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Multiplayer - 3, 2, Infinite, CE, 5, Reach, 4 Campaign - 2, Reach, CE, 3, ODST, 4, 5, Infinite


This is the way, grouping multiplayer and campaign together skews the order too much.


My only hangup is that campaign and story are very different, too. Halo 3 is easily the most fun campaign imo, but far from the best story. At the same time, I quite enjoy Halo 4’s story, but the levels aren’t very fun. 


I agree with everything, though campaign wise Infinite was better than 5 imo.


Reach is my favorite multiplayer (because I established a 13 year long community on it), but I know damn well it is not the best multiplier lol.


No fucking shot you think 3 and 2 have better multiplayer than infinite. Take your nostalgia goggles off and realize infinite has better gunplay, better balance, a better sandbox, etc.. I love halo 3, I played the shit out of it when I was younger, but omg infinite is such a clear improvement, and just to ignore it is genuinely shocking. Infinite multiplayer is a clear demonstration that 343 has learned what makes halo halo. 4 was eh, 5 was good but not halo, and then infinite is basically halo 3 2. I unironically think it's disrespectful to 343 to still think this way.


You're not wrong. But no lol, I'm not taking the nostalgia glasses off. I had the most fun during the 2/3 era and to your point - yes, that takes into account more than gameplay mechanics. Infinite is easily the best since the golden era but in terms of personal overall enjoyment it's can't touch the classics.


While your argument is totally valid, you should take into account the year released for every game. While multiplayer for Infinite may be better now objectively in terms of actual mechanics, its not necessiraly better relatively to its era. CE and 2 fucking shattered what was the norm/standard for the games of their times and as such, the multiplayer can be argued that it was better. Infinite did not shatter expectations, norms, standards or anything. Its a good multiplayer, sure, but it doesnt stand out as much as the original games and it sure doesnt blow me away. Infinite is far from being as great a multiplayer as the OG games were in terms of its own era, which is not an point to dismiss unless YOU are biased toward Infinite


The fact that you're calling halo 5 not halo while praising halo infinite which gameplay dna comes literally directly from halo 5 is wild.


Infinite has, without a doubt, the best multiplayer since Halo 3. However, Infinite's sandbox & balancing is so sanitized that I'd argue it holds it back both in Competitive and ESPECIALLY in Socials. So many guns are outright inferior to others that they're not even worth taking situationally. Also 343's map design is very hit or miss in Infinite. Many of the best Arena & BTB maps currently in rotation are community Forges. Don't get me wrong, Infinite is 343's best outing to date by a wide margin and does go to show that they can make a great Halo game. It's just not better than the 2/3 Golden Era. Also a shame its full potential was held back by severe mismanagement.


Gotta ding infinite pretty hard for having absolute poop multiplier at launch.


>Take your nostalgia goggles off and realize infinite has better gunplay, better balance, a better sandbox, etc. lolwut? Infinite's balance is broken and the guns suck compared to previous games. Not only is there lower weapon variety, lots of the guns are either OP or useless. The gravity hammers are basically projectile weapons they're so OP, while the shock pistol and ravager are utterly useless in 1v1s. The bulldog and the plasma rifle are super weak compared to their previous installment analogues, and the rocket launchers have a really weird blast radius. Let's not even talk about how weird and shitty the vehicles are in Infinite, or the constant lag / clipping issues, not to mention the ridiculous skill imbalance we see in and between teams in matchmaking. Infinite is fun, no doubt, but it has a lot of problems and it's not this squeaky clean, clearly superior game it's made out to be. I had way, way more fun playing multiplayer in 3, 5, and Reach than I do playing Infinite.


halo 1 multiplayer is awful even though it was fun back in the day. I hate going back to it for any competitive reason but it has a fun jankiness to it.


It's fair to consider how well it stud the test of time but I think it should be mostly judged on the experience it provided originally


Reach CE 3 Infinite ODST 4 2 5 I will say that 5 is the only game in the series that I truly didn't enjoy.


I gotta say, I agree with the placement of 2, I think the campaign’s incredible story is severely handicapped by linear level design, poor difficulty balancing, and some wacky pacing


So controversial but so fucking true


Not to mention the last level is an Arbiter level, not Master Chief, and ends on an infuriating cliffhanger. That plus the ridiculous sniper Jackals on Legendary really took away from 2’s campaign. I still love that game though.


Halo 5's story is made up for by its pretty fun (for me) gameplay, but Halo 2's story can NOT make up for its gameplay. It's the only Halo I actively dread playing.


Halo 2 was a literally roller coaster had highs and extreme lows but holy fuck it's legendary sections fuckin kill me. Though I think mightve had the best flood fights just because they last a bit longer than 3 idk half and half


Honestly the difficulty is one of the reasons H2 is my favorite.


The campaign is the reason I had it that low. I gave up trying to finish it on Legendary due to how annoying it is. It's still a classic, but of the original Bungie games it's by far my least favorite. 


Skill issue


git gud


Seeing 2 that low is kinda sad... but oh well it's not everyone's cup of tea.


1.Halo 3 2.Halo 2 3.Halo 4 4.Halo Infinite 5.Halo CE 6.Halo Reach 7.Halo ODST 8.Explosive Diarrhea 9.Halo 5


I'd put explosive diarrhea in the top 3, shit feels good you know?


you're really immature if you can't respect anyone's opinion on something as simple as video games


bro, it was a joke, I typed that because it sounded funny, not because I think that it's better than other Halo's lol. Welp, my bad then people took it seriously.


Pretty much the same as you, I might flip CE and Reach


Fair, they're both equally great to me. CE has that unforgettable mysterious atmosphere and that adventure sci fi type of feeling that I love and Reach is just a great game both in gameplay and story.


