inaccuracy. But to them it was no fault, but art. Long had they awaited the day someone would tilt the camera back ever so slightly, anyone at all regardless of gender, to create such a wonderful composition. Firearms and feet, two of their most beloved aspects of life, all in one place. Those were darkers days. People were less friendly, and visited other subs for feet pics. We must be allowed to see feet, you mustn't disturb the order of things. Should things go back to old it would be unfavorable for all. When we see feet more people visit this sub and people are more friendly. There are more upvotes and more information spread. It makes the world a safer place for all. So you see you mustn't change the ways as they are now.


What a strange way to justify asking a woman for feet pics on a gun sub. Got anything better?