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I find characters like Ennoshita, Asahi and Towada super relatable. In general, I find doubt to be one of the most relatable emotions for this kind of story, and so they really connected with me on an emotional level that a lot of the more confident characters didn’t.


Tanaka. When I played sports I was very well rounded but I was never incredible.


oikawa for his insecurities and tsukki for struggling with the mindset of "what's the point in trying so hard when there will always be someone else better?" these two are my favourite characters in haikyuu <3


Kenma and his love for gaming and viewing life as a game and leveling up yourself through different actions


same + social anxiety


i don't think he have social anxiety. he don't have any bit of anxiety honestly. he's just not good at being social coz he never cared about doing so or tried it.


i think it’s possible he has social anxiety. remember that scene at nationals when he was trying to go to the vending machine but someone was already there, so he just curled into himself like a confused, awkward turtle?


that's just one scene where he gets weirded out by strangers, I don’t think there’s much to suggest Kenma has social anxiety, is there? He seems to do well both in large groups and when meeting new people, and looking at the symptoms for SAD, they all seem fundamentally incompatible with how Kenma is depicted, he could talk perfectly with hinata who was also a stranger, nd he can talk with other teammates without hesitation. he's just introverted and a lil disassociated ig for less of a better word for his apathetic nature. imo he's more on the autistic spectrum


Yachi because I also never really aimed for anything or had any goals or dreams. I still don’t. Everyone around me has some sort of goal, and I have nothing in mind.


finding a goal is your goal right now


I am a huge overthinker so I relate a lot to Akaashi. They portray his overthinking as a good thing (being able to manage Bokuto’s mental state) for most of the anime so it was really refreshing to see its negative impacts in >!the Mujinazaka match!<


Nishinoya - I’ve actually gotten into big arguments with teammates before when they just capitulated and gave up in the face of defeat. EVERYONE FIGHTS NO ONE QUITS. YOU DONT DO YOUR JOB ILL SHOOT YOU MYSELF


I love this comment bro 😭


Same. Oikawa, his character is so good. *"When you dedicate yourself to pushing higher, you're going to have to expect the hard times to outweigh the fun."* \--not the full quotes, but i really really love this one(among other amazing quotes from this series). Also, that Tanaka moment in Inarizaki match. The moment where he always have confident on himself but as life goes, self doubt hits him hard but not an excuse to give up. AHHH. I love this series so much.


Oikawa is pretty obvious for me… I started a sport later in life, and all of the people around me were much more naturally gifted/weren’t as constrained by their age in their training. I made up for some of it by putting in more effort and generally having a higher mental grasp of what we were doing, but his frustration at seeing a talented young genius creep up behind him and the helpless feeling that can bring really hit home. In a similar note, I also relate a lot with Tsukki, who struggles to emotionally invest in his sport because he’s worried about being surpassed by those “more talented” than he is, and I love that his journey is about learning that investing in your own ability (even if there are people better than you) is its own payoff and what makes doing a sport so rewarding.


Samee, kinda forgot to include Tsukki in my comment 😭


probably suga. I feel like a lot of people could relate to suga. The fact that you spend a lot of time working to be the best but one day it’s all taken away from you and you’re just easily replaced by someone who you know is much better than you. You’re stuck on the sidelines hyping up the rest of your team but deep down you’re longing to be a working part of that team. it really sucks being replaced but he knows what’s best for his team and honestly that’s such a power move 🥲


Yeahh, I also forgot to add him in my comment. Really I relate to a lot of them now that i’ve seen all the comments 😃


that’s what i think is so good about Haikyuu. So many of the characters are really relatable




The story is so good every character feels relatable cause us humans go through so many emotions, idk who I relate to the most but recently seeing akaashi overthink a lot once was relatable


Tsukki probably. Just harder and slower for me to find real motivation to do something.


Oikawa internally & externally Nishinoya energy and mannerisms


It's suna for me. The way he walks, the way he loves putting his hands in his pocket or pants lol, his sleepless eyes, and the way his hand never get away from his phone, and also I love watching other people drama the way he is to miya twins haha https://preview.redd.it/dutuurs4cg8d1.jpeg?width=436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a46e274848639846ed36d2743d66a1fa107b48e2


the beauty of oikawa's character is that while you initially see him as the antagonist, you also can't help but relate to him. it took me, I think, repeated views (at least twice!) to finally understand his character and when I did, oh man I love him and root for him so much because aren't we all just in the same boat, always wondering if we'll ever be good enough for our dreams and for our own standards? aside from him, it's Kuroo who I also relate to the most, especially after the latest movie. I've gotten the habit of adopting introverts and having them go with whatever I like doing at that moment, so I feel bad for getting them caught up in it, so oh man, when That Scene happened int he movie, I was also teary-eyed. (and yeah I yap a lot and try to motivate others, too. hahaha) edit to add: also yachi coz heh, I have an overactive imagination when it comes to how bad things can end up for me. HAHAHAHA


