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Bro the hammer is the most inconsistent weapon in the franchise. I’ll hit someone at what feels like point blank and only break shields, and they’ll hit the ground 5 meters away and one shot me


I constantly have the same problem, in the earlier games I always aimed the hammer "down" at their feet, and once I started swinging the hammer "higher up", like even aiming at their chest or head, I've been getting more kills with it. Might just be dumb luck but it's helped my hammer game a lot


I'm gonna try this, thanks for the tip


Np, good luck!


I've also had better luck aiming at the chest/torso region with the hammer


When they said you can headshot with any weapon in the game, they were being serious.


Seems to be the issue, hammer hitbox blows deal damage more consistently than AoE in Infinite.


If the Rushdown Hammer’s range was the default range of the Gravity Hammer, I’m sure nobody would’ve been too upset about it. I just hate how it’s classified as a power weapon in some maps when it clearly doesn’t perform like one.


Rushdown Hammer range is scary, don't think it should be the base range.


In maps where it’s a power weapon, I think it’s justified


Yeah, they should really buff the standard Hammer to range of the rush down Hammer. Maybe also give the Hammer a mobility Buff, so that you are fast while wilding it? Sword has to Many advantages to the Hammer imho.


The issue is that now we need to aim the reticle similar to the sword - the way to use the hammer previously was aiming at the legs/ground in front of them. It's more of a straight line of damage now instead of a cone.


Poor networking in action. Kill trading with a dude who hadn’t even swung his hammer on your client is such a routine occurrence.


I only recently found out (thanks Husky Raid!) that if you're looking at the ground (or really anywhere other than the enemy's face) when you swing the hammer, it ain't gonna kill. You need to aim directly at them to guarantee the kill, though not so much if you're dropping down on them. Took me 2000+ games to figure this out! My hammer kills have improved significantly since adjusting for this.


Is that the hammer or the desync causing that?


are you swinging with them in the reticule or pointing at the ground?


It's gotta be a FOV problem. I really can't think of any other reason as to why it's so inconsistent other than that


I feel you HARD on the sniper point 💀💀


mfers breathing down on my neck fr


It doesn't even matter if no one else picks it up the entirety of the match and I pick it up once, they're like, "Oh, he's a sniiiper, eh?"


TIL the Sentinel Beam has recoil. Also, don't use the tracking on the Hydra unless you're shooting at distant vehicles (like Banshees or Wasps). It reduces projectile damage too much.


I wish I knew this before today


Yep, I rely on the dumb-fire projectiles because I had a hunch that the tracking ones did less damage.


It is fun to get a lock so you can shoot from around corners or fire into the air because your dog suddenly decided you absolutely must pay attention to her right now oh surprise it's been seven seconds since you paid attention to her. Not that it's ever happened to me before, but I'm sure it happened to someone.


The Pulse Carbine is actually a great utility weapon. It is amazing if you use one or two bursts to strip the enemy's shields then switch to something else to clean up the kill. The Ravager is also really good after they buffed it like a year ago. I pick up both of these guns all the time.


Thanks. The Ravager lives in my head rent-free because of one moment where I expended all the juice and didn’t get a single kill.


It really did suck before they buffed it, that's for sure. But now it only takes two full bursts to kill a full health enemy.


It also retains it's roll as a decent AGV weapon. Not quite as effective as the Hydra, but in a pinch, it works (one of the few weapons which can be surprisingly effective vs ghosts).


Indeed. You can really shred a vehicle with it if you have good (and lucky) positioning.


I’ll try to pick it up more now.


It is best at close range


Direct hits are key.


Bouncy Ravager still sucks though. Like, it's bouncy, why is it bouncy, that's like the worst gun ever!


The pulse carbine (and the needler) will curve to follow the enemy, but only if you keep the crosshairs on the enemy after you fire. I didn’t know this until I did the weapons training in the “academy” section of the menu. I think the cindershot does a similar thing but you have to be looking down the sight (LDS) on that gun. If you aren’t good with one of the guns then try them out at the academy, it helped me a lot!


With the pulse carbine the reticle only has to be red when you fire for the tracking to work.


The Ravager gets you DUBS in Husky Raid with the splash damage.


I don't believe you about the ravager.


