• By -


Marge. Insulting a 13 year-old's dead parents - who she believed died in a car accident - is horrific, let alone doing it in front of their son.


Even disregarding Harry, Marge was insulting her sister-in-law's dead sister in front of _her_ too.


Not that Petunia would ever have said a word in Lily's defense. She's a jealous, petty, embittered hag herself.


Petunia was probably cheering her on. Insofar as I am concerned all the adult Dursleys are fucking scum who should be fed to a wood chipper feet first.


Marge and her bro are bullies from who Dudley inherited his bullying tendencies but fortunately the dementor attack knocked some much needed sense into him.


Yeah, I wouldn't wish a Dementor attack upon anyone, but at the very least, he came out of it a better person. Marge remained as vile as ever.


It's disgusting how this woman targeted a skinny orphaned kid so viciously without any reason. As horrible as people like Dolores are, at least they have some deluded reason to mistreat kids even though that's terrible as well. Marge is a psychopath for going after a kid for simply existing.


Ehhh Dolores in my mind used the ministry as a tool to inflict pain and suffering upon people. Let’s not forget that she sent dementors to kill children and she seems to very much enjoy torturing Harry. I honestly think she could care less about the why, she just worked for the ministry so that she could torture and kill people.


The fact that Harry saved him probably played a large part in that.


I like to thing Dudley realises how much Harry almost gave up to save his life


I can't blame Dudley for his actions. His parents abused him, Dumbledore was correct. Growing up in a home like that, one kid being a golden child and the other a scapegoat, no one comes out of it ok. I know from experience (scapegoat). Luckily for him, the sense was knocked into him and he hopefully changed.


Yeah when even Vernon thinks you're being too harsh you're truly fucked up.


I think Vernon actually would have signed Harry’s Hogsmeade permission slip had Harry not blown her up.


Yes! I've always thought this too. Petunia almost always seemed flat-out cold and cruel, whereas Vernon almost seemed to treat his interactions with Harry as business transactions, albeit ones where Vernon held all the power, and just as much contempt towards Harry as Petunia. If Marge hadn't come to visit, or Harry had kept his cool (impossible; I certainly wouldn't have been able to do it), I think he would have been able to make some sort of "Sign this and I'll be extra quiet and out-of-sight next summer" deal with Vernon.


This one. She's a pos.


Fudge both in the books and movie. Incompetent


ah, realism


A politician looking out for his own skin over helping the populace? Thank god that's just fiction, right?


Too real.




An insecure coward running the government, what could go wrong lol.


*gestures at everything in real life*






All politicians, really.


I don't get why he's not in the title. He's a lot worse things than incompetent. Almost everything wrong with Umbridge applies to him too.


Fudge isn't evil like umbridge, just really stupid and gullible.


I'm only halfway through book five so there might be things I don't know yet but he: - Set up a sham trial to get Harry expelled. - He cares a lot more about his power than anything else. He's clearly not interested in finding out the truth about Voldemort or about Sirius. - He approves the cruel things that Umbridge's want to do. - He steers the media away from journalism to propaganda, including a discrediting campaign bullying a 14-15 year old. He might have redeeming qualities I haven't seen yet, and I haven't seen him take pleasure in suffering as I have Umbridge. However he seems to value his power above the safety of the world and the suffering of innocents.


“The world isn’t split into good people and Death Eaters” Fudge sucks but he’s not evil. 


Rita Skeeter. She was really vile in the books.


This is the answer for me too. She was such a disgusting person


*Dumbledore* of all people, someone who could manage to remain calm and polite (even if icily so) when facing fuckin Voldemort, can't bring himself to pretend to be civil to this piece of work.


Ooo, that's a really good point!


And people still give Hermione shit for trapping her in a jar in her beetle form. Considering she was eavesdropping on people's private conversations and exposing them for the sake of juicy gossip she completely deserved that.


