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In 2024, I would sit through 2 1/2 hours of Axl over five minutes of Vince Neil.


Absolutely. I said it before in another thread, Vince Neil performs well for someone clearly in their third trimester. Duff, though - he’s fucking ripped.


This is like, do I drink bleach or sniff chloroform


Saw both within days of each other, and Crue were ten times more bareable. Simply because you can barely hear Vince.


I saw “Girls Girls Girls” two nights in a row and “Dr Feelgood” tours and he stunk back then too!


That's a super low bar though.


He sounds like Mickey Mouse


And looks like Mrs. Cunningham from Happy Days if she'd left Mr. C for Count Malachi


Ayyyyy, sit on it Axl




Welcome to the Bungle


That was painful 


Yep extremely.


no one needs it.


Need a duet between Axl and Vince now.


Like two overweight tomcats fighting in a broken McDonald’s icecream machine.


A shame we can't bring in Meat Loaf to make it a trio.


Add DLR and make it the trifecta of trash, they all had their moments, but those moments are ancient history. Someone needs to help them understand that.


Please no


Come on... you have to see the sheer entertainment factor in that...


I guess it would be worth it to see peoples reaction to it.  


Bon Jovi understands


Look guys we have to all agree at least it's great that he's really singing. Would you rather have it be a lip synched cash grab like many other major bands are doing now? You'd probably be complaining about that too if that was the case. I will always respect people who are really up there doing it. Maybe it was an off night, maybe he's sick. That's a hard part of the song to sing and pull off. I love seeing him give it his all, rather then fake it.


I mean, they don't have to be up there at all.


Actually I don’t have to agree that its great that he’s “really singing “. If that is the best product you can put out then you shouldn’t be doing a live show at all let alone charging people real money to see it.


LOL! Just awful!


Still better than Don Dokken.


Woah. Ow. Dude... "I'm George Lynch and I approve this post."


Dudes been screaming his head off for 40 years. Give him a break, he’s still hitting the notes it just doesn’t have that grit it used to.


But he's not, though. When I saw them 2 years ago, half the sings were just not good. Some songs were just awful because he doesn't have the range to make some notes sound even ok. I'll be ok with ok, but some songs were just bad. I know he's been doing it a long time, but they should cut a third of the songs off the set list and get him some back up singers to fill in the gaps. So many gaps. It was my first time seeing GnR live, amd I kind of wish I hadn't because now I have the memory of his current voice in my head. Still better than Vince, but barely.


I remember hearing Welcome To The Jungle in the 80’s and though there is no was his voice will hold up hitting those notes. It held up waaaay longer than I thought it would. Unfortunately we all get old and our bodies break down due to age and abuse.


As a singer who used to sing this shit. No, no he's not. He's using falsetto and doing it extremely poorly at that. He shouldn't be on stage. He needs to retire.


Honest question - wasn’t he using falsetto before? Just “pinching” it really hard?


Nope, well not in the studio anyway, maybe live.


Falsetto/mixed/head voice are terms that singers can't always agree on how to define and distinguish. One thing is for sure though -- he was maintaining cord closure in his heyday and now can't do that anymore so it sounds airy and weak. (his vocal cords are not touching each other as much when they vibrate, letting a bunch of air through)


Hes hitting some notes. Just not necessarily any in the song he's singing.


You’re tone deaf if you think he’s hitting the correct notes in that video. He is completely and utterly flat. Not even in the right ballpark of the correct pitch.


Are you kidding? He used to be one of the best in the world. He's not even close to mediocre now


Nah it’s not the screaming. It’s all the other abuse via drugs and alcohol. Let’s be real.


>Nah it’s not the screaming. It’s all the other abuse via drugs and alcohol. Let’s be real. It can be both. These meatsacks we inhabit wear out over time, no matter what. With excessive use, you increase that wear and tear (see: all professional athletes). Adding hard living to the mix further accelerates the process. Yeah, you can point to Glenn Hughes or Rob Halford, but they are the exceptions.


I’d say for Axl, it’s definitely moreso the result of such a destructive singing style. But not solely that. He sounds fine when he sings in his natural voice.


It's also the screaming: there are right and wrong ways to add distortion/grit to voices and Axl sang the wrong way his whole career (tearing his vocal folds).


Wasn’t he the main driving force for all the band members to get clean before the band went big though?


Duff was already clean. He quite alcohol when he suffered acute alcohol-induced pancreatitis. His autobiography is great. He got sober, learned martial arts, went to college, etc.


Ask Steven Adler why he was kicked out of the band


Exactly axl was trying to get himself and all the band members off drugs but sadly Adler couldn’t quit so they kicked him out


He never abused alcohol or was a drug addict. He did smoke cigarettes and cigars though.


Are you OK? You seen a bit confused.


When was Axl a drug or alcohol addict? GN’R were all drug/alcohol addicts except for Axl. It’s in all their autobiographies.


Metal is a young man’s sport.