Pretty similar to yours.... Halo: Combat Evolved Halo 3 Halo 2 Halo: Reach Halo 3: ODST Halo Infinite Halo 4 Halo 5: Guardians


Campaign ranking 1. Halo: CE 2. ODST 3. Infinite 4. Halo 3 5. Reach 6. Halo 2 7. Halo 4 8. Halo 5 Unpopular opinion, infinite rekindled my hope for the series and doesn’t feel like a mindless campaign. Adds a great lot of elements that make you feel like an unstoppable killing force. Might have also had something to do with doing the campaign 6 times with 6 different people and really getting to know the systems. Also 2 is so low on the list because I haven’t played much of it. My Xbox died 3 days after release and I couldn’t afford another one way back in the day.


I agree, Infinite is my favorite 343 game, because it actually feels like Halo unlike other games that they made, 4 and 5 don't feel like Halo to me. We can't lie that Master Chief looks fucking amazing in Halo Infinite, the best he's ever looked imo.


His armor is definitely the best it's looked my ONLY gripe with it is the colours of it. The green to me is a little too bright I preferred the halo 2 colours


I know this is a late response, but I like the brighter green color, it reminds me of his armor in CE and makes it feel kind of nostalgic.


Infinite is a mindless campaign though, perhaps one of the most in the franchise, if not the most. For all the repetitive bits of Halo 4, CE, ODST, etc, at least they tend to be over quick, and then you're on to something new (though I will admit that 4 has a really bad problem with this). Infinite's campaign is almost entirely repetitive bits. One biome, recycled mission objectives, essentially one enemy faction, undercooked FOB system, and the open world aspect is simply hollow. Halo 3 has more "open world" battles than Infinite. All that space, and they couldn't have a scarab fight? No big air war? No "drive around/defend a big Elephant/Mammoth" mission? No presence of any of the Banished vehicles seen in Halo Wars 2? It's a giant area and the sandbox is so empty. Sure you get new tools, but you have very little to use those tools on. The Banished don't dynamically react to what you do, so you can take full advantage. Sit up on a ledge and they won't call in a Banshee to knock you out of position, they'll just sit there and die in droves. What a missed opportunity.


You must not have played many Open world survival games in your time. I disagree with you completely.




I loved infinites campaign. I don't really think it's an unpopular opinion.


This sub acts like the campaign killed their dog and pissed in their bed tbf


Infinite had a great campaign. It felt like the original games with the same if not similar spirit. Yet it has flaws, yes it could’ve been done better, but I loved infinite’s campaign.


For sure. It can be improved upon but it really wasn’t as bad as people claim it to be. Being quite honest the one thing I’ve wanted since I first booted up halo: CE back in 2003 was the entire ring. Fly, drive, run, guilty spark fast travel, I’ll do em all. I just want an open world Halo that is the legitimate 1:1 size of a halo ring so I can run around and pew pew all the non humans.


Campaigns: 1. Halo 3: ODST 2. Halo: Reach 3. Halo 4 4. Halo 3 5. Halo 2 6. Halo Infinite 7. Halo: Combat Evolved 8. Halo 5: Guardians Looking back at it, although it brings me very good memories of my dad and I beating it way back, I really haven't enjoyed CE's campaign in a while:(, gameplay-wise at least :/ Multiplayer: 1. Halo Infinite 2. Halo 5: Guardians 3. Halo 2 4. Halo: Combat Evolved 5. Halo 3 6. Halo: Reach 7. Halo 4 So, I'm probably gonna get some flak for having Infinite as my top 1 lmao, but I never experienced any of the classic games in its heyday and I find myself enjoying Infinite a whole lot (even though I still find the classic experiences pretty good on MCC!). I actually like 2 far better than 3 Multiplayer-wise at least, and 5 which is one that I played a lot in 2016-17 I really enjoyed tbh, CE on the other hand I have pretty amazing memories of playing Custom Edition with my uncle.


Halo 4 above 2, 3, really? What'd you like about it?


since it was the first Halo I officially played on the 360 because it came with the console, I enjoyed Chief's character and the overall story of the game tbh. like I know why people liked 2 and 3, and I really love both games but idk it's just something about the story that captivated me in 4. sure, the didact boss fight was a glorified QTE and the waves after waves of enemies is really similar to CoD gameplay but it's just something that reels me in lol, also the game looks fantastic for being on really old hardware.


I love Infinites Multiplayer and consider it my favourite, so I don't judge you.


I think it’s the best Halo multiplayer has ever been. Even with all the issues it’s had. The core gameplay is just so fun.




The library absolutely tanks CE for me. A few levels from the franchise overstay their welcome but that one is an absolute joke of copy pasta shite. I think it's one of the first levels in a game that I got bored and frustrated just circling around doing the same thing again and again and I started gaming on a Commadore 64.


Nah, mine about matches yours tbh lol. Although, if I'm being brutally honest then I'd add a few blank numbers after ODST.


Yeah, it was tough, I don't know whether to put Infinite or ODST higher, both to me are pretty equal.


Oh no, I meant like theres a gap between ODST and Infinite lol. Infinite is definitely the best of the 3 recent games in terms of gameplay but it fails almost everywhere else IMO. ODST is still ahead.


Oh you meant that ODST is levels above 343 games I see.


Fr, ODST being right above infinite feels wrong


As for campaigns cause it's hard to compare them overall: 1. Halo: CE 2. Halo 3: ODST 3. Halo 3 4. Halo 2 5. Halo Infinite 6. Halo: Reach 7. Halo 4 8. Halo 5: "Guardians"


Halo reach below infinite is CRAZY


There are a lot of people putting Halo CE way lower than I think they should. Likely they were bad at the game or too young to play it. Opinions. A matter of.


