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This submission has been automatically removed due to the following rule: >***Rule 7***: Ask tech support and general questions in the _Shopping, Setup, and Technical Help Desk_ at https://reddit.com/r/headphones/about/sticky > > Requests for tech support and general setup help must be made in the dedicated _Shopping, Setup, and Technical Help Desk_ at https://reddit.com/r/headphones/about/sticky instead of a new post. ***Have you contacted the manufacturer?*** * You should. For product support, please first contact the manufacturer. Reddit can't do much about broken or faulty products. ***FAQ*** * [Do you need an external DAC?](https://www.audioholics.com/frequent-questions/dac-do-you-need-an-external-digital-to-analog-converter) * [How much power do my headphones require?](https://www.headphonesty.com/headphone-power-calculator/) * [What is impedance?](https://sites.google.com/view/quipa/faq-hub/output-impedance) * [Fixes for common problems](https://sites.google.com/view/quipa/faq-hub/headphone-fixes?authuser=0) ***Why does this rule even exist?*** * In short, this is a large subreddit with a high volume. We want to help, but it's important to keep things organized to keep the sub fun. Thanks for your understanding. ***What if the link doesn't work?*** * The post can usually be found on the top r/headphones, and titled _Shopping, Setup, and Technical Help Desk_. ***Was this removal an error?*** * I'm a bot and I sometimes make mistakes. If you've read this message and still think it's an error, please [message the r/headphones moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/headphones&subject=u/TransducerBot%20Removal%20Error&message=Please%20review%20/r/headphones/comments/wnlepa/dragonfly_dac_with_usb_c_converter/)