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Context: xQc has been on Destiny's stream for the past few hours asking for advice on how to debate Ethan. Aba and lots of others have been joining in and basically telling xQc he's fucked and is probably gonna lose.


are they in agreement with ethan's argument/points or are they on xQc's side and just saying he's gonna lose to ethan?


A lot of it was them respectfully trying to get xQc to see it from another perspective but he was very obstinate and refused to listen and just kept insisting he's 100% in the right and that it only helps other creators and anyone who criticizes it is virtue signaling. Most of the callers were basically trying to give general debate tips against Ethan while also finding xQc too inconsiderate with his stance on react streams and uploads. (Though Destiny himself is kind of the odd one out and largely agrees with xQc's position. [edit: Or maybe not? It's hard to say. idk.]) Here's the whole stream, if you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na-cQuub-QU (Warning: it's 4 hours and eventually devolves into like 8 different people talking over each other.)


It’s always virtue signaling. Every fucking time. These dumbasses ever hear the term “if everything seems like shit, maybe you should look under your shoe?” I’m probably butchering that, but it still stands. Is EVERYONE virtue signaling? Or are you just fucking wrong? I cannot understand why so many people refuse to admit they’re ever wrong.


I think its "if everywhere you go smells like shit, maybe you should check under your shoe" but you are right. Its the crutch of the arrogant moron, if they don't like something its "woke" if anyone disagrees with them they are "virtue signaling" and if you point out their hypocracy they just say "but der strawmanning". They memorize a few buzzwords to regurgitate and stubbornly refuse to budge on anything because they're so insecure, to consider the very idea that they might be wrong sends them into an intellectual tailspin.


There are multiple versions of that phrase lol no single one is correct


Yeah but the smell one actually makes sense


Because for people like X this is literally the essence of his content. Admitting that he is wrong hits the very essence of what a streamer like him does. It’s just a way to rationalize himself out of the problem without engaging in it. It’s easier to assign a false motivation to the other side and ignore their argument. Even Hasan himself — who undoubtedly is guilty of it too sometimes, as Ethan said — struggled to actually justify it and tried to sort of changed topics.


That’s not what I was talking about. Personally I agree with Hasan over ethan about this whole situation. I more so meant whenever someone says everything is “virtue signaling” it’s just such a stupid response. Xqc always resorts to everything being Virtue Signaling when he clearly has no idea how that term works. He’s just such a dumbass and refuses to just take criticism.


'Virtue signaling' is mostly used by people who are pieces of shit and annoyed with someone who has a set of morals. To them, someone acting selflessly or being considerate is putting on an act because being a good person is an impossible concept for them to understand.


Something to note about this, xQc was making very contradictory statements that hes 100% going to use as a defense against Ethan. He claims that nobody is able to provide evidence that it has harmed them, but then will claim hes offered to pay people 10x what they would have lost by him reacting to it. So how can it be 10x the amount they lost, if they arent losing anything? He claims everyone he has offered it to turned it down but wouldnt say how much he offered. Edit: just wanna say i called it


10x0=0 flawless logic


He said he’d pay up to 10x the amount he made to very small creators, and generally pay what he made or certain amounts of it to creators. Not what they lost. There is no contradiction. He’s saying ideally there should be a sort of licensing system officially for reactions, but he’s offered to pay creators privately(and they refused).


I think Destiny told Xqc that he agreed with everything Ethan said though? I think his only issue is that content creators themselves should just DMCA the streamers outright and not debate so much about it, and also thinks the effects of it on the videos is still unknown Edit: since I’m being downvoted, here is the [link](https://youtu.be/qlPJ6Av6S0c) and at 49:03 Xqc says “I think Ethan has lost his mind” and Destiny replies that when he sees Ethan’s video he “pretty much agrees with basically everything he says.”


So basically this not going to be a debate with xqc, its gonna be a proxy debate with destiny in his discord giving him talking points. Not the first time its happened except when xqc was debating hasan


Oh Destiny having a shit take what else is new


Uhh Destiny mentioned on his stream that he agreed with almost every Ethan said.


