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what are we gonna do without rats😢


Rats are doing incredible things!


I think we found the true rat king in this video. Lol


They're also great basketball players


Came to say this


Twitter is a *rat hole*




And Jordan Peterson aims to become the rat king


I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, that was also a river. In real life, she had been a victim of Alzheimer’s disease, and had regressed, before her death, to a semi-conscious state. In the dream, as well, she had lost her capacity for self-control. Her genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. She was stroking herself, absent-mindedly. She walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artist’s paint-brush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect her hand; finally, unwilling to hurt her, or interfere with her any farther, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush, gently, and said, like a child, “isn’t it soft?” I looked at her ruined face and said, “yes, Grandma, it’s soft.




![gif](giphy|I7ROBFa8dFQaY|downsized) Family


So…what other shit is he just making up?




His disbelief in climate change while oil lobbyists pour money into his custom made pockets on his shitty blazer, for one… (This isn’t actually verified, but it would be crazy for him to be doing it for the love of the game… or would it?)


That was also my line of thinking too


I believe JP is confusing rat kings with the m&m tournament, where you mush m&ms together until one crushes. You move up pairs of m&ms in a bracket like this until you have one, champion m&m that remained unbroken


Wow, u brought back deeeeeep memories from childhood


This is amazing


You’re then contractually obligated to mail the champion M&M to the mars candy company for breeding purposes.


I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother mashing M&Ms together until one got crushed


Dude watched Skyfall


You are spot on - here's a clip of that scene that I found: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9d3DfDWsEE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9d3DfDWsEE)


I was thinking the children’s movie Amazing Maurice.


Or the writer of Skyfall and JP read the same old book


What’s amazing is even though I knew what a rat king was, he spoke with so much certainty that I believed him.


He should be the poster boy for /r/confidentlyincorrect .


But he isn't often incorrect


If hes talking about psychiatry, usually not, but he rarely does much of that these days. Hes usually spouting off completely butchered philosophy, history, and science that he has an 8th grade understanding of.


Lmao that's debatable


What was he write about


Hey you figured out his entire strategy on building an audience!


he's not wrong. the effect is called a "behavioral sink," a term coined by Dr John Calhoun after experimenting with rats in monitored colonies.


That may be true but it's not what a rat king is.


He isn't right either. He has 2 different rat situations crossed together.


what are you talking about?


A rat king is when rats tails are tied together. Calhoun tried to create rat city. And there wasn't one specific rat that ruled, it was just that adult rats killed infants before they could take food away from them so the population would stagnate at a certain point.


He is wrong. He is describing something real, but it’s not what he claims to be describing. This is exactly how people like him make it as far as they do.


I guess the situation he gave maybe true but is it called a rat king?


He is in fact wrong. He is not describing what a rat king is correctly. I suggest you Google image search "rat king," you will understand how he is mistaken.


There's a great video on this on YouTube. It's nothing like what JP is describing. Calhoun was trying to make a rat paradise where food, shelter and space was provided for the rats. He found that the rats started to be too comfortable and stopped reproducing. I think it took about a year before all the rats were dead. Olivia, do a power point on this!


Not at all what a rat king is though, so yes he is wrong


wtf is he even saying 😭😭


It depends on what you mean by 'saying'


And well there’s another conundrum, because what does “mean” really mean?


Do NOT get me started on what what means


Now there's a problem isn't there? What does means mean?


Rat fight club


I've seen 30 Rock. A Rat King is where a bunch of rats get their tails twisted up until they form into a ball, creating a super rat - a Rat King.


That's what I thought! A ungodly amalgamation of rats!


Wikipedia thinks that too. And somehow, that version is even worse…


There's also a bunch of zombies Voltroned together in The Last of Us that are called a Rat King and based off that.


Ahhhhh Theo. Goddamn it.


What's the deal with that guy? Ethan seems to like him but the only time I see him pop up is when he's platforming a bigot like Roseann or JP


Very funny comedian and friend of Ethan that unfortunately got on the right wing conspiracy train


I can't tell if he's trolling the conservatives he has on by having them on ironically and ironically engaging woth what they say or if he's too dumb to know these people.suck


He's from a small town in Louisiana, has a mullet, and has had multiple that have been "canceled" for being bluntly outwardly racist/sexist/transphobic on his podcast. What do you think? I dont hate Theo, I think he's a funny guy, but he is who he is and I really can't listen to the dude anymore because he's predictably wrapped up in right wing bullshit.


Wait, like, really? Why would you even think the first thing? Take the latter dude. He has also had smart people on like niel degrasse Tyson, and you know what he does? Defend Joe rogan medical misinformation and say borderline traansphobic things. He's also had tomi Lahren on and admitted to being a whole ass republican years ago. He's also still homies with Bryan callen and Chris Delia. Like I know Theo is a funny and likable dude but he's been hiding in plain sight and it's crazy to me how Ethan and so many people on this sub still glaze him. Mark my words right now, he will end up being someone this entire sub turns on. Idk when, but he will be. And just like fousey I'm telling yalll ahead of time, he's not the guy you want him to be.


