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From the state website: Those who are caught contracting without a license likely will have to appear before a Superior Court judge to answer to misdemeanor charges that can carry a potential sentence of up to six months in jail and/or a $5,000 fine, as well as an administrative fine of $200 to $15,000.


Wow. What does it take to get a license over there?


I don’t know. I live in Missouri, but I was able to find the answer for OP in about 3 seconds. Not sure why he couldn’t find it. Also not sure why he’s operating without a license when he knows there’s consequences, even if he doesn’t know exactly what they are. If you’re self-employed, it’s always going to be less expensive to do things legitimately. Fines will be exponentially higher than the fees to obtain a license. Just a matter of time before it catches up to you. I’d wager a bet that OP also isn’t carrying any insurance and isn’t handling his LLC correctly, if he even has one.


Hes scared, anxious and dumb. What do you expect


California is actually pretty painful to get a license in. Requires four years of experience that's verifiable in a journeyman/foreman /supervisor position and then apply for the examination.


I'm not gonna lick some guys asscrack for 4 years for a piss wage when I'm better at it than they are, so I'll just eat the fines when they come. Idgaf


An excellent attitude for a respectable contractor ! CA law says someone has to vouch for their knowledge of your experience, it does not have to be an employer


Oh sick! I'm chilling then. I suppose 4 years of tax returns saying I'm self employed plus a friend who I've worked with the whole time should be good. I don't have to mention taking big jobs, i doubt they even ask.


Yes you are chilling. You can look up the exact wording of the qualifications at cslb.ca.gov. Rules are made by lawyers so think like one when considering your application. If you make statements that can be PROVEN to be untrue , it can screw things up permanently with your application . But they have to PROVE a statement on the application untrue, so a word to the wise...... Do not ever admit to contracting without the proper license or any wrongdoing of any kind.


🫡 sound advice, much appreciated


Preach hustla!


Being qualified. Notice OP knowingly broke licensing law and the customers are not satisfied. Why should the state lic. be difficult ? I got mine in 2 different states 34 years apart , and CA was the second one. First try both times


4-6 week application process, pass a test, and costs about $1k in total fees. The bigger problem with it though is that it seems like once you're a contractor you can no longer do handyman work. I passed the test, but haven't followed through with getting my license because the test mostly focuses on what you can't do as a general contractor and the rules of who you need to hire for tasks (like always hiring licensed electricians for all electrical work, etc). Everything seems very specialized in order to upcharge, which is the primary appeal of hiring a handyman, to not get gouged. For the most part, general contractor in CA seems more like a business, closer to being a realtor, than it does to being a trade profession.


It aint that hard…. What no one else has a family to feed? What a poor excuse this is…


I think it would be hard. So if I came from Texas where I've had a business in for 10+ years, I would not be able to do work there because I have never worked under someone before. That seems like what it amounts to for me at least


Thats NOT how it works. You have to prove your proficiency in a trade before they hand you a license… thats a good thing. The requirements are different for generals and tradesmen. Dont be as ignorant and lazy as the op. And certainly dont listen to him tell you what the deal is when he doesnt even know himself an hasnt even bothered to cover his own ass by knowing what the consequences were of his actions! There are SEVERAL ways to have your work experience verified and have it count towards your 4 years. If you were truely a pro you would be able to be licensed. It really is NOT that hard.


I hear you. Honestly I don't care because I don't live there and don't plan on it. I was just thinking, it wouldn't be a bad idea just to know to have in my knowledge bank


Be very careful, they don’t mess around. And yes they do stings and show up to job sites and such. I have heard from another handyman that this happened to them. It’s terrible that CA puts that number so low and even including supplies. Especially now after inflation they really need to raise the amount to at least $1000. At $500, technically you might not even be able to legally hang a TV or install a set of blinds. Small jobs no contractors are going to touch.


I talk about this all the time living in ca. It's been over 25 years of 500 labor and materials. So technically I cannot even barely legally install a used washing machine. So low compared to say Texas which is reasonable


I think the reason in CA is because they don’t want handymen taking business from contractors. I’m now in New Mexico but the limit is something like $8000/year max. So that’s unlivable here too. The difference though is there are certain things I can do that are not regulated under this law, or any law such as hanging TVs and blinds. I strictly do “mounting” work and it works well for me. See in CA, you have to have a contractors license to even hang pictures! They have licenses for so many types of services. But here the only licenses are actual trades like carpentry and plumbing so anything that doesn’t fall under a licensed task is fair game.


This! Even the licensed contractor is only allowed to take a deposit of $1,000 or 10%. Whichever is less! Who can buy materials on a $5k project with just $500 deposit. It’s ridiculous.


Unfortunately you are breaking the law by operating without a contractor’s license in CA. Be aware of that reality and plan accordingly. I’ve been in the same boat a few times myself. My advice is to try and placate your problem client within reason. Apologize, suck it up, do corrective work and then never work for client or their friends again. I’ve racked my brain for many an hour over the same issue. How to do the work without a contractors license. The best that I could come up, is when you invoice, label is as “Fence Art Installation”. Then you are just an artist making art for someone on commission. You might even want to give your company an “artsy” name. They do love artists in the golden state. My two cents.


this is a great idea.


Thank you. I appreciate the positivity.


The many hours you have spent wracking your brain for ways to circumvent the law could have been better spent studying for your contractor exam. Your "fence art installation" dodge will never hold up, you sound like a SovCit saying "I'm not driving , I'm travelling "


Not helpful but I’ll add governmentally imposed anxiety to my list of reasons to not move to California.


I know of 2 other large states that have requirements so its not just CA.


Michigan here, $600 limit including materials, $5k first offense, precluded from legal remedies (suing or liens for client disputes) if you should be working under a Residential Maintenance & Alterations License or similar.


That’s only 3, still 47 left to consider.


Fines for your first offense, jail time for second offense. I’ve heard the CLSB is super active and will investigate complaints and even drive by random jobsites to make sure the contractor is licensed


Up to six months jail for the first offense is a possibility.


You’ll have to pay the customer ALL of the money they paid you. You have no leg to stand on.


As far as I know, it’s $500 max per job/invoice, so invoice the job in steps/phases. Example: Materials Purchase and deliver materials Dig fence post holes Set posts in cement Measure/cut boards Install X number of boards Etc etc


California is the place to be for Onerous licensing and regulation. I don't know how small business survives the nonsense. Want to sell shit on the street like a 3rd world open air market? No problem.


I could think of 1000 reasons not to live in California. Now I know of 1001 ...




You are. You obviously knew about the $500 limit and took the job anyways.