Thank you for recapping that and for the link!






Destiny’s takes change based on the target of his spite in the moment


I don't understand A&P at this point. Wtf is the motivation behind half the shit they do? Like how can you possibly praise how Ethan dealt with Pearl but at the same time go miles out of your way to make up transparently disingenuous drivel to strawman everything he says just to farm some h3 hate views? I seriously don't get how you can be malicious enough to... 1.) Ignore Sebastian being okay with slightly revealing clothing in public "when he's present" but "not okay when he's not present" to lie that Ethan wants everyone to like the idea of their partners wearing thongs out and about. 2.) Straight up disregard everything the entire crew did WITHIN SECONDS to correct Olivia's mistake when talking about an unplanned subtopic and argue that the channel should be deleted for doxxing and she should be held personally responsible for "bad research." 3.) Call a young girl a liar for sharing a cringey story just because to A&P the story sounds like sexual assault, and then call out Ethan for pointing out the exact same fact and probing just to make sure that she's definitely okay with it and isn't hiding that like she felt assaulted. 4.) Pretend that a generic rant about Fresh n Fit defenders being idiots was targeted at them specifically and individually just because their shitty take video happened to show up on the YouTube search results in a segment about generally addressing defenders. 5.) Lie about Ethan "skipping" a video about them defending hasan when it's clearly visible both on their video and the original video that the video never showed up ...all for clicks, and yet not pounce on the opportunity to call Ethan a misogynist or something when he asks Pearl to rate herself by her own standards. Or (one of the two) call Ethan a pedo for being okay with a drag queen reading the rainbow fish to kids/call him transphobic for calling out Olli London's lunchbox. Even if you have a hate boner for Ethan you don't have to lie so much about him to get clicks... Ethan fucks up now and then often enough given the nature of the pod content.


It's almost like two adults can disagree on certain points but agree on others


That's true but Aba and Preach's views are utterly incoherent. That's the problem with a lot of "centrists." There is no real ideology informing their beliefs. There is no strict code so it becomes impossible to understand their morals and principles. It's becomes clear that however they feel about something when they wake up in the morning is what they go with, and it really isn't any deeper than that. It just doesn't make sense. They don't make sense. That's my problem with them. They're very surface level and not profound whatsoever. They have no direction, they kinda just throw up a camera and bitch. That's it.


I get what you're saying, I can't stand centrists. I like ethan and agree without with most of his views but sometimes it frustrates how mean and loose he is with dishing insults. I like Aba and Preach but i totally get how they just hate on H3 cause its an easy way to get views. Apologies if I came of rude.


I've noticed Ethan ramps on the insults (I guess for comedy?) Until he oversteps and goes too far and then resets to being nicer.


Dogmatically following a succinct and cohesive ideology that outlines each and every one of your beliefs is called being an ideologue. I don't believe Aba and Preach have "utterly incoherent" views, but rather they have positions which don't completely align with a democratic or republican agenda. By in large they both skew left politically and socially, but have some more reactionary social takes. If you are distressed by not being able to perfectly decode them at first glance just shoot them a message or email asking for clarification lol. Judging and speculating on people from your own corner of the internet instead of directly engaging with them is insane to me.


Being and ideologue is absolutely 100% better than being a person who decides what they like and don't like based on how they feel when they wake up that day. At that point you're literally just making shit up as you go along, which is a really fuckin silly thing to do when it comes to politics, social issues, and economics. A lot of people don't recognize how silly and stupid it is because their understanding of these things is completely superficial. It's surface level. It's just a game and everyone just pulls opinions out of their ass. That's actually not how everyone operates. Who is sitting in their own corner of the internet? Do you think no one has ever engaged in a conversation or a debate? Do you think I've never spoken to someone I disagree with, be it on the internet or in real life. Do you really think that people are afraid of that? That's absolutely laughable. Fuck the internet, I'll tell you how I feel to your face. And my beliefs don't align with an agenda either, but they're absolutely informed by something more than how I feel when I hear an issue. No one is speculating on anything. They have hours upon hours upon hours of content to look at, be it their own videos or being on debates and phone calls with Destiny since they seem to have connected theirselves with that fine individual who DEFINITELY has coherent beliefs /s.