Oh I was so proud of Hermione for this


If you take away animagius, she’s a standard journalist. Think about that South Park episode where Britney was stalked with her head blown off, or a disgusting story from Emma herself where journalists basically jumped her on her 18th birthday for pictures


Absolutely hated that woman


Vernon- openly abusive to a vulnerable child


> *Purely out of the goodness of our hearts.*


Dudley is a victim, too. If you grow up like that, you never had a chance to be decent


I agree, at least during his childhood years his behavior is to be expected growing up with those influences. It was nice to see at their parting in book 7 when they’re going into protection he finally started to show a glimmer of care and affection for Harry.


The fact that he may have left the tea for Harry as a gesture of kindness really says a lot.


Yeah I think dudley grew up and realized that maybe they were kinda terrible to harry for no fucking reason.


Plus JK said in an interview that he and Harry kept in touch as adults and some of Dudley’s kids were probably magical.


Cormac Fuckin McClaggen. What a knob


Dragon balls. It’s the one scene they added for the movie that was actually worth it.


Well enough, that give one terrible breath


A very cool example of how Gryffindor qualities don't always result on good or likeable people.


That's not fair, knobs have feelings too. What they ever do to you to deserve getting lumped in with Cormac?


He did add some realism to the movies at least, just as you’re questioning why no guys are going after Emma freaking Watson, that dildo comes along.


I like your answer better than mine (Peeves).


Unpopular opinion: Romilda Vane is worse. Cormac is a right wanker no doubt but he at least wasn't plotting to rape another student with a love potion (that we know of at least).


Hated his book character but watching him in the movie as a teen was part of my gay awakening 😍


I second this. 


Greyback. Basically the wizarding world version of a child molester.


Omg yes, get creeped out whenever i read his scenes. So glad he wasn’t THAT apparent in the movies


God that scene at malfoy manor when he insists many times that Voldemort might leave the little girl for him. Just pure shudders.


(His final scene involving him ravaging Lavender’s body….)


I wonder how he was stopped by the Ministry from targeting muggle kids.


Maybe some BS blood supremacy thing where he doesn’t want muggles to have any kind of magical powers. Whether it’s being a werewolf or being able to use magic. Or maybe being bitten by a werewolf only turns you if you’re a wizard? And if you’re a muggle you just die. Maybe he completely eats/kills muggles and doesn’t turn them? Who knows.


I believe it was on pottermore but may have been from an interview but most muggles die from being attacked by a werewolf. Cursed wounds take a lot to be able to heal and muggles don't have any easy/good way to defend themselves which would also lead to worse wounds. Even without a wand a witch or wizard from childhood can use magic especially to protect themselves (like Harry ending up on the roof, or Neville bouncing down the drive) .


Probably also access to medical care. Muggle hospitals would have no idea how to properly treat someone who got attacked by a werewolf


As already said, Muggle just die. In FB, Newt Scamander says wizard physiology is “subtly different.”


Maybe the Ministey has messed up priorities and cares more about secrecy breaches than mauled kids.


This is an obvious one though


I also know he’s not a Death Eater but I’d lump him in that category


Most Death Eaters aren't even as bad as this sick fuck.


Basically John Wayne Gacy.


Flich, he should have been sacked after Order of the Phoenix for trying to abuse the students.


I never understood why Dumbledore allowed Filch, an almost Dahlian child-hater who gets off on making students suffer, to work at Hogwarts. I can understand taking pity on an old Squib with few job prospects, but for heaven’s sake don’t give him a job around children! Employ him as a cook or something instead of house elf slaves.


I firmly believe that each teacher represents a particular kind of teacher that exists in all schools. For example, Binns is that teacher who's been tenured so long that you can't fire him even if he's not doing his job or is otherwise problematic. Snape is the unfulfilled teacher who takes his frustrations with his own "failings" out on everyone else and also can't be fired because there aren't any qualified replacements. Filch is that one staff member who works there because they needed a job. They can't leave because they can't get a job anywhere else. They can't be fired because no one will take that position being underpaid and overworked. And they mostly hate the kids out of jealousy.


Same. Filch’s employment is one of the throngs that keeps me from believing the “Dumbledore is a massive genius” theory, because who would hire that guy?


The “Filch is magically generated by the castle” theory is the only way it can be plausible Dumbledore doesn’t fire him, especially after what he does during the Umbridge administration.


