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No. Maybe 15 dollars for one like yours. Get it autographed, and it'll be a nice peice of treasure.


Most of these are heavily rusted by now. I know mine is. So finding one without any sign of rust is pretty rare.


I guess that makes mine rare ? 😅😊☺️🥲 I have no rust :’ ) lol 😅


Signed would be a supreme personal collection addition


Hunt down everyone you can to sign it lol, then get it protected a case


I rarely see them in mint condition, yours has some specs on it which could be first signs of rust? And maybe some slight indents... Pretty good condition all in all. The steel tin is probably more common than the regular version :)


Yes I've seen a couple of these around and they were really rusted, it was cool, made me feel like a war veteran looking at old rusted battle armor from my service a lifetime ago


Yeah I was gonna say… My grandpa likes to buy games for his Xbox and PlayStation for the grandkids to play over the holidays. He bought this because it looked cool and rustic, his looks like it’s been run over by a semi-truck lmao. I think it being real metal and all beat up spoke to him


It's wild because when it came out, everybody and their mother bought the special edition. It was a good deal, and it was a fucking metal case. Who didn't want that? AFAIK basically everyone got that edition. They were all perfectly new and shiny. Like power armors minted for the upcoming battle. All lined up and rolled out for service for the next 4 years. But now all the cases are decommissioned. Gathering rust. Old war relics.


That’s so true I’ve seen a lot of collectors tins in the wild! I’ve found a halo 2 multiplayer map game case at goodwill before too


I don’t know if this is true or not but I have seen someone say before that they’re more common than the standard plastic case ones


No, they were given out with every preorder and for about two weeks after launch. Best midnight launch in gaming.


Standing in front of a mall doing the halo chant in the middle of a new york winter night. Core memories. Lol


Not really, they rust like crazy though. If your selling try and find one with a sleeve in good condition and selling with the sleeve. Will add more value but like your gonna find it's not worth much. Plastic sealed is quite rare.


Biggest lie in modern day gamer life: "collectors", "limited", "legendary" editions.... THey are just tiered fomo driven price tiers... and we were too dumb to realise this, and now its too late.


For real, I do collect but the standard editions. I feel that have more value.


Anything created to be collected is not a collectable.


The biggest problem IMO is that most people who would actually want the limited edition and would pay a premium for it are the people who buy it at launch anyways.


its cooked not rare.


No, sorry.


I have it with the plastic sleeve. The casing has a little dent on it in front middle. Bought it from a thrift store for 12.99 dollars months ago


Nah not any rare


I still got mine. Waited in line at Walmart at midnight to pick it up. It’s been in my basement forever, so it’s mighty rusted. But I have my original Xbox halo disc, original halo 3, 4, and the collectors helmet for Halo 3


I’m so old now


In that condition its pretty rare. Most peoples are pretty rough condition. My h2 case was pretty oxidized.


Just hit me with nostalgia like a Legendary sniper jackal


Not really. In fact, the regular edition of the game is actually rarer than the collector’s edition (they printed more collector’s editions). I have a few copies myself. My original collector’s edition (rust damage), an opened pristine copy I found at a retro game store, and a sealed copy. Still really cool! I probably watched that behind the scenes dvd 100 times back in the day. I really feel like my passion for Halo started with this collector’s edition.


No, they’re a dime a dozen. Though yours is in pretty good shape. Most tend to get rusted, dinged and dirty quite easily.


Not if you're missing the plastic sleeve. 🤣


No. The normal version is more rare


not really. fun fact the limited edition steel book of halo 2 actually had a larger print run than the standard edition.


I've seen more of those than the normal one.


Rare to see one without rust.


It’s got the official case dent.


I’ll take it for like ten dollars not that rare totally


Haha I love how people post the same thing like once a year


Even though it’s not worth much money, idk why I ever threw mine out


Damn, I used to have it back in high school. So many memories.


I feel like the collectors edition of halo 2 is more common than regular halo 2


My best buy had these until like 2010.


Man, this is the one I had, but somehow a shit load of my Xbox games went missing one day and I was very disappointed by that.


I’ve got one with a bit of a ding on the bottom from the person who owned it before me




I would say getting close. My biggest issue when it comes to steelbooks are that they do not close nicely after quite sometime, dented or miss shapen bodies, or the dreaded rusted dirty body. This one from the front looks clean. So for me I would way a slight premium. I was once looking for metroid prime trilogy collectors edition, but everyone I came across was in some capacity messed up. Took me 3 years to find a clean one out in the wild.


It's more rare than the normal Halo 2. But it's not high value even tho it's very nice case.


Ignore these people, for as near mint as yours is, I know many people that would pay a small sum to get it. (£30-50)


It’s not rare though


Can I get some names, cause I’ve got a bridge to sell them.