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This is a list of links to comments made by 343 Industries employees in this thread: * [Comment by Haruspis](/r/halo/comments/1c54sua/halo_spartan_strike_is_officially_9_years_old/kzuppuv/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-16 16:43:06 UTC"): > I was actually replaying this on my Steam Deck recently. Really fun little game with some great additions on top of *Spartan Assault*'s gameplay with the Promethean arsenal, new Armor Abilities, and the Kestrel. > >Sequence's cinematic work is always fun to watch as well, really love their style—pairs... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fhalo).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


It’s fun but I prefer Spartan Assault


Very fun coop if only there were more missions.


Cute little game. I also enjoyed the second one. Really dig the isometric look in most media though. Would've been cool if they stuck with it, made a sandbox or custom map mode.


This is the second one. Spartan Assault was the first Never played this though and I hear it is the better of the two


Oh you're totally right, I always mix the two up. The names are a little too easy to forget/mix up


It’s a bit mind blowing to me that after all these years there still isn’t an Xbox port.


There is on the digital store


Yeah I swear I played this on the Xbone


You're thinking of the first one, Spartan Assault.


No there’s also a Spartan Strike version


Strike is not on Xbox


Xbox pc has it I think


The cover art always reminds me of that “Here it comes” tornado meme hahah.


In conjunction with spartan assault, I just see the wojak pointing meme.


Lmao same


Assault had a better story, but Strike had better level design and weapon balancing. Still can't believe there's no Xbox port yet... Needs a new release so I can finally ditch my old Windows Phone


I’m so glad I got this and Spartan Assault on iOS when they were still on the app store. A good little Halo game that I can play when on the go. They really should put them back on the app store.


Yeah I bought them both but can access them anymore. Wish they’d bring them back as well as give us an Xbox port


Are you sure you can’t access them anymore? They’re in my “purchased” list on the app store, so I think I can just go and re-download them whenever I want. Edit: looking back, it looks like they’ve been _completely_ removed from the app store since I last downloaded them, so they may not be downloadable anymore.


Thanks I’ll give that a shot. Also does it then allow you to play it?


Yeah, they still work on my phone (iPhone SE (2020)) They’re quite buggy though - the games have a habit of randomly crashing, especially soon after you start it up or during cutscenes. You just have to keep trying to start them - sometimes not tapping through the intro cutscene helps, sometimes tapping through helps. It varies a lot. IME, Spartan Strike is the more stable of the two. Spartan Assault tends to crash if you tap through the opening cutscenes. Best of luck!


Just went through my purchases, couldn’t find it sadly. Maybe I used a different Apple ID way back then 😔 Thanks for trying tho


The VTOL was fun to drive in


The Kestrel. It was nice.


I've never played it. I have it and the other game that looks like it and both are in the backlog, which I'm currently working on so I guess I'll try those next.


I’ve 100% completed this and Spartan Assault on Xbox 360, Xbox One, Windows Phone, iPhone, PC (MS Store), and PC (Steam). So it’s safe to say I’ve put in more time on it than most. The game has its flaws, and the story is very forgettable. However, it was a fun little spinoff that tried something new and put Halo in a new genre. On top of that, the company cranked out this and Spartan Assault *really* fast, and I would have loved to see what they’d do with more time and a bigger budget. I fully support letting other devs get a chance to try something new with the series and create different experiences.


I really like both of these games and I wish Strike was on Xbox. Also wish we had a third one but sadly Vanguard Games no longer exists


Peak Halo. Not peak spinoffs, not peak 343 halo. **Peak Halo.**


Bro was not born before 2012


If that peak was an Anthill.


Idk how hyperbolic this is, is it actually good?


Yeah it is really good. I played Spartan Assault before playing any of the main games, and I was really amazed by how well they captured the feel in a top down game.


For the short bit of it I played, I enjoyed it.


I regret not getting the warmaster megaconstrux set when I saw it way back then. It was around 25 dollars and now I’ve seen people selling the set for 100 dollarydoos


The Kestrel is the better Gungoose.


Is this not available anymore? I can’t find on the Apple App Store


It was delisted from the Apple App Store maaany years ago. Lots of Halo achievement completionists try to hunt down others who previously bought it so they can family share and allow them to temporarily download & play.


Well that sucks. So there is no way to play either version even on android?


I mean they're up on steam, idk about Xbox tho.


You can still get them on Steam, Windows Store, and Xbox One/Series. As far as Android goes, the APKs are out there if you want to go down that road… but you can’t get it directly from the Google Play store and such.


Damn that’s crazy I wonder what made them take it down. It’s not like they lose anything.


It just completely lost support, so any effort to make updates for compatibility is not there. As soon as MS stopped paying Vanguard Games, they went and merged with some other company and moved on, and then MS never handed support off to anyone else. On the iOS version, the stage the game was left in was a little broke… the Achievements don’t all unlock, and weren’t fully integrated with Game Center, so you could unlock Game Center achievements, but they wouldn’t show up in-game or unlock through XBL. It also runs at a lower resolution that was appropriate for phone sizes at the time that support stopped. I imagine that the only reason it’s still available on Windows Phone was due to it being made with WUP which made compatibility between Xbox, Windows, and Windows Phone extremely easy.


It's available on Steam


I liked it, played it on the ROG Ally


I was actually replaying this on my Steam Deck recently. Really fun little game with some great additions on top of *Spartan Assault*'s gameplay with the Promethean arsenal, new Armor Abilities, and the Kestrel. Sequence's cinematic work is always fun to watch as well, really love their style—pairs very nicely with Tom Salta's musical score!