Right. I think it was possible Umbridge didn't realise that he was a squib. I don't think many knew that. When Fred and George leave school, Umbridge tells Filch not to use the Stunning spell because the objects only duplicate upon impact. It always surprised me more that she didn't have a problem with Flitwick, who had goblin ancestors, so he was 'a half-breed', and it wasn't rather a thing he could hide.


I think someone (Ron maybe?) mentions that she couldn't really do anything to/about Flitwick because he was such a consistently excellent teacher.


Until he got plastic surgery in third year and was able to pass for a short human.


I would absolutely believe Filch is some spirit who has been there since the founders of the school, and remembers when Dumbledore was a student himself. He has fond and vivid memories of when the school used to dangle students in chains as punishment…


In gof Mrs. Weasley mentions that there was a different caretaker in her times before Filch tho.


And it would explain a few things: 1) he can pop up as suddenly as any of the ghosts, as described in Philosopher’s Stone 2) the weird connection with Mrs. Norris, as they’re probably some weird semi-hive mind spirit. 3) While his rivalry with Peeves is probably inevitable, it would explain how it’s so animous, given they’ve both been around for centuries.


Maybe not hate, but I wouldn’t want Collin playing paparazzi with me during all hours of class time


Or on your friends that just accidentally cursed himself...


Yeah the word for Colin is annoying. Not hateful.


Colin was creepy tbh and if I were Harry I'd be super tempted to hex him


Zacharias Smith. Legitimately the worst Hufflepuff. Screw that guy.


Scrolled way too far to see this assholes name.  Seriously, never does one good thing the entire series.


The brief moment he's seen in DH shoving first years out of the way so he can be the first to flee the castle while they're evacuating says it all about what a pos he is. Meanwhile compare that to Colin Creevey (who snuck back in during the battle to fight despite being underage and lost his life because of it).


He's the patron saint of "Hufflepuff because no other house would take him".


And that Michael Corner guy…seemed a bit dodgy - Ron


Tbf, Michael Corner seems only bad due to his romance with Ginny ending badly. IIRC he's mentioned to try to help a first year escape punishment during the Carrows regime on Hogwarts... And ending up tortured himself.


Fudge annoys me more everytime i read the books


Aunt Marge. She let a child be savaged by her dogs. Inexcusable behavior.


Movie version of Dobby. In the books, he explained why he used the particular methods he did to keep Harry away from the school. In the movie, it wasn't made clear, so he just seemed really incompetent and annoying.


I’ll go even farther and say he was an annoying character in the books as well. Yes, way more annoying in the movies though. He had his moments and was super loyal and yes, sacrificed himself in the end. But the majority of his interactions were fairly irritating. And I’m prepared for the Dobby lovers to come at me with their pitchforks now.


Amos Diggory (in the books). So rude to Harry for no reason. It embarrassed Cedric.


when he accused winky and harry of casting the dark mark and even Crouch Sr. called him out for being an idiot I thought that was funny.


Yes but he really redeemed himself when at the end of term he thanked Harry for bringing his dead son's body back and actually believed him and was sympathetic to him.. I expected him to be angry and his son had just died so it must have been hard.


The girls who heard “Love Potion” and decided it was a *great* idea to try and drug someone with one.


Romilda Vane!


Screw that girl. On an adult version of HP she would be a sex offender.


Facts. She basically roofied poor Ron, and fully intended to roofie Harry.


"But I am the Chosen One." \* gets smacked on the head with a book by Hermione \*


The entire concept of love potions in general is just plain horrifying to me.


Tbf, what other use is there? You could say Fred and George were awful for selling it in the first place.




I’m sorry, but… Pansy Parkinson. She feels so punchable to me.


Even Draco dropped her in the end 😂


Why the I'm sorry tho? Outside of Draco and maybe Blaise, we don't see her being nice to anyone lmao.


She's apparently Rowling's least favorite character (which was why she didn't end up with Draco, Rowling did that entirely out of spite lol). She's supposed to represent all the mean girls that bullied JK in school apparently.


Moaning Myrtle. Just because she’s really _really_ annoying.


Aragog bc he's Aragog *shudders*


Ron, what are u doing here?


