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Damn I feel bad for you


for a show promoting redemption, the mods sure don't feel the same šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




As a mod I literally allow kinda everything here: from piracy to auto-promotion, but not spam, Ok? And please be kind with the other hotel's customers


Yeah I get piracy not being allowed if itā€™s spam, phishing links, unwanted promotion/links


"Of course not! Thats wacky nonsense!" ​ https://preview.redd.it/3b56y4aw4hec1.png?width=1279&format=png&auto=webp&s=469837a45aba094582c9ced7733d687f3a1d80e6


Yeah. The mods are up their own ass, over their.


Yeah youā€™re right about that I post a Vaggie outfit edit base off my old redesign for her and I got apparently ban for spamming?!?!?


Come join the non judgmental subreddit that I made at r/helluvahotelmemes


Their up their own ass just about everywhere.


Bruh wtf, you didn't know, and you wanted to just be unbanned, why do most mods take it personally


Small dicks and shit jobs = power trip.




I second this, I upvote it


they took down an post of an art piece i made of angel dust bc i had posted it before................ ***THREE YEARS AGO!***


Damn I feel bad




That is weird that it got removed for irrelevance, but for the first couple of times did you forget to add the [OC] in the title? Sorry I donā€™t mean to insult your intelligence if you already knew about that and if the art pieces got removed for other things but I know a lotta people who forget to add that in the title for their art so it gets automatically taken down in cases of stolen art with no credit.




At that point it's just mean... You were talking about the show. How is that irrelevant to a forum that's about the show?




Thatā€™s the dumbest reasoning Iā€™ve ever heard of for taking down fanart. ā€œThis fanart doesnā€™t match the style of the show so itā€™s not allowed.ā€ Like WTF itā€™s fanart. It doesnā€™t have to match the shows style.




God is confirmed to exist in the universe as we see from a poster in the cherub episode of helluva boss. You creating fanart on what you believe an unseen yet confirmed character to look like shouldnā€™t violate any rules nor be counted as an OC. We know satan exists in the universe of the show yet we have no idea what he (or she) looks like.


All of us should just leave that subreddit, fuck them


True but I want to see the discussions and post because itā€™s more popular and I get upset I canā€™t participate


I might just be leaving too, thatā€™s fucking dumb


God the mods on there and r/helluvaboss are so goddamn stupid Iā€™m convinced they all share one functioning brain cell and they pass it around like itā€™s the magic conch from SpongeBob


I cannot stand the 18+ rule for both subs as well, I'm 16 (turning 17) and yet I cannot engage in a community full of people who are interested in the same show I've been interested in since I was 13. Also why do they need 14-15 rules and restrictions just generally.


I'm 15 fuck them


I mean, the show itself is rated 18+.


The same thing happened to me, but on r/helluvaboss. I saw a video on YouTube of episode 6 before episode 6 was out, so I tried to get it removed from YouTube by going to the sub and talking about it. I didn't believe anyone would believe me, so I put in a link to the video so people could believe me, and help me. Turns out they don't like talking about leeks so they banned me. I've realised how I went about it was wrong, and I waited for about a month before contacting the mods about it. I said a reasonable argument about why I should be unbanned, but it didn't work. So now I'm here


Similar thing happened to me on r/hazbinhotel. I was warning people about the Hazbin Leak and I got a permanent ban.


that's just wild to me. The mods should have made a sticky post about the situation with ntsg and to warn people not to discuss leaks.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HazbinHotel using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I'M CRYING](https://i.redd.it/hw6d4azlyfdc1.jpeg) | [350 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/comments/19aq7l2/im_crying/) \#2: [Sneak peaks by ign](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18cyxs2) | [184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/comments/18cyxs2/sneak_peaks_by_ign/) \#3: [An R-rated, animated musical comedy set in Hell. Yes, you read that right!! Check in to the #HazbinHotel January 19.](https://v.redd.it/or5sdye4536c1) | [263 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/comments/18hk35i/an_rrated_animated_musical_comedy_set_in_hell_yes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


And I thought Heaven's standards were unreasonable.


I think itā€™s easier to enter heaven than to be unbanned


Itā€™s weird how against the leaks and pirates they are, when itā€™s still on Amazon


Something stupid like that happened to me to! and I pressed the mods to at least be more considerate in the future- They said they would "Take note of my idea" which seems pretty dumb, highly doubt they were being sincere. How did they respond to you?


what you see here is the full conversation. i sent two messages and then they muted me šŸ’€




They only responded to me in regard to the bans. I commented how their rules are arbitrary and never responded back


Welcome, to the amazing r/hazbin ! My name's u/Cring3_Crimsom I'm your reddit mod and I'll show the most crigastic, funfacting, lol-bending subbreddit of all. Is that right folks? Edit: for meme-shitposting i suggest r/hazbinshitposterclub (yeah I mod this too)


Some mods are power tripping assholes who don't abide by their subs rules while some are really chill and helpful and do their best to make their subs enjoyable šŸ¤· feel bad for you man you didn't deserve this




the same thing happened to me, idk why I got banned tho. maybe because I made a post about whether or not I should watch the leaked episodes.....???


