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Fousey is friends with anyone that will give him the time of day


No shame + clout = Anything for views


Hey don’t slander Chad


[He needs to be slandered](https://neatclip.com/clip/lvE3BXo3). Awful piece of shit person. Ethan even talked about him being not a nice person when he randomly showed up to the podcast when they had Keemstar on. Pretty sure he purposefully spread rumours about Hila cheating on Ethan because he was jealous iDubbbz and FilthyFrank were better friends with him. edit: LOL the guy blocked me for pointing out he's a racist piece of shit.


I remember Max saying his one veto Cold Ones guest was Keemstar, and then Chad said that his veto guest was h3h3. Pretty much the only reason he gave was because he met Ethan and Hila at the same time Keem did. Keemstar has since been on Cold Ones also, and literally every YouTube comment is just roasting Keem, and calling him a massive loser. I really don't know why Chad keeps him around, or even ever engaged with him. At this point, he has completely outgrown him. Strikes me that Chad has never outgrown that edgy era of YouTube, as much as I do still like Cold Ones and think that it is generally great content. Max grounds him a lot.


Max seems to be the only friend he has left from those YouTube years. Then again Chad seemed to just be put up with during the Filthy Frank collabs. It always seemed Joji and Ian didn't really like Chad too much


Have you watched the most recent cold ones? Infused vodka? Good stuff.


Love it, the boys were unhinged in the uncut one of the infusing




does he take advantage of drunk chicks in airports?


He just says ["I hate n-words"](https://neatclip.com/clip/lvE3BXo3) directly to a black woman's face with Keemstar's famous "N-words" on repeat in the background. He was permanently banned from Twitch for this as well as hanging out with Ice Poseidon, an also known piece of shit.




you were with fousey in that airport everyone saw it


Used to be on the same page until I started listening to their podcast on Patreon and he’s grown on me a lot.




Well, I haven’t heard him say anything like that in years (although if I missed something that’s not cool and I will have to reevaluate my thoughts on him) and while obviously I don’t know him personally he seems like he’s grown up a bit in the last few years.


Being friends with people like Max and Jacksfilms instead of people like Ice Poseidon and Keemstar was probably helpful.


> if I missed something that’s not cool and I will have to reevaluate my thoughts on him [You missed something](https://neatclip.com/clip/lvE3BXo3). He has never acknowledged this since, never apologised. Also talked shit about Hila cheating on Ethan because he is friends with Keemstar.


I mean, they said they haven’t heard him say anything like that in years, and that clip is from 63 months ago. People can change in 5 years, especially in your 20’s.


lol Certainly not, he's Anything**4**views, that's a different equation.


It's impressive actually. How one person can make every possible wrong decision.


Honestly I think this is the absolute best way to describe this situation. Every time Fousey had a fork in the road he picked the worst path and it led to his intense and fast downfall. It’s really sad.






Yeah just because someone is making money doesn’t mean that they haven’t had a downfall. He’s a popular streamer on the back of his choice to assault a girl, mental health that is in so much shambles that he can’t even recognize, and a broken relationship with people who actually cared about him (not fucking sneako). I don’t care if he’s making money his life has absolutely fallen apart at his own hands and it’s hard to watch.


hes always made wrong decisions. I genuinely think he has histrionic personality disorder among other stuff. I dont think he understands that he accepts only enablers and yes men and people who pat him on the head as friends. I feel bad for him in a way, but he is a grown ass man with all the resources to get himself help.


To him is was the right decision though. Because he is too controversial and prone to being cancelled to survive in the H3 community. For example, if someone is a drug user, they’re probably not going to hang out with a bunch of sober people. They will most likely be drawn to hang with other drug users. Fousey was being “canceled” after the airport incident and Tristen Tate, Adin, Sneako, Fresh n Fit, all came to his rescue. Then offering him a multi-million dollar deal with kik, in a community that praises him for being off the rails. I don’t see how anyone can be surprised about his choices at this point lol


This!! 👏


To be honest I wish I could get payed millions to make the wrong decisions


You got a phone and a good data plan? Get to streamin'!


> could get *paid* millions to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Godamit fucking bot always getting me at the worst times


Have you gotten this bot before?


About 3 or 5 times before yes I haven’t learned


The future will be actual physical wall-e type robots following us around and correcting all the dumb shit we say.