Lets just say chamber of secrets is my least watched movie


This is absolutely fair. Not only is Aragog a giant fucking spider, but he’s not even a friendly spider. Harry and Ron were almost eaten by Aragog’s kids, because being friends of Hagrid was apparently only worth enough to him to have a conversation, and nothing more. Moreover, the spiders wound up allying themselves with Voldemort, so clearly there was very little good within the spiders that Hagrid managed to see.


Yeah exactly. I was low-key kinda happy that their hairy, eight-legged asses were driven out of the colony by Voldemort and his Death Eaters bc fuck them. Aragog was an evil bastard. It would've been nice to see the spiders actually help but they didn't


Fenrir Greyback, for obvious reasons


Can I say Igor Karkaroff? I don't really think he counts as Inner Circle. Sure, I could say it was because he hated Harry and treated him super unfairly when it was clear that Harry was terrified of the competition he'd been unfairly put into. Mostly, I hate him because of the trials. He literally \*walked free\*, despite being a known Death Eater. Just because he gave names. And... were the names he gave truly accurate? I say that because of Augustus Rookwood. Now, later in the series, Rookwood breaks out of Azkaban, and proves Karkaroff right, he was an Unspeakable working for Voldemort. But what evidence did Crouch and the DMLE have before that moment decades later? He wasn't marked, because he was a better spy than Snape, no one had suspected him - perhaps because he was good actor, perhaps because he wasn't one. I wrestled with this one for a long time, and concluded that Karkaroff may have just been throwing out names of people he kinda knew in the hopes that something stuck, so he could get out of jail. He's just... slimy. And how'd he get the job as Headmaster at Durmstrang? They like dark, but not that dark, or they wouldn't have kicked Grindelwald out. And he was a \*known\* Deatheater. I feel like he got some kind of... nepotism or something. I just really hate Karkaroff. Everything about him reads 'there is more to his darkness and evil than was written about'. I don't trust him, and that's not just because he was an 'ex-bad guy'. I think it's far worse than that.


Oh definitely. Karkaroff is such a coward as well as a snake. And you’re so right, how did he actually get that job? It’s not like he was arrested incorrectly, he was definitely a death eater and that was established. It’s crazy to me that regardless of names he didn’t stay in Askaban? It’s a different case to Snape where Dumbledore could give evidence on him turning spy for him, what did Karkaroff even offer except from turning in Barty Crouch Jr? And even then if he knew he was involved he’s too guilty to be let free Really interesting about Rookwood, I’ve never thought of that!


Sad thing is there’s loads of folks out there like karkaroff in the real world. Big POS who is willing to flap his gums on his buddies in order to get a slap on the wrist. Never mind your pretty solid theory which also…there are plenty of folks like that in the world who’ll just name whatever name to save their own ass. At least in the case of the books karkaroff gets what’s coming to him and gets whacked by the death eaters for being a snitch


I also hate Karkaroff but I disagree that he was just throwing out names hoping some would stick. I mean he WAS a death eater so he would have known who else was part of the same disgusting organization, Rookwood, Snape, BC Jr and all the rest. And while I agree that the names should have been investigated more thoroughly, I can’t say I’m upset those guys were put into Azkaban. I do wish Karkaroff wasn’t just let out into society again without any repercussions though.


Crabbe. We waited 7 years to hear him say anything, and he proved himself to be even more of an ahole than Malfoy.


Ludo Bagman. What a tool.


Stealing from the Weasley twins was super low, he’s a scumbag for sure


Anyone that didn’t say Zacharias Smith is lying or has forgotten about that massive piece of ass. And, no, I don’t mean arse. Edit: okay, Marge is also very valid.


Well, with those out, Rita Skeeter comes to the forefront. That woman was responsible for all the troubles Harry had to go through in Book 5 for slandering his reputation. She makes a living of ruining people's lives and doesn't care if the whole world is falling apart.


