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Either block her if you don't have the self will to ignore her when she inevitably messages you again or let her eat her heart out watching you live your best life. Shes toxic, do not let her keep toying with your heart. This isn't the woman you're going to marry.


I do not know if this going to happen again, 3 months they are together, there is even a story highlight of them called “love”(did not watch it, just saw it). But either way everything there is nothing but lies.


Trust me brother, she will eventually reach out. These types always do. The grass is always greener on the otherside to them. Just stay strong and remember the pain she caused and the pain she will cause.


Yeah, moreover everything there is built on lies, she is still lying, she did not respect me nor him, basically cheated on him with me and vice-versa.


Bite the bullet and block her completely It's going to be for the best long-term, even if it stings at the time


I stoped watching her and his social media at the beginning of June, back when i was unblocked. Seemed strange why did she do this if she is so “happy”.


It doesn't matter! It's normal to want to go back to the way things were The unfortunate reality is that it's impossible I feel for you, I just had a reminder of someone I loved with a burning flame that could outshine the sun itself, but it's done


Yeah it seems that person that i loved very much, who had a kind heart and values is simply dead. Her right now is not the same person.


Don't get bitter, there's no point Mourn for what you lost, but move on with an open heart