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Oooo i like this theory. There IS a writer there who was a former friend of the try guy ned (who cheated on his wife) leading to their super fucked up skit where they mocked the other guys video on the situation and totally took ned’s side. (well that’s the conspiracy at least since ned had mentioned on their channel in the past that he had a friend who writes for SNL). Anyway my point being there’s for sure writers there who are familiar enough with the youtube space to use it for content.




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Probably Cam


That’s why he went east


Probably just that the pod covers popular things going on the internet, it’s not like they’re always the first to discuss these topics.


Yeah these are all reaches


definitely a bit of a reach but the premise of "my wife's OBGYN left on vacation at the worst moment" was so specifically hilarious. just seemed so out of the blue but i could imagine someone watching the show, finding that premise funny and taking it and running with it. it totally could be a coincidence and it's not even a bad thing if they used that premise obv as it was a hilarious bit. i can't find the segment or ep where ethan and hila were talking about it but i don't think it was that long ago.


If it wasn’t a trope that’s been used before I’d say it has some ground but that also happens in the movie knocked up lol if anything it just shows lack of creativity on their part reusing jokes


It was one of the last couple of eps before they went on the recent break. Hila was going to go to get induced on the Wednesday but when they tried to call and make the appointment, the doctor was on vacation.


I wouldn’t say it’s impossible. SNL pretty blatantly stole a bit from cumtown about a parody of Ratatouille where instead of cooking the rat controls the guy during sex. Maybe not the most original idea sure, but with them being New York based comedians you can imagine writers at SNL being aware of them and one listening to them.


Also the Joel Haver skit about the Charmin Bears


Idk if Joel would be into it but *that* is one of my dream guests on the pod.


Joel might be a little too kind for the pod. I can't see him getting down and dirty with internet drama.


Yeah, the writers room is filled with young New York comics and improv people, as well as the cast members themselves, so it's not at all surprising that they would watch popular comedic podcasts and farm the internet for inspiration and premises to come up with sketch ideas, and yes, sometimes they're a bit too on the nose to be coincidence. I would not at all be surprised to know that there are several troopers in there.


They also ripped off a short Will Neff made


No way which one?!


The one where will neff is dying and tells his friend to do one favor from him but then doesn’t die and asks his friend to do him another favor. It was pretty funny.


It’s in this video https://youtu.be/hssKnxgsvAs?si=c3xi5EwrD9telK_N


No fucking way they ripped that bit….waiting on a thousand island stare coming soon


Damn I just spent a solid 3 minutes typing my comment just to scroll and see this, thank you gay friend.


There was an episode a month or 2 ago that i was super stoned watching it and noticed that 3 sketches in a row there were references to random things recently also referenced on the pod but I just assumed i was crazy and now i need to find it and rewatch it. Will update


Okay I am fan (i wrote dan and sam instead of fan lol) of this theory but I think that it’s not that far fetched that they are making skits on the things covered in the pod because they are major/ minor pop culture events


i am a dan and sam of this theory


The writing on SNL has been skewing more ‘online’ over the last several seasons, they reference viral content pretty often so the Jojo Siwa piece makes no sense, I couldn’t go online anywhere without seeing her. No offense but none of these seem close to legit connections


i agree, definitely not anything concrete here because i'm more pointing out similarities with premises rather than actual bits which is a little more nebulous. the jojo thing, on it's face, i would agree with you and that one definitely could be more likely just a pop culture moment that SNL is parodying with the growing trend of becoming more online. but the guy named Ethan who has his own award show on Movies he only thinks are cool is almost like a shoutout to Ethan. it's absolutely possible it was just coincidence due to i guess them coming up with topical jokes on Oscar nominations but i'm suuuuper skeptical that someone wasn't inspired by H3 to craft that bit. could be totally wrong. that made me kind of reexamine some of the other stuff too so in context there's more of a case to be made but it's just a theory, totally just spitballing here.


SNL did flat out steal a Charmin bear skit from youtuber Joel Haver.


I've actually noticed parallels between a few recent popular snl and h3 bits


Isn’t H3 notoriously viewed by tonnes of entertainment industry people? Hence how they got such good guests so quickly, and why the competition entries are so crazy.


Yep, for example one of their biggest fans is Ryan Kavanaugh, film financier and former CEO of Relativity Media (which he unfortunately bankrupted in 2015 and then again in 2018).^^allegedly


He also got a DUI in 2005


i think you're thinking of Harvey Weinstein, unless- wait, maybe i'm mistaken? https://www.doesryankavanaughlooklikeharveyweinstein.com/ thank god there's this handy website that helps me out with things like this. it's so easy to find because every time i google "ryan kavanaugh," it's right at the top! now i'll never make a mistake like this again.


The obgyn thing is what happens in the movie Knocked Up too.


I've been saying this on all the SNL posts in here for months.


They've definitely been caught stealing sketch ideas from Joel Haver and the This Is Important podcast.  So this wouldn't be so surprising.


The SNL writer reading this post “😦😳😳😳 oh no”


This is super interesting actually! I bet you are right. Great post.


SNL writer’s notoriously steal bits. Just an example, Kyle Mooney has stolen a few Nick Mullen/Stav(CumTown) bits that he unapologetically “baaaarely” changed. The Ratatouille bit with John Krasinski was written by him and was almost verbatim stolen from that pod, and that was his like 4th offense.


SNL can’t be trusted anyway 🤷‍♂️ sorry… they’re so hacky with their humour, like refried memes


They did a Try Guys sketch too back when there was the scandal. 🤔


I started to think this after the JoJo sketch