That's pretty easy, Barty Crouch... Senior! How Sirius said, world is not divided to good people and Death Eaters. And Crouch was bad person and for sure bad father. And for some reason I find especially disgusting what he did to his son.. It's obvious that it's supposed to be kind of sweet that he really loved his wife and was willing to fulfil her last wish. However, there is bittersweet detail. He was not willing do that for his own son. Bart Crouch could be cold man with morality OR family man who decided to broke rules for his son. And somehow, he is not either. He is the most despicable hybrid. I do not believe he ever loved his son. And you know where mosters are coming from? Another monsters are creating them. (Yeah, I have daddy issues, I am aware of that)


This reminds me... I actually hate Crouch Sr. wife. She is a perfect example of how moms shouldn't place their love for their kids above morality. She unleashed a crazy dude who was responsible for a woman being tortured and murdered, an old soldier getting killed and an innocent kid dying. The chain of events led to Voldy gaining more power and leaving more deaths and destruction in his wake. All because she along with her husband failed to raise their son with compassion or failed to prevent his psychopathy from ruining other's lives.


Honestly, I always appreciated that he tried to treat his son the same way he treated other criminals. I never understood why Harry or Sirius seemed to disapprove this high sign of morality, their reactions are like an endorsement to corruption and favouritism.


Sirius was the direct victim of his absolute justice because of which he couldn't defend himself.


>I always appreciated that he tried to treat his son the same way he treated other criminals. But he didn't. He got him out while actual innocent people like sirius where still im azkaban.


Problem is that he was willing to change his mind because of his wife, who he obviously loved. If would be Barty Crouch simply man of principles, I would respect that, but he was willing to broke his principles. Just not for his son. (next to another problems. We know that his son was guilty, but even Dumbledore was not sure about that and it's obvious that that Crouch send many people to Azkaban without real evidence)


It shows Harry's humanity that even after what he has been through, he still believes a patent should protec their child no matter what. I think Sirius, who had awful parents himself, saw it as another failure of Snr. Sirius, being a bit of a rebel himself, perhaps recognised a bit of himself in Jnr...they just chose to rebell in the opposite direction. Sirius seems to come at it from the POV that Snr is a large part of the reason why Jnr turned out the way he did. Dumbledore did say something about neglect doing more harm than outright dislike. Snr gave the impression of one of those people who expect their child to know how to or want to do something because he told them, rather than him actually showing them. I have little doubt that Snr came off as a big, stinking hypocrite to his impressionable, rebellious son.


And he allowed to use of the Unforgivables during the First War! While I sort of get where he was coming from with the Avada Kedavra (kinda like going into a shooting with a knife, if all the opponents use it), I can't wrap my mind around the other two. And the Avada Kedavra only works if you *truly* want to murder someone, so I don't want to know how many people were actually capable of using it.


I can understand the killing curse and Imperio. But torture...


Imperio is the most fucked up curse in my opinion. I would rather be physically tortured via crucio than be manipulated and made to do something that is against my values.


Petunia Dursley she got both her husband and son to abuse her nephew for all of his childhood and early teen life.


And all because she was insanely jealous and let it poison her whole life to the point where she was ok with being negligent towards a 1-11 year old and starving him too. Plus she tried to actually hit him with a frying pan in the second book!


No no! It’s ok, she kept his blankie! In some weird book that’s canon to no one except the person who wants money!


The old, moth-eaten, dirty (because never washed) baby blanket is the most unrealistic thing in the whole show.


Trelawney. How does someone get an ego that massive while never accomplishing anything?


I aspire to her level of confidence. If I could write a CV bragging about my abilities the way she does…


[Mystical voice] "Aahhhh! I see *grave portents* for this company's future! Very *grave indeed!* If only I had been consulted sooner, I could have provided exactly the spreadsheets that are required to avoid this *terrible calamity!* My dear boy, you, being a mere intern, could not know what a heavy *burden* it is to see, as I see, the looming terrors which afflict our industry in the coming quarter!"


This sounds like if Trelawney and Lockhart had a baby


I lowkey think she's a commentary on how pseudoscience and spiritual practices can sneak into legit academic institutions, and that no one learns anything of use from it.


This is fucking genius


Maybe she and Lockhart took lessons from the same teacher...