You need to give it a try if you haven't in awhile. It's best context is objective mode gametypes and close range.


Yeah, me neither. Sure, it's not completely useless. But it requires way more effort than literally any other gun you can pick up.


Yeah the pulse is decent when paired with the sidekick or the bandit.


Yeah if you can't get needler kills or 1-2 shot people with the Cindershot then something's wrong


I always miscalculate how long I need to hold the trigger (Needler) for, so I often lose to weapons like the Bulldog or even the Energy Sword. As for the Cindershot, there is something wrong with me.


Needler is very much a “fire until they explode weapon”. The ideal number of shots on a fully shielded player is most of thr magazine anyway so you’re going to end up reloading after a kill regardless


If you hit every single needle into someone it does take half the mag tho


Yeah. I've gotten double kills with the needler without reloading. Hard to do but definitely possible


I'm a "fire until I have one round left and then reload for the quicker animation" Needler guy, myself.


\>As for the Cindershot, there is something wrong with me. Bro I have weeks played in Infinite and I still can't get that thing to work properly. You are not alone


Lol it’s like the grenades bounce everywhere except the enemy’s location.


The main thing to note is when you aim the projectiles bounce toward where you aim, so in theory you can flung them around corners. In practice you better be using a mouse to even hope to drag fast enough to track it, and based on the meme I assume youreusint controller, so it's probably a lot less consistent.


Although to be fair that's only if you're ADS with it. Other than that it bounces like a wild man at a rave party


That's what I mean haha


I'm on controller so that would explain it. I think I may need a chart based on if the weapons suck or not on controller. My work desk is tiny, I don't have room for anything bigger without a ton of hassle or money, and my mouse is a thumb trackball because that's what I've been using since high school, and it is not good for shooters.


The weapon is still good on controller, you just can’t use the manual flight direction function. Bouncing the projectile works fine though.


Yet I routinely get melted with two shots like they're Luke firing proton torpedoes


Pro tip for the Cindershot: hold the trigger when firing it, that way the projectile explodes on its own when it's near a player, kinda like a grenade launcher.


I always heard that holding the trigger will make it follow your crosshairs for aiming it around, but I never knew it had proximity detonation. That's good to know.


The exloosive proximity after one bounce is pretty lenient so you want to either aim for direct hits, or bounce once first.


A lot of the explosive weapons in this game get really hammered (also the grav hammer) by server desync. That's the whole reason I barely bothered with rockets anymore before I uninstalled the game. I've watched way too many rockets disappear into the floor or wall behind an opponent without exploding.


The Needler works best as an SMG. Very close quarters fights, switch to it if you're going into a (potentially) contested lane blind. Honestly I think it'd even beat out the Bulldog depending on who gets first shot off. Against an Energy Sword, if they're already close enough the fight is probably lost- best you can look for is to melee and trade out the kill after a few shots to remove the Sword from enemy play. If you have a teammate behind you, it's an amazing play.


The cinder shot always bounces once unless a direct hit and takes two shots to kill, it’s for bouncing around corners but you can just shoot a bit in front of someone and it’ll bounce at them


Yeah, and it's very much like the Halo 4 version and not the Reach and 3 version. It's like it swapped utility with the shotgun - needler is amazing at short range, while the bulldog's better at a middle range.


I think it works better for me cause I played a lot of TF2 before this. So I saw that gun, and went "what makes **me** a good Demoman?"


I usually don't hoard power weapons but, whenever I get the chance, I make sure to grab the Cinder + Energy Sword just to be demoknight in space.


I could be mistaken, I just feel like the needler has either shorter range or the needles don't track as well as previous games. You need to be much closer to be effective with it.


I think you definitely have to be closer if you want stronger tracking, you're more likely to get a kill bc the tracking at close range is stronger than at a distance where it's more likely to drift off if the enemy is strafing. So if you're close enough, mid-close range, you can drop and hold fire for maybe 2 seconds and they're dead. The super variant for the needler has a crazy long range lol makes super fiesta really fun.


But that's my point. I think the reason it's deemed bad is because the tracking isn't as strong as it's been in previous games. The needler used to be a decent gun at 10-20m but now it feels like you need to be about 5-10m at most.


