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I genuinely think Jeff is experiencing TBI personality changes because of his injury. I’ve been following him for years, and he’s been acting soooo different these past few months. Like a completely different person. It’s honestly really sad to watch.


TBIs can be incredibly personality-altering 😕(amongst other factors they affect)


I never followed him except from when I used to watch the vlogs a couple years ago but I kind of agree and it’s super sad :( I just scrolled through his twitter and from what I could tell there were no rude tweets like this from 2019. I hope he can get help that must be so difficult to have all those injuries and then if he does have personality changes because of it :/


It’s sad I hope he’s getting some mental help


I had a TBI as a child and had a very drastic personality change. I said and did things I never would have done before the accident. I followed Jeff's story, I'd not heard of him before the Frenemies interview and could tell something was 'off'. Finding out later that he'd had a TBI made sense. I'm quite familiar with TBI symptoms, and he is really showing signs of frontal lobe damage. You can tell from just hearing him talk that his thinking is slower. He's very impulsive. He has black and white thinking (like how he reacted to the article without even reading it first). It's so disappointing that he kept seeing that quack Dr Amen who prescribed him all those expensive supplements and telling him the had 'holes in his brain', instead of seeing a proper Neuropsychologist who could help him with his TBI. A good doctor would have advised him to stay away from social media and Youtube for a while until his behaviour settles. He needs intensive rehab and a break from stress. I know he wants to keep working, but really he should take a good year off just to give his brain a break. Constant stress and overstimulation is not good for a TBI. I also think it's sad that they are still mocking Jeff for being 'dumb' due to that interview. Whatever feelings they have about him regarding the Dom situation, Jeff isn't 'dumb' he's brain injured. They know he has a TBI. Fine, call him a 'dick'. But don't mock his thinking skills, that's unfair. I'm sure Jeff is very aware that his cognitive abilities aren't what they used to be.


Thank you for sharing your story. I completely agree with you. I just want Jeff to get the proper help & take his injury seriously, I feel like he’s way too focused on continuing this YouTube lifestyle when he should be prioritizing his health. I hope he sees a real doctor sooner or later. Also completely agree it gives me the ick the way Ethan & the crew have been talking about him.


Yeah, it really bothers me. It was Dan, I believe, who made the 'dumbest motherfucker' comment about Jeff. Not only is that unfair on Jeff, but it's also insulting to those who've had TBIs who struggle with the same type of difficulties. Jeff has already said he has major depression and suicidal thoughts. People with TBIs have very high suicide rates because they cannot cope with the changes, let alone being mocked so publicly. And Ethan is sensitive about his Tourettes, but he allows his staff to mock someone for their disability? Jeff has a life changing, very serious TBI. I left a comment on the recent video calling them out for the 'dumb' comments, and I've had to get into an argument with another commenter who was defending the 'dumb' comments because 'there's reason that he's dumb'. Like, first off, he's not 'dumb' he has serious TBI. They'd surely never mock someone with dyslexia for being 'dumb' if they were struggling to read. I can't believe I'm having to explain to one of their followers why it's not OK to mock someone with a TBI.


I couldn’t even read through the comments on the highlight about Jeff because it’s too upsetting. Like I said before, I’ve been a fan of Jeff for years so I can recognize that he isn’t acting like himself. I hate seeing people be made fun of for things they can’t control. I can’t imagine how you feel by these comments considering a TBI has directly effected your life. Ethan really is so unnecessarily cruel sometimes, and I wish someone in the crew would step in and remind everyone that this is someone who is still recovering from a brain injury. What Jeff said about him and Trisha wasn’t even that bad, there was no reason for the two of them to bring this much attention to it & send so much hate in his direction. Keep in mind, this all started because Trish made a video making fun of his injury & saying “he lost some brain cells”🙄 (which is rich coming from her considering she’s always expecting people to tiptoe around her & her mental health issues).


Yeah I just read a comment under the highlight video saying that a brain injury makes you 'significantly dumber'. But thankfully someone is calling that comment out. But the 'dumb' comments are getting more likes. Yeah, it's disheartening to read the comments. Disliking Jeff doesn't give people free rein to insult the fact he has a TBI. Having a TBI doesn't affect your intelligence, but it affects how you process information, and also affects your logical reasoning. Which is why Jeff reacted so irrationally and illogically. And also problems with controlling emotions which is probably why he's lashing out so much. But also, it's understandably that he gets angry! They now know that Jeff had a TBI (yes, they didn't know at the time of the disastrous interview, but even Trisha stated that he seemed 'off'), so they can't keep criticising him for how he handled it- not reading the article etc. They know better now. I've not watched that Trisha video, but that's a really horrible comment to make. And yeah, very hypocritical given how sensitive she is about her own MH. She had a full meltdown after Ethan said she was 'crazy'.