Ironically, if Ethan and Aba had a convo about their beliefs they'd end up agreeing on most things. But demonizing political opponents is more favorable to generating clicks.


I don’t think they have any strongly held opinions, they are just trying to get clicks.


Sounds like you are the one with the hate boner.


>you don't have to lie so much about him to get clicks I mean, I watch both and they were equally at fault for this. That beef go dragged out and went stale really fast.


But what did Ethan lie about? Was it only stuff related to his subjective opinion of them based on the video's they made about him? Or was it details of things that actually happened, objective stuff that is a question of lying and not just a question of having the wrong impression? Don't get me wrong if I'm missing something, I just haven't happened to hear anything of the sort and I don't really like the idea of watching their videos on Ethan. There isn't anyone I trust online who has reacted to the their videos either.


> But what did Ethan lie about? Was it only stuff related to his subjective opinion of them based on the video's they made about him? Or was it details of things that actually happened, objective stuff that is a question of lying and not just a question of having the wrong impression? huh? ethan made wholesale statements about A&P before he ever watched even a single A&P video. if you think that's not on ethan, i don't know what to tell you


You can't even provide one specific example lmao


hmm, i wonder, if I go ahead and look at any number of h3h3 videos and do provide an example, will you then move the goalpost further? what are the odds you would be honest in this exchange, really?


Just provide a fucking example. Why do people always do this? You yourself are moving the goalpost by dragging this out into becoming a “you wouldn’t be honest anyway”. Just post an example. Most people can accept Ethan fucks up, just show where he lied and continue the conversation from there.


first of all, i never suggested ethan lied. second of all, all the other stuff has already been caveated away and excused for >Was it only stuff related to his subjective opinion of them based on the video's they made about him? so what would be the point? what is there to talk about? i merely expressed my subjective opinion about who's at fault there and of ethan based on how he interacted with A&P


I love how you've replied 3 times now and yet still haven't given one example lmao. Do you realise how disengeous you look?


He did not...? (I'm assuming you're talking about the FnF defender topic because after that he definitely watched the videos he addressed) When it came to the segment in the pod when they were talking about channels that defend Fresh n Fit in general, they happened to search on YouTube to show the popularity of that type of content, and A&P's video happened to be on the screen from the search results. Ethan called "defenders of FnF" idiots and this and that. And in terms of specifics, all that happened was a light mention of A&P's content a bit changing over time. Most of what was said about A&P was from AB because he used to be a fan. Then A&P made a video pretending all the general talk about FnF defenders about them being idiots etc was only about themselves. If that video hadn't shown up in those search results, A&P wouldn't even have been mentioned at all. Just compare those two things. Ethan only coincidentally included them in his general critique of the manosphere, barely mentioning much detail about them specifically in a short time out of a several hour podcast. Meanwhile they made a fully edited disingenuous video about how Ethan doesn't do his research by pretending everything Ethan said was about them specifically. Nobody who watched that episode got the idea that A&P were particularly problematic or anything too specific about them... other than fans of them that would naturally end up taking it too personally.


you can't really expect to get reactions based on your podcast episodes, when h3h3 have their very own clip channel with highlights (which are long enough in themselves, 10 to 30 minutes is plenty to get a point across). plenty of people watching those will never watch the whole episode. so i'm sure that plenty of people got some type of an idea from what h3h3productions put out in the world, one of them being aba


Okay, I'll see if the clips channel makes it seem like A&P are the only ones being talked about and get back to you on that


It's almost like two adults can disagree on certain points but agree on others


None of A&P's videos about Ethan were about real disagreements between adults. If they had been, A&P would not have blatantly lied. Note how my comment was not about A&P's views but about what they do to make videos on Ethan. They have to lie to misrepresented what he says as "something they can clearly disagree with." I don't know their stance on trans people, and that's why I put 2 possibilities there of what they'd do without presuming their stance on it. It's not bad that they're against misogyny, but it would've been bad if they would've made Ethan LOOK like a misogynist against Pearl. It's not bad that they maybe support trans people, but if they did and then they still clipped Olli's segment to seem like Ethan was transphobic, THAT would've been bad. They've done the equivalent of that in all previous videos, and that's why I was puzzled they didn't do it again.




good god that is pathetic. he cant even think for himself and has to ask aba and preach? they have less brain cells that he does lmao


Okay come on. That’s a stretch. XQC can’t even string together 2 words much less a sentence.