Screaming, crying, etc




I always respect a fellow ODST lover. But infinite above reach is heresy.


It looks like infinite shouldnt be in the bundle with all the other campaigns. Halo 1- 5 and spin-offs are all different to the kind of game infinite is. So its hard to make a fair comparison if we are talking about campaign


Wow, CE in number one and ODST in top 2 gotta respect that take. But Reach is way too low.


Is that a crazy take? I’ve never really kept up with the reception of the campaigns since they are all pretty good to decent besides 5


He's probably an OG. CE is my favorite too because it has my favorite version of the flood. I'm in the odd group who thinks the second half of CE was the best. And that I love the Library


This is gonna sound like sacrilege but I’ve never played CE! I have the collection just need to play it! Also need to do a run through of 2 again cuz I haven’t played that since I was like idk 7-8


Bro… you know what you have to do


Halo: CE had the most balanced competitive multiplayer, and some of the greatest mechanics that for some reason they did away with.


For context, I started playing Halo in 2004 during Halo 2. So my only experience with Halo CE multiplayer is really from MCC. Multiplayer ranking: 1. Halo 3 2. Halo 2 3. Halo Infinite 4. Halo 5 5. Halo Reach 6. Halo CE 7. Halo 4 Campaign ranking: 1. Halo 2 2. Halo ODST 3. Halo 3 4. Halo Reach 5. Halo CE 5. Halo 4 6. Halo Infinite 7. Halo 5


I know it’s matter of opinion but no way you put infinite multiplayer over Reach. Halo 3 and Reach multiplayer were peak


>no way you put infinite multiplayer over Reach. Easily, especially launch Reach. Bloom sucks, sprint in Reach was annoying, and things like armor lock were borderline broken. In many ways Infinite is just a really well refined version of the "post classic" Halo games.


Reach and 2 both benefit from community amnesia over how pissed people were at launch (Reach about armor lock, 2 about the campaign in general).


The halo cycle is real


Pretty much what u/Simulated_Simulacra said. Coming from 6 years of Halo 2 and Halo 3 to a new Halo game that had loadouts, bloom, sprint, and essentially perks…it was seen as a CoD copy and I just remember not liking it so much. Mind you, I still had well over 2,000 hours in the game because I’m a Halo fan at the end of the day. Comparing it to Infinite, although Infinite has its issues and didn’t have a great launch either, its multiplayer is leagues closer to OG Halo, which I adore.


Campaign: 1. Halo Reach 2. Halo 4 3. Halo 3 ODST 4. Halo Combat Evolved 5. Halo Infinite 6. Halo 2 7. Halo 3 Explanation: I very much enjoyed most of the campaigns, and most of them could definitely change depending on how I feel on a particular day. The only ones that would stay where they are 100% of the time is Reach and 3. Reach has all the right themes and sets the mood. Also tells a story in a way that feels more grounded. 3 is at the bottom because in my opinion, it just feels repetitive and boring after the first couple runs. Just feels like I've been there and done that 90% of the time, though it still has its moments. Then there's just the weird changes from halo 2 such as dumbing down the brutes, having quite probably the single easiest legendary and getting rid of what worked well in 2's campaign, such as arbiter missions. Also, the Cortana and Gravemind guest appearances and just annoy me to no end. ​ Multiplayer: 1. Halo 5 2. Halo Infinite 3. Halo reach 4. Halo 4 5. Halo 2: Anniversary 6. Halo: Combat Evolved 7. Halo 3 8. Halo 2 Explanation: Halo 5 is my go-to multiplayer because of modes like WZ, WZ turbo, WZFF, infection and the super fiesta and BTB super fiesta playlists, especially with the customs. It may not have been the most popular halo multiplayer, but as a big fan of chaotic experiences like fiesta, halo 5 really scratched that itch in a way that no other game quite does, especially with the sheer number of weapon variants it had, which is probably why I'm so dissatisfied with what we have in infinite concerning weapon and vehicle variants. H2/3 are at the bottom of my list mainly because of how much the sandbox restricts what is usable and what isn't. Maybe I'm misplacing my blame on dual wielding, but that mechanic screwed 90% of whatever it touched, and it made fights especially boring since most of the kills were done with a small handful of guns instead of a roughly even spread like most games have (map pickups will obviously have a lower amount because you don't spawn with them, and it is entirely possible to never pick up a specific map pickup if you get unlucky enough). The main reason 3 is above 2 in my books is because the sandbox feels like a refinement of 2's. Having the needler return to a single wield mode was also great for when I started. Was way more approachable. Edit: adjusted spacing


I first played Reach a couple of years back because I wanted to treat myself well as I had a lot of mental anguish going on and I hadn’t played a video game since maybe college…which was 5-6 years prior… And I was absolutely floored by Reach’s campaign. So effing cinematic. I loved every single thing about it. Truly an experience unlike anything I had seen from Halo before. I love Halo CE and 3 a lot but Reach was easily the most adventurous given the scale of the conflict. The level after you descend back onto Reach after going to outer space was such a nice pace changer as you tried to regroup with your unit.


Finally someone else who can see how halo 5’s multiplayer is incredibly slept on. The game itself wasn’t that best but I feel like the fact that most people hate the multiplayer is because they simply never even gave it the time of day lol. It has some of the best content and the most content at that. Not to mention we already had “BTB 2.0”. It was Warzone. Whatever they threw in infinite is scores worse than Warzone. More like BTB 1/2.


Based Halo 5 mp and Halo 4 campaign picks


Having arrival play on midnight during my legendary run is probably one of my favourite moments in all my time playing halo.