At this point h3’s content has become very hypocritical. My brother has a TBI because of hockey and I wouldn’t want him to hear H3’s comments on Jeff’s injuries. I don’t understand how this obvious ableism is just accepted by a community that supposedly “calls out” bad people on the internet. Plus, I remember Dan saying he doesn’t understand why he was let of the hook so easily. I don’t know about y’all but having a severe TBI and being on meds from a surgery is a damn good reason to be let off.


I'm sorry for your brother. TBIs are hard. Yeah, you're right, it is ableism. And it's trickling down to their fanbase, who feel they can make really hurtful comments about Jeff and TBIs in general. I'm not going to waste my energy arguing in the comments section, it's too hurtful. I think Jeff is really hurting and is trying to put on a brave face. These comments are bound to affect him. Like I've said, just because they don't like Jeff as a person, doesn't give them the right to be ableist towards him. Some things are just off limits.


Did you see the latest Jeff FM episode? Jeff essentially called them ableist for their comments. He says something along the lines of 'Would you make fun of someone in a wheelchair?'


Yes I saw and I’m glad he recognized H3’s ableism. It doesn’t make things better tho. Instead of telling his audience to be understanding because Jeff has a brain injury, he sends his fans after him. Plus, there are plenty of valid reasons so criticize Jeff. Why go after a littéral disability? It’s just as harmful as making fun of someone with like a broken leg or a blind person


Totally agree. Some things are just off limits. It was painful to hear Jeff spelling out what he was dealing with during that interview- the TBI, recovering from major surgery, mental health, meds. Maybe because I'm familiar with TBIs, but you can tell how much Jeff is struggling with that interview. With a TBI, it's really hard to process information, let alone in a quick-fire, high pressure conversation. It feel like total overload. Just because they don't like Jeff doesn't mean that they can just say the things they do. Because it's not just affecting Jeff, it's hurtful to others with TBIs too. They can't keep using the fact he didn't read the letter as 'proof' that he's 'dumb'. They all know damn well why that was. Wish people would realise how damaging stress is for someone with a TBI. It literally does affect rehabilitation. Any kind of stress exacerbates the nervous system and affects the brain. Plus, I'm sure Jeff has some kind of PTSD from the accident and all the surgeries he's had. And people with TBIs can really struggle with confidence in themselves, and having people call you names and mock you is the worst thing that can happen. It's really scary living with a TBI when you know you've changed.


Totally agree! Plus I think Jeff is struggling with a lot more than what he tells the public. He’s admitted to being super depressed and not 2 months ago he was making suicide threats online. It’s unlikely that he bounced back to his happy self that quickly. He’s probably still fragile and H3’s knows that. Making fun of his disability and sending his fans after him is irresponsible. Not only for perpetuating stigma about TBIs (being “dumb”) but to Jeff’s safety and mental health.


I'm concerned how he will handle life after the 'Youtube bubble' is over. Getting older dealing with a TBI is really hard. It also puts you at risk of serious mental health issues. I'm also really mad that the Dr Amen quack took advantage of him when he was so vulnerable and desperate. Jeff needs intensive rehab with a neuropsychologist, not spending $$$ on expensive supplements. Yeah, it is actually disgusting how H3H3 are going after Jeff. It also sets a horrible example that you can abuse someone's disability just because you don't like them. Ethan is a massive hypocrite. He could easily have told Dan and the others to pipe down and just stick to the facts about Jeff (the criticism of the Dom situation etc). I now keep seeing 'lost brain cells' comments under YT videos. It's really disheartening. That's not how you speak about someone with a TBI. It's so insensitive.


i mean i just think that as a journalist she shouldn’t be picking fights with random influencers on twitter. i understand the frustration tho as jeff was completely forgotten about in terms of his involvement that night w/ the alcohol


I agree, the way she gets involved in drama takes away from the work and the actual news and people involved, like the victims


Agree calling her a fake reporter for actually reporting The proper things is just not it!


I mean Insider isn't really a reputable news source now is it.


I didn't know Jeff before Frenemies, but from what I have seen since then, he looks like a total Tool. Feels like He is sticking with David even after he almost died, just to smooch off the David's big name.


So now that Jeff is backtracking on everything ( I.e. Trisha, David , apologizing to @kattenbarge ) does that mean he’s going to backtrack on standing behind the victim of Dom & David as well? Sheesh. For some tough guy he sure is wishy washy.


While I understand she is technically a real reporter, she is still a very fake reporter in the fact that she constantly misuses/doesn't use what so ever journalistic integrity. Her and others like her are trying to become influencers themselves, and reacting to internet drama on the same accounts that they use to report stories they want to be viewed as credible is not a good look.


If you’re getting called a fake reporter, 90% chance you’re actually doing something right.


Ew, Jeff.


I really wonder why she thought this was a good moment to insert herself


Why is she engaging ppl on twitter, seems unprofessional and weird...


Bro off his meds


When people I dislike go at each other on Twitter the smile on my face is more radiant than any bride’s on their wedding day.


She kinda is tho. She’s fake

