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Well done to all involved in getting this POS in police custody.


Agreed. But I can assure you he's either already out or out in the morning when the drunk tank gives him the boot.


Happy to see someone deal with these guys properly! Good on ya. I see far too many videos of people baiting and then assaulting these predators, which gives law enforcement nothing to use, except assault charges against the person trying to do what’s right.


Sounds like the HRP did everything to avoid doing anything in this case. An hour to get a response to a child predator!! Fucking useless police dept we have. No wonder Halifax is a leader in trafficking when the cops ignore stuff like this.


My only experience with calling 911 was to report somebody who was very clearly intoxicated trying to ride their motorbike. It was midnight on a Tuesday night last summer. They kept getting on and tipping over and falling on the ground. Called and reported it, they said they'd send someone out, 45 minutes later they called me back and asked if he was still there, I said yes, and they showed up another 30 minutes later.


First and only time I've had to call 911 was as a passenger in a car driving along Highway 236 towards 354/Beaverbank. Guy cuts us off, dangerously close, he's riding the brake hard, starting and stopping and swerving back and forth over the yellow line and back to the shoulder. I call cause I'm pretty sure he's drunk, 'cause it's a weekend in Kennetcook lol. The 911 operator asks for a description of the driver, tells me they're aware of the vehicle and plate number and she'll pass it through to the Mounties. Mountie calls me the following Monday, tells me they're aware of him, the man has dementia and keeps stealing the car keys from his wife before she can stop him. But they apparently don't do shit?


This is horrifying but unsurprising, and must have been so frustrating for you


unless is a black teenager with a hoodie on, they don't care lmfao


Good job not being a bystander and taking action to get this POS off the street, I’d buy you a beer to.


The world needs more folks like you.


So many fucking sexual predators getting bold now. I'm so tired. Good on you for doing something OP.


Lots of things do not require physical confrontation... but others... "i dont know what happened officer, he was taking pictures of my children and then just fell and bashed his face up pretty good."


Yeah, this guy tripped and fell trying to break into a parking garage. Can’t say I felt bad for him.


“Over an hour” is the real shocking part of this story


It was surreal. The first girl he cornered was sitting alone, back to the wall with headphones on in the food court. I was on the phone and I see him stagger up to her and pull a chair up and sit knee to knee with her and tries to extend a hand. She recoiled and I yelled across the court to leave her alone. He comes up to me and after saying a bunch of creepy shit tries to fight me. I went to the lottery kiosk and asked if they could call security. As I’m there I look back and he’s leaning in on two different girls that were even younger. I ran back and told him to get the fuck out of here and that I was getting security. He left while I was getting them and to security’s credit they swept the place for him. I was walking back to my car when I saw him at the parade, again, sitting on a bench leaning in uncomfortably on another woman. I called 911 and then called back again when he started leaving. It felt insane to me but after calling 911 twice to report his movements they told me to call back to the non-emergency line and to disengage. It was then that he saw me and realized I was the same guy that confronted him in the food court, so he pulled a can of beer out of his backpack, cracked it, and an hour of insanity ensued.


But still...an hour?? Youre not out in middle of nowhere, yoire 5 min by foot, from the police station


Not a lawyer, but might want to save your details for your official statement. Any conflicting details in repetitions will be fodder for the defense. Also you do not describe him committing an actual crime here. Creepy as fuck, but unless it was repeated harassment, touching private areas, or restricting their freedom to leave, I'm not sure what the charge would be. I commend you for stepping up before it got worse


Public intoxication, drinking in public, attempted breaking and entering, physical assault, and inappropriate contact with a minor are all crimes though I’m sure there’s a very specific name for all of those things.


I’ve already given a statement to police so there’s nothing new here. I have omitted certain details that would have been identifying of the girls and details of his behaviour that I believe pushed this into illegal territory as it’s just gross and uncomfortable to describe, but as far as I know he has been released and only charged under the liquor control act.


I am impressed to see someone taking the correct action in this type of situation (document and call authorities). I’ll be even more impressed if he actually faces some kind of consequence.


He was released this morning, charged only with an offence under the liquor control act. He apparently has a long list of LCA offences and calls of a mentally unwell person.


He will probably go around praying on more young girls now


More likely preying.


I went to high school in Nova Scotia, you think I can read and spell? Those are high expectations.


Very fair point.


OP and Greg are Halifax heros


Wow. Nice job. Thanks for getting involved.


Greg is a super nice dude!


Hes a Halifax gem


Doesn't deserve to be name dropped like this, either way.


They are talking about the dude at brown hound. Greg with no last name can be name dropped safely


Again… not an employee


Sure he does, Greg is a great guy


Greg at Brown Hound is an awesome guy


Just want to clarify, this isn’t the employee or regular. Just a guy on the patio.


Good fucking job op


Good for you. All us decent folk need to stick together.


The power of community my friends!


good job, man. hali needs more people like you


This man came up to my car window (rolled down) on brunswick last week at a red light. He said “you’re the sweetest thing I’ve seen since Marilyn Munro”, then he tried to jump in. Thankfully the doors were locked. I chuckled and drove away, and didn’t really think anything of it. Glad there are people like you out there!


I’m glad you’re okay. I spent a good 5 minutes on Bishops yelling at people to roll up their windows and lock their doors. Then he tried the slowest attempt of a face first baseball slide under a closing garage door of an apartment building in an attempt to escape and it didn’t go well.


Well done OP and tip o' the cap to Greg.




Just for the record it wasn’t an employee. Just a random Greg.


Greg was a regular and would come in almost every shift if its an older gentleman.


It wasn’t, just a random Greg who happened to be there.


Oh!!! Lol funny coincidence.


Here’s to great Greg’s!


Thank you for your service 🫡


Thank you and all involved I’d buy you all a round as well!


Thank you, guys!!! It is getting scary but there for us women. You guys are appreciated 🥰


You deserve more than a free beer!! Thank you for taking time out of your day. I hope you took time after this to decompress, I’m sure it was stressful, you did the right thing


Is there anywhere we can see his face? I'd like to know who to look out for if he's released


HRP owes you a days pay! Way to be!


Thanks for this OP.


good guy greg


Not all heroes where capes. Nice work.


The sad thing is nothing is gonna happen to him


On the phone for an HOUR? Come on HRPS. Take a break from making posts about stunting and do some real police work.


Thank you OP! (And greg) and erm, HRP


Good for you man, everyday hero


Hell yeah OP, thank you for doing this!


Great job keeping the streets and our girls safe!


Was he drunk or high? Or maybe suffering dementia? Crazy behaviour!


He apparently has a long list of charges with HRP. All alcohol or disturbing the peace. He was quite drunk.




He’ll be out soon.


Thank you OP. ❤️


Hey, maybe don't name drop the people who help you in these scenarios? Pretty fucking obvious thing. Try and protect the people who help you, dip.


Just a random Greg man, not an employee. Chill


Oh ya there is only one Greg in this city who drinks beer, i for sure know the exact one


It takes *barely* any info to ID a person. There's already a couple replies who seem to know a dude with the same name who drinks at the place. Name + Frequent location = scary close


Listen, I understand your concern. It wasn’t an employee nor the regular that people are associated with this name. It was just a random Greg who helped the situation.


You are the dip, dip


Dirty mike?




Stop being gross dude


Teen girls, dude.  This is such a weird thing to say.


>I'm a fan of women, especially ones who are pleasing to the eye, but I could never bring myself to commit something so horrible. Say that again you dumb motherfucker, about teenagers you sack of shit.