Hinata ball boy in arc


On different days I relate to different characters depending on my mood and personality that day. If I'm getting ready to do something fun I get hype and super excited like a kid - Bokuto If I'm feeling lazy and I really don't want to to anything except read manga - Kenma But mostly Tsukishima, y'all are too enthusiastic and loud. And I'm laughing with my bestie at their ridiculousness of not being as cool and smart as me 😆 let me put my 🎧 back on To bad IRL I have to be Diachi and keep everyone on track with what they need to do and be Responsible


I relate to Kiyoko a lot because she’s quiet, reserved, and aloof. Although my aloofness is more stemmed from shyness and insecurity. I also relate to Kenma because of his aversion to people and concern of what others think of him. Plus we’re both a little irritable.. 😳


oikawa, cuz while I am talented, I am not a genius, and that hurts him as much as it hurts me.


During Karasuno vs Shiratorizawa when he says that he wished for both the teams to lose ... that's something I would say too


Ennoshita for sure is one of my most related characters, giving up on something and then regretting it is something I do way too often. On a lighter note I can also relate to Tendou, he says whatever comes to mind and I love him for it :D


Kageyama. He had a hard time expressing his emotions and is often seen as intimidating and angry. In reality, we're both very playful when we're comfortable. We can be too blunt at times but we mean well for those around us.


Kageyama. I don’t want to elaborate because there’s a lot there I haven’t yet unpacked, but i grew up playing a sport and an elite level and even dabbled professionally. It took a lot out of me. Also his general countenance lmfao I really do relate to Shirabu in many regards as well, I think


oikawa no matter how much i dedicated myself to anything i never was talented enough, and hiding behind a happy cocky facade is just easier than be vulnerable


Kenma for me. I relate to his introvertedness alot, and its really specific but when i read somewhere that kenma grew out his hair bc he doesn't like having a wide range of view, since i have that too. I wouldn't have signed up for volleybal if someone didn't get me to do it, and im now also a setter for a team and really enjoy it! I think at this point the only thing i dont have in common with him is that i dont dye my hair and have glasses haha


Between Oikawa and Kageyama. Kageyama for his bad attitude being similar to mine. We're both are sorta rigid people who tend to overcorrect to fix a bad habit. Blunt attitude, look like we're indifferent but we're really just passionate about the thing we like. And have really nasty tempers. 


There's so many characters I relate to- Firstly, Hinata, cuz I don't feel great about my height and in fact, I'm even shorter than Hinata irl. Secondly, Asahi cuz I have a similar not-so-confident personality. Kenma too, when I'm feeling lazy and all I do is waste time on my phone and also cuz I'm concerned about what others think of me like him. Yachi, cuz just like her, I don't really have something serious I'm REALLY passionate about.


Tadashi Yamaguchi for me. He's a nervous guy that just wants to be good at what he does. I've felt a lot of that over the course of my life too.


Nisinoya's Grandfather and Yu too. "It's such a waste to pass up the opportunity to learn something new."


Kageyama certainly. Being called by everyone as “gifted” and basically all of your achievements are valued less. It doesn’t matter how much you work everyone would still think you got everything easy cause you are talented. Kageyama still worked hard but even in this community the fight between Kageyama and Oikawa is interpreted as talent vs hard work which is not correct. Kageyama also stayed late, thought how he can improve and tried his hardest


Yamaguchi. I feel like I've gone through everything he has.


Sugawara and Daichi In my life I've always been the leader/mom, so naturally those 2


Atsumu‘s onetrack desire to be the best at whatever he likes and he’s passionate enough, and his desire to live a fullfilling life.


Yamaguchi I was a bench warmer too (No I am not a pinch server but the little time you play is the time you need to make best of it)


Daichi is who I want to be most like. Unfortunately if I had to be honest I'm closest to Asahi.