Reach, Infinite, CE, 2, 5, 3, 4, ODST Not because any of them are bad. I just absolutely love all of it. It’s just one of those things for me that nothing they do will ever cut me off completely. A lot of it is just a pure vibe check based on the memories I have playing it.


Wow this is a wild one


Moving this to the top: this was more for me than it was for you. Sorry for the rant. Have a nice day :) I didn’t play every Halo campaign straight through until 2020 (I was 24ish) during lockdowns, and I started with Reach. I just played through them chronological order in MCC. I’d read the first three books as a kid, and that’s how I fell in love with the franchise. But that was it really. I played a shit ton of H3 Forge with a friend, and dabbled in the H3 campaign, but never really played anything else. I was a PlayStation kid through and through. I bought MCC and H5 when I got my Xbox One in 2015, and so that was the first campaign+multiplayer experience I had. It was fucking *rough*. MCC was broke as shit so I didn’t even bother playing it most of the time. H5 was interesting, but I never actually finished the Campaign. Multiplayer was cool, but didn’t have a lot to do and Black Ops 3 was the vastly superior experience. Fast forward to 2019, post-support of H5, and my friend and I would play the SHIT out of Husky Raid. Still do. Then in 2020 I started with Reach and the atmosphere was immaculate. Same with CE. 2 was almost TOO much story for me, so while I GREATLY appreciate it, it almost felt like just iterating on CE with better graphics. It felt like 3, but I missed the weapons and equipment of 3. Then 3 rolls around and it just wasn’t as incredible as I vaguely remembered as the kid who played 4 levels of the campaign and that’s it. 4 was decent. Story was cool but I didn’t like the weapons - they sounded weird, and they were so different from what I was used to in H5. It just couldn’t hook me. Some of the levels were really fucking cool though - going around with that massive rolling tank was insane. I skipped ODST because I was just trying to catch up prior to Infinite. But I had time, so I played it. And it was just as incredible as everyone said. I didn’t finish it before Infinite, it can get kind hard, and I needed to be in the right mood for it. But during one of my breaks of Infinite I finished it, and damn it’s good. The music and dark environmental storytelling and narrative tone and atmosphere is unmatched besides maybe CE. Infinite comes in 2021, and the multiplayer was so addictive for me. I’d drop it here and there depending on playlists or my progression with cosmetics, but I was HOOKED. The campaign was so fucking cool. It was all the open world “do it your way” of CE, but so much bigger and graphically beautiful. I missed some of the set pieces, but thoroughly enjoyed my time. Then Mission Replay came out and I knew it was up there for me. Being able to jump to my favorite spots, but replay it with all my gear? It was like NG+, something Halo’d never had before. It was a delight. And now with so many new modes and cosmetics, I’m just hooked. It’s so good. Like I said - the books and the vibe of “badass in a suit of armor” were THE DEFINING MOMENT of the franchise for me. My imagination ran wild. Playing in the snow, with my big heavy boots and thick winter clothing, I’d pretend I was a Spartan running toward the Covenant or into a Pelican. Sledding would be this thrilling Halo 5-like experience. The games were all just add-ons to that memory. No game would ever live up to the stories I’d imagined, and therefore no bad game could ever ruin the games that came before. They were all subpar. And when they’re EACH subpar, but they’re EACH the closest things I have to reliving my childhood, each and every one of them is special for its own reasons. I just fucking love Halo man. The kid in me will love everything they ever do. Even the show is just more Badass Troops In Badass Armor, so I just turn my lore-brain off and watch shit blow up, characters say campy-but-cool one liners, and have a good time. Sorry for the rant. This was more for me than it was for you. Have a good day :)


Huh dude thank you for sharing that I actually enjoyed reading it. You've had one of the more unique halo journeys I'd ever heard. I think I fell into Halo the same way most people my age (27) did. Halo Reach multi-player. I absolutely adored it, and to be honest it was the first thing I ever really got good at in life. I dove nose deep into the community and would watch all the YouTube videos on the different strats and jumps on the maps, all the montages and clips of the week, and remember staying up till midnight to watch my favorite team (Ninja/Walshy Era Str8 Rippin) at the MLG competitions. From there I went backwards to Halo 3, 2, and 1 and played the campaigns. I also remember being absolutely heartbroken by the release of MCC. I recall making a meme montages of my greatest clips from the first week of its release, and it just being a 2 minute long video of me searching for games in the match making lobby haha. Also not really too sure why I'm sharing this, you just got me feeling all nostalgic. I hope you have a lovely day man.


Halo CE Halo 4 Halo 3 Halo 2 Reach Infinite ODST Halo 5 I don't like rating ODST so low. I feel it's more of a spin-off. That I rather liked, but compared to the scale of full games I can't rate it higher than them.


I agree, ranking ODST definitely is hard, I was debating whether to put it above or below Infinite. Infinite is good, but it has a lot of problems, campaign's level design in Halo Infinite is just boring tbh.


Multi-player ranking only 1. Halo 2 classic 2. Halo 3 3. Halo 4 4. Halo CE 5. Halo 2 remastered 6. Halo Reach * have not played 5 or infinite


1. Halo 3 2. Halo Reach 3. Halo Wars 4. Halo 2 5. Halo 3 ODST 6. Halo Infinite 7. Halo 4 8. Halo CE 9. Halo 5 (didnt play) 10. Halo Wars 2 (Didnt play)


I'm gonna get hate for it. Campaigns: 1. Halo 3 2. Halo 2 & Halo: Infinite (legit can't decide) 3. Halo ODST 4. Halo 4 5. Halo CE 6. Halo Reach 7. Halo 5 Truly, the only one I'm really meh on is Halo 5. I only played the campaign once and have had a touch time even managing to play it since. I really love Halo Infinite's characters a lot. It has my favorite version of Master Chief. He feels like a person. I also really vibed with the storytelling of ODST, the post-apocalyptic feel and a noir story with lots of environmental storytelling. Infinite has some of that I also like. I love Halo 3 because it is huge. It feels like a truly epic story that has some of the best moments in the series throughout it. It was also the one I played most with my family.


