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Even ignoring the shirt, you know that Zach the type of dude to have dice in his pocket.


He could pull off a fedora with a safari flap in the back.






LMAO WHATšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Tears are literally streaming down my face thinking about his dumb dice


Itā€™s so heartbreaking, but I canā€™t stop laughing


so so so so so sooooooooooooo sad


What the heck lmaooošŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Heā€™s very Setzer coded from final fantasy 6


"Nothing worse than the spins". Stone cold sober


Blud looks like a narc


When he was like ā€œNothing worse than the spins huhā€ i was dying


"Whoaa I feel dizzy" šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


*Taco Bell enters* ā€œOoh nom nomsā€


died from cringe. with p&l


Famous things people say 1 hour after drinking lol...


Because everyone gets the spins as soon as they drink šŸ˜‚ so obvious


Looooved the drama of this game. Ethan getting eliminated first and pouting the entire time was hilarious. Love flying under everyoneā€™s radar by acting sick was great. Zach very obviously being the sober one and eliminating anyone that called him out was entertaining. All in all, great episode. I hope they do it again!


Haha he ate that burrito with so much sass šŸ˜­


I wish they wouldnā€™t have told the audience before starting the game.


I also wish it was more based around guessing whose drunk or high instead of guess who's not. It's funnier when fkd up people try to act normal rather than sober people trying to act fkd up


They should definitely do that for the sequel


Lmao 2 drunk and high people trying to keep it cool as they're all soberly playing mafia accusing each other of being "the killer"


I thought that's what they were gonna do, I guess next time I'll just look away when they call it out


I thought it was a fun switch up since the typical game is already pretending to be sober lol


Thatā€™s how I felt with Love being basically mute the whole time šŸ¤£ like, I donā€™t know anyone who goes COMPLETELY silent like that after smoking unless itā€™s their very first time. I thought the mute thing was super cheesy but apparently it worked so šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I think itā€™s super normal for people who donā€™t smoke a lot to go nonverbal, especially if they have anxiety or are being recorded lol! I smoke everyday and sometimes I will do a fat dab and literally lose the ability to form a sentence hahah


Yeah I was thinking Love was doing a really good job pretending he hit it way too hard


I partake every day, and in social settings I still get really quiet if I'm stoned. it's not that I don't want to talk, but the part of my brain that participates in conversations in a 30 second delay lol


Yeah I smoke everyday and I turn mute lol. Iā€™m quiet in general but when I smoke I really hate a lot of noise


Yeah, when Iā€™m super stoned I donā€™t talk much. I think it started being cheesy to me when people would directly ask him something and he couldnā€™t even TRY to respond lol. Like, even when Iā€™m stoned to the bone I can at least manage to say a few words ya know? To me it just seemed obvious he was faking it but every one else didnā€™t seem to catch on!


I say a few words, but it's usually "What are we talking about again"


It was probably also harder to catch on because everyone else was intoxicated themselves šŸ˜†


Every time I have hit a dab Im too focused on remembering to breathe and swallow at the same time


It wasn't being mute that worked. It was being mute and looking sick. Everyone there is too nice to let their suspicion win over their empathy


It also helped he was seated at the end of the table, others would look at each other constantly no matter what you would need to look at love intentionally to see if he is faking it that's why Dan did think love is faking it, he was sitting next to him and was the one of two who had love in periphery vision


Didnt ya notice sam 'suffering' quietly in the corner


In my experience playing hidden traitor games there is always one player who meta games the system by pretending to either not know the rules or by pretending to be sick. Always! However, once you play one game with them you become wise to the deception and they never do it again. Haha




I go non verbal almost every time I smoke with people I donā€™t / barely know. Not exactly the case for love but I would believe it since he was on a livestream lol


I have a friend who I smoke with regularly that is the same way so I could kinda see them buying it from love. But idk how tf they didnā€™t immediately clock Zach for faking hahaha


When Iā€™m *really* high I donā€™t say a peep hardly. Too busy soaking in everything. When Sam said something like ā€œyouā€™re saying a lot of wordsā€ to Lena, I felt that fr.


That's literally me every time I smoke.


I know people who smoke constantly who go mute!!