Good bot. Here's a cookie 🍪


I get what you're saying but that's a *terrible* analogy lol That's Lifetime movie stuff. Or even DARE, really. Most drug users we all know are hanging around totally sober people. They're all around you. Business world and political world is flooded with things like cocaine. But these people don't necessarily hang out with *each other*. They're just around, while it's around. The vast majority of people that do even *hard* drugs usually do them for a brief period of time, then get off them when the cons outweigh the pros, all while living their normal lives more or less. They see their normal, every day friends like always. It's *possible* with long term addicts. But even then, not like the typical case. And it's just more of a survival technique than "Hey these guys share my interests. We're all really into fentanyl. They get me" What you're saying is sort of like saying that homeless people are just the people outside screaming at the STOP sign. Not the much, much bigger amount of people who are just not able to make rent, etc. Not trying to give you shit, it was just funny. Like a "I have never held cocaine in my hand" kind of thing


“The vast majority of people that do even hard drugs usually do them for a brief period of time, then get off them when the cons outweigh the pros” — This is the most vague blanket statement you could make. Where is your source of statistical data on this? What are you even referring to when you say “hard drugs”. That could be anything left to interpretation. Boomers think weed is hard drugs. Don’t come at me nit picking an analogy when your own argument is based on zero facts lol


Happy Cake Day!


That motherfucker is not real.


And I’m telling you right now


Ok Tiffany


I would honestly do anything to find out who she was talking about and what went down


Sneako: western degeneracy has led men to be sex addicted bots and NPCs with no morals or values. Death to the west!! Also sneako: hangs out with fouseytube


They’re both “Muslim” as in they say they are on stream and sometimes say “inshallah” or “wallah” to rly signal it


Exactly its so fake. Let's see them go to the middle east and associate with some real muslims. They're gonna get thrown off a building for their degeneracy.


That's so dumb. For example Christianity and Judaism have spectrum of beliefs and adherence. Islam is not a whole lot different. There are women who don't wear the hijab for example. Or there are muslims who listen to music which is technically haram depending who you ask. (I'm not muslim just done a little research in the past because I was curious).


I mean non-westernized muslims. Like yeah you can choose not to wear a hijab in Canada or Germany but try that shit in a non-western Muslim majority country like Iran, saudia Arabia, Pakistan etc. The same is true for premarital sex, hanging around immodest women, gambling, alcohol use associating with Jews etc. These redpill dorks really hate "westernized" shit until it benefits them.




that isn’t true. if you think the average American Muslim is more conservative than the average white American Christian (esp Evangelicals) you’ve probably never interacted with or learned ab Islam. there’s a study that showed the complete opposite of what you’re saying. also no, we are not perfect and we do not all follow the Quran/5 pillars as we should. just like every other religion/religious person we are not perfect. here’s the study btw https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2007/07/06/how-muslims-compare-with-other-religious-americans/ edit: and Fousey is a disgusting person and he makes me sick so this has nothing to do w him




It's so funny how someone with main character syndrome calls other people NPCs.


Great observation


He’s goin on the Tom Ward podcast next week I bet


Wardo is better than that!




Sexual assault.


“You’re brain on sexual assualt” *looks at manosphere collage*


Man some of y'all are very gullible. This guy has been a giant asshole from the beginning of his streamathon thing. And so many people seemed to fall for his "I'm a changed man" schtick when Ethan interviewed him. I don't doubt he has his problems but that does not excuse him acting like an asshole. I'm tired of seeing him pop up on here so often, can everyone just go back to ignoring him?


This fandom dick rides people so hard if their podcast episode does well lmao and it always blows up in their faces. This guy is a walking red flag, always has been always will be.


they dick ride until one of two things happen: 1. they get canceled (because they obviously haven’t changed, still are a piece of shit and do pos things) and OR scenario 2: Ethan says they are no longer friend of the show. once he says that or alludes to it the sub goes crazy with “i knew “x” was bad, i knew they never changed, i never trusted them” and they will continue that with every problematic person Ethan has. I don’t get why people can’t watch an episode on these people, see it and maybe they find them likable or think they grew and changed or whatever but still hold the “i don’t know them, when the next controversy comes around we’ll see if they really changed”.


This morning his spouted all these bullshit transphobic tropes and antivax pro trump/Tate stuff on his stream this morning. He is not family, fuck that guy, he is definitely mentally ill but he’s also cringe


He's basically Trump in streamer form. Super narcissistic and will just repeat whatever shit people who support him do.


He’s severely mentally unstable. Forming immediate seemingly super “deep” bonds with strangers is just another symptom. It always just as quickly dissolves. It’s not real. Kind of hilarious how seriously people are taking the fousey shit on either extreme. These people aren’t real in any material sense to the audience. Pure comedy seeing all the “I told you so!!” And the “I can’t believe it!!” Bro, who cares? What’s on for the next pod?