Halo 3 Halo 2 Halo CE Halo 3 ODST Halo Reach Halo 2s story is definitely the best, but halo 3s campaign was just so much better paced and exciting to play through. Halo 2 could be a slog at times.


Agreed. Halo 2's story, characters and dialogue were the best, but gameplay was a bit too linear. Halo 3 had perfect level design and a good story too, but it didn't reach Halo 2's epicness. It was very tough to say whether 3 or 2 was better, they're almost equal to me.


I think H3 was a proper epic conclusion, the story isn't dissapointed I just don't think its as expansive or intriguing as H2 was


I’m curious if you played Halo 2 at launch. There was a lot of backlash over the campaign, probably more than any subsequent release. Of course now it’s beloved (Halo 3 obv helped people digest the cliffhanger better), but it’s always interesting how much these appraisals evolve over time.


Infinite Reach 3 2 ODST 4 CE 5


CE second to last? Everyone entitled to an opinion, this is certainly one of them


Its pretty dated


Dated or not it still has better shooter elements then a lot of the most recent shooters published. The game has held up wonderfully. If you’re all about a pretty game I understand, I can’t argue that point. But the gameplay is still legendary IMO.


True. CE gameplay is still good, but what makes it better is the level design and the A.I, which were really impressive for its time. CE also has the best plot twist ever, you know which I'm talking about.


The AI and general enemy design in CE still hasn't been topped IMO.


1. Halo 2 2. Halo 4 3. Halo 5: Guardians 4. Halo: Combat Evolved 5. Halo: Reach 6. Halo 3:ODST 7. Halo 3 8. Halo Infinite


Glad to see 2 and 4 getting some love


I always thought 4 had the coolest multiplayer, I loved having swappable armor abilities at will


1. halo: reach 2. halo 3 3. halo 4 4. halo odst 5. halo infinite 6. halo 2 7. halo combat evolved 8. halo 5 i will not be hearing criticisms at this time, thank you.


1. Halo 3. This game was at the peak of online play imo. Summed up the story, no Xbox parties, everyone in voice chat, clans, ranked actually met something (remember seeing a 5 star general?), custom games, the hunt for recon. Definitely peak Halo. 2. Halo Reach. It’s grittier story telling/spartan 3’s were a huge talk of the town during its release. Customization/credits was the best in any Halo game to date. Invasion was a great game mode. Made The Covenant scary again, forge was near limitless with imagination/creativity. 3. Halo 2. It’s a great game but I wish we could of seen the full vision Bungie had for this one. The very first Xbox live Halo game. Amazing story between arbiter and chief. MLG. Wasn’t too big of a fan of the HUD and multiplayer but it’s still great. 4. Halo Infinite. While I think this game needs some more work, it has the grounds for an amazing Halo game which can rival Reach. Gameplay feels good, Campaign is short and lacks environments but solid with a good understanding of Chief, forge is the best ever. Dev quality maps, customs browser. Just wish they would give us the option to select our own colors so they could focus more on actual content instead of cosmetics. 5. Halo CE. The one that started it all. Campaign is solid. Multiplayer is casual fun. 6. Halo 3: ODST. Great game. Great story. Wouldn’t really call this one a full Halo game though. Playing as an odst was a big deal back then. Firefight being introduced with this one was a game changer. A lot of memories getting the laso achievements on this one. 7. Halo 4. Good story. Master chief and Cortana has never been better. That’s pretty much it. Didn’t really like the multiplayer with the load out system all that much. 8. Halo 5: Guardians. The worst one by a mile. Story was bad. Multiplayer lost the direction of what Halo is supposed to be. Req packs. Warzone was alright. Overall not a good game imo.


Campaigns (not incl ODST, only played it once): 1) Halo 4 2) Halo Infinite 3) Halo 2 4) Halo 3 5) Halo CE 6) Halo Reach 7) Halo 5 ​ Multiplayer (not incl Reach, I only played its campaign): 1) Halo 5 2) Halo Infinite 3) Halo 4 4) Halo 2 5) Halo CE 6) Halo 3


Halo 3's multiplayer is the worst to you? Wow, not sure about that.


Its honestly on the lower end for me too, I thought Reach, 4, 5, and Infinite all have better multiplayer tbh


Floaty, projectile based weapons, unbalanced sandbox, everything new it did it didn’t do very well and was made good in future games. The only things I love about 3’s multiplayer are the maps and theater/fileshare


Def agree with him, though it's unpopular. Slow movement, worst BR in the series, etc. Forge was a great addition but it was refined and perfected in Reach onwards


BR was trash, I agree. But still, Halo 3 in it's glory Xbox 360 days? Nothing can beat that. Overall, I think it's the best Halo game, I ranked mine based on campaigns.


Agreed. Sandbox wasn’t great and even though I Love the BR and comp, it was really unbalanced. With that said though, Halo 3 was so much more. The customs, the introduction to forging and theater, machinima, montages, the endless friends you’d meet because people were more social then.


If you consider the nostalgia factor. then everyone is going to say the multiplayer from their youth is their favorite, and I would have to agree that I look back on the Halo 3/Reach multiplayers incredibly fondly because of it. But taking off the nostalgia goggles I can see that it just doesn't hold up. Seems I struck a nerve with some for that opinion, but I stand by it.