Will definitely get some hate for this but Cho Chang. After Marietta willingly sold out the DA she tried to justify it and was annoyed at Harry for his unwillingness to forgive?? She was so jealous of Hermione too. The entire 5th book when she was present, I always wanted to skip it. I know having Cedric die was horrible, and she’s a teenage girl but her character just annoyed me to bits. I want to be sorry, I really do, I just can’t friends.


those hufflepuffs that were shit talking harry and calling him a blood supremacist with no evidence in chamber of secrets:((


Reading these answers has me appreciating how deep all these characters are! Even the "good ones" like Sirius are getting some appreciable negative remarks. It's nice she made the characters so multi-dimensional. Reinforces the idea of "the world isn't split into good people and death eaters, Harry".


Apart from the other obvious ones (Lavender, Rita Skeeter, Aunt Marge and the other Dursleys as well really): Mundungus (apologies if I misremembered his name), he was just more of a hindrance to the order than an asset, Lockhart: you can have incompetent teachers, you can have mean teachers, and you can have bastards you want to punch in the face, Lockhart is more obnoxious than all those combined, Percy: first of, cool name, secondly, cool idea for a character, serious and ambitious type, terrible execution tho, Narcissa: my girl got barely any characterization, making her decision to save Harry feel a little too out there, Peter Pettigrew: most disgisting little guy in the series, I will not take criticism on that one (that's it for now, I have more characters I have an issue with, but I can't be bothered to type more)


>Narcissa: my girl got barely any characterization, making her decision to save Harry feel a little too out there To be fair the one thing we always knew about narcissa was that she she loved her son. So her saving harry was very believable.


Yes, yes!! Out of everything we saw from her, Draco was clearly her first priority. Looking at the world her son would live in if Voldemort ruled was probably a nightmare. So, she chose what more than likely went against her personal beliefs for a safer future for her family! A woman of family, very honorable.


One of the reasons she's one of my favorite characters! I don't agree with her being married to Lucius, but it's clear that she does ACTUALLY care about her son, and not just in the status/outward appearance way Lucy does. Her wand is also just a really cool design


Xenophilius Lovegood, I thought he was a good guy till he ratted out the Golden Trio then I hated him


He did it to save his daughter. I think most people would've done the same if their child was in the hands of Death Eaters.


I always laugh in the book where Aunt Muriel said Xenophilius looks like an omelette 😂 in his yellow dress robe.


Seamus. MY MOM SAYS YOUR A NUTTER, Aw yea sorry bro, we cool?


Narcissa Malfoy. For some reason she gets a pass and people act like she's a good person and Lucius is the only reason Draco is a stuck up little shit. - Narcissa happily stood by her husband during the first war. They say "The Malfoys" got away with it by bribery, implying she was as heavily involved in it all as Lucius, only without the dark mark. - Dobby hated and feared the entire family he served, so she must have punished him as well. - In book 6, she tells Harry she expects he will be reunited with Sirius sooner than she'll see Lucius (or something like that), poking at a 16-years old open wound to hurt him. - She only went against Voldemorts' wishes because her family saw consequences for their actions and the big bad leader didn't save their asses, but instead punished them. If Lucius wasn't imprisoned at the end of Book 5 there was no way she would've complained. I could go on for a while, but just because the actrice was very good (RIP) doesn't give her a pass.


As shallow as it may sound, I would think it's for the same reason that Bellatrix gets a pass despite committing worse acts of torture while Umbridge doesn't. The Black sisters are described as attractive.


Lockhart! I think the way he thought about claiming credit in the COS, completely disregarding any attempt to save Ginny, and also what a lousy professor of DADA! Was portrayed comically in the movies but the books often showed that it wasn’t supposed to be funny but rather predatory behaviour by Lockhart.


Greyback. Fucking child molester


Peter Pettigrew. He's a gutless traitor who doesn't deserve to breathe.


Marvolo Gaunt. Raving, hateful old lunatic who ruined his children.


Filch really hates them kids.