Is there a link to the vod?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na-cQuub-QU It went on for like 4 hours and tons of different people kept popping in and out of the Discord call so it may be hard (and annoying) to follow.


@ 1:42:00 in the video he agrees that he puts out content that is not transformative but says it’s because he simply doesn’t care.


Ugh it's going to be such an annoying episode.


What if, and hear me out… what if XQC genuinely explored the issue and tried to thoroughly understand both positions and then formed an honest understanding based on everything he explored, growing a little bit as a person in the process?


What if my dog learned how to speak Japanese?




That requires at least 1 brain cell.




Oh. 🥺


Destiny seems like he wants to talk to Ethan and I would personally love that convo. I actually think they’d have fantastic chemistry. Sucks about the Hasan beef but Destiny has actually been vocal about trying to be more charitable to Hasan


Destiny is one of the most disgusting people online and I don't want his community to get involved with this one at all.


This subreddit has literally no idea who destiny is or what he stands for lol. I can guarantee you’ve never watched his content besides the edited clips used as propaganda by right wingers and tankies. How is he one of the most disgusting people online lmao he’s to the left of 90% of the US population.


well the shit he said about black people, for a start


“The shit he said about black people”? What are you saying right now dude? Do you mean one of the times he destroyed neonazi Nick Fuentes and forced him to admit he thinks race is more important than religion?


I've gone through so much of Destiny's content and I can say from an informed party that dude is just the worst type of debate pervert. Claims to be on the left, invites a neo nazi Holocaust denier into his home, goes on platforms like F&F to "correct them", does all this fucking cringe debate analysis, almost completely only chastises the left he claims to be a part of yet is somehow completely alienated from(not a coincidence), and has made his whole online persona generating revenue by platforming and supporting people like Nick Fuentes. Now you'll say something like "he doesn't **support** Nick Fuentes or any of these other guys! He just doesn't like being in echo chambers like the rest of you guys! What's wrong with inviting a neo nazi into your home to have your trophy wife cook for him?" And then I'll say something like: You clearly have no concept of what support means. You can support something without explicitly agreeing with it. He has this whole cabal of "centrist" DDGers who have this whole inside joke racist culture shock value schtick going on where they'll say shit like 'nibba' and then if you call them out on it they feign ignorance and act like they couldn't possibly be doing something racist and you must be for making such a giant leap. He states he thinks it is OK and not racist to run around his house naked yelling nigger, or using such racial slurs or language around his inner circle. As long as he doesn't call anyone a nigger, it's totally not racist. He fields debates from well spoken ACTUALLY left leaning students/etc. He shuts them down with silly parlor tricks and relies upon his audience who think that his critical thinking and logic are just so strong he can brute force his way through every debate and convinces them what the other person has to say is 'hysterical' or crazy(that's usually reserved for the women). He very often does these sweeping hand reads on people that are dismissive and just less explicit attacks on character. His whole everything screams misogyny, racism, a lack of consistency and an overconfidence in his own intelligence. That's who Steven is. A dude who farms views from a right wing hate machine and capitalizes off of platforming the most deplorable people online under the guise of being someone who just wants to not be in an echo chamber. He makes money off of inviting people like Nick Fuentes into his house, and by default puts a stamp of authenticity on ideology like Holocaust denialism. When you debate with someone who denies the Holocaust, what you are saying is: "this is a valid ideology worth spending my time combatting". The whole caricature of being the only reasonable leftist because you put validity into ideology like this is fucking hilarious, and something that all you DDG/destiny Stans are way too incapable of recognizing. Now, I'll field some assuredly deep, well thought out destiny fan comments. It won't be just the same shit he's said almost verbatim about any number of aspects of this. It won't be the same shit you guys all repeat over and over again without any deviation with the same buzzwords and phrasing recycled. And SURELY it won't just be random fans who don't watch h3 content doing Reddit searches for destiny posts to get all horny to debate over.