Yep. I can't stand H3 multiplayer. Unbelievably slow and dull, very outdated by modern standards.


This list is the definition of tell me you're a zoomer without telling me you're a zoomer.


37yo Millennial.


35 and I would still shit on your zoomer ass in ANY Halo game.


1. ODST 2. 4 3. 3 4. Reach 5. Infinite


1. Infinite 2. Reach 3. H4 4. H3 5. ODST 6. H2A multiplayer suite 7. H1 8. H5 9. H2 I'm mostly ranking the multiplayer here, I might like H5 more if it were part of MCC. ODST I only rank ahead of H2A because of the reworks to firefight.


Reach. I played the hell out of this Odst. Loved the open world and spooky atmosphere 2 grew up on this game. It would be higher but f the jackals Ce. First halo I played was a PC dev copy of this 3. Never really played a lot of 3 Infinite. Good story and customization. The cosmetic store and small sandbox kinda sucks tho 4loved the story. Gameplay sucked 5 gaurdians. Just fuck this game as a whole For reference, I play all on legendary


Your list is basically how I feel lol.


Halo 2 - " Finishing this fight ", fighting on Earth and city streets, new armor, dual weilding. Biggest downside was the cliffhanger (but understandly since its a trilogy) and the cut content such as the E3 level and the warthog run. Its ontop simply because of the hype it gave and lived up too Halo CE - Amazing first experience to the franchise. honestly tied with Halo 2. Halo 3 - Great finale, I loved the game but it just never 'hit' the same way Halo 1 and 2 did for me. (Halo 1-3 honestly are so close together it barely makes a diff ) Halo Infinite - Infinite just feels GOOD. The guns feel good. Open world was a great choice. Story felt great even tho it was a soft reboot. Characters were great. Boss fights were actually fun. Its inasne that they made the campaign this great and just refused to expand on it with DLC/campaign expansions lol. Halo Reach - I liked it alot for what it was. Nobel team was great. My issue is how they portrayed Reach. having read the books I imagined Reach to be ..more. But it just felt like a crappy Earth. Not a military powerhouse. The story they told with the characters they used to tell it were fantastic tho Halo ODST - I liked its noire aesthetic and i LOVE ODST's. Its down in the list simply because its just a Halo 3 expansion. ODSTs are too differently from Spartans but all they did was give you silenced weapons, brought back health packs, turned shields into stamina and made your POV shorter lol. A proper ODST game wouldnt have played like this imo. Halo 4 - Pormetheans are most disliked enemy in the whole franchise lol. Theyre insanely boring and unfun. It also doesnt help that all their weapons were basically SMG, Rifle, Shotgun but with a skin. Insane that they couldnt think of ANY other way to introduce new armor except for " nano machines rebuilt your armor while you slept " like wtf. Why wouldnt they just give him the new armor when he contacts Infinity. He meets up with them, they celebrate the return of 117 and they outfit him with the latest tech. Halo 5 - Forced Team Osiris, downplaying Spartan2's, the whole marketing being a fucking lie???? Forcing the game to be this 4 player co-op but your AI teammates are literally the WORST AI in gaming. I liked the idea of Cortana going rampant but everything else about it felt bad and its left a bad taste in my mouth.


I’d swap odst for reach but otherwise , great list


Your list is perfect


Thank you kind sir


Multiplayer: 3, infinite, reach, CE, 2, 4, 5 Campaign: ODST, 2, 3, reach, infinite, 4, 5


1. Halo 2 2. Halo CE 3. Halo 3: ODST 4. Halo 3 5. Halo Infinite 6. Halo Reach 7. Halo 5 8. Halo 4


1. Halo 3 2. Halo 2 3. CE 4. Infinite 5. ODST 6. Reach 7. Halo 5 8. Halo 4


Halo 2 Halo CE Halo Reach Halo ODST Halo 3 Halo 4 Halo Infinite Halo 5 Formatting fucked up cba


Those first 3 picks are very close picks IMO


The ranking changes pretty wildly depending on if we’re talking about just the story, just the multiplayer, or the entire package so i’ll do all three. Story: 1. Halo 2 2. Halo 4 — (I have my reasons.) 3. Halo CE 4. Halo Reach 5. Halo 3 6. Halo 5 — (I have my reasons.) 7. Halo 3 ODST 8. Halo Infinite 9. Halo Wars 10. Halo Wars 2 Multiplayer: 1. Halo Infinite 2. Halo 3 3. Halo Reach 4. Halo 2 5. Halo 4 6. Halo Wars 7. Halo CE — (I have my reasons.) 8. Halo 5 9. Halo Wars 2 Overall: 1. Halo 3 2. Halo 2 3. Halo 4 4. Halo Reach 5. Halo CE 6. Halo Infinite 7. Halo 5 8. Halo 3 ODST — (I have my reasons.) 9. Halo Wars 10. Halo Wars 2 I have my reasons.


Same order, but I'd admit that I never played 5. 4 killed my desire to get it and everyone said it was bad anyway. Out of curiosity, OP, how old are you? I feel like that often sways people's lists based on what game was out when they were teens. I'm 30 so I wonder if CE would be higher for me if I was a bit older when it came out.


3, 2, CE, Infinite, Reach, 4, ODST, 5


1. Halo 3 2. Halo 3 ODST 3. Halo Reach 4. Halo CE 5. Halo 2 6. Halo wars 1&2 7. Halo infinite 8. Halo 4 9. Halo 5 Based on campaigns and the only campaign I didn’t genuinely enjoy playing was 5. I’ve had great memories in all of them. Also 4 is super underrated.