So I rewatched this segment 3 times cause I was bored over the weekend and almost every person guessed Zach was sober at one point but they didnā€™t vote him off until it was too late!!


literally the most anti-high behaviour lol


Undercover cop energy


ā€œHey you guys got some weeds ?!ā€


Bro before the segment started and Zach came in from ā€œgetting highā€, I could tell immediately he wasnā€™t high because he started doing his signature really forced badly acted laugh. I like the kid a lot, but that shit was hard to miss.


He shouldā€™ve been out immediately after that tongue twister ā€˜performanceā€™. Intentionally stumbling over ever syllable like a 2nd grader lol The guys a great musician and a sound bite genius, but heā€™s certainly lacking in the drama department.


Haha that was a brutal watch ngl :ā€™) I think pretending to be high when sober is probably just as hard vice versa, especially when everyoneā€™s trying to catch you out on it


Itā€™s because they were high!! I think Love not speaking was such a give away but Olivia and crew were so concerned about him I was screaming!


Mutter by Rammstein. Dead giveaway.


Ok truly tho. Olivia called out that Zach forgot to tap the table when it was the **sober peopleā€™s** turn to nominate. I was sooo worried for my girls safety lol. And then immediately after Olivia said that out loud the next turn Zach started throwing out that other people were sketching him out - mostly Olivia šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I was worried when Love voted him out that there would be another ab/zach situation šŸ˜¬


Real Among Us gamers knew what he was doing. Zach was obviously not one but Love, a certified Among Us gamer, explained the strat to him so clearly and eloquently he had no choice but to understand


He can be a little fragile at times. Who knows whatā€™s going on in his personal life. Maybe heā€™s just not having a great time, but heā€™s been a bit frustrating to watch the last couple weeks.


Ehh, listen at the end of the day itā€™s a show. If there was no drama, no tension it would probably get stale pretty quick. I think sometimes people look a little too deep into things or forget that theyā€™re watching normal people w thoughts, emotions and feelings. Also, I donā€™t think Zach gets enough credit. Itā€™s obvious through his mastery of soundbites that he knows how to be funny and entertaining. Oftentimes in my opinion, he steals the show w how creative he can be w sounds alone. Itā€™s all the different flavors that make it magical, just enjoy the show yanno? Peace and love of course.


Zach has been one of the most open and vulnerable people in the room and sometimes people still talk about him like he's not a person


This. And 99% of the time when heā€™s ā€˜getting angryā€™ heā€™s playing it up as a bit. Including when he ā€˜was madā€™ at Love for voting him out. I donā€™t understand how people donā€™t see this. The one real time that I can remember was the AB insomnia thing a month back and the viewers fucking turned on him so hard. Even during the following show Zach was being berated in chat and why? Because he got offended over AB making fun of his mental health? Yeah he made the situation a bit awkward, but itā€™s not the crazy. Imagine if someone poked fun at Samā€™s depression or Oliviaā€™s ADHD? Everyone would be ā€œhow dare you make fun of someoneā€™s mental health!ā€ but when itā€™s Zach, people donā€™t give a shit. Zach is one of the OGs and his soundbites add an INSANE amount of depth to the show. It wouldnā€™t be the same without him.


I always thought until Cam left that Zach would be the first to go because of how visibly bothered he gets by the community sometimes. Sucks that that's still a real possibility


AB wasnā€™t making fun of his mental health, that was why everyone was annoyed at him. He can make jokes at everyoneā€™s expense for ā€œcomedyā€ but AB made a lighthearted harmless quip not even at Zachā€™s expense and he got massively triggered and made it awkward.


Exactly dude I am a Zach defender since he first started and probably always will be. People talk about him in such weird ways sometimes!


You hit the nail on the head with this my dood.


I could never imagine this show without zachs soundbite dj magic


I could never imagine this show without zachs soundbite dj magic


In their last scuffle, AB said "fuck your sleep and fuck your show" pretty much out of no where and somehow Zach had to apologise for everything and AB didn't even apologise for how he acted. People are too hard on Zach when AB is just as, if not more, immature


AB literally apologized less than a minute after saying that. It was also a joke.


