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>Guy: "You admit you're wrong?" >XQC: "Yes, 100%." >Guy: "Ok, then we agree." >XQC: "That means I won the debate?" Am I too stupid to understand the conversation or is this basically what just happened?


It reminded me of that Frenemies episode where they did the trivia quiz and Trisha thought she had got the answer right but Dan was just confirming the question šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thing is, he just does not want to accept that this is the debate we are having. For his over 9000 iq brain the debate is about so much more than what we plebs would ever be able to understand. In actuality he will argue anything as long as it benefits his bank account and for this he will throw any morality out the window. Sad thing ,tbh.


this is exactly what happened. he's really that dumb.


What a fcking idiot (Dan soundbite)


Dumbass idiot


^ (Love soundbite)


every since he walked back his apology for gambling the way he fights his cognitive dissonance is just saying "I don't care". He knew his gambling was wrong, apologised for it going into detail of specifics of what he knew was wrong about it, and months later walked it back saying he doesn't give a fuck and will continue to gamble because he likes doing it. "I don't care" is his trump card when he can't win, cus it's the truth, he doesn't give a fuck. Selfish and shitty person.


Lmao why are these people that debate xQc so spineless? He doesn't care about protecting copyrighted content so you just nod and agree to disagree? I expect Ethan to not let this kinda shit fly on Monday like he didn't let it fly with hasan. I've never seen hasan that defensive and wincy until the last leftover episode. That's what I expect from Monday but 10 folds.


I donā€™t know what the dudes name is but around 2hrs in the stream some guy is screaming at xQc lol


Like how is xQc even listenable? I speak english as a second language and the only way I'm speaking like this is if I wanted to commit unspeakable acts of heresy against the english language. The timestamp around 2 hours is absolutely unwatchable. Dude argues like a hysterical 9 year old


Hasan doesnā€™t want to stir the pot because he and XQC are essentially coworkers, XQC has a lot of influence, and theyā€™re ā€œfriendsā€. Hasan has always had a strange relationship with XQC, and he has never really tried to rock the boat when it comes to other large creators on his platform, or artists he may potentially work with.


Also whenever he mentions him, xQc sends a small army of his baby fans to his chat to harass him. XQc just watched an out of context clip of Hasan to juice up the video and make people believe hasan was happy a man for hurt on the Kai incident. I don't know, I don't blame him for not wanting to deal with it sometimes.


Broā€¦ he was laughing at the guy getting his shit stolen. The old innocent men was also in a video having vending stand getting raided. How can someone who claims he is trying to fight for Justice and help out the poor be okay with this type of behavior? It doesnā€™t matter how the media portrays what, these are kids doing kids shit and whenever they cross the line they should be condemned and not glorified. Nothing x said about Hasan was out of line , it might be out of context but you can see how much Hasan doesnā€™t give a shit about poor working people.


Why does he have to go after and hate XQC when Hasan does the exact same thing and has acted like a prick about it for years.


>He doesn't care about protecting copyrighted content so you just nod and agree to disagree? i mean what do you expect them to do? jump thru the screen and put theiur hand on his head and make him understand? hes an idiot, he doesnt even understand the isssue. im not sure what you want them to do. just start yelling at him angrily hoping hell just magically get it if they say it loud enough?


I cannot understand a word he says and I donā€™t know how anyone does


Clip is from around 46:10 https://youtu.be/u1-NaqR2RWw


At this point thereā€™s is no point on Ethan talking to him. He knows he is stealing and he doesnā€™t care. But Iā€™ll still watch. ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)




Apparently itā€™s called Ixion


Lxion deez nuts


Was looking for this comment lol




Ok great then literally turn off your Adsense account and never try to make money on YouTube. The only thing that makes this man different from the old Jinx reload stuff is that heā€™s more popular on another platform, thatā€™s literally it. I understand him making money like that on Twitch / Kick, the culture there hasnā€™t shifted and idk if itā€™s going to around being less engaged with react content, but that shit just should not fly on todayā€™s YouTube.


Big Trisha "speedtalking" vibes from this dude. those arent words, you cant fool me


Bruh a French dude shouldn't be talking about surrendering šŸ˜‚


Abaā€™s one input would be that heā€™s confused


lol why is destiny even here if hes just sitting silently playing tetris? real transformative lol. these old dudes sitting around calling stuff "restarted" and arguing about morals is embarrassing


is xqc's only joke calling things anyword-andy?and i love that you cant take a side without it being virtue signaling, no matter what you're talking about. these people fucking suck Oh i forgot, yelling mald. such a good comeback that works for everything