Oh I'd still disagree with that though, you just have to keep the tracking on. I feel like I get more consistent kills with it in this than I have most other Halo games, it's one of the best Needler incarnations imo


Since Halo CE, I have never gotten the hang of the needler. Only weapon I just can't seem to figure out. I get killed in like 400ms by enemies with needlers, meanwhile I'll expend a full clip and they are able to just strafe out of it, but that doesn't seem to work for me. My middle name is "skill issue" so it checks out, but god damn do I hate that weapon lmao.


Lmao I get it, that's how I felt for a million years of Halo games. But in Infinite, you just have to feel confident that they're not going to immediately break your sightlines. It will never be perfect, nor should it be for the game to be balanced, but it's perfect in an open space where your distance isn't too bad or in an arena map where they aren't expecting you. You pretty much have to surprise people with it, it has to be your entire engagement strategy against an opponent. You can't weaken them with something else first and you can't expend half a clip of needles and take them out with a pistol. It's all Needler or nothing, which its ammo capacity implies as far as I can tell. The time it takes an enemy to turn around and counter what you're doing is the amount of time it takes the Needler to pump needles into them that lead to a Super Combine and kills them. Idk if that's helpful at all, but that's the extent of my thinking when I get these kills and Infinite lets me get them often lol


You must not know how to use the Pulse Carbine if you think it’s a bad gun


The pulse carbine is LETHAL, BUT it’s effective range is like a 5 meter space at a specific distance and over or under that distance it is functionally useless. I would love if it had an alternate fire mode that made it not track at all, but made the projectile velocity much higher, akin to previous rifle-type plasma weapons.


I've found it really shines in the husky raid maps where there is a lot of mid distance encounters, open spaces, and not much for the enemy to duck behind. But other than that, very situational.


This. People be saying "If you think the pulse carbine is bad, you don't know how to use it", like I know how it works, it just works poorly


I actually don’t know how to use it effectively, so yes.


It works good at mid-long range. Bullet travel and player tracking is good. 3 shots to kill


Thanks. With the tips of carrying a bullet weapon and now this given to me, I’m sure my opinion will change about it soon.


The "quickdraw" medal brings a little window into this weapon. Spam two bursts of it, and whip out the sidearm/commando and you got a nice clean kill


Noob combo 2.0


You better believe it


What's a "Pro" combo? Asking unironically


Snipershot no scope and BR shot to the head


Changing the caption to: “God forbid you forgot to hold onto a kinetic”


Two shots to kill, unless that was changed recently?


Bandit: Why aren’t you the DMR?


“I would take you but I already have the sidekick”


I think the needler has issues with the net code. Because there are times I've unloaded all the needles into a bad guy and it's hit or miss if they actually detonate.


Pulse Carbine and Sidekick are one of the deadliest combos in the game. Shot, switch, Headshot with Pistol. Works perfect if you can aim and not being a stormtrooper like me.


Idk what you mean the needler absolutely SHREDSin the right hands


I have never in my life agreed with an image so completely as I do now. In fact, you posting this simply reinforces the theory that life is a simulation, that none of you exist and the matrix made this post simply to make me think there are other people out there who think like me. The only flaw is the stalker rifle, which can literally kiss 100% of my ass.


Dude the needler is essentially a power weapon in Infinite.


Skill issue.


A lot of OPs list really does come from not knowing the right situations or how to use the weapons. Pretty much every weapon is viable in unique different ways, I would say I could have written the same list around launch, but now weapons like the Hydra, the Heatwave, Pulse Carbine, Shock Rifle and Disruptor can all be wildly effective. I would definitely recommend anyone who isn't great at these weapons to either use training/academy mode, or use BTB as a way to experiment since you can get a lot of different situations and positioning in those big games. Especially in BTB, the Disruptor and Shock Rifle can disable vehicles, and Hydra tracking is also fantastic against vehicles


I genuinely don't see a use for the Plasma Pistol. The instant shield pop is nice, but I find the use case for the weapon way too situational. The lack of EMP doesn't help as well. Bulldog gets outclassed by the Heatwave in my opinion. Both of them can two-three shot someone but Heatwave has far longer range, can reload shot by shot instead of swapping a mag, has one more round in the mag and has an alt fire mode.


Shock rifle is the most busted weapon in the game.