He’s clearly conservative, yes. I think it’s a title different because he’s not pretending to be anything he’s not. There is no “guy who we want him to be,” just who he is. He’s also funny. I’m as liberal as they come, but I can admit Theo is entertaining. We don’t have to politically align with everyone we get entertainment from.


Theo is the kinda conservative I wish more on the far right would try and be. Yes he has takes I don't care for or agree with, but he's also willing to sit down and have a chat with anyone from any side and stay civil. He's also willing to say hey maybe you're right. Dunno if he really changes his belief ever but I much prefer someone seeming to engage and listen than just overalk and yell until the other side gives up. I enjoy listening to him even though I only just recently got into his podcast. I still cringe if I hear him mention RFK jr having "good points" and such but I can deal with it and still enjoy the show


You're the first person here to ever say he's clearly conservative. Every other week somebody posts a clip of him and goes "why is Theo agreeing with this person? Rare L?" And no I don't need to politically align perfecfly with entertainers or even friends or loved ones. That's never been a problem for any half sane person. that's just a reductionist conservative talking point people use when you have a fundamental MORAL issue with a person's beliefs. Transphobia is not a political opinion piece that I can agree to disagree with, and neither is anti-science rhetoric. I don't need someone to agree with everything I say but I firmly believe that nuance exists left of American politics. But that's irrelevant anyway. I'm not talking about me or you. Most of this sub does have an idea of who they think Theo is and that will get shattered at some post.


If you’ve followed him on Twitter for a while you’ll know he really does vibe with the right wing conservative stuff


That's sort of what I thought. Thanks


He is a really funny comedian but has an aww shucks everyone is good outlook on the world. He gets some real interesting non celebrities on his podcast too. But he does platform a lot of losers


I really enjoyed when his podcast when it was just him talking, probably 5-6 years ago now, or when he would interview people with regular jobs like plumbers or sex workers. I think he is hilarious, his mind is so interesting and he's very unique and quick witted, but I feel like I grew out of his podcast/comedy. His fanbase is also super cringe, and use his vernacular as if they are all a club, instead of parasocial weirdos wanting to be more like Daddy. I also think they forget that he is half Nicaraguan.


Bcuz he's funny. Or at least he was. He was super funny when he came on the pod years ago.


he looks SO GONE omfg


He's conflating rat king with m&m eugenics


What is rat king chat?


It's more fun to Google but it's when several rats get their tails entangled.


Hey google what is rat king?


That "oh yeah” though el oh el


I hate when Jordan Peterson is trying to be funny 🥴


Isn't a rat king when the rat population gets so dense that their tails start getting tied together then because they can't hunt/gather properly they eventually die and there's butt loads of rat corpses all with their tails tied together?




It's at moments like these, reading through all the comments, I remember how our boy was ROBBED last soundbite Olympics.


mighty deer doll illegal homeless hard-to-find aware engine squash sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


we need more men


What the hell are you, Putin's special military operation advisor?




But he knows what a rathole is.


I did not fuck my ~~dog~~ rat, I did not put my dick anywhere near my ~~dog~~ rat.


listen to it without watching the video it sounds like two two-year-old kids talking to each other on a playground


He doesn’t know what a rat king is ?!?? What a freaking loooooooserr, even a baby knows what a rat king is


Laughs in Abby


I was wondering if someone would take it this way….


And there it is. The blind confidence of a fool. Apply this to everything he says, and you have the blueprint of bullshit.


I feel like he forgot what he was talking about half way through and made the rest of that up


Is he ever right about anything? It's actually a horrible thing when rats get so entangled that they can't separate themselves.


Someone tell New York lol


Is JP now just Michael Scott? How the turntables...


Wait he actually has no idea what a ratking is


https://preview.redd.it/xodfm4woz2mb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37377e0619054871f699c7c46fd2f30a78f07289 Rat king for reference


I thought a rat king is when rats get tangled up in the sewer and become a mass of alive and dead rats feeding off of the carcass of the dead ones but maybe I’m too metal for this bullshit…


Same. I thought there something in there about their tails getting tangled up.


It for sure is. who would think to look up something before saying something.


Theo Von is such a useful idiot


For those unaware a ratking is when a bunch of rats sleep in very tight spaces resulting in their tails getting knotted in a way that none of them can free themselves. They can still get around and some may eat but they have to cooperate for even the slightest chance of even a couple days. What JP describes is a monologue from James Bond.


*rat hole!*


What if the rat that remains in the pit is remaining there because it's either crippled or just chilling?


No lobsterking?


“ooh yah”


Cool story bro, you should be a fiction writer or something... OH CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGYYYY?? REALLYYYYY??? Thats cool 😰😰😰


Men 😭


Ooyh yaeeegh 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸


and this is why he doesn't deserve his license


I’ve been out on Theo for a while but this is kind of a nail in the coffin for me. This like confirms for me that it’s not a bit or something but this is just how he is.