Fudge from the books 100% due to his incompetence as a Minister of Magic throughout the whole series. Even the first time he was introduced, Prisoner of Azkaban I believe, he was incompetent. Handled the whole Sirius Black escaping very badly. Did absolutely fuck all when an underage kid was somehow inserted into a dangerous tournament in book 4. Absolutely would not listen to anyone, especially Albus, on Voldemort coming back. Instead persisted that Albus was after his job, which makes no sense as everyone knows if he truly wanted it then he would have. As well as that’s not how it would work, as I’m sure they vote on who becomes minister and it was clearly not election time, making his argument stupid. Honestly, the muggle prime minister would have done a better job than Fudge. Edit: Completely forgot he was in Chamber of Secrets to arrest Hagrid for all the petrified people, which made no sense for him to be arrested for as last time the Chamber was open just 1 student died but no one was petrified so it isn’t even linked.


Peeves - he's a violent psychopath.


True, but the way he tormented Umbridge after Fred & George left Hogwarts was kind of amazing.


Slughorn - the way he "collected" people always creeper me out. He doesn't seem to see or value people as people and instead looks at them like someone might trading cards that he's hoping will go up in value.


Not hate, but Hermione irritated me sometimes. She really is an insufferable know-it-all, and a nag. Constantly repeating the same things over and over. Her heart is in the right place most of the time, but her social interactions are somewhat toxic. She treats Ron like shit a lot of the time, and gets upset when people don’t immediately agree with her. Even though she may be right a good deal of the time, it’s tedious and obnoxious.


I always found her behavior after Lavender's bunny died to be cruel. And I struggled to like her after that.


Hermione's whole S.P.E.W. thing really bugged me. Especially when the house elves themselves are trying to get rid of the propaganda and she keeps putting it back. Iirc, she also tries to trick the house elves into giving them clothes so they'd be freed.


I'm going to be honest...most if not all of the adults in Harry's life. Just broaden your mind here. Think with me. First year, Harry and friends tell you a crazy story about Voldemort and the Philosopher's Stone. Cool, their eleven, he's dead, impossible. My though, if the eleven year olds figured out that the stone is at Hogwarts, change things up? Move it just slightly. Second year, even if the Chamber wasn't a real problem someone is using terroristic language to threaten students. DO SOMETHING! Also Lockheart was pointless someone had to know that and should have said something. Third year, CRIMINAL ON THE LOOSE! The fact that their best defense in this situation were the guards he'd already gotten past and that didn't seem to mind attacking children shows some lacking in critical thinking. Fourth year, every single adult let children (I don't care if the wizarding world considered them adults or of age, children) compete in a tournament that was known to kill people. None of them considered that as a factor when deciding whether or not Harry had to participate. No one thought about looking into the consequences of him not participating or hell, NOT EVEN TRYING. He could have failed every task on purpose or forfeit all them on purpose. Year five, Umbridge. You cannot tell me that no one was suspicious enough to speak up. Yes, Harry could have said something but no one ever believes him until he's saved the day. But all the other kids with scars and fear and pain. That all went unnoticed. One leak to a news paper and a kid at home during Christmas and her bs would have been done. Fudge would be on blast for what his pet did to a school full of children. Year six, Draco is a Death Eater. Harry and company have been right how many times so far. But this time they will be wrong, right? Nope. All it cost was Dumbledore's life and all of Hogwarts. Book Seven: No one who knew about the Horocruxes told Harry anything. Yes I'm not supposed to hate on Dumbles or Snake but they're the two worst ones represented in this one. Neither one gave him any clue on where they were or how to destroy them. Instead he gave Hermione a book that had one useful fairytale in the hopes (well placed) that she could figure it out. It seems like everyone that started the series older than 20 only ever cared about how Harry ended up the hero rather than protecting him or any other Hogwarts student.


Hagrid: It’s been some years since I last read the books, but I do remember not liking him. Not because he was evil or anything, but because of the way he used magic on a child after only a few minutes of meeting him. He allowed three children to get into trouble for a mistake he made and never said “I am sorry”. He gave them detention in the Forbidden Forest and then split them up, knowing they knew very little about spells to protect themselves if something tried to kill them. He revealed job secrets to anyone who asked so he could fulfill his dream. He didn’t care if his animals hurt Draco; as a teacher, it was his responsibility to ensure the students understood his instructions. He played favorites among the students. He became upset when students chose a subject based on their future prospects instead of how much they liked the professor. He brought a violent giant home with him and asked teenagers to look after him, knowing how violent he was. So yes, he was quite irresponsible, and he’s supposed to be an authority figure, not their friend.


