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Just as bad as players who open a match then go shopping or use the bathroom etc.


When ya gotta go ya gotta go


The funniest thing in the fucking world, Is when somebody leaves and then your team clutches the victory last minute


Feels so good


I can’t believe how many people I’ll see leave in the final round of firefight instantly after going down even if they’ve been getting revived all game, or if we’re on the last 5 enemies left. Just seems like a waste of time and energy to me.


That or they keep fighting on last stand


And people who don't understand the timers. Last alive and die. Only had to wait a few more seconds.


Yeah it's an issue that has gotten worse as time goes on unfortunately. People less concerned about the courtesy and decency when playing with others and instead they rage quit instead of trying to improve their skills


Yeah recently it’s been so bad. I’m waiting to join only to lose a match with 20 secs left wtf


It's so heavy at the start of matches too. Like if one team immediately pulls ahead the losing team starts quitting, which actually creates a landslide. Any game is winnable in Halo, I don't get why people quit as soon as they start losing. The fun is fighting back as a team, those are the best matches!


Yeah, I honestly don’t know what has caused such a spike in quitters tbh


Population dropping = less balanced matchmaking = players getting stomped and quitting It’s not great, but I’m not going to go to the end of a match when I’m 0-8 and getting annihilated.


Also there's virtually no punishment for leaving, and 343 would never implement that, because it would fragment the player base even more.


Rage quitters. If I’m on the opposing team it’s like a badge of honor.


This is what is known as a "rage quit" if you are unfamiliar, good for you. PS f\*ck all base campers in husky raid they ruin the gametype. spawn behind shields or something.


I really wish the Husky Raid maps were just tweaked so that players spawned in a protected room that prevent people from shooting in or out. But I also understand that farming spawn kills is part of the appeal and a legitimate strategy in Husky Raid.


Spawn killing is just about the only consistent way to cap in HR. As long as you *actually cap* and don’t just farm kills without capping I think it’s fine. The good thing about HR is that if the team skills are uneven the match is over quickly.


I've noticed this. I just think it's the school holidays and its impatient kids doing it. 


I only quit if I'm not having fun. I'm not going to complete a match where I have 300 score and we're losing 95-7.


About half the social games, I join a (losing) game in progress. Sometimes I join a game that will end within a minute. I rarely play a 4v4 with no-ones quitting on either team. It used to happen once in a while, now it's super common.


To be fair, 100% of the time I have “quit” a match it’s because the game has kicked me out. My Xbox is still on, I’m still in my party chat. Just have to reload halo up. I’m convinced this is the majority when I see another person leave a match


There are many challenges that say “win matches”. Once a player knows they lost they back out. XP means little in this game


At this point I honestly can't blame them. The matchmaking does such a bad job at balancing teams that it's often clear which team will win within the first couple minutes. If I'm the unlucky one I'll try and stay, but even if we do get a backfill they usually see how one sided it is and immediately quit as well. I've sat through games where the losing team cycled through 4-5 backfill players before ending. 343 can't fix human behavior, but they can make a better game that doesn't incentivize this.


Who caaaares about XP. I sometimes quit before a loss although usually it closer to the beginning. I just want to get into a game that isn’t going so poorly and it’s usually because it’s obvious we’ll be trounced early on. *Or downvotes!


And in turn ruining others’ experience. Please, and I say this with no reservation, go fuck yourself.


That’s ok! And hey, I don’t mind if a player quits at some point in the match. Bungie has gotten very good at seamlessly putting another player in. In fact, it can even fix an uneven game and help the match balance out.


Play free for all because you’re a shitty teammate. Lack of self awareness is astounding.


And you should really touch some grass. It’s a video game, hun.


No better to just leave and get into a new game as soon as possible instead of waiting through the scoreboard and winning team display


Dude, it takes too fucking long. At least let us start match making while showing us that bs. Same thing with the pre match intro. Don't care, start the damn match


Just rage quitting. Last thing you want to do is see the 4 dudes posing that gang banged you with their tbagging.


On Ranked this is terrible, esp someone who quits early and then its 3 on 4. on Quick at least another player will join


Está chistoso, en ranked se van a la mínima desventaja iniciando la partida, si no fuera porque perdonan los puntos perdidos, me quejaría mas abiertamente Se agradece el cambio de perder menos puntos a no perder ninguno, si no es asesino, es prácticamente imposible ganar la partida


Didn’t actually loose then


And then I get thrown into said game right as it ends and earn myself a nice LOSS


I quit out of pure frustration. The majority of games have a >200ms ping. I'll stay for 170ms and generally stay for the >200ms, however game play at those higher pings is hit and miss. If it's clear that shots aren't registering or it feels like shenanigans then I'm out. If the game feels smooth with no BS, them I stay. I even give the >300ms games a go sometimes however I quit soon after. I'll stay for most 18ms games, however it's fairly clear that sometimes there are players on these servers with a significantly higher pings which makes their kills feel bullshit.


These are the people I’ve categorized as people who’ve never played H3. How can you not have “are you going to Finish the Fight?” Running through your head just as you click the leave button…


When it becomes obvious some of the players on the other team are using prohibited targeting cheats, I don’t blame these early quitters as match is unfair and not worth staying.


I'll leave only if half my team has already dropped :p


Mostly I play quick play just to warm up for ranked. When a buddy invites me to play ranked, I quit. Sorry to all the people who I left behind. Gotta do what you gotta do!


I think what alot of this might be is returning players realizing they aren't having fun and quitting. Just a theory tho


I do it all the time. Even when I clearly won. I don’t want the xp and higher rank. Then I rank higher and play with better players I’d rather dominate noobs


You dick! Lmao


Nah, he will never get better, so it's ok.


Anybody who comes on to say this is just announcing they’re insecure trash to the world.


When I was 13 I took halo 2 and ranking seriously (was ranked 50) I’m all grown up. It’s just a game. I play to have fun. And that means crushing newbs Chill out


I also play for fun (tbh I barely care about winning for my own sake), *but*: other people are also trying to have fun, and I it’s more fun for everyone if we finish our games and play to win. Kinda shitty to sacrifice the fun of others for yourself. 🤷🏼


I quit when winning 49-30 in team slayer. How does this affect my teammates ? Why is everyone so upset?


Nobody cares about your rank. Just don’t quit it’s not a difficult proposition unless you’re a try hard which you clearly are.