And where is the Mangler most useful? Inquiring minds would like to know.


In normal games, it's not bad if you get the hang of aiming the slight projectile arc. 3 shots to kill if you can land a headshot on the final one. Sidekick spam is probably faster, but the Mangler feels more satisfying when you land that third shot.


I am definitely not a pro by *any* means, I find the Mangler to be most useful as a three shot kill from medium range, but most often I use it as a close range weapon as it is quicker to do two body shots and a melee for a kill, though I believe it used to be one shot and a melee to kill? The trick for me with the Mangler was feeling out it's rhythm, I am very accurate with it now even at long ranges but typically end all my Mangler kills with a melee. Also with the Hydra (not that you asked), I saw someone on here recommend treating it like a shotgun (with homing turned off) and honestly I love using it now. Fire straight at the target, close range, only use tracking for long range/vehicles, and the hydra becomes surprisingly versatile. I also use the heatwave at medium to even long ranges at pretty high effectiveness, the spread remains fairly tight over distances and it has become so much more fun to use, especially if you can get a bank shot at long range. Anyway, thanks for giving me an excuse to give my take on the sandbox! Again, not a pro at all, but I am much better now that I have adapted to the new weapons in Infinite, hopefully at least one of my "tips" helps you out, and hopefully you won't use them against me if we get matched up lol


mangler's really good as a shield stripping weapon to mix with other, more consistent weapons, since every spike does a big chunk of damage so 1 or 2 shots then switching to another weapon like the sidekick/bandit/battle rifle is a good combo you can do the same with the pulse carbine as well, 1 or 2 bursts then a precision weapon is a solid combo


If you’re good at landing precision shots while moving it’s excellent. People can’t keep up with it if you have the range advantage. Three shot kill if you headshot when shields pop, usually still that if you miss the head, guaranteed kill if you melee after 2 shots (it may be after one, but it was needed at some point).


That’s not the Halo Infinite sword! 😖


I personally love the mauler


I can never get kills with that POS. Meanwhile I get hammered from across the map


The hydra kicks fucking ass but I only use it in the launcher configuration. Only 3 hits to kill an enemy, and use the homing for vehicles or far away enemies.


Stop using tracking on hydra if you're fighting people. By far my favorite weapon cause it can 3 shot I think


Pretty much every time I see the Spnkr, whether being used for or against me, it’s basically an automatic kill. You basically have to try to miss at anything other than very long range.


Tip: tap fire the commando


I agree with everything but the Commando, that thing SHREDS at all ranges, the recoil is pretty easy to control on controller.


Oh shit my teammates are watching me is too real


Fr I feel obligated to get at least 4 kills otherwise I would’ve let my team down


Your using þe sentinel beam wrong


The shock rifle is definitely a poor man’s sniper rifle but boy when you combine the utility with the one shotting, it’s a treat. I emp’d a hog and “sniped” the now stationary gunner for the 1st time the other day, headshot a full speed one later, and I was like oh shit I’ve been doing this all wrong. One more “3 BR bursts into a stationary gunner NOT looking at me just to have him turn and tank 3-5 more BR bursts” and I’d have had an aneurism.


The rocket launcher and skewer ones making me look like a madman laughing in public like that


If you would rather take the plasma pistol you haven't learned how to use the pulse carbine. The thing is a 2 hit kill or a one shot melee. Just gotta know its range and lead it a bit


I’ll keep this in mind as I use it more.


"yOu DoN't KnOw HoW tHe PuLsE cArBiNe WoRkS" yes we do. The effective range is too specific and situational that it isn't a practical weapon to pick up. There are better and easier to use weapons and the pulse carbine doesn't match up to them


The effective range is basically the middle range on every infinite map. Ive never picked it up and have not been able to slaughter with it. And if you're at close range you don't even need tracking, a full pulse into someone plus a melee is a kill.


Pretty much every weapon in Infinite is good except for the Disruptor.


It was good too until they nerfed it. The white variation of it is very good


The Disruptor was changed because the game's networking made the DoT extremely inconsistent.


Still bothers me that instead of fixing a clearly underlying issue, they just nuked the weapon that exposed the issue the most. I wonder if that's the same reason Shock Nades sometimes do nothing to me when I run directly through them, but other times absolutely nuke me.