This happened to me too.


same. The discussions over on the main sub look so fun. I feel like a cat pawing at the door mewing to be let in, but the mods are just whacked out. Wouldn't surprise me if they're scrolling through these comments cackling like unhinged witches.


Welcome to the club


I got temp based for 7 days for a post about the new episode that literally had no spoilers about what happened I just said I already hated Valentino but now I hate him even more I didn't say what he did or anything about the episode. They didn't even say what rule I boke so when I asked what it was so i make make sure not to make the same mistake again they literally just send a link that just took me to my post. Luckily I got a decent mod but it looks like you ended up geting one of the power triping ones sorry man. Does anyone know of any hazbin hotel and helluva boss subs that have decent mods insted of the power triping ones on the og subs?


Same bro same


Mods getting really shitty and tight about shit always happens when things start to really take off. Iā€™m a fan of the D&D live play show Critical Roleā€” and early on it was a really chill and laid back community that was really open with stuff. But then as it got bigger and bigger the mods just became straight up assholes and wouldnā€™t approve your shit but would then approve nearly the same thing a few days later of more active community people. And those people are mods across multiple parts of the Critical Role community so there werenā€™t even really places to get away from them unless you started your own area/sub.


I did that once and I got hated But your getting feel bad for So I feel bad for you


Mods can be like that sometimes. This reminds of the time I was banned from the sailor moon subreddit over me being a "Hate sub" user. I didn't even post anything there.


I got banned for warning people about the Hazbin Hotel leak a few weeks ago ):


Also those mods are absolute crap


Reddit mods being gay assholes Color me surprised


That sub needs to get the stick out of their ass.


Congratulation, you are the member number 2000. Thx you. Reddit sent me the notification now --sorry for my bad english


Yeah, the mods are kinda weird, my alt was perm banned from the hazbin and helluva subs because I asked how the leaks happened, and they told me any discussion of leaks would result in a ban




I made a post about how pirating was bad and that "buying merch" doesn't help the show the way people think it does. In response? I got a "warning" lol. I guess they just want to pretend it doesn't exist. The meme subreddit is more likely to have actual discussions.


https://preview.redd.it/xt9qu8oipbec1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faa78221aaa9cf6d15fd146d6de5cdb98909eb8c sucks thats the mods are acting that way




I got banned for plagiarism. Mind you it's my own work, which I can absolutely prove. Kudos for them protecting someone's artwork, but it was posted from my old account that was banned by a power tripping mod. So I reposted on my current account, but I haven't gotten a response yet. Which sucks, cause I really enjoyed the community over there


What the devil do you mean ā€˜instead of thereā€™ fella!? Youā€™re right here at my automobile shop!


Come join the non judgmental subreddit that I made at r/helluvahotelmemes


Reddit mods on a power trip? Shocker.


Jesus christ thats some mod abuse right there


Because of a watermark? Ngl, I don't even pay attention to watermarks half the time unless it's over the entire picture. The fact that they banned you for that is bs


Yep, got banned because I didn't do research on a specific PNG before posting it, apparently it was a leaked image of Vaggie


TIL the NSTG watermark is from a leaker/piracy promoter. (Iā€™ve been a fan of the series, and Helluva, for years. Not knowing who/what a watermark implied? Side effect of *not!* being in the piracy circle I guess.)


right??? like i have only ever pirated two shows ever and it wasn't through that source


so dramatic for what ?? ā€œthe photo you saved off of google was a leak therefore youre promoting piracy and u r permabannedā€ even though the episode has been out for several daysā€¦ thats so fucking stupid, whoever banned you is on one hell of a powertrip


I'm still on a 30 day ban from HelluvaBoss for saying ">!would!<" once under a picture of Moxxie in drag - no warning, just banned. I asked for an appeal and the mod responded saying I "can appeal in 28 days" which is when the ban is lifted. I feel like there's one mod that's on a holier-than-thou power trip


Every mod in every sub ever. I stand by my name.


I gotta say thatā€™s a #dickmove.


r/WorldFreeside accepts ALL stuffā€¦ especially Hazbin content because I personally love the show and the creators work. (Please join. I need different types of content posted and not only random stuff and two other topics) https://preview.redd.it/imk1z14coeec1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed356fd53ab67266e5644c11f0a80fc13d97cebc


damn, mods should be more like Charlie


Them rn: https://youtu.be/iSOt9P5Fl3E?si=qnqnU6w1gIYp74M0


The helluva boss/ Hazbin Hotel sub mods can be unnecessarily cruel. I got perma banned from Helluva boss a couple days after I joined because I failed to realize it was an 18 plus sub, I was 17 at the time and so I waited a full year well past my 18th bday to ask for an appeal and they with no explanation reported me to reddit for harassment, reddit took their side to and I got luckily only a one week ban.


M0ds are... well, they're power hungry neet smelly freaks so don't worry about it


I knew it, I knew the mods running the HH subreddit were stupid


I got something similar after I got banned from r/amitheasshole . It was my first ban but it was a permanent ban. I got annoyed and demanded to know why. All I got was bullshit responses then got muted. I gave up and never went to that subreddit again