1. Halo Reach 2. Halo 3 3. Halo 2 4. Halo ODST 5. Halo Combat Evolved 6. Halo Infinite 7. Halo 5 8. Halo 4


I think this is mine, but I put CE at 3, moving 2 and odst to 3 & 4.


1. Halo 3 2. Halo Reach 3. Halo Infinite 4. Halo 3 ODST 5. Halo 4 6. Halo CE 7. Halo 2 8. Halo 5


1. REACH 2. Halo 4 3. Halo 2 4. Halo 3 5. Halo Infinite 6. ODST 8. Halo CE 9. Halo 5 A lot of these are interchangeable and there aren’t any I didn’t like or at least enjoy.


Solid list, mine is almost exactly the same


Huzzah ! A man of quality!


played through all of them this past month for the first time. 1. CE 2. 2 3. Reach 4. ODST 5. 3 6. Infinite 7. 5 8. 4


*Looking at the replies, sees that 343 Halo games are nearly always at the bottom of the list* "This does put a smile on my face"


Say what you will about 5 and Infinite, but I will forever adore Halo 4


Hehe... well it is perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


1. Halo 4 (the greatest story and multiplayer) 2. Halo 5 3. Halo Infinite 4. Marathon 5. Halo 2 6. Halo Reach 7. Halo 3 ODST tied with CE 8. Halo 3


I see pitchforks and torches in your near future 🤣




Ok, I disagree heavily with this, 5 above 2, 3 and Reach? NO WAY FAM


Nice try troll but you are too obvious


Just reverse it and you have my real order o7 although I think Halo 5 multiplayer is my absolute favorite unironically


Yeah Halo 5 multiplayer was good. That's why you saying "Halo 4 best multiplayer" I was like "hold up" XD


Halo 4 was so bad but I did like some parts of the campaign AND I thought the weapon card system was pretty cool (i have a gambling addiction)


Halo 3 - My very first xbox live game. peak online/customization/forge/custom games/ campaign Halo reach- probably the best campaign, invasion was one of the best things to happen to halo. Bungie's cinematography was at it's absolute peak here Halo CE- Perfect, perfect down to the last minute detail ODST - fun, atmospheric. Firefight easily one of the best things halo 2 - good story but alot of the missions i didnt like all that much Halo 4 - worst multiplayer in the series, the entire story mode is carried by chief and cortana. Spartan ops i actually liked and it only got better as more chapters came out Halo 5 - Worst story mode in the series, wasted blue team and introduced a pay to win gamemode. breakout was the best thing in this game and one of the best halo modes period Infinite - Multiplayer is decent. sandbox is kinda boring. the story mode i couldnt even get halfway through because i hated the pilot and the weapon and the worthless open world


Same as yours except I’d probably put 4 before infinite personally.


That's fine. I played all Halos on MCC and playing H4 after Reach just left a bad taste in my mouth, hence why I put it so low. Infinite to me at least felt like Halo and had music from original Halos.


Infinite was a mixed bag for me. While 343 really doesn’t know how to tell a story, and they don’t even know what story they want to tell to begin with, it did have its positives. Weapon really grew on me. Even though she was annoying, I thought she had real charm and charisma. The pilot was annoying as hell but at least he manned the fuck up in the end. Been a halo fan since 2001, and recently I played the MCC in chronological order and man, going from 3 to 4 was really jarring due to MC not shutting up. He was always quiet and stoic, now he always has something to say about something. I forgot just how different the Bungie games were vs the 343i games.


2 4 Reach Wars 3 5 ODST (just this low because of small amount of content) Wars 2 Infinite CE


Considering campaign/story only: 1. Halo 2 2. Halo 3 3. Reach 4. Halo 4 5. Halo CE 6. Guardians 7. Infinite 8. ODST


God damn, you got 4 above CE. Let alone ODST below everything else. I feel like if it were just campaigns ranked ODST would be Wayyyyy up there


I can get the ODST pick, ODST feels like an expansion rather than a full Halo game, I still loved it nonetheless, the music and atmosphere in ODST was so so good.


Honestly, reach and ODST scratch the manly "Survive. Survive, and fight, against insurmountable odds" itch.


1. Halo CE 2. Halo Reach 3. Halo 3 4. Halo 2 5. Halo 3: ODST 6. Halo 4


Almost chronological lmao


I think this needs 2 categories, one for favorite while it was current and one for current tier list as the games exist in MCC: While it was out: - H2 - H3 - H5 - H:R - H:CE - H4 - H:I Current List via MCC: - H3 - H5 - H2 - H:R - H:4 - H:I - H:CE


1a. 2 - perfection, early ranked nostalgia, energy sword 1b. 3 - loses the edge on the campaign, but the richest multiplayer + hayabusa, forge, theater... chef's kiss 2. CE - so balanced and vibrant 3. Reach - smooth gameplay and great story 4. ODST - smooth jazz 5. 4 - great story, but the linear gameplay and multiple holdouts were uninspired and lacked the halo feel Haven't played 5 or Infinite yet


1. Halo Infinite 2. Halo Reach 3. Halo 3 4. Halo 2 5. Halo CE 6. Halo 5 7. Halo ODST 8. Halo 4


1. Halo 2 2. Halo 3 3. Halo: Combat Evolved 4. Halo 3: ODST 5. Halo Wars 6. Halo Reach 7. Halo Infinite 8. Halo 5: Guardians 9. Halo 4 Haven't played Halo Wars 2


Very nice ranking, Reach is kinda low tho I don't mind.


