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Hi OP, I’m going to dm you some information about syrian hamsters ((what you have) but in the meantime I can tell you that you need to get them a new wheel ASAP that is 12 inches in diameter and is not wire (that wheel you have is dangerous and will injure their feet) . Also, syrians need about 900-1000 square inches of flat, unbroken floor space for their enclosure and 10 inches high of bedding to burrow in . Please let me know if you ha e questions after reading the information I dm you! 😊


Thank you!! Ill send you a picture of what her previous owner gave me .


No do not get a hamster wet, they have oils on their skin that can be stripped by water. DO get a sand bath!! This is a necessity. No calcium or dyes in the sand tho. Get a 10-12 inch wheel and solid not wired like in the pics, this is VERY important. My hamster has been running 9.75 miles - 11.4 miles a night for the last week. Imagine doing that on a wired ground and with your back bent in a too small wheel! I have the exotic nutrition silent runner 12 inch and the nite angel wood 11.6 inch wheel they are both great and super silent, but nite angel has a wheel pedometer so I switched to that to track distance. Male syrians need a minimum 800 square inches of uninterrupted floor space, females more like 1200 inches. No platforms! They're burrowers not climbers. Check out bin cages for a cheap option, and ikea has lots of furniture that can be turned into enclosures. There's lots of ideas on this sub about ikea furniture. Depending on the dimensions of this tank it could be good, I can't tell how big it is in the pics. Speaking of burrowing you need a deep enclosure bc they need 8-12 inches deep of bedding to allow them to burrow. They can burrow up to 31 inches deep in the wild!! Get lots of hides and tunnels, and a multi chamber hide. The more cluttered the better, they're prey animals so they don't love to be out in the open. You can get cork and wood tunnels. Get paper bedding for good burrows, and add an area of aspen shavings for a different texture. NO pine or cedar shavings, they're very dangerous for their respitory system. Get some dig boxes with other substrates, I have cork granules, coco peat soil, and cork chunks in mine. Get a grapewood branch and lots of sprays for extra things to do. Scatter feeding also is great enrichment for your hammy, because it helps them use their brain and gives them an activity. Their food isn't just waiting for them in a bowl in the wild. Do separate research on food I'm not an expert, but also give treats like mealworms and fresh fruit and veg. Always look up if certain fruits and veggies are safe for hamsters, because a lot aren't! Something very fun I just found out about recently is whimzee dog dental treats, they're great for their teeth and as Something to do. But only the ones for smaller dogs, not the ones with calcium on them. My new hamster has one and he LOVES to chew on it, and they're pretty cheap from petsmart For cleaning, never switch out ALL of their bedding at one time this is stressful for the hamster. Spot clean daily or every few days in important spots, my past hamsters usually go to the bathroom in a couple main spots like corners or sand baths so have been easy to clean I just posted my new hamsters enclosure like a week ago so you can check out my post history for some decorating inspo. But my bedding isn't deep enough I'm working on building a raised lid to fix this. There's also lots of great enclosures on this subreddit there's a specific flair for it with lots of cool posts. Pinterest has lots good ones. Look up German inspired hamster care. Victoria raechel on YouTube has lots of videos on hamster care basics you should check out. Also no hamster balls!!!! Ever! Sorry this was a lot, you can work on it bit by bit, the most important thing is going to be getting a new big wheel, then deep bedding, big enclosure, and food knowledge


dude your hamster looks like my angel hamster that passed a few years ago when i saw your post my jaw dropped https://preview.redd.it/pgsneycsny7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f9f235324f156a87db33c747caeff9a2800e419


Awee so cuteπŸ©·πŸ’” sorry for your loss


i hope you and your furbaby create a loving and inseparable bond πŸ’– please do some research on where you bought them from and take them to the vet asap!! mine passed due to the petshops negligence and failing to inform about a preexisting tumor. thank you so much!!!


This is a great video to start you off: [Everything you NEED for a Hamster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oj6mSsRUmMY)


It's highly recommended to do your own research before obtaining an animal in inadequate care. Ofc there's always circumstances where maybe it was rescued or whatnot but please do intensive research to give your pet the best life. There's tons of great hammy YouTube channels that show great visuals and info.