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What a nice message! You are lucky to have a friend like that, and what they are saying is very true.


I love your friend ❤️ . That really resonated with me right now, thank you for sharing it. Im going through something similar and it is so hard. We truly need to remember that we do deserve more, even if right now it's hard to do that. Our bodies are screaming for us to love ourselves and treat ourselves with love, care, and respect. Best of luck <3


knowing there are others who share in the same journey that understands is a blessing 💐 thank you also for speaking your truth 💐


This has moved me... I am going through this as well, gosh is it hard, my biggest emotion right now is feeling worthless and hopeless. I read that message as if it was written to me and i will save it to go back to whenever i feel sad. I never thought feelings like the ones am having even existed, let alone how to survive it/them.... Thank you for posting this.


This is a great friend. Please try to find a way to heal. Don't become me. My ex-wife cheated when I was in Iraq. 18 years later and I still haven't moved on. It crushed me in every way a man can be crushed without calling it "an end". I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH, DO NOT BECOME ME!


I’m so sorry brother , just understand it is not your fault! She made that a conscious choice whilst hard to be with a service member , time apart can really strengthen your bond if both parties are honest. Sounds like you dodged many bullets on deployment and one more when you got back home. Wishing you only the best in your future.


Thank you so much for the kind words. I take it you're a vet also. We're the only ones that really seem to care about each other when we get home.


I know you scratched it out but a Nancy knows another Nancy what's crazy is I'm going through the exact same thing, I'm in my angry phase of healing right now and I have pulled away from everyone. I want to say it will get better but right now, I just want it to hurt a lil less so I can catch my breath... you have a good friend. Don't do what I did an pull away, now I wouldn't even know where to begin in explaining the hurt I'm feeling and the things he's done.


"life doesn't end because one guy doesn't love you" i'm sure for most people that's true but to me he was everything. I haven't seen him in 6 years and he's still the only one for me. lol for some of us life does end.. or it should have ended, anyway.


I am really sorry to know that, I am in this phase since few days only and I can really feel the pain you might have been going through last 6 years. You are a great human being


I love this. Can I borrow your friend?


This is so beautiful. Thank you for this too. I needed that as well.


Marry that friend. Sexual orientation and/or marital status need not apply. Just do it.


Dang that is gorgeous


Thank you friend. I really needed this :) Never stop being nice because of a few rotten apples because then you might miss the ripest fruit of all and become rotten with hatred and anxiety.




This is so validating. Lol, I found out from a friend of my ex that he’s married two months ago. While still in a relationship with me. No explanation, no heads up. Had to find out on my own. We weren’t talking much as he’s in another district working on a project & had phone problems. I’m numb. This was my first adult relationship & had such high expectations. 


I am really really sorry to know that, and the terms you are still using for him and the feelings you still have for him tells that what a great human being you are. Be blessed 


Did you try to get closure or anything from the person that you said blindsided used or faked loved you? Did you ask them directly for that?


Basically said he wanted to find himself again and wanted peace. The day before we broke up he told me he loves me and wants to marry me. Was literally laying in bed with me for hours. The night before we were on FaceTime and he was saying how beautiful I am and how much he loves me. The week before he wrote me a handwritten letter. I told him I love him today and he couldn’t even say it back. Completely blindsided.


Im so sorry this happened to you.. just remember it is not your fault. People who blind side and ghost for their own emotional needs are sick. How can you tell somebody you love them and treat them with so little respect is beyond me..


Ouch I'm sorry


your friend is such a blessing 😇💐🙏 thank you for sharing this as I am going through healing also from a similar situation it has been more than 2 years and I am still struggling 😔


Very painful to know as I am currently in the same phase from last few days 


so sorry to know that 🥺


Actually I have over expectations. May God bless me soon


We are both in the same boat so you are not alone. 💐


I give many thanks to people who can understand being empathetic thus knowing what to say when someone is hurt while also being very transparent about the situation. We are all our own worst enemy because if you allow anyone to treat you poorly it’s also because you allow yourself to treat your own life that way. This person is so spot on stating that you could keep trying to get a reason for your own sanity and closure, but no answer will actually fix the bitter nature of being betrayed or hurt. That salt in the wound is only fixed by having your own consciousness heal itself and let go.


Somehow, even though it's directed at you, It's comforting to read. You have a very kind friend. Take care.🌷


I can understand how his decision created chaos in your life, but I don't believe that just because this is a blind-side within your life that he automatically becomes someone who is fake and is someone who has been doling out false love. I truly believe that he cared and still cares for you but within his life, he was presented with an alternative direction in which to best pursue his own life. I'm sure that his decision contained elements of agony for him as well. I just hope that he also has someone as lovely as your friend who can support him through his difficult time.


I saved those images, and will reference back to them. Thank you, it sucks but your friend is right. As much as it hurts someone who hurts you like that does not deserve destroying you. They are not even close to being worth the ounce of pain youre going through. Feel the pain and grow stronger from this for your sake. And as a bonus because fuck that guy