Bruce dickinson and Rob halford say hi.


I would gladly listen to him over Vince Neil lmao


Wonder what happened with him. It seems more recent since he was touring with AC/DC just a few years ago and sounded great


Dude I don’t even recognize what he’s singing. Wow that’s bad.


I was also trying to figure it out. Rocket Queen


I can't tell what the fuck he's singing either. Nor the words. Time to give it up.




If you look at the reviews, there were very fine reviews. Some say the best I said I don't about that, but they say, Axl, they say, what a great performance,


Reviewers were coming up to me with tears in their eyes 😄


Is it because of the blond? That’s just what happens when redheads grey😭


This is why I didn't go them when they came thru, I'm not a singer but I think a lot could be gained in his favor if he changed some of the stage antics, like running around , one end to the other, then having the breath to try and get close...I wanted this even in his prime..I get it he's a showman, but dayuum..recognize and accept that he would be a better show if he slowed down on the physical stress and just sang...this doesn't mean your not going to jam it out with Duff or Slash..he still could, just don't sacrifice your best because you think that is what the crowd wants (sprinting around and shit), I guarantee you the crowd and reviews would appreciate a better vocal performance and thats one way he could do it... Just one drummers opinion...


Duff looks good


At this point, when it's clearly just a nostalgia show, he should be allowed to lip sync a track as long as he's honest about it. Motley, too.


He’s incredibly hit or miss. I saw him in KC and he blew the roof off. Then I see videos like this and am glad I never caught him on a bad night lol Quite honestly he’s always been hit or miss even during his prime. His vocal style just isn’t sustainable for touring.


Maybe soon we’ll get to see a duet with Axl and Vince Neil.


Vince sure couldn't fight him anymore!


I can feel Duff's internal sigh.


Axl has never been good live. Always has been a studio singer. If you think otherwise, or going to tell me you saw him live and he was great, your seeing it through Rose colored glasses. Pun intended. He even sounds like shit on their official live album, I own it.


Never was very good live.


Live at the Ritz ‘88. He was crushing it in 2002 when I saw him. Not real GNR but real Axl.


Live at the Ritz is AMAZING!


Saw them in their prime and it was incredible. I still remember November Rain - flawless. Should have retired long before it came to this..




Im not a fan of live music tho.. just my opinion.


Better than Vince Neil.


WTF am I listening to!?


Retirement , you should have stayed off drugs and the bottle then retired at 40 but like so many rock stars that fame went to your head and you squandered everything handed to you..Seen you in 86, drunk and flying high..looks like it really didn't work out for you, sad because you were a true rocker..now just a joke.


They can’t turn the money down.


Did someone step on a tone deaf cat?


He sounded good when I saw them in 2016 but they’ve been touring like non stop almost decade right? No wonder his voice is gone


I saw him fill in with AC/DC and it was one of the most fun shows I've seen. Perfect? Of course not. Rock n Roll? Absolutely.


Terrible .. smh


Did Johnny Rotten and Gary Busey fuck and have a kid? My god.


Saw them in ‘92. Sure don’t need to see them now.


Almost as bad a Vince Neil.


Watched without sound and going into the comments I was wondering who that was


Note to future self. If you're going to be a heavy metal singer who is going to perform into their 60's, don't sing high pitched lyrics. Thank you


His voice wasn’t good when I saw them in 2016.


I'm no big GNR fan but when did this all-falsetto, all-the-time thing start exactly? If memory serves, he started this prior to his fronting AC/DC (not sure). And 7 years ago when he was in AC/DC, he belted out plenty of incredible notes. I have this odd belief that for some strange reason he's capable yet selectively choosing this poor falsetto thing. AC/DC 7 years ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbAvVv1wPrA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbAvVv1wPrA)


I thought that was Johnny Rotten at first.




There are far too many bands that put on far better shows to spend the money on this type of nostalgia.


Mama Fratelli hasn't aged well at all.


Not bad. The guy is old.


I will not have any disrespect to Axl, sure he doesn't sound good in this clip but I've seen them live not long ago and he can still smash out a great set. Is anyone on this sub in a band more successful than GnR?


I am so happy I umuted....it's hard to.be that terrible. Grab anyone from the audience and it would be more listenable.


![gif](giphy|XJlKnoUqIlWpO) Sounds like this guy now….


When did Mr. Heat Miser start a band?




Always been a pos, now sounds and looks like a pos


Whatever Duff is doing.. I want some of that too!! 😆


I saw GnR a couple of years ago and while Axl definitely sounded like dogshit, the band were fucking great and the whole show ripped my face right off. The secret is to sing along, you sound like shit too but at least you're not mourning 1992 Axl.


Still better than Vince Neil.


You can always buy a new guitar after you use and abuse your old one, but you can’t purchase new vocal cords. Kinda unfair for singers of rock music.


Honestly all the 80’s bands fucking blow live now, it’s embarrassing they need to hang it up.