Peter Pettigrew. Obvious reasons. —- after further thought. Miriam Margolyes as a person and her comments about Harry Potter adults 😂 ( professor sprout)


Wouldn't Pettigrew count as a DE? Even if it's unofficial?


Hannah Abbot. For no other reason than that one scene in GoF where she and that other student harass harry and block him. And that fuckin smirk afterwards. Just hit way too close to home.


Dudleys previous school nurse and everyone who failed him medically, like this child obviously had food issues and his mom and dad were lowkey imo abusive by allowing him to rule the roost and eat and eat, some sort of medical professional should have stepped in before Yeah I kmow the quote isn't 100% accurate but yall understand what I'm saying "He finally accomplished what he'd been threatening to do since he was a child, become as wide as he was tall" It's a weird take but there you go.


Grawp, just because his story goes nowhere, while wasting time for readers/viewers, who would rather read about/watch just about anything else.


Lupin loses it in the last book: Criticizing Harry for using explelliarmus on Stan Shunpike, who is NOT a deatheater. Knocking up Tonks and the second later abandonning her to it: I get he was scared his child might turn werewolf ... All the more reason not to let his wife deal with it on her own. A wife that, for a whole year before they finally get married, was so madly in love fell in depression for it while him apprently not giving a crap.... Not to mention finding excuses for James and Sirius behaviour Harry witnessed in Snape's memories. He has redeming qualities, but sometimes ... urg!


if draco malfoy has no haters im dead. he's the most insufferable little guy and i HATE that his fans try whitewash him to hell and back.


It’s fine! He (checks notes)… didn’t wanna die? Wasn’t planning on killing Harry, just wanted to kill the others and drag Harry to moldy? Where was his redemption, someone genuinely help


Colin Creevey for being an annoying fanboy


rufus scrimgeour (book version) (movie version made him seem not that bad)


Cornelius Fudge - A spineless man who's more worried about his image and legacy than facing the hard truths of Voldemort's return and his Ministry losing control. The living embodiment of all that's wrong with the wizarding world's government.


I would say Mundungus. That man was scum of the scum


fudge, for being such a bloody realistic portrayal of a politician. utterly incompetent, ignores the facts out of fear of his popularity suffering, thereby making the issue several times worse.... nahhh doesn't sound familiar at all! /s


Merope Gaunt (Voldemort's mother) because she is literally a rapist. The reason for this entire mess.


Lavender Brown, just left a bad taste in my mouth. Prolly Ron’s too. And Marge, for obvious reasons


I had to read your comment like ten times before I realized you weren’t saying that Lavender left a bad taste in Marge’s mouth.


A bad taste in Ron’s omg bye hahahha


I think he did want to see Uranus on her work sheet


Lavlav? What's wrong with Lavlav?


Percy Weasly, for being an obnoxious prefect and working for the ministry later on.


Hagrid: Many problems that the main trio face could have been avoided if they didn't have to solve everything he caused (through stubbornness or stupidity). Dobby: Unbearable. I don't like servile and overly cheerful characters.


Both of those are VERY hot takes but I respect them


Fudge and rita skeeter. One is completely incompetent, and the other is just a terrible person


I’ll give you all a dark horse. Hagrid. He was drunk who liked to talk. He was protective yes, but how many secrets did he give out. How many memories were wiped after he dropped Harry off at the dursleys. How many other people knew about secrets at Hogwarts. He was loving and protective when sober. But when he’s had a few he was as big a liability as anyone else. Can you imagine if he’d felt Harry breathing and dropped him bringing him out of the forest. He wasn’t the worst but he caused a lot of issues


Hagrid has a good heart, but man he is dumb.


He also asked children to keep his secrets, like the dragon egg, and Grawp in the forest. Those are children not your friends. You are a grown ass man.


This is the hot and spicy take I was looking for


Aunt Petunia. I cannot imagine treating my own sister's child like dirt. Sometimes I think if I were Lily, the moment I come out the resurrection stone, I'm gonna be like "Harry, bring me to your aunt, I have WORDS."