When these people are transphobic and homophobic they’re super real cause they show it to a bunch of 13+ olds who think it’s super cool


I feel we should take these redemption arcs more with grains of salt after this shit. People really don't change.


Fr, after tana, Bryce and fousey I’m done lol


Cause fousey doesn't deserve the light of day. There's a reason he keeps getting banned and canceled and shit. Cause he's a fucking shit head.


I agree but is it more detrimental in the long run to cancel these people and almost force them all together so they can feed off each other and become even more marginalized? I don’t know but it’s something to keep in mind I think.




These are the same types of people who will call AB a snake friend for not sticking by his side when things were bad. Fousey only cares about those he's around currently and that's it


People did that??? That’s fucked


Not only Sneako but Adin Ross too and went on the fresh and fit podcast lol




Cz he's a bastard pos who'd go to anyone that enables him. Fuck that douche


He's speedrunning streamer cancelation, duh


Sneako is letting him fuck his girl




And SteveWillDoIt let him jack off his dog


Shit slides downwards


serious mental illness. the guy is not right in the head, listen to him discuss when he went to the club and Drake was there, its not something a normal person says. not that it excuses shitty behavior but it explains why he is the way he is.


Fousey raped someone and Sneako is a big fan of rape probably.


He’s only a fan if it’s his girl and some other guy doing it.


Clout is a HELA OF A DRUG


I can admit I was wrong. I thought fousey was gonna become ABs Jimmie Lee where he gets tired of him eventually. Couldn't possibly have imagined he would just tank his image so bad that AB would be forced to distance himself so soon


Yeah how long did it take? Like 3 or 4 weeks.


Because he is the real clout Goblin


If im not mistaken he later said sneako is a pussy in real life.


he really lost the plot


Fousey has fallen hard sad to see who he is surrounding himself with


Basically being friends with almost anybody, he does it for clout though. I’m sure sneako agreed cause his numbers are going waaaay down. Sneako is not all that relevant anymore everyone just knows him as the cuck guy “alpha”


I mean, Fousey raped a woman off camera, and Sneako vehemently defends rapists (Andrew Tate). Seems like a perfect match.


Dude has no inner moral compass or thoughts. No conscious. He just ends up places


Fousey doesn’t believe in anything. He’s a clout demon and obsesses over whoever he thinks can elevate himself at the time. He just lives off of clout and materialism. It’s crazy as someone who’s the opposite of that to watch this manic man get rich while loosing himself and his mind. Very Kanye-ish.


Fousey is a hollow human being. He has no values or beliefs and will simply gravitate to whoever will give him the most clout and views at that time.


it's called having no morals and backbone


if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything


If you stand for nothing Burr what will you hall for- Hamilton lyric 😮‍💨


What a fucking loser




He absolutely was fake and/or disingenuous. Can't believe so many people feel for it. It was my first exposure to him as well and I wish we could go back to just ignoring him.


wait til he's on fresh and fit this week like he said




He has no morals or principles that’s how. If someone is nice to him then that’s all it takes to be in his good graces. He has absolutely no morally consistent ethics with which he chooses the people around him. He’s just a hollow empty vessel really


Anything for clout


Mental illness?


He’s a fucking goblin


It's what we in the biz call CHarisma. He's a clout chaser thru and thru, he just uses his mental illness as an excuse to play out his greed.


Idk if this can be called friendship when it’s clearly cloutchasing


He too is a clout goblin. Real recognize real 💀


I feel sooooo bad for Fousey's family. We all wanted to believe that things would get better for him:/


Clout pervert going to clout pervert


better question - how did you all just start riding fousey's dick when he is literally just doing what he has always done..?


AB has zero clout


By far has the worst pick in celebs he stans/associates with. Olivia being a super close runner up and love inching in on 3rd.


Lmfao ikr. Atleast Ian had the good sense to try not to talk about Kanye even before all the Nazi shit.


Fousey is the new clout goblin


*I need that clout*


BPD and KICK money will do that to a motherfucker EDIT: I meant bipolar not BPD


You think BPD and not bipolar? That Drake thing seemed like a genuine manic ep.


I kinda didn’t really care about this guys and now I REALLY don’t care


fousey slid into my friends dms when she was 16 in 2020


And all the drama heads were hyping him up non stop on this sub. Can everyone go back to not talking about him already.


He sucks.


15 million dollars and a contract with kick would make a lot of people change. Fousey is an incredibly easy mark. His manic phases make him great for clicks, he doesn't need a consistent audience to get them. Kick will take all those clicks and do their best to get them on the gambling train. His mental state makes it so he is much more trusting of shady people, his instability drives his entertainment value up. Until he ducks up irrevocably they will use him and throw him out unless he achieves some stability and a decent following.