The guy we play as in Spartan Strike, in that suit of GEN II War Master - does he/she have a name? I've always been curious.


Bought it. Never touched it.


Love both of them honestly. Especially because I bought them when I was younger and can still play them on my phone


Never played it.


Wtf is this? Iv literally never heard of it


Top-down third-person shooter. Pretty fun, manages to capture the spirit of Halo really well.


Its a twin-stick shooter (like a classic arcade shmup game of sorts) with a lot of assets/vehicles/enemies from halo wars Lore-wise assaukt and strike mainly focus on Palmer’s backstory Buuut, assault did have a co-op flood firefight mode that acted as a “what-if” regarding what would happen if new Mombasa was taken over by the flood during halo 3. so that was fun.


How to play?


Officially? Spartan Assault; Windows Store, Steam, or Xbox store. Spartan Strike; Windows Store or Steam. There was the original mobile games as well but I’ve no idea if they still exist, at least in any official capacity.


Idk what age i was but i was younger and in my change is bad era so i hated it lol.


It was interesting. Took me a while to get the achievements on both games.


I'm tryna 100% them on Steam right now, they're fun but I can definitely tell they used to be mobile games. I got them for super cheap though, so realistically I have no complaints. For the price, it's just more Halo and that's never a bad thing to me!


I made the mistake of playing Spartan Strike before Spartan Assault and while I enjoyed Spartan Strike (but felt it was a tad grindy) so when I went back to Spartan Assault I resented it and how much ridiculous grinding you have to do in order to get all of the achievements. Theres an operation where you have to kill 50 Elites in total on level 1, theres only 4 of them in the whole level, its designed to make you replay the levels until you absolutely hate it and I dont like that type of grind. At least in RPGs you are grinding for something tangible.


Really wish it came to Xbox like they said it would. Be a great double pack. Also they said they would be looking into other way’s to bring Fireteam Raven into the fold also.


I only just started playing Spartan Assault and Spartan Strike recently -- I got them for $1.50 together during the recent Steam sale. Good games for my Steam Deck. I was pleasantly surprised how closely the game mechanics hewed to Halo FPS mechanics. Just seemed like a fun spin on the twinstick shooter genre, in that way. I haven't finished Spartan Strike (I think I'm still only in Operation B?), but I'm enjoying it more than I enjoyed Spartan Assault. It feels more refined. I imagine I would've been frustrated by playing the game on a touchscreen, but it feels quite natural to play on the sticks. And while I've read that the iOS and Microsoft Store versions have problems, I haven't had any issues running the Steam versions.


that's crazy I still remember the day these spinoffs came out


Fun to play. Truly sad this is one of something like, five spin-off Halo games that ever came out. This franchise deserves so much better!


It has great music


What was the lore?


I enjoyed it more than Spartan Assault, but never completed it due to needing gold ranking or something in every level in every chapter before getting access to the last one.


The story was such a weird cop out. Gameplay wise both games are pretty solid though


I played these on windows phone way back when.


Fun playing through New Mombasa again, liked it more than Spartan Assault


Can you still get Avatar on MCC for playing this game? Does anyone know?


Cute little games not bad even if they were bad there little spin offs so they can't really be that offensive even if that were the case. I may be wrong about this but pretty sure the first one was designed to specifically be a windows phone exclusive. So at "launch" it was annoying to get your hands on. I was one of the dummies stupid enough to get a windows phone just to play. Miserable mobile experience for the next couple of years lol


Love it


So wait, can you play both games on Xbox nowadays or no?


Cute little game


It's chilling on my laptop collecting dust. I'll get to it at some point but I really enjoyed spartan assualt.


F me I’m old


Trash, do better Bungie


It was great, maxed it out, well worth it.


Spartan Assault is better. And they never brought it to console :(


Honestly not sure if this is a joke or not considering I've played Spartan Assault but never heard of this one.


Never played it


I like it so far. Doing the challenges can be a bit grindy, the worst one I've run into is the level where you have to kill 20 camo'd Elites with a Needler, but only three spawn so you have to run the mission 7 times minimum. Other than that, it's good. I haven't finished it yet, though.


Beaten both this and it's sequel and did 100% on them Very fun, and even a bit challenging if you want to get all the achievements.


I realize I’m old because i played both of these games in a Microsoft store at a local mall as a kid. Now I’m like wtf as I going to a mall Microsoft store for?


Never got to play it, sadly. I wish I did, but sparten assault wasn't too bad. So, from what I've heard about, I probably would've liked it.


It's got good music at least.


Still got it installed on my phone


love both this and the other one! Honestly Palmer's best content somehow.


Great game to play, awful game to 100% since it typically means you have to go through each level five times with some tedium. They did some cool things that the mainline games would've benefited from, like they gave Prometheans more individual rank colors. The modding tools would benefit well from their assets, then we'd have low-polygon Prometheans in Combat Evolved.


O bought them on steam for 2 bucks... And return them 15 min after, they are kinda bad.


I wish Spartan Assault had working Cloud Saves. The page says there are but they don't have it enabled properly.


Spartan Strike? Spartan Assult? Those don't exist. They never have and never will....How about we keep on track with Halo games that do exist.


Cry more


Why would I be crying? I'm simply stating that everyone who believes these two games exist should seek help.