KUROO ‼️ selective mutism king ♥️ no one gets him like i do. though i think i act more similarly to kenma




i related a lot to tanaka and yamaguchi. i think one of things that resonated with me is how they always felt so average and need to apply themselves harder, but sometimes found it really difficult


Shinsuke from Inarizaki. Inner peace


i wish i related to kita-san! he’s my idol!


oikawa. that feeling of not being good enough really gets to me 


It’s weird, but I find both Oikawa and Bokuto relatable? (Oikawa mainly for his insecurites, Bokuto mainly for the facts that he hides under things when he’s sad + he gets all depressed when he can’t get something right [Idk how to say it, but ykwim 💀], but we also have pretty similar personalities in my opinion!!) Edit: I really relate to a lot of them now that I’ve read so many comments, but those are my top two along with Akaashi for his overthinking & Suga for the Kageyama thing. Still mad at Kags for that 😔✋


for me, definitely oikawa. his egotistical disposition being used as a cover for a slighted, doubtful little boy resonated with me the most, as did his rivalry with a younger “competitor” (aka poor kags who was just playing volleyball). in a way, i relate to both of the tsukishima brothers. the episode touching on kei’s issues with his older brother, and how that shaped him as a person really, really did it for me. especially the older brother’s perspective. i may have cried a lil :’( and on surface level stuff, probably akaashi. i am just as done as him when it comes to about Everything.


I’m a complete 180 from Hinata in my personality, but I relate to his development so well from a technical perspective. His arc in season 4 is exactly what I’ve felt like with violin in college. So many new technical ways of looking at music, feeling behind, and the desire to learn them all to get stronger.


I've always related to Kageyama the way both of our brains are wired, if that makes any sense. We both struggle with social interactions and social cues, are a little aloof and have been labeled as "mean" or "rude" when that wasn't our intention. He also has high intelligence when it comes to a particular area - a different one from mine, I suck at sports lol. Before Haikyuu I don't think I'd ever seen a character so similar to me in that sense, even though we also have some things we're not alike in at all. Besides him, when I first watched the show as a teenager I related a lot to Kenma and Yachi. Now as an adult I see myself relating to Oikawa stronger every day and also to Kita in the way he's managed to build his own routine and mindset for himself.




Probably Kenma, I tend to only do things cause my friend wants to do them, and while I don’t usually mind I don’t particularly care to do it and would like to be at home, although it’s more reading for me than gaming. Not very talkative unless I’m talking about something I’m interested in. If I get a friend it’s because they just somehow popped up in my life and inserted themselves. Yk the whole introverted shabang. Also cats. You can throw in a little bit of kageyama in there too.


Probably Atsumu since I have a massive ego and competitive drive. But recently I have been applying myself to Kitas principles in order to stay disciplined and happy in life. It's satisfying seeing hard work pay off, even the small things like my house being clean


Most likely, Kageyama. I get angry quickly, and most of the time, i look mad. I also have a really bad temper, and I lash out on people a lot. But like Kageyama, I'm trying to learn not to do that. When I get comfortable around people, I become nicer and more playful in a way. I try to smile a lot so people dont mistake my happiness as anger. It works. But I always feel like there is someone better than me. There is. i carry on trying to -maybe- become even better than them. But of course, it never works, and my work doesn't get very well noticed. I feel like this could be suga ?


Oikawa is a good one in haikyuu his coach says that he was blessed with talent later on when kageama comes and he stresses out and makes mistakes and his coach calls hım and says "did you learn your limits oikawa?" Thats one of the best Lines ever but the following is even better he states that if he works hard enough and doesnt loose his patience he will get victory .Really reletable and a good life lesson. Hope this helped thank u for reading!


Probably Tendou, Ennoshita and Bokuto.


Atsumu. Although he has bad attitude causing people hating on him yet he doesn’t care because he knows he is giving his best, which in reality its hard to be like that but since sometimes my personality betrays me inforont of others made me no ones favorite and I do care T^T i still want to be like him , i know i do my best i just need some confidence!


Kenma I am one with kenma I am him and he is me And nishinoya too in the sense it's mentioned he's really smart but doesn't bother applying himself too much to his school work like me too bro I could not care about math tell math to go to therapy it's not MY problem I do not feel like fixing math's issues or correcting grammar and I genuinely don't care about whatever the fuck science is about rn that's also not my problem




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i feel like i relate to a lot of characters. definitely oikawa's passion and insecurity. bokuto's emotional state is very relatable too 😭😭😭


Yamaguchi, i also grew up with my childhood best friend who (for actual good reason) seemed to give up on trying to achieve stuff. It's frustrating coz you want to say something but sometime you can't!! Also i relate to the whole nervousness and self confidence issues he has. Honestly i love him so much 😢