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My assumption is that they make far more money from live shows than the studio shows.


Very likely true, it was nice when they at least sprinkled in some studio episodes tho


I agree, the audio quality of the studio eps is way better.


I definitely like a mix of live and in studio. I also miss guests - although we did have a few for 50 shades


Not bummed but I do enjoy studio and even zoom more than live performances as well. Heck the quarantine episodes are some of their best. They do make money from the live episodes and since they traveled to new places, more fans get to see them. So it’s better that they do them.


They can also record 3-6 episodes over a weekend or tour and bank them to air when they’re all working or have other commitments.


This is true, perhaps they are busy with other projects of late


All good points, don’t fault them at all for doing live episodes. Just bummed that for the better part of 10 months that’s all we have had. Agreed, the quarantine episodes were awesome, it was just nice to hear people talk about going through the same things, and I think their stir-craziness added to the episodes


Oh for sure. They had honest to goodness conversations in the studio episodes. The live shows are more of a performance and sometimes don’t translate well. I think there’s also impacts of the travel and audience. I didn’t think one of the most recent U.K. episodes was particularly good cause the crowd was kind of muted. Maybe they had low energy or something. But yeah, I tend to listen to studio episodes a lot more than live ones.


The live shows are definitely pandering to fans and are 40% inside jokes, and end up Linda lame if the audience isn't all super fans. Still, I get the content for free and they can do whatever they want and whatever gets them paid


Yeah like right now Paul is touring for his book, I assume that’s why there’s been so many live shows in a row, plus Jason hosting the Friday show (which I always love)


Love the live episodes. It’s more energy and laughing along with a crowd is fun


I prefer live eps


If you watch UCB shows, you get a good idea of how much they can lean into reactions from both onstage and the audience. There's some live moments I think we would have had in the studio and vice versa. Plus, balcony monsters crave new flash every so often.


Me too!


I prefer the live shows and they have gotten better with them. My only gripe with them is sometimes they don't get the volume levels right so you can't hear the clips or the audience questions very well. This has gotten much better over the years but is still sometimes an issue. There was one episode, I forget which one, but it seemed like Paul's mic was not connected to the board for recording and therefore he was only picked up by other mics at the show.


I prefer live episodes myself, love the questions and the second opinion songs. Also feels like Paul, Jason and June get a little more chaotic energy when they’re in front of an audience.


I imagine that this is mostly financial. The bottom really fell out of podcast advertising last year. Even though this is a successful podcast, they just aren't getting nearly as much in revenue. So ticket sales from live gigs are the best way to make money from the endeavor.


I actually prefer live as well, the dynamics of them talking to the audience are more fun than when they’re just talking to each other.


Same. I find Jason is more energetic too.


Agreed. I don’t fault them for the live shows. But it’s a different vibe and they play off of each other differently. And not quite as big and zany.


I like the live episodes despite second opinion songs


I’m always disappointed when it’s not live. They have great banter with the audience


Don’t encourage them!


I like studio eps the best, but I like live eps better than zoom eps. And since they rarely ever do studio episodes anymore, I’ll take all these live ones over more zoom ones anytime! But I do agree that the more casual nature of the old studio episodes pre-2020 are my favorite form of HDTGM


I prefer the live ones


Listening to a recent Matinee Monday from the pandemic era really threw me cause I've gotten so used to every episode being a live one. I kinda liked it, too. Flowed a little better


Love the studio eps mainly for the sound quality. Some of the early tour stuff is...rough.


I prefer the live ones most of the time because I feel like Paul and Jason veer off into film-bro territory sometimes in studio which I don’t love


"I love it when two men are explaining Marvel movies to me."


I feel exactly the same about the studio episodes, for the same reasons - I like the shooting-the-shit-with-friends vibe of the studio episodes a lot more (and tend to find the discussions often more interesting and insightful) than the live episodes which often feel like the hosts really playing to the crowd and putting on a show. I don't begrudge them the live shows - they seem to really enjoy doing them and I'm sure they make decent money doing them - but I really miss them doing studio episodes.


Definitely! I feel like I get half an episode with Live ones because I end up shutting it off once it hits the audience or definitely by the time of second opinion. I'm definitely on the minority.


1 or 2 studio eps every couple months would be cool. I’m not at all into the idea of it being a live podcast only even tho that’s kind of what it is now I guess lol.


I imagine they’re all much more busy now to be able to get together at once and record a studio episode? I prefer the live ones tho (except for the second opinion song singing)


It’s why I ultimately stopped listening to the show altogether. This post actually reminded me that I’m still on this sub. You nailed it with the “pep rally” comment. I don’t need to hear an hour of Jason doing half standup bits. I just want movie commentary


It's why I stopped listening. I don't listen to podcasts for bad audio and audience laughter.


I kinda stopped listening when they went majority live shows. Makes sense for them. Tours generate a hell of a lot more money than podcast ad revenue, but I can’t stand the crowd work.


But they barely even tour (they mostly do their live shows at Largo). It'd be nice if they came to Seattle for once.


We’re way overdue for a revisit, but they have been to Seattle; two shows in one night near the end of 2019. They also did Bumbershoot a few years prior.


Yeah, it has been a while. I mean Paul and Jason were technically here last Friday for their improv show, but I just got on the hdtgm train fairly late so it would be nice to get a HDTGM show here again.


Aaah, got it. I didn’t realize they stayed at the clubhouse.


100%. I hate having to strain to listen to audience questions.


I just wish they would film the live shows there's about 20% of every show that the listener misses out on, and I know that's the perks of going to a live show. But unfortunately they're yet to come to Australia 😔


Not bummed. I missed the live episodes so much during the pandemic!


I stopped listening because I don't really like live shows 🤷🏾


they need to do more online live eps since they never come anywhere near Florida :(