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It did look great, and I wouldn’t have minded it becoming Chief’s new signature look (that’s gonna catch hate, but he already did change armor once between Halo 1 and 2 🤷‍♂️) but I do wish they would have explained the change better. “Nanomachines while you were in cryo” sucks, there should have been a scene, probably after the Dawn enters Requiem, where we see Chief’s armor damaged and he finds the new suit from a separate crashed UNSC ship, or even the Infinity once it shows up


That was a random Frank's explanation for something that didn't had a real explanation other than "we didn't had time and budget for having chief wearing 2 sets of armors on game", which is why in the flashback cutscene you can see spartan II and marines wearing their h4 look, along with elites (same thing happened in infinite). In game cortana just say she modified our hud's firmware .


I agree, tho I'm not a big fan of his suit from 4 and 5. I would've liked it better if they didn't try and shoehorn it in right out the gate in dumbest way possible


For me personally I really dislike the art style of halo 4-5 I feel like they’re over complicated and didn’t look like halo


Agreed. It leaned too hard into the sci-fi super soldier aesthetic. All the Spartans ended up just looking like brightly colored action figures running around.


The only reason I went back to infinite was cause they actually tried going back to the old artstyle. Spartans just looked wrong to me in their 4 and 5 look. Nonetheless, that helmet is a fantastic choice with almost anything.


Which is a bad thing when a faction is supposed to innovate their tech at the end of a war, instead of all of sudden going back to old tech (I know mk7 is not old tech, but the design is). EA did the same thing with C&C3, for the same reason 343 did it in infinite (except the fanbase also loved the tib sun art style and sirection), for then going back to the tib sun art style, but not art direction, with tib 4 (more or less).


I think you're conflating the visual language of the Bungie Era halo games with 343s attempt at rebooting the halo aesthetic. Going into H4 after Reach and 3 was like playing *legally distinct sci-fi shooter* where everything was vaguely familiar but not quite right. The vibes were off and it doesn't matter how good the gameplay is if you fuck up the feel of the game


Aesthetic already drastically changed between CE and h2 and reach among all. H4/5 take the cake since it was from 343. Even infinite art direction is drastically different from everything previously released.


The visual language between Bungie games was pretty consistent. Certain designs changed, but everything was recognisable and felt like a natural continuation or branch off of what came before. Infinite was a return to form with Chief and Halo broadly, bringing back the geometry that made Halo so recognizable instead of smoothing and rounding everything out the way H5 did


Love the clan tag 😂


It was an unnecessary change but it still didn’t look bad, everyone over reacted for sure, the helmet especially is really nice


Me too


Still really wish they'd bring back the Copperhead/Olympia Vale helmet


I think people would’ve liked the armor if lore-wise they just said the Halo 4 and 5 armor was Mark VII and Chief got it after making contact with the UNSC.


Chiefs armor in 4 and 5 to me is proof that the idea and direction they were going for had potential, but all the other new armor was absolutely repulsive with very few exceptions.


What? How were you able to get the Gay clan tag? It always tells me I can’t have it, I have to put GAE.


You have to register as gay


I agree, it was good but not the best


It did look good, it just needed a few areas cleaned up.


nah it look like ass in 5 with the piss visor and the green techsuit


Yep, I have my own iteration of his armor that I use in Infinite


There’s a reason it’s called a hot take


Agreed. If 343 is able to, they should make a core with all the Mjonir from 4&5 that we didn’t get in Infinite.


That’s pretty gay