How could that have been a joke? There is nothing comedic about it, it's just mean


zach is annoying


Fair enough, I disagree


Dude, imagine if a crew member made fun of Ethan/Samā€™s depression or Oliviaā€™s ADHD? There would be hoards of comments/posts like ā€œhow dare you make fun of someoneā€™s mental health?!ā€ And rightfully so. But when itā€™s Zach opening up about mental health and being poked fun at for it, people just donā€™t give a shit. Yeah, he made the situation a little awkward and maybe it couldā€™ve been handled better, but itā€™s insane to me how much Zach was berated for that and how the viewers basically forced him to apologize.


AB made a harmless joke. Zach overreacted.


I know AB didnā€™t mean any harm, but ā€œI donā€™t care, fuck your insomniaā€? Whereā€™s the joke there? Zach couldā€™ve handled it better, but he was being vulnerable and was shot down. It was a jab at his mental health and clearly it made him upset, so it obviously wasnā€™t harmless.


AB only responded in kind to Zach's hostility. Zach started it.


There almost was. Love had to do a whole de-escalation like "dude chill, I did that so we could both win, and we did win." I love Zach, he's my second fave on the show after Ethan, and I wish he would take a break for his own well-being.


Their beefs are my favorite(as in relatable moments) bc it reminds me of my siblings šŸ’€


the FAKEST fake high act I have ever seen


Bro thinks he's the main character in a bond movie


šŸ˜‚just needs a cat to stroke


Insert Jimmie Lee joke


maybe something a little old timey


Idk how the whole table didnā€™t nuke Zach after he read


Love saved him with his masterful misdirection


when he said mispronounced siwa after having already said it correctly once, i figured he was fucked


Bro Olivia called him out for not tapping when Ian said sober people lift your heads, and he still kept not tapping after that!!


I think it was clear everyone did know, they just didn't want to upset Zach and end the game too fast. Esp bc Oliv's reason kind of sucked and felt like cheating? The whole purpose of the tapping was so that they would \*not\* use movement during that period and come up with more interesting/fun reasons.


It was a terrible reason to use, but at the same time, even AFTER she said that, he still seemed incapable of simply continuing to tap one hand while selecting a person to eliminate. One of the rounds he literally stopped tapping entirely during that entire time his head was up. How hard is it to keep tapping one hand loll..


> How hard is it to keep tapping one hand It's not like he's a musici... wait


Haha I know, I was gonna add that too


yeah I feel like Zach wouldnā€™t have handled an interrogation well without it becoming uncomfortable/awkward. unlike Ethanā€™s mature and levelheaded approach to being voted out lol


Taco bell goblin just needs you to know that he took āœ‹ shots lol


Cool but did you hear Ethan did 5 shots?


I heard he did meth once.


Nope, it was crack


Honestly I think his rage was completely justified


> Esp bc Oliv's reason kind of sucked and felt like cheating? For sure. If I was in a game like this, morally I'd feel obligated to let the outed person live another round.


Bruh, literally what? Itā€™s because Zach has been intoxicated for every challenge before thisā€¦it was a good twist to have him be sober. Same with love.


Yeah true, although itā€™s a shame we didnā€™t get to see Zach crossfaded again


Especially when he took his sunglasses off and his eyes looked totally normal.


olivia or zach or both lmao


These are the two wolves inside of me


I called it before they even got to the table!


He thinks he was him


He was not red enough to convince me. That was Louis, not Zach in that epšŸ˜‚.


Love not talking the entire time and no one suspecting him and throwing out ā€œx is being quiet ā€œ through me offf. Like how did they not notice love was sus


Because they were all too drunk/high to pick up on it.


Lol and they called him out from the beginning!


Love played them so well. He got quiet toward the end like his ā€œbuzzā€was phasing.


I think they all knew they just didnā€™t want to get him out so early.


Ethan Knew!


Iā€™m guessing because they were all high. Because sober at home??? Worst acting Iā€™ve ever seen šŸ˜‚


FFS this is so fucking funny I love Zach šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He's Lou'd the fuck up right there


The Zynā€™s have him locked in


Probably rockin a triple maybe quadruple decky!


Letā€™s gooo my boys decked up


Can anyone tell me what episodes this was, I keep seeing people talk about it but I must have missed it.


It was their most recent guess whoā€™s high episode