I'm so sad, I get why they did it but it doesn't make me happy, it was my favorite once I learned its gimmick. While it's bad game design to have inconsistency, since the Damage-over-Time was a networking issue then it'd be nice if it had its effect in the campaign. Does it still do anything special at all aside from disable vehicles?


It supercombines a bit like the Needler, but you need to keep firing after the combine to kill. Decent ttk but becomes more of a force-to-cover weapon


For once my placing of a weapon isn’t due to my own skill issue.


Another noob announces himself lmao Disruptor goes hard, just gotta use it right. Not much else is as satisfying as chaining kills of an electrified flag spawn


I still pick up the Disruptor to use it's utility, don't get me wrong. But that doesn't mean it's not in a worse spot than it previously was.


Tbh the ravager and pulse carbine are actually good now, if you're a sprayer and prayer then yeah it's not gonna do you any good lol


The ravager wrecks in Husky Raid if you're in a position to spam the enemy spawn. Properly placed charge shots just melt the enemy team as soon as they spawn..


ravager is worth picking up. Pulse carbine is still super situational and hard to use for what you get, so it's not worth picking up


Maybe it's just me but I prefer the commando to the br just because of noise, and it just feels like it does more dmg


The sentinel beam has recoil? What?


Try it! Much more noticeable on the arcane version, but if you ever wonder why you immediately develop late stage Parkinson's when you pick up the laser pointer, it's because of the recoil


Dude I shred with the sentinel beam, I must just be too distracted vaporizing people to notice any recoil lol


I don’t play Infinite any more but the AR having more range and extra headshot damage was a really good choice in my opinion. This AR along with the pistol are the best standard starting weapons from any of the games besides maybe the CE pistol.


Is the Carbine that bad in Infinite? I've always liked that weapon.


I’m being told that it’s an amazing utility. Shield stripping.


since i see you dont use the mangler, i gotta say that shit is probably in my opinion the best ranged and close range gun its heavy hitting as 2-3 shots can kill someone or you can do one shot and melee them as it’s blades on the gun do additional melee damage so it’ll instantly kill if you just damage someone but the disruptor fucking sucks lmao (unless its super fiesta in which the other disruptor is quite literally death incarnate)


God forbid you fight someone using the calcine disruptor and you have something that isn’t the beam gun.


Pulse Carbine can strip shields in 2 bursts and then you can switch to the Sidekick or something to finish it off with a headshot. Use the PC as more of a shield stripping tool than an actual killing weapon, that's just how it feels it's supposed to fit into the multiplayer sandbox to me.


“I would rather take the Plasma Pistol” why? The pulse carbine is actually pretty fire


except it's not. It's way too situational to be used practically


Shield Stripping is not situational.


I meant the distance. You can't reliably keep an enemy in that incredibly specific effective range. Other weapons are much more effective and rewarding than the pulse carbine. Battle rifle and commando: Works reliably at close, medium, and long ranges. Medium is optimal. Assault Rifle and sidekick: close and medium. Medium is optimal. Sniper: can be used in all ranges in the right hands. Long range is optimal Pulse carbine: Only works in medium range and *only* in a very specific distance.


Don't sleep on the plasma carbine.


Mint Blitz is like insane period, but like when I see him use the shock rifle like that it always amazes me. That thing is the most inconsistent weapon imo I do not see how people just laser with it. Maybe it's because I play M&K and don't get aim assist but still it's nuts


As a controller kid, aim assist isn't as strong as everyone thinks it is; it drags/slows your aim a touch but tbh most high skill players turn it off because it messes with your aim timing. It's most detrimental when there are multiple people in a small area and you need to shoot in a specific order (eg, the guy at the back of the group is the only one shooting back at you)


Why is this so accurate.


This is the first time I've seen something like this and agreed with every one of the takes.


Half of these opinions are based, the other are cringe


Absolute skill issue if you complain about the gravity hammer


Nerf the pistol! I’m tired of getting shot with perfect headshots from across the map. The pistol power/accuracy needs to be seriously downgraded when at a distance. I like the BR, but it should have a much smaller magazine.


My explanation: you never played a shooter with actual recoil.


I played Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and used the Scorpion EVO a lot.