I would like that conversation too but the trouble I have with Destiny is it can be hard to gauge where he stands on anything these days because he's so adamant on the 'meeting people where they're at' mentality. I get why he does it (it's more marketable both in terms of persuading people and literally) but it makes him seem very inconsistent at times. His community can be pretty annoying and sycophantic at times too. Not saying it's all of them or that it's a trait that's exclusive to him but I think when you're known for being a debate perv it brings out a certain type of follower that can be particularly annoying. I would like to see a discussion with DarkViper too at some point ngl. Alot of people unfairly wrote him off during the first major time when 'reactgate' took off (When Charlie called him out), when I think he and Ethan probably agree with each other on this topic more than Ethan would agree with Hasan or even Destiny.


Quick, get this man some eggshells!


im genuinely shocked lmfao


really a testament to how obvious of a slam dunk this is


Aba watched Ethan's interview with Justpearlythings as well and complimented him a lot. Pretty sure Aba has very similar politics to Ethan, so does Destiny.


Aba does have a lot of similar beliefs, he’s just ignorant in certain areas and bigoted about certain things.


Your shocked that a person doesn’t constantly d!ck suck bigger creators like Hasan does lol


I'm listening to xqc's call with destiny and destiny does some steelman arguments against xqc and X just straight up says "who cares I'm right" to most of the points. Monday is gonna be a waste of time


Yeah, plus ethan can barely understand/hear what ppl on the crew say at times, idk how xqc’s style of talking is gonna make sense to ethan


>style of talking What a generous interpretation


His dogshit opinions aside, English is his second language. Let's have the debate in French and see how it goes.


I'm more coherent in my fourth language than XQC is in his second. Besides, that guy has a career in his second language for 9 years, is getting paid more than most people will earn in a lifetime from it, is doing a wrong thing, is sticking by his guns and came up with the idea of a debate in the first place. He doesn't get noob protection for this.


Xqcs dad said he also is hard to understand in French


Third language, mumbling, then french, then english.


Yeah that's a great defence for someone who doesn't speak English every day, is culturally isolated from English, doesn't interact constantly with others in English. Buddy he's fucking Canadian, there are people here in Europe that don't work or use English regularly, and they are far more understandable than him, while being far more isolated from the language on a daily basis. And I can not fucking imagine his French is any more decipherable than his English.


English being his second language isn't his problem. He doesn't speak broken English, he speaks incoherent garbage.


His french is actually atrocious as well as he rarely ever speaks it. And that's even to other Quebecers and french people alike.


This! omg its gonna be painful


It’s literally called a speech impediment. Not hating because it’s totally normal but technically he should have been seeing a speech therapist when he was younger. To help improve his pronunciation.


Does he have a legitimate speech impediment? I figured he was just ESL and not very good at articulating in English


…what his speech is impeded. As in it’s hard to understand, that is basically the definition of a speech impediment. Just because he grew up speaking French doesn’t mean he can’t speak English in a comprehendible way.


I never say he can't. When he wants to, he can and sometimes does speak clearly. But it seems like he just talks fast and doesn't care in his normal speech. If someone is ESL it's definitely not uncommon for them to be harder to understand than a native speaker. A speech impediment is not just "you are hard to understand". It's an actual disorder that prevents someone from speaking clearly, like stuttering or a lisp.


I think he has an actual disorder.


I don't think it is a speech impediment, I think it's drugs.