Bro is the epitome of just immediately believing everything he hears. Rat king? Sounds legit. You would have to be so stupid to hear this and think it sounds even remotely realistic.


A rat king happens when multiple rats are trapped in a closed space environment All their tails become knotted and they become a giant ball of rats but cannot escape from each other with that being said I have a rat King tattooed on the top of my head when I started to lose my hair I just decided to blast my dome


Just fucking half a braincell talking to a piece of boiled louisiana crawfish lol




“He’s the champ?”


Why does this guy like rats so much


Up yours, woke hands across America royals!


What’ll we do without the excavators of rat pits?


Bitch needs to eat some veggies and apple cider vinegar


Is there a word for what he's confusing ratking with? Or this this just straight up all made up? Cause it all sounds like some bullshit he made up. Like rats are social creatures. unless you're starving them they arn't gonna just attack and eat eachother. And once freed I doubt they are gonna take care of your rat problems. But ya I'm curious if he pulled it from somewhere or if he really so far up his own ass he'd just make up a completely fake story on his own and present it as a fact.


https://preview.redd.it/6apxtjds63mb1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=330842d1822147a7abf64af31c7ad99fec8accb9 This is a rat king. Skaven ftw.


What in the Dennis Duffy is happening here?


Theo's podcast is a rathole


I was ratking in Skyrim


All of this is great soundbite material


"Then he learns to eat rats" is a solid one.


Rats make me crazy


I was legit excited to watch Theo learn what a ratking is. Not the 1st time JP's disappointed me.


Oh, poor Jordan. He is confusing it with a rat lord. Rat Lords are only similar in name. They lead the other rats by perpetually attacking a non-existent enemy. Rat lords sometimes become irrelevant, "fall off" but the followers always find another one.


What’s up with his weird clown outfits these days?


Theo almost looks frightened by the end of this 😂


he is a comedian not psychologist, i think


He just made that all up😂😂


Wait what the fuck haha what "theory" is he speaking on?? I need to know where his information on this comes from lol I thought everyone knew what a rat king was (not the kind JP is talking about)


I'm looking at two stupid ass adults


Bro saw Skyfall and suddenly he’s got more “philosophy” of his own.


I feel like people on the internet out of nowhere got obsessed with ratkings and no I can’t stop seeing them being mentioned.


Wtf is he even saying


jordan is the kind of man who could uncure down syndrome


Dude literally picked that up from Skyfall


I almost thought he was joking at first because it looks like he’s on the set of Between Two Ferns. But no, he’s just that dumb


That's so embarrassing to be nicknamed The Rat King and be so clueless about what a rat king is that you buy a completely bullshit explanation. I'm also shocked that Jorpy doesn't know what a rat king is, considering he's all about fairy tales, and everyone who grew up on The Nutcracker knows what a rat king is.


Y'know what, of all of Jorpy's crimes, watching two posers be so incredibly, creatively, and unnecessarily wrong about rats has really ticked me off and I'm gonna make it this thread's problem. For starters, in the time it takes you to so much as CATCH a measly 10 rats during a full on infestation, 100s if not 1000s of rat babies will have been born. Let alone the time wasted waiting until 10 rats become one. Let alone doing that multiple times. Meanwhile your crops, structures, ecosystem, and the flesh off your very bones is being chewed into oblivion by the hour. On top of that, for all the time spent on several iterations of rat barrelling, you're unlikely to end up with a consistent survivor. Your final rat may still only have 9 kills to his name (or 1 if he took the Survivor goat rout), making him potentially no better than (or even worse than) the first iteration, only compounding the wasted time. Further, one theoretically cannibalistic rat up against an entire infestation is going to get IMMEDIATELY nerfed by the other rats. And even if he didn't, he's not gonna be eating so many rats per day as to even approach the birth rate, let alone outpace it. Could YOU eat enough humans to outpace the birth rate of even just your home town? Probably not, and we don't exactly pop em out by the dozen multiple times a year. So congratulations, you just spent months training one useless rat instead of simply introducing ANY of the near infinite animals that already predate on rats - which is the entire reason rats breed so readily as to accidentally lead to infestations in the first place! Because they get eaten by basically everything (including other rats already, by the way) and need to pump out future generations to outpace the constant slaughter! Hell, at peak infestation, stressed and starved mother rats are probably doing more work to fight the infestation by eating their own young than one alphabro cannibal grindset barrellife rat with PTSD could ever hope to accomplish. You'd have better odds fighting an infestation with a bottle of whisky and a handgun. Not one single thing about this is correct in any way other than the fact that rats exist.


I have never heard Jordan's voice until just now and I am absolutely shocked by how he sounds. I figured it would be more... "masucline" and less whiny by the way he presents himself?


Two drug addled dopes with a underserved platform.


Look up the rat park experiment.


This sounds like something an 8 year old made up. Legit like 3rd grade. And how is this story a theory? Lol