I like reach but I like all the games that came before it more. Also I prefer the story of the Fall of Reach novel over the games


1. Halo 3 2. ODST 3. Reach 4. Halo 4 5. Halo 2 6. Infinite 7. Halo 5 8. Halo CE


1. Halo 3 2. Halo 2 3. Halo infinite 4. Halo CE 5. Halo 4. 6. Halo Reach 7. Halo 3 odst 8. Halo 5


1. Reach 2. ODST 3. Halo 3 4. Halo 2 5. Halo CE 6. Halo Infinite 7. Halo 4 8. Halo 5


1. Halo Reach 2. Halo Infinite 3. Halo 2 4. Halo 4 5. Halo CE 6. Halo 3 7. Halo 3: ODST 8. Halo 5 Guardians (I don't own a Xbox so I haven't played it)


Same as yours. Tbh can't decide wich 360 Game would win absolute number 1. Looking at the other comments, im noteceing a pattern of bungie games la being ranked better than 343s. Wonder Why is it then than when someone afirms it, they get attacked and labeled as a 343 hater/bungie Stan then?


I find it quite difficult to rank the games as I didn't play CE or 2 during their peaks. Playing MCC multiplayer it just didn't click for me so I am not going to rate them. Halo 3 is peak Halo. I would quite like a remake or even just a remaster. Halo Reach despite the armour abilities I had a lot of fun with the game. Customs games and forge were great and you can see the evolution on 3's version. Halo Infinite had great gameplay but it is held back by GaaS/F2P garbage. Halo 4 is basically Call of Duty and I hate it. But at least I know how to play it unlike the next game. Halo 5 is just not for me. Whether it is Arena or Warzone I just didn't click with the multiplayer at all. Again with the Spartan abilities.


Campaigns ranking would be: Halo 2 Halo 3 Halo Reach Halo CE Halo ODST Halo 4 Halo Infinite Halo 5


1. CE 2. Halo 3 3. Halo 2 4. Reach 5. ODST 6. Infinite 7. Halo 4 8. Halo 5


1. Halo 3 2. Halo 2 3. Halo CE 4. Halo Infinite 5. Halo 3 ODST 6. Halo 5 7. Halo Reach 8. Halo 4


Multiplayer is Infinite Reach 5 3 4 2 1


As long as we all agree Halo 2 is the best Halo in every facet we’re good.


It's the best in terms of story and world building. Halo 3 is better in terms of map design, chapters and gameplay.


The Maps in Halo 2 are *chefs kiss*. I’m also more of a multiplayer gamer and always have been. Multiplayer matches on Ivory Tower, Ascension and Lockout…nothing like it.


1. Halo2 2. Halo ODST 3. Halo Reach 4. Halo 4 5. Halo Infinite 6. Halo CE 7. Halo 3 8. Halo 5


I can't, really. I love all Bungie era games and despise the 343 ones. If I had to choose my most favorite and most despised. It's Halo 2 for its brilliant scope, campaign, and multiplayer nostalgia. Halo 4 for its lame, boring campaign, and unbalanced multiplayer.


Halo CE all of the rest. Halo CE had the most balanced gameplay, and had really fun mechanics. Halo 2 is by far the worst in my opinion, and only is acceptable because it was the first XBL halo. But it was the start of noobification of halo games. Halo 5 and Halo infinite have tried to get back to what made Halo: CE so great.. but Halo CE is still hands down the best. I'd love a Halo: CE with some of the movement we have now.


3, 1, 2, Reach, Infinite, ODST, 5, 4 Wars 1 & 2 in the middle somewhere but not sure exactly where


•3 •HCE •Reach •2 •Infinite •5 •ODST •4


Halo 3 Halo 2 Halo ODST Halo Reach Halo CE Halo Infinite Halo 4 Halo 5


1. Halo 3 2. Halo 2 3. Halo CE 4. Halo Reach 5. Infinite 7. Halo 3 ODST 8. Halo 4 (Haven’t played Halo 5)


1. Halo 2 2. Halo CE 3. Halo 3 4. Halo 3 ODST 5. Halo Reach 6. Halo 4 I never played 5 or Infinite.


I’ll do two lists for MP and Campaigns/Story Campaign: 1. Reach 2. Combat Evolved 3. Halo 3 4. Halo ODST 5. Halo 4 6. Halo 2 7. Halo Infinite 8. Halo 5 Multiplayer: 1. Halo Reach 2. Halo 2 3. Halo Infinite 4. Halo 3 5. Halo 5 6. Combat Evolved 7. Halo ODST 8. Halo 4


Overall ranking Best: Halo 2 Halo reach Halo 3 ODST Halo CE Halo 4 Halo 5 Least Best: Halo Infinite Infinite has great gameplay but I just cannot forgive the bland environments. It’s either green forest or grey interior over and over and over again. Every mission felt exactly the same as the last. The armor unluck system and custom color options are super lame too.


Reach 2 CE 3 Infinite 4 ODST 5


PVE/ Campaign 1. Halo Reach 2. Halo 3 3. Halo 2 4. Halo Wars 5. Halo 1 6. Halo ODST 7. Halo 4 8. Halo Infinite 9. Halo 5 10. Halo Wars 2 PvP/Online Play 1. Halo Reach 2. Halo 5 3. Halo 3 4. Halo Wars 5. Halo 2 6. Halo 1 7. Halo Infinite 8. Halo 4 9. Halo Wars 2


Halo Reach Halo 3 Halo 2 Halo 3: ODST Halo 4 Halo 5 Halo Infinite Some of my favorite missions are in 2/3. But Reach was more consistent. 2 had my favorite story, but the random difficulty spikes on heroic and especially legendary knocks it down. I wanted to put Infinite higher than 5, but I didn't like the open world or the way they abandoned the story.