Speech therapists are expensive, and you don’t always find out that you should see one early on (source am autistic and only recently got referred to one). Doesn’t change the fact that he’s difficult to understand, imo bc the order of his words, which Ethan hasn’t shown much patience for in the last leftovers lol Edit: also why change when he’s got fans who understand and an untouchable IP (in terms of sound bites at least)


He’s Canadian. Here is a free service for children 0-5 that does developmental monitoring of language. Like pronunciation. [here](https://www.quebec.ca/en/family-and-support-for-individuals/childhood/child-development/the-agir-tot-program-early-screening-to-better-address-childrens-needs)


As if X will actually show up/show up on time to the call


Nah he will. It will just be really fucking stupid. He’ll repeat the same points and Ethan will only understand half of what he says, and while Ethan is trying to understand what he says X will keep talking thinking he’s winning. Essentially, it will end with xQc thinking he won and Ethan being confused about what the fuck he is even saying because x is so dumb and incoherent.


It's going to be hilarious having Love live translate for him.


Wait, I missed the last pod, so is the xQc debate official or something?


Yes Ethan confirmed it's going to happen on Monday


xQc would lose a debate to a wall


Like I don’t even know if I’ll be able to watch it, it’ll make my stomach hurt


He'd be pretty sure he won, though.


He once lost a "debate" to Hasan's vod.


The way i laughed out loud😆😆


You gotta…eat the omelette…of knowledge


B-break those eggshells


**creak creak**


To be fair, Aba and Preach may be stupid but their videos are an example of transformative react content, they probably side with Ethan on the issue.


Yeah exactly it's not so much a compliment to Ethan as it is just them agreeing with his side. Which honestly doesn't say much bc I think everyone besides some twitch streamers would


Ethan is a pretty good debator though, I've seen debateLord Destiny himself give him props for this.


I'd like to see him go against someone with an actual argument lol. So far he's only really done slam dunks against people with an objectively wrong argument (pearl, NXIM)


Aba literally agreed with XQC’s position more than anyone on the call last night. So much so that he bit the bullet that if someone took his vid and added a live chat next to it that would be enough to consider it transformative. And we know this is BS because AndP literally DMCA’d pearl for reacting to their content just a couple days ago.


Ethan- " I think you're a fucking idiot." XQC- "hdfhdswryjnkopaqrjtdvjfsdjklkllfjssxvjkripldAtghjvxvbcvvb That's just mean!"


I am really not looking forward to this interview. It feels like a waste of time and it’s just gonna be hostile


Yeah XQC is just going to shout over the top of Ethan like he did in that gamba argument, I mean I don't mind that he's going to make himself look stupid but I'm also not going to waste an hour of my time watching it.


Ethan's going to have so much difficulty understanding him. The crew are going to have to interpret over discord


We need it transcribed live lol


xQc will lose but a huge contingency of moron will just tell him W debate Ethan is fat


This is probably the best call here


Also, Xqc forgets ethan has a literal team of researchers. Hes going to have a ton of receipts, clips, everything. I dont think this dude is ready at all.


Yeah but he went on Destinys stream checkmate lefties


I wish I could upvote this 100 times more. This whole destiny as the debate coach shit is fuckin hilarious


Hassan has to be so sus about this whole situation (especially since he's in the wrong) honestly this is *wild* through and through




The man can barely speak coherent sentences. What does he expect?


Ethan: So, why do you steal content? xQc: Shrikitibfff chu mean shulihinimini poo treak, you know?


He might as well debate Chewbacca. You cannot understand a damn word that guy says


I'm out of the loop this week. What's the debate topic?


Basically if streamers are being unethical and/or breaking the law when they live stream react content and/or upload it to YouTube and profit.


Yikes. Xqc bout to get washed.