Scorpion EVO supremacy


I know the MSMC was the best SMG but the scorpion is the most satisfying.


Oh sweet OP, you didn't need to tell us you're a nooby casual lol, your list screams volumes. Bless you


I swear after the commando got nerfed again I couldn’t kill spartans after breaking shields even at close range.


it’s like the other kinetics where it’s one headshot to kill but the commando is way harder for no reason


They lowered the amount of bullets to kill by one in the last nerf so now by the time you run out of ammo you still need one more bullet for the kill if you arent pacing your shots. Because of the bloom you end up with accidental bodyshots which adds to that as well.


Mangler would be bad were it not for the noob combo. 1 shot + 1 melee is a kill, every time.


Only one I disagree with is the stalker rifle. I miss the Beam Rifle. Hell, I would have even taken the Focus Rifle over a shittier carbine.


For me the br is anything but reliable. I’ll empty a clip and not even break shields


Halo 3 moment


In infinite


Yeah I know that but your rant is literally me in Halo 3.


Nah on POINT with the Grav Hammer. It’s the single most annoying part of the sandbox change for Infinite. For a game that overall feels so good to play, and like a fantastic evolution of the Halo formula, the Hammer ain’t it. And it’s insane to me that they’ve done nothing about it (props for the work they have been doing though). Infinite’s Hammer has lost almost all of its identity and functionality. It’s like a weird energy sword reskin now. It desperately needs a full rework to make it function like H3/Reach. Actual gravity effects, launch everything, including yourself.


I HATE THE SHOCK RIFLE. They just took the Sniper Rifle and gave it EMP. And crucially, made it spawn very frequently on "common weapon pads".. It's like someone at 343 wanted to piss people off with it.. Like how the fuck else would you rationalize it's creation? 1hit headshots AND EMP??? Once you get used to it, it's even easier to use than the Sniper.. The fucking thing needs a rework, 2 shot kill at best or something.. You can literally feel BTB matches grind to a halt if this thing spawns instead of the stalker rifle..


Halo infinite was the fastest way for them to kill the franchise imo. I've been playing since halo on the Xbox and man nothing is worse than infinite. The campaign was even medicore.


I disregard the opinions of Bungie Stans when they talk about Halo Infinite. Your comment also doesn’t relate to this post, nor does it add anything to it.




It’s really good if you land your shots




You gotta pace your shots, otherwise it’s gonna overheat, aim for the head. dissipating heat takes like one second so meh




It ain’t slow you just suck at it




then why do i do so good with it




maybe you need to improve your aim if you can’t hit a target that’s “hauling ass”


It takes 3 headshots to kill, the stalker rifle is not dogshit.


That gun is a menace. It's basically a longer range CE magnum that can overheat.


The hammer is a bit too op IMO, also the sound doesn't represent enough the sheer power of the weapon


It's far from op. It's pretty far from what it was in the previous games too. Only in infinite you can whack an enemy on the head with a hammer, only for him to turn around and kill you. The hammers kill range is so inconsistent it's basically rng on a stick.. The rushdown hammer is a bit op and works properly imo.


Aim for the body/head instead of the feet


Idk if it’s me but I just can’t get kills with the BR, it takes too long.


I always shoot their head once the shields get taken off. Pretty consistent.




The commando is a fuckin drill? What do you mean? Havent played since they buffed it, did it get nerfed?


is it just me who struggles to use the stalker rifle? i feel it handles awkwardly compared to other precision weapons


For some reason I mysteriously do good with the Stalker rifle. I treat it like the Bandit if it was related to Requis.


Bro the ravager slaps nowadays. It's charged shot is just a waaaay better Plasma pistol, and you can effectively two burst people if you land every shot, I recommend trying it


Now do the Super Fiesta/Campaign versions. Also you forgot the Bandit.


I’ll make a Super Fiesta version soon


Did they change the hydra recently, I haven’t played since s3 and last I remember the hydra slayed


Honestly these comments have given me a fair amount of things to try, like I didn't know the hydra does less damage when you use tracker mode. Gonna go smash some matches when I get home! (Also if somebody has ten bucks for a BP l will be your friend forever)


Yeah pretty accurate in my experience as well though the two hand cannons I don’t suck at