That timeline sounds pretty realistic for him tbh


Birds of a feather. Fousey doesn’t want to be better he just wants the $ back.


Last time I posted bout the downfall of fousey the mods deleted it 😂😂😂👮🏽‍♂️👮🏽‍♂️


it's kinda funny how arbitrary they are lmao


Fucking moron.. honestly the sooner this prick fucks right off the better


You know how celebrities always complain about LA people being "fake"? Yeah, well, there it is, front and center.


At least he butts heads with Sneako's whole Christianity, anti-trans, anti-gay redureict.


Who’s AB in this?


Cuz he's a manipulative, fake, opportunistic POS


No standards


Sneako needs a guy who can bukakki his girlfriend on command.


It’s not hard being friends with people you don’t agree with lol….


Great. Can we stop taking about him now? He's just another asshole.


Because he’s a fake friend haha


Ab is a clout goblin


fousey and AB just had muslim solidarity + AB is a sweetheart.




Had a lot of hope for him. Sucks i don’t really like him anymore. Cant won them all though!


Fousey is an absolute piece of shit, there is no redemption. AB is too fucking stupid to understand the problems with defending Michael Jackson and blames the black people he grew up with for his warped thinking, it's no surprise he sees Fousey as a person to befriend. Wake up to yourselves And Hila if you read this stay off your phone while you're driving sweetheart


I think he fits in better there.


There are people who care about a person and people who care about a person’s clout. Fousey doesn’t give a shit about the source.


Not sure how he can support sneako after his small redemption arc


The only interesting thing about sneako is his chair And fousey I thought he was gay but apparently he's not


![gif](giphy|8UGoOaR1lA1uaAN892) this is all I can say about this


He's using people as an attention ladder obviously, it's on to the next


He is the kind of guy that once he gets a little fame, he is done with the people that supported him. He has done it dozens of times to different people.


When you’re that insecure. Any attention will fill that temporary hole


its giving "one that stands for nothing will fall for anything"


Fousey is, always was, and always will be a spineless creature that will go anywhere where the winds of clout and attention blows


Clout goblin.


Because he’s a narcissistic sociopath and that’s very transparent


Mental illness and low self esteem.


If he can’t tell the difference between an actual good friend who genuinely cares for you, and a pos, then that’s on him. He’s had enough exposure to both to make up his mind.


That Kick grift BAYYBAYYY! It's quickly becoming the Isle of misfit toys.


how long until he sucking Adin Ross' dick and getting a kick deal?


I saw on Twitter he already got a kick deal


That’s gross.


I'm done with Lousey


i used to like sneako before he turned into red pilled and woman hating weirdo. the wasted potential is so sad!


Clout gobblin'


Why tf do y’all care


Sneako, meet Snake-O


The answer is simple


Dude will do anything for money/clout.


He’s going on fresh and fit pretty soon


I lasted about 5 minutes listening to the guy on H3. Dude is fundamentally unlikeable and seems like a creep dude bro. Why should I care about this person?


Damn just when I thought peace between Israel and Palestine was possible


he gives me the heebie jeebies


Clout, my guy.


Because Fousey is a man without principle. That should have been a given after he paid and fucked a abused victim of human trafficking when he was streaming.


Listen, idk if this has been said before but in all reality Fousey the type of dude to be wilfully ignorant of something until you sit him down like a toddler and tell him whats up. Like i dont think he does shit like this on purpose but hes just so mentally gone he doesnt pay attention to anything outside of the immediate. Just imo tho idk lol


Are Ab & Fousey still friends?


I wonder if AB is still in contact with him :/


Just stop posting this loser, he doesn't deserve our time or energy




This sneako guy is very mysoginist and homophobic etc and spreading so much hate online even on Fouseys livestream at the party with Lol pump yuck he was awful




clout is a helluva drug


I seriously feel bad for AB :( dude tried his best and you can tell he was genuine about it (imo)


This sub will learn nothing from this, nor from the 1000 other times something like this has happened. Keep worshipping guests who can have one civil conversation with Ethan ✌🏼💖


ay bro im begging you, stfu about fousey


Yall where sucking his dick for a month and now I can’t ask questions? Gtfo


AB always picks the best. Fousy.. Idubbbz..


What did idubbbz do?


Can we please stop giving him the time of day already?


Clout sharks gonna clout shark


Did I miss something or did Ethan and the crew say they wouldn’t be talking about Fousey anymore? He’s been doing some crazy shit and it’s weird for them not to mention him at all.


He r*ped a girl so the crew said they’re not talking to him or about him anymore i think


He said it himself, he is a chameleon


He has chaotic neutral alignment?