XQC conceded he’s breaking the law. But morally speaking, he thinks he’s doing nothing wrong because his claim is that it’s very unlikely anyone is hurt by him reacting to content but a huge net gain is created by the fact that his community really enjoys his specific reactions. he claims he’s not stealing impressions from the original content creator and he has data to prove it. Conveniently, none of this data was brought up in the destiny call. He also feels that his reactions are largely transformative. not the legal definition of transformative, but in a more laymen sense. He thinks as long as he changes the product enough that his audience will prefer his style over the original, it is transformative. A live chat and his reactions clear this threshold. The issue is this threshold is so subjective and easy to meet that Exclusive IP rights would largely not exist for visual media. so we’ll see, but he has his work cut out for him. The only stumper that he may have in his arsenal is that he bit the bullet that he would compensate any creator who feels wronged by his reaction to their product by providing them with more money than all of the Adsense made from his YouTube upload of the reaction, much less take it down. But Ethan can easily argue that the default state shouldn’t be to just “react” to someone’s content without their consent, regardless of how you’ll make it right for them after having already violated their IP Tldr: he’s likely getting washed lol


Arent both Ethan and XQC extremely pro-react content? Where's the conflict?


xQc streamed entire anime series on his channel like Hunter x Hunter, and entire TV shows like Master Chef. Hasan streamed several seasons of Master Chef too including, even if he doesn't want to acknowledge it fully, often stepping away from the stream and leaving it playing for several minutes at a time. That feels a step above the type of reaction content Ethan does where he stresses the important of transformative content.


And on top of that, xQc often uploads his non-reactions to his YouTube channel, with little transformative value. I think that's the thing that riled Ethan up the most.


Xqc barely reacts, si it's not transformative.


I thought we were already in agreement that this is a shit thing to do back when Jinx was blasted for it in 2017? Nothing has changed, non-reactionary react streamers/YTers are parasitic for doing this and the content they do should be banished to the shadow realm. Unless something changed that I don't know about this is definitely gonna be a predictable and boring debate. Xqc is covering himself in fish guts and jumping in the ocean filled with sharks trying to argue with Ethan about this lol


That xQc is a content thief. All Ethan has to do is show him a few examples of the many examples he has and the fact that people have been saying the same thing about him. xQc is walking into a viper's nest oblivious as can be.


Was Ethan ever on the debating team in high school? They need to bring their a game when they are debating someone who loves to debate lol


He was on the Jesus commitment club which I'd imagine is similar... https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/ysjapt/ethan_high_school_picture_showing_he_was_in_a/


Probably not. He’s just Jewish. Source: am Jewish and also love to argue


Me, a Jew who was co-captain of my debate team: 🫥


We are truly gifted lol


It's amazing that it wasn't long ago that Ethan thought he had very little debate skills. I has really practiced since the Crowder/Seder moment.


Ethan just has really specific topics that he’s super knowledgeable about. And really, this is like the one topic that has defined his career. I’m surprised that people are surprised that he was so passionate and confrontative about it with Hasan.


It's all relative, if he went against someone with a legitimate position and debating skill then we’s probably probably see a lot more flaws. So far he's had slam dunk arguments against delusional people taking insane stances (pearl, NXIM guy), so it isn't too hard to destroy them


Remember the era of burning the witch?


that era never really stopped.


Xqc would lose but just because he cant say one intelligible sentence


Xqc just talks and doesn’t understand concepts. You can see this when he talks to Hasan.


i mean come on xQc can barely put a sentence together u don't need to be enlightened to know he would lose a debate with a toddler too


I'm so uninterested in this debate. The last one was mind-numbing. Listening to xQc makes me feel like I'm being lobotomized


is there ANY debate xqc can't lose? he speaks like and has and iq of a 6 year old


Remember the era of the witches?


Babble and Reach back at it 🤩


I probably will skip over the xQc debate if it happens. I love H3 but I CANNOT stand listening to xQc talk 😂


Babble and reach would know


After reading this thread, I’m wondering why the people running the r/place discord for our community was so set on being Allies with this Destiny character. Is there some kind of past connection between this community and theirs? Never heard of them before r/place but it looks like a lot of people have strong opinions on how bad of a person Destiny is….. and yet everyone was obsessing over protecting them? What’s the tea? What’s the beef? Anyone?


Destiny kept getting his community to attack H3 art pieces on r/place because he despises this sub and hasan. The discord likely wanted to make an alliance to stop the attacks. The hatred this community has towards destiny is because there’s large overlap with the h3 and hasan community ever since the two started to collaborate. Hasan and destiny have a long history that ended horrifically, creating beef between hasan’s and Destiny’s communities


I wonder if xQc will bail


More like aba and based


There’s quite a few people in xqcs sub who believe that Ethan is bald haha


We couldn’t understand him if we tried. We need Hasan to translate (I’m a French speaking Canadian and idk what he says)


Omelettes of KNOWLEDGE


I want these guys to make amends. Honestly, after their beef theyve featured Ethan in a positive light in their videos. Yeah, they have dumbass takes sometimes but they aren't a write-off. I don't want Zach to stop using the eggshells soundbite tho.


To be fair to XQC, or anyone who goes on to debate Ethan for that matter. They're all going to be at a disadvantage as they're basically debating the entire crew at the same time. Since Ethan has access to his computer and can view the group chat between he and the crew. Where they discuss everything in real time. Even if you stump him on a point, he's going to find out more about it within a minute and be able to counter you with ease. It's why he doesn't want to go onto another show and debate there, as he won't have the whole crew being able to back him up with research, fact checking, or whatever topics they're talking about. So, if you're going to be on the show, the only way you're going to survive is by not lying. Not trying to pull one over Ethan, the crew, or the audience. Just being genuine and honest about your opinions, even if they're wrong. At the very least owning up to them.


I think that's a fair point.




I wish Ethan would discuss it with Destiny. It'd make for an interesting conversation that at the very least would be coherent enough for everyone else to follow.


Absolutely not. Destiny does not deserve any attention. He is a degenerate bad faith loser.


Well, the pod has platforms degenerate bad faith actors through debate in the past….. more importantly, destiny doesn’t disagree with h3 at all. He agreed that uploading someone’s pod before they upload it on their main channel is objectively harmful, so much so that he would DMCA that content as well. He agreed uploading the type of reaction’s X and hasan do as full fledged YouTube videos is wrong. He agreed creators have should DMCA react content that they feel isn’t transformative. His only contention was with people who take issue with twitch streams of un transformative content, but Ethan said he wasn’t discussing twitch streams, just YouTube uploads.They literally don’t disagree on anything. There would be no debate to be had


Destiny should not be shown attention


If we believe in our ideas, we should want more people to hear them and also be receptive to hearing the best arguments against them. Your mentality is destructive to society imo.


Not liking Destiny is NOT "destructive to society" lmao


Yes, that's **definitely** what I said.




not a cult


Destiny fans love saying things like _"If we believe in our ideas, we should want more people to hear them"_ but what you're really saying is "I think destiny is cool you should have him on the podcast" then you get mad and act like you're just misunderstood when people say they don't like destiny and therefore don't want him on the podcast cause that previous logic about "ideas being heard" applies to literally everyone on earth


Ethan’s not ready for destiny, also from what I’ve seen destiny is more agnostic in this discussion.


Ok love that!!!


Xqc is stunted…


are there any big youtubers who don’t side with fair use?




honor a quien honor merece


i wonder if they are gonna try to serve him up the omelet of knowledge


I’m so excited for the in real time translations


If Ethan doesn’t bring on a Copyright/IP lawyer to Seder XQC, I’ll be disappointed.


That's an interesting comment xD


I can’t wait


Inb4 Xqc call Ethan bald to his face, and then Ethan fires back that Xqc's hairline is worse than his.




XQC is gonna do his typical “be louder” bs he always does


How the tables turn. At least they appreciate Ethan and aren't just complete morons, like xQc.


Xqc can't even speak proper English.. how is Ethan going to debate him when no one understands what the man is saying 😒😂


You guys remember the era of burning the witch? Well, that era never stopped.


God, as a big fan of destiny and Ethan, i wouldve loooved if ethan took destinys offer to debate XQC on stream. Plus it wouldve satisfied you people who hate the XQC coverage, the react debate, and Destiny in this sub because it wouldve meant mondays podcast wouldnt be focused on their debate.


#We'll do it live


read this as AB has little hope for xQc on